The problem is people like McConnell and McCarthy and Clarence T corrupt shameless men at the top And crazies like Margorie and Ted C. Yikes.

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Maybe... if Americans saw the video Tucker was referring to they might understand his text. https://wastedink.substack.com/p/tucker-carlson-was-fired-for-being?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Ftucker%2520carlson&utm_medium=reader2

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Good riddance to Tucker!

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Often feeling are not coherent. I encourage you to just start writing and to keep the 'judge' of good or bad locked in the closet with only bread and water to eat.

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Amen!! Thank you Mr. Rather! We can only hope that he and Mr. Trump do NOT make a comeback.

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Tucker Carlson did not pander to Trump. Check out what Tucker really said by following Glenn Greenwald who is showing excerpts of what was really said. Tucker also questioned Trump's claim of election fraud. Having government in collusion with corporations deciding who gets to speak is Fascism. Dan Rather is the one who lied to we the people about JFK's assassination claiming it was only one bullet and the head only moved in one direction. Tucker was a critic of the GOP and was asking all the right questions. Tucker was the only one in corporate mainstream news who was speaking truth and I am not a Republican and no longer a Democrat.

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Thank you Mr. Rather, you are so right, on point as expected. GOD BLESS👏🏿👏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

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Thank you, I agree whole heartedly!

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What does Tucker Carlson's popularity say about a large segment of Americans attracted to his racism, mysogyny, xenophobia and other hate speech? My patriotism has been damaged possibly beyond repair by what the U.S. has become since 2015.

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As usual, great article and "If only the stench he exuded could be so easily expunged" is a bull's eye. We are in the fight of our lives to save our republic!

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has to do with money

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Carlson should move to Russia and accept the invitation to be a TV personality there. It's a perfect fit and he's likely to rise to stardom unless he criticizes the Kremlin. Even though FOX is not changing it's pathetic charade of being a news organization, it's good to see the end of Carlson.

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I always flush turds, Fox is a large dump and Tucker was just one peice. Glad he's gone. Newsmax or OAN will probably take him though

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Got a good laugh at your heading! And more is coming out about the vile, insulting way tucker and the network treated women. When is this war on women going to end? We are 60% of the population, so how does this happen??

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Thank you for always telling the eloquent version of ugly truth. I wish people would wake up.

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Spot on!

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