The 11th Commandment: “Thou shall not thrust genitalia into boys and girls.”
Scandalous to bring up, but this abuse (as hushed as some would prefer) has perpetrated since the dawning of religion. I too was brought up in a catholic school and lucky that I took the nuns educational mantra to heart when they admonished us to always use reaso…
The 11th Commandment: “Thou shall not thrust genitalia into boys and girls.”
Scandalous to bring up, but this abuse (as hushed as some would prefer) has perpetrated since the dawning of religion. I too was brought up in a catholic school and lucky that I took the nuns educational mantra to heart when they admonished us to always use reason and logic as our guiding posts in life and I reasoned myself right out of that school and institution at a very young age.
The 11th Commandment: “Thou shall not thrust genitalia into boys and girls.”
Scandalous to bring up, but this abuse (as hushed as some would prefer) has perpetrated since the dawning of religion. I too was brought up in a catholic school and lucky that I took the nuns educational mantra to heart when they admonished us to always use reason and logic as our guiding posts in life and I reasoned myself right out of that school and institution at a very young age.