The press must help teach Americans how to critically think, while educating them on the nature of psychological depravity so clearly seen in Trump.

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Kara Swisher did a terrific analysis of the interview on her podcast Pivot-and artfully explained how an interviewer should handle him- essentially tying him tightly to his absurd positions and as she said “making news.” Of course, he would never agree to have her interview him. But hopefully the media will get smarter and not treat this as a normal situation. His die hard supporters will continue to support him but maybe others will start to see the danger that he is.

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Where are the “Town Halls” for the other Republicans who are running? Where is the “Town Hall” for Biden? CNN can justify all they want, but it was not a Town Hall, it was publicity on a platter, just like 2016.

He basked in it and the MAGAs loved it and everyone had a good gloat. And the most appalling for me is that they didn’t love it because they agree with his policies (as I recall he never stated one policy). Republicans loved it because it riled up liberals. They measure success by how loudly liberals complain, not by how it will help our country. The more vile he becomes, the more they love him. Shame on CNN.

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I do not understand why the press, and particularly CNN, continue to give a stage to Trump. He adds nothing to the discourse of this nation, but rather he takes up space with toxic and degrading lies and other nonsense. Covering him gives momentum to his personality cult standing. Covering him lends credibility to his rants. Covering him legitimizes his viability as a leader in the political arena. He is a wart to be removed. Covering him takes up space better occupied by those who truly love this nation and dare to serve in the spirit of our great experiment in democracy. Covering him and his wanna be's is a wasteful use of the energy for positive growth inherent in media and journalism.

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CNN I feel copped out. They were my life belt to hang on to throughout the ragging storm of Trump a name that makes me want to gag. The more you talk about him good or bad just adds fuel to the Trump fire. Put out the fire and just shut him out of the news and let him mope back into his dark corner of lies.

Brian Lauder

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How many remember Nixon and Agnew? Not enough, I fear.

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I thought better of CNN. Just like the rest of media, all about entertainment. No longer true journalists. Mr Rather, you are the last of true journalist.

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Right on, Dan. You nailed it.

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I agree with everything you said. Said! this keeps me awake at night. We need our country back!!!!!

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Wonder how many of them were paid!

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And was able to live out his realization thanks to Lady Bird's inheritance as well as smarts...https://www.broadcastpioneers.com/lbj-fford.html

It was also accepted as a fact that the reason he won his first seat was because ballot boxes went missing. Not the most ethical being.

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The bigger problem is not CNN & other supportive media, but those people, our country folks who eat it up & VOTE for this a-hole.

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Yes, the future of America and the free press will indeed be decided by how Trump is dealt with. Perhaps more importantly, trumpism needs to be handled carefully. This nation will not survive by making excuses for those who promote inhumanity and falsehood. Shame on CNN.

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I agree with you about Trump but disagree about ALL other Republicans. I could go on about how "The Squad" all call for the destruction of Israel. How the U.S. Senator from Connecticut is STILL in office after telling numerous gatherings about how he fought in Viel Nam. How it changed him having to kill an enemy soldier, etc. It turns out he used his father's connections and never left the country. He was stationed here his whole time in uniform.

There are bad people in both sides. That is why I am fervently an independent. The only thing I believe they ALL do is lie. It's just a matter of picking the lesser of two evils.

That is my humble opinion. I hope you take it that way, just an opinion, and not like I am going after you personally.

Thank you


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Am I wrong but I recall a time on television and radio when bold faced lies and cruel personal insults were not permitted to be aired. What happened and when did the codes for keeping public media broadcasts safer and cleaner get revised? This is not going to end well! If we let this continue it is not too difficult to foresee how low and evil public broadcasting will become.

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