It's been evident for some time now that"...Donald Trump’s many legal troubles will spell his political doom." Why? Because he is an experienced liar and most of his followers believe everything he tells them. Trump also, and maybe more importantly, has the backing of an entire political party. A Party whose members don't bat an eye at repeating Trumps' lies, repeating that, if Trump doesn't win, they won't or might not accept the results.

By all means DO NOT be swayed by "polling" - Get out and VOTE for American democracy!

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Vote Blue stickers


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The handwriting is on the wall. We are going to lose if we don’t eat some humble pie and start fighting down and dirty. I’m reminded of an interview with homeland security secretary which he was asked why hasn’t Biden taken executive action and his response was, “Because it would t hold up in court.” My God how ignorant, stupid arrogant the man is. It doesn’t matter if it holds up in court. It’s the optics that matter.

My prediction: hum… I would say that Trump wins. But maybe the MAGAs and republicans have bitten off more. They wanted to destroy Roe and they did. What a horrible price to pay for victory. Close hangers are back. Invest in a color hanger company women will be using them soon enough.

Sorry I’m so negative but I can see the handwriting on the wall. Sorry if you cannot.

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Well Bill, it’s always darkest before the dawn. Let’s believe that the American people love democracy more than fascism.

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Problem is that Trump followers continue to call Democrats "socialists," etc. and that the Republicans are too lazy to do their research into what their party today is really doing.

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No, it's always darkest before it goes completely black. And we now have an exceptionally stupid population that don't know the difference between fascism and democracy.

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Well Steve, I am hoping you're being too pessimistic. I am still hoping that there are enough Americans left that understand the difference and don't get distracted by lies and external events over which Biden has little control.

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NOT history, civics, or democracy.

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Which begs the question, what are we teaching in schools?

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Well... nothing, actually.

Thanks to the gutting of the educational system by their Great God Ronnie's flying monkeys starting back in the early '80s, schools at present are little more than warehouses.

See, the thinking of these right-winged, proto-fascist fiends was that a stupid population was easier to control than one that had something on the ball, and for the most part, they were right. Only it worked too well. Now we have a population that is so stupid they cannot be controlled. And all they want is entertainment; the tawdrier, the better. This now includes their government.

Why else to you think they'd embrace a coarse, vulgar, thoroughly corrupt, bat-poop crazy, narcissistic sociopathic former reality show host as their figure head?

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I pray this is true.

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My hope is that the roe decision will be their downfall, because women will show up in droves. Remember, if men were the ones to give birth, abortion would be a sacrament.

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NEVER give up, that's what they want you to do!

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If the WORST happens and Trump returns to the White House, those of us who are not targets of his retribution will really have to work hard to salvage anything and everything. Much better to vote blue. Biden's worst day is far better than Trump's best day.

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Bill, good point regarding executive action. Take a page from DeSantis' playbook and make rules or sign bills that you know will get kicked out by the courts. Then turn on the pouting face when they are and say "Hey folks, I tried".

Not sure on your prediction, though I sure wouldn't rule it out. I think polls get skewed by people who answer them based on their registration and some who are sending a message.

The only poll that counts is the one 5 1/2 months from now and we best all participate.

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Agree totally, I think

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What executive action are you referring to?

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On the border.

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You see Bill, the difference between a president that works within the boundaries of the law compared to someone with complete disregard for it?

The problem is Congress refuses to do its job, solely for political reasons. The legislation needs to be updated and FUNDED. To date the House steadfastly refuses to do what’s best for our country. It’s sickening.

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What I see is that the article says:

— … Sure, don’t believe the polls, but also don’t believe that Donald Trump’s many legal troubles will spell his political doom. ….—

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...Yes, you are correct. That was what I was implying but didn't notice my error until later. Regardless, to the Trump Cult, nothing he does matters because he never accepts responsibility for anything and they believe him.

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Yes he’s playing the victim role again and his base is rallying around him more than ever. His legal troubles are not hurting him. He’s still Teflon Don & raises money while on trial. I’m at the point where I’m ready to just throw up my hands 🙌! God forgive me but I wish he would just drop dead!

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These polls are trash! Vote! Vote! Vote for Biden and Dems all the way down the ballot 🌊

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I am still stuck on the repeal of Roe v. Wade. It won't go away with me or many other women. I'm 63, so it doesn't affect me. But it does, my hairstylist is pregnant with twins in TN. She already has high blood pressure at 14 weeks. She isn't alone. They should not suffer a stroke or death because Tennessee won't give her medical care. I don't care about Israel/ Gaza, inflation or other blah, blah, issues. I care about women's reproductive health and democracy. Voting for Gloria Johnson and Joe Biden

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I hate to break it to the passionate young people, but sitting this one out or voting for a vanity candidate will ensure that not only Gaza is destroyed but that their rights as young Americans will be trashed. Anti abortion/choice, anti LGBTQ, anti protest… they should all educate themselves on Trumps plans for a 2nd term. That will affect them directly.

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Everything will get WORSE if tRump wins! Repeat after me EVERYTHING WILL GET WORSE IF TRUMP WINS!

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I keep wondering what would happen to my several retirement savings accounts if Trump should actually win and do away with the government as we know it. That would mean no more guarantees on our monies and the agencies that oversee such things and many others. In addition to No more safety of our food, environment. No upkeep or safety measures of our roadways, bridges, etc.

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Thank you.!!

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So sad for their ignorance.

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Eva, unfortunately, most vote with an emotionally not intellectually. Believe me when I say this. Anyway, ,it’s all in my book, lol.

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So very true

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Especially when that candidate was advised and promoted by Steve Bannon; has GOP donors like Mellon who has donated at least $20M to his PAC; appeared with Mike Flynn’s ‘reawakening America’ tour as a speaker until he was called out on it; and was actively promoted as an alternative to Biden by trumpy news outlets and podcasters (including Bannon).

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Absolutely on point. Thank you.

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I too am too old to be directly affected by the repeal of Roe v Wade, but I have daughters and a new granddaughter who will be. As I learn more and more about the high risks of pregnancy and its ability to backfire the more I see the repeal of RvW as abject cruelty. We need to go forward toward better maternal and child health, not backward toward death, ignorance, and fundamentalism.

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Thank you. My heart aches for the younger generation. Roe v. Wade mattered with my mom, who knew women who died from back street abortions.

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Abortion care is SO MUCH more than someone who gets an abortion as a form of birth control. As Jessica Valenti, author of Abortion, Every Day substack, says, "Pregnancy is too complicated to legislate," especially by ignorant legislators, who have no clue how a woman's body really works. Millions of things have to go right to result in the birth of a healthy baby.

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YES!!! I was an RN in the emergency room and believe me many things can go wrong even with a wanted pregnancy. These laws won't stop abortions, they'll just cause many more women to die.

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Excellent response. Well said!!

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Outlawing abortion care turns womens wombs into a crime scene.

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Yes! I’m a 63 year old woman from Indiana. I am thankful my daughter in law didn’t give birth in Indiana. She is lucky to live in Michigan. This is issue is front and center for me!

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Excellent article! I wholeheartedly agree - polls can only take us so far, and news outlets such as the New York Times give them far too much credit.

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The NYT is making the news, not just reporting on it. Against professional journalism ethics.

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I cancelled my subscription for this reason.

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Excellent point, Sheila!

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Polls mean nothing If you vote. Don't sit home and please encourage everyone you know to vote. The choice is simple. GOOD OR EVIL.

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I have said this time and again. The MSM have to stop reporting every single outrageous thing the former president does and every lie and tantrum he throws and get serious about defending democracy. The only reason this is not a run-away by President Biden is because the MSM give him about 1% coverage to every 99% coverage (= clicks = profits) the ex president gets. If Biden does lose this election, the entire blame will be on the MSM for putting profits ahead of defending democracy.

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You are 100% correct. If trump wins it will squarely on the shoulders of the media. And weirdly, as I said in another comment I made, if trump is elected most of the media will be out of a job. He has clearly said he will exact revenge on anyone who opposes him, and Fox news only has so many jobs, and a dictator only need one newspaper or new magazine (either onl one or otherwise).

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The MSM did the same thing in the run-up to the 2016 election. They haven't learned much from what happend as a result. Trump was colorful, noisy, and brash. He could be counted on to entertain, and somehow a large cohort of voters forgot that wasn't a good qualification for a President.

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The former guy was the WORST POSSIBLE leader for a situation like Covid. So many people died needlessly because tfg is such an effing moron, to quote Rex Tillerson. Ingest bleach to cure Covid, seriously?!

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Rex Tillerson was correct.

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Exactly! Bullseye! 🎯

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Hurray, someone agrees about polling. Too much press given to non meaningful data. Focus should be on getting out to vote.

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TIME OUT! Excellent point. Polls schmolls, especially this far out from the election, aren’t anything we should hang our hats on. I’m 71 years old, I’ve voted in every single election —national and local — I was eligible to vote in, and I have never been asked to answer any political poll. So, how many other voices have been ignored in those political polls?

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76 and right with you on both counts. Always voted, and never been polled.

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Good question. I'm with you on this l00 percent!

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As others have said, the way to turn these polls on their heads is to "Get The Vote Out". When it is time for Election 2024, make your voice heard:

- Mail in your ballot if your area votes by mail.

- Request an absentee ballot from your community if you qualify under your community's rules.

- Show up at the polls. If you are in line when polls close, by law in most areas you MUST BE ALLOWED TO VOTE. Check with your local community.

Get the word out and say no to Trump 2.0.

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I'm doing early voting.

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Amen but until the fat lady sings, my heart will likely be in my mouth

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I agree with Suzanne. Trump has the stage and his own network and the other two treat him as just another candidate. The Dems are not yet spending their money and a lot of Republicans are unhappy enough with Biden and probably won’t vote. Help!!

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As a Canadian, i have noted that President Biden has extensive experience and integrity. I admire his ability to reach "across the aisle" cooperatively to look for helpful solutions. Much of what has been accomplished during his time, in spite of Republican roadblocks, does not seem to make headlines, as far as I can discern.

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You are absolutely right, and what I don't understand is why the media in the US supports trump so much. He has promised to one way or another get revenge on anyone who opposes him so this will do away with any freedom of the press, yet they support him. Where will all these journalists go if he is elected. Fox news just does not have enough jobs, and with a dictator you only need one newspaper. I get amazed at how short sighted the press is.

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The entire future of this country absolutely terrifies me. The fact that there are millions of voters that are so completely uninformed about the truth about Trump’s motives or just don’t believe he really means what he says is terrifying. They refuse to inform themselves and don’t think he really means what he says! He means it, he’s not joking, he actually plans to be a dictator and punish those of us who don’t support him. Those who aren’t White, he’s said it why would you think he doesn’t mean it? He’s already shown what he how far he’s willing to go when he served his first term, nothings changed except he’s even worse! What kind of country do we want this to be? Something similar to Nazi Germany? He seems to have a great affinity for an all White nation! Wake up! He’s Hitler’s apprentice, his plans are similar , he plans to lock up Brown and Black people and deport them or will he deport them or? This is a cruel, dangerous man who is showing signs of mental instability. He is not presidential material but he is perfect as a Dictator and that’s what he plans to be. Why can’t nearly 50% of Americans see the danger? What is the matter with them? This is not Nazi Germany they have the opportunity to see other opinions, we don’t have Joseph Goeobbles forced down our throats 24/7 ! You aren’t forced to watch Fox lies!

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My husband and I have never been polled in the last number of years because A) we didn’t answer any call on our landline from a number we didn’t recognize, and B) now we have given up the landline altogether, and C), we live in CT, which is a reliably Blue state. This is why polls are BS this far out from the election.

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100% TRUTH!

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I’ve never trusted polls because I always wonder why they didn’t call me. Where are these people who still support a person who has broken every one of The Ten Commandments?! How do the Evangelicals, and the Catholic Church still support him? How do Bible lovers still support him? My answer is always to follow the money. Conservative billionaires in our country have purchased the SCOTUS, supported #45 through his myriad of felonies, impeachment proceedings, appointments of unqualified federal judges, etc., etc, etc. I’m dumbfounded and horrified that #45 could still have higher ratings than our current rock solid President Biden who has spent every day of his presidency making life better for the majority of Americans! Please Vote Blue!

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One thing I know from conversations and reading is that many so-called religious people follow one thing only, that of no abortions. It is stupid and ignorant to place our country in such jeopardy based on only one personal belief that is and should be personal, not dictated by the state.

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Thank you for this excellent and encouraging article.

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At the bottom of the Times Sienna poll, in small print after listing all thew questions, they noted they gave extra weighting to non-college educated whites. Duh. Think that might bring up Trump's "poll" numbers???

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Great post, Dan, I'm with you on polls, I do not trust them or believe them. I guess everyone needs to make a living. I believe Biden WILL WIN the popular vote. Whether we win the electoral college vote depends on how much damage the Party of Trump has caused by severely limiting the vote and how many POT governors are able to carry out their threat of preparing a slate of POT voters regardless of the outcome of the vote in their State.

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