I am receiving all kinds of messages both email and text about the dangers of trumps actions but nowhere does it day what to DO, Please advise

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Thank goodness he will be a lame duck after this term....if we survive.

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When will the Democrats and Republicans ( with a spine) start impeachment proceedings on this OBVIOUSLY mentally ill PINO ?

I don’t think we can take 3 years and 11 months more !!

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Big surprise. Two hundred of the top military signed that Trump is a danger to our security . I read it once and the next day like everything else it was gone . How would you like to have a child in the military and hear that . Where were the Democrats and the media ? If that doesn't call for headlines every day what is . Sell out on all sides.

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" Clint Hill, former Secret Service agent known for leaping onto President John F. Kennedy's car after the president was shot in 1963, dies at 93".

RIP Mr Hero. Doing His Job.

Let's hope that ALL Secret Service People Don't Forget The Oaths that they have taken, to preserve America against All Enemies.

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Yes. But these are also the same guys who would take bullet for the president. Heck, in the present I'd have doubts.

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Yes. Certainly NOT for Anyone "Today" though...

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I fear that PINO( president in name only) will attempt to utilize the military against citizens as they continue and grow the protests now taking place.

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you misspelled 'gutted'

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John the Baptist, after torturing a thief, looked up at his hero, the commander in chief, and said, tell me, great hero, but please make it brief: is there a hole for me to get sick in

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Trump's most dangerous move just happened. America actually voted alongside Russia and North Korea against a UN motion supporting Ukraine. Now let that sink in folks. This is beyond shameful and will never be forgotten in the years to come. Repeat: America just voted alongside Russia in the United Nations. I have no words that are printable. Disgust is not adequate. I am not alone worldwide on this. We are completely disgusted with what America is doing. Period.

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Thankfully, before Trump embarks on a third term, he has to make it through his second. There are forces at work that could prevent that from happening, and they may well include some of the very people who he himself has put into power.

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Economic resistance this Friday, 2/28.


As our initial act we turn it off - no spending for one day.

Do not make any purchases.

No Amazon or Walmart. No Best Buy.


Do not buy gas, fast food or anything from major retailers.

Do not use credit cards.

If you must spend, shop only at local businesses.

In a consumer economy, we have power. Let’s be heard.

We start with one day. Next time, it’s longer.

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I’m a firm believer that Trump wants to control North America he will give Putin Europe, Chi the pacific rim and Yahoo Middle East not that far fetched

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I think we can absolutely prepare for the military to be used against American citizens. It is one of the hallmarks of a dictator. Trump is doing exactly what he told us he was going to do…be a dictator on day one. I guess his followers are ignorant about what life will be like in this country if we continue to allow his authoritarian power grab. No rights, no freedoms, no liberty. We might as well be called the United States of Russia. Everything Trump and his Muskrat are doing is for ultimate power and control. Department of Government Efficiency…what a joke. Everything he has allowed Muskrat to do is making our government less efficient. They aren’t eliminating waste, they are eliminating efficiency. It is another hallmark of a dictator…telling lies. Congress needs to wake up, especially the sad sack Republicans who are allowing this extremist radical to take over our country. I’m fearful that this latest move of taking over the military could be one of the last nails in the coffin for democracy. Just sayin’!

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Why are all your emails coming to my junk file now?

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Thank you for this information Mr. Rather. Things are getting scarier by the minute.

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At least they are coming

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We must be united. Although someone placed the blame for Trump's despicable and traitorous crimes on the rest of the country, he is the one to blame. I'm not trying to pick with your point, it is valid, but he must be held accountable.


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