America IS beautiful and we are indeed fortunate, thus far anyway, to live here in a free land.

But let's not lose sight of how it came to be, and the free societies that lived here first and were decimated by our forefathers, who were ALL IMMIGRANTS, every one of them. Maybe it's time to make reparations to all the indigenous people who have survived, and possibly reparations to those our immigrant ancestors stole from their homeland and brought here to toil in service to them.

And to remain open to those who are looking to us for the chance to live here where they can be free from oppression and danger. Then we can truly sing about how "...this land was made for you and me."

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I cannot listen to this song without feeling sad and guilty about how we stole it from the native people. This land is THEIR land.

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Coincidentally, I just bought a book that I read about 70 years ago when I was in Indian Guides (a YMCA father/son bonding exercise through indigenous learning). "The Indians of New Jersey - Dikon among the Lenapes". It's a story about a shipwrecked English boy rescued and adopted by the Lenape. He learns about their culture and crafts and so did I. It changed my attitude about the 'Indians' forever.

The lenape were driven out, like most tribes, but they are now part of the Six Nations reserve in Ontario. "They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we were seeds"

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Thank you for this, Barry. I recently heard a local Lenape leader speak, and was struck by her forgiving attitude, no desire to "get even," seeming to look only forward, not backward. And the term "Indians" we all learned as children which of course is completely incorrect. It all blows my mind.

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I have to ask where you found a Lenape? They seem to have been dispersed far and wide. It is bad enough to transfer any ethnic group, but to divide them up is worse. Some people think that indigenous people are a monoculture, but they are as diverse as Europeans STILL are.

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Barry, It is a woman who leads a group of people of Lenape descent her in NJ. She spoke at our church a few weeks ago. I don't know much about the group. They do not live as a tribe or anything, but are just trying to not let go of their heritage.

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Good for them. The Wiki article on the Lenape is very interesting. They were (are) a matrilineal society. Some of them have an office in Easton, PA.

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I've heard some of the older folks still call themselves "Indian; " pronouncing it "In'din." (And they might have been joking about it, too; they have a great dry sense of humor!)

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Land has been "stolen" from the locals for all of humanity's time on this planet. The WAY it was done in the US has been rough to face, that's for sure, and the MANY broken treaties only point to how greed, which is one of the two MOST serious deadly sins, has impacted humanity throughout time. The 2nd, in my opinion, is laziness. And when greedy folks can walk over lazy folks, look out.

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I have those feeling too. Our destiny seems to be exploitation of weak, unfortunate, uninformed.

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I remember the Canadian national anthem "O Canada, our home and native land" being sung as "our home ON native land." Made a difference

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Yes, I believe it. When I spent some time in Vancouver, B.C. a few years ago, it seemed clear to me that Canadian attitude towards the natives is very different than here in the U.S.

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Pidamayaye ❣️

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I had to look this word up to tell the truth, what a wonderful word it is.

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I could ot find the word. Wouod let me know the meaning please

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Just copy and paste the word into your search bar and it will pop up

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Good news: There is now a Native American member of congress!

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“This Land” is actually a subversive song criticizing certain aspects of American culture - especially how the poor were treated by capitalists during the Dust Bowl and Depression. Look up the lyrics that were cut from the original!

Springsteen, one of my favorite people of all time (check out the tribute to his mother on YouTube) probably added it to his set list specifically for that reason. “Born in the USA” is also definitely not the patriotic song most people who don’t pay attention to the lyrics assume it is. It’s a frank criticism of US foreign policy - especially the war in Vietnam.

If you prefer nationalism to patriotism, wrap yourself around the flag and listen to Lee Greenwood. But if you’re brave enough to admit that this country was and is far from perfect and yet remains one of the greatest nations in world because (most of) its leaders were able to acknowledge past mistakes and attempted to repair them when possible so we could all strive towards creating a more perfect union, then Guthrie and Springsteen are your guys ;)

This version by Pete Seeger, his grandson and Bruce Springsteen, includes the original lyrics. It was performed at Obama’s inauguration and remains one of my all time favorites: https://youtu.be/HE4H0k8TDgw?si=ywaYuSNj_3bQTXUg

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Look what a song has elicited from all of us here today!

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There are all sorts of scientific experiments that show that a song’s power comes from its ability to subconsciously connect certain thoughts (lyrics) with certain emotions (music). And singing or sharing them with others can convey an experience that transcends both.

I just think it’s easier to just call it magic :)

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That was awesome! The whole song!

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I know right!?! Definitely gives me a reason to smile 😊

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Thanks for the link, the next song in the queue was waiting on the world to change, fitting

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Pidamayaye ⚘️

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Aptly said! Thanks for sharing.

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HOW I DO agree with you!!!!!!!! <3

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Thank you! I remember when Peter, Paul and Mary came to my small women’s college in Chicago and this song was performed. I’ve never heard Bruce do it and it’s amazing! We need to preserve this beautiful country from those who want to destroy it for money. Vote!

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Yes. Yes. Yes. How's about Springsteen and Pete Seeger performing this song on steps of Lincoln Memorial for Obama's inauguration in 2014, a mere 10 years ago? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnvCPQqQWds

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Thank you for sharing that performance! It gave me chills. Remember the hope we all felt when Obama was elected? Beautiful.

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With a nudge to inclusivity for all American peoples, indigenous communities and those who immigrated to this country to avoid religious and political persecution or against their will, the song can resonate strongly if and only if, the common interest of all is embraced.

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Mar 10, 2024
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Reminds me of how misunderstood Neil Youngs rocking in the free world is . Listen to the lyrics and its not the patriotic song a certain orange pendejo thinks it is.

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Mar 11, 2024Edited
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That's very true so many songs that are not as they appear to be. You have to really listen 🎶

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Let’s not let the best of ourselves slip away..,,,,,both our country and ourselves. It is as Springsteen said too easy to do.

Perhaps “This Land “should become the theme song of the Biden campaign. We need something positive that we can sing together in 2024.

Let’s cherish the many miles we have gone together , and keep going! I am smiling . Are you?

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100% agree! Make this song (and this beautiful version) the Biden campaign theme song! Remind us all (indigenous and immigrant citizens) what this country can be.

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I LOVE THIS IDEA...It is perfect for Biden!!!

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“Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain”…America the Beautiful”…that one will also be given a room in my heart!

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I think America The Beautiful should be our National Anthem instead of The Star Spangled Banner! I'm not enamored with the fact that The Star Spangled Banner is about the aftermath of a battle during war.

While America The Beautiful is about our country & the lyrics "Purple mountain majesties" & "From sea to shining sea"

describe our country. Plus it's easier to sing than the Star Spangled Banner!

America The Beautiful, Lift Every Voice & Sing and This Land are far superior songs that should be considered for our National Anthem over the current anthem!

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Agree! Remember “God Bless America”, famously sung by that tall, heavy-set lady whose name escapes me? Then, of course, are the myriad poems about this beautiful USA.

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Kate Smith was her name!

She had a controversy or somewhat came to light about her years ago.

God Bless America could be a little too much trouble to be considered for national anthem status.

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I prefer America the Beautiful

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Thank you, Dan, for this. Bruce’s version of this is the best - and I heard the Weavers sing it when I was a girl and Pete Seeger sing it countless times in childhood and since, so I have points of comparison by which to make that assessment. Still, as Linda Vogt wrote (above) the land was stolen from the original inhabitants, and as I age, I feel more and more outraged at the horrible treatment of Native Americans that continues today. Don’t get me wrong - my great grandparents came to this country to escape pogroms in Eastern Europe and I’m glad America took them and millions of others whose lives were unlivable in their homelands. Still, the brutality towards the indigenous inhabitants, and then towards those who were brought here as property, haunts our history and country to this day. This nation could have been a more perfect union, and I despair at how far the pendulum has swung away from the potential that THIS country could have been. Listening to Bruce, I wept at knowing that the US is struggling to maintain decency and democracy.

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Me too. I had tears running down my face. 💔😪 How did we fall so far?! That's really not important now though. We can figure it out AFTER we save our country. We have to win first!! This Land IS ours and made for you and me. Beautiful song and beautiful post by Dan. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Right now is a good time to be reminded of these words❣️

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Let’s keep it that way, get the vote out

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This land belongs to you and me.....................................Amen!!

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The original hitchhiker

Riding the rails

Living amongst the hobos

A king in tattered clothes.

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Sounds familiar!

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Always a compelling song, yet, as others have noted, it's hard not to think of those who have been displaced (or far worse) from their land or those left out of it being their land too. Those who were pushed off their land. Those who were enslaved on the land. Those who could not be out after dark for fear of lynching. Those who were prevented from buying land. Those whose land was taken by the government when they were sent to WWII internment camps. Not to be a downer, but we can't forget this, while we still celebrate a beautiful song and a goal to reach.

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Where I live today, our governor has decreed against teaching diversity in all schools and colleges!! This land is only his land!

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Thank you Dan. Everyone in the country needs to hear this today.

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I love Steady. Thank you for putting something we need so badly out into the world right now.

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Way to go Dan!

Way to go Bruce.

Great way to start a Sunday morning.

Forgot how beautiful Springsteen”s version is; somehow my mind goes right to Peter, Paul and Mary when I think of this number.

But Bruce you did it all by yourself with the help of guitar and harmonica. Kudos to my guy from Asbury Park, NJ and kudos to my guy from Wharton, TX

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Beautiful! When I listen, I believe if we flipped the ownership to "these people are your people these people are my people" then maybe we give the land the respect and love it needs. The land and respect of it is what makes community, which is what we are in much need of.

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Sadly, many of us Jews do not feel that way anymore. As we see ourselves bullied on college campuses, pushed out of "progressive circles", attacked in the streets...the almost ludicrous optimism of this song no longer seems to resonate, or at least is becoming questionable on my end.

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I feel for you - but that is why you must continue to vote blue. Biden has your back. And why he needs to keep pressurising Israel to give the Palestinians a land for themselves ❓

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The Palestinians do not want their own country. They want Israel. All of it. Additionally, as long as the Hamas Squad continues to exist and be indulged like petulant babies, I can no longer vote Blue. Congresswomen wearing keffiyehs to the SOTU speech. That would be like me voting for Nazis.

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You may want to pause for a moment and consider that you are unable to speak for Palestinians; that Hamas like the other regional terrorists are funded by Iran. Iran is not a Palestinian or Arab country & therefore does not reflect the will of Palestinians. July, 2023: A survey of Gazans a large majority wanted to continue the cease fire with Israel. An even larger majority did not want Hamas to remain in charge. The Saudis and others were moving toward better relations. These were the most likely impetus for the attack by Hamas who the region has left to fend for itself.

“… the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units” … . Nor is this a new view—this proposal has had majority support in Gaza since first polled by The Washington Institute in 2014.”

To wear a keffiyeh for family in Gaza or the West Bank or if you were banned by Israel from visiting your grandmother is not a sin against humanity. Palestinians and Muslims have long faced the same sort of attacks you describe as once again occurring against Jews - as have other minority groups - even being shot for walking down the street. It begins with dehumanizing and should not be validated.

We must not devolve into an even more fragmented society where we turn against one another due to ancestry, heritage or religion; where whoever isn’t like us is compared to nazis; where our fears or revenge lead us to validate wiping out groups of people.

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The last time we (humanity) had a voice for real peace, there was a great star in the East with a baby in a manger!

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A Jewish baby ;)

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It’s not fear or revenge. It’s reality.

If a vote was taken now in Judea and Samaria, they would elect Hamas.

With all due respect, do not be fooled into thinking Western morals and values apply to all societies.

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Do not be fooled into thinking others with different views are inferior; what doesn’t agree with your views must be false or gathered in ignorance.

July of 2023 was before Netanyahu’s policy of feeding Hamas blew up. Hamas had for years become less popular in the region. In 2020 Netanyahu sent the heads of Mossad & IDF to convince Egypt & Qatar not to follow through on stopping the flow of money to Hamas. Hamas needed the $$ and he needed Hamas to prevent a 2 state solution. The administration thought it knew the minds of terrorists and ignored the warnings - even though they had the plan for a year. Their version reality did not prevail.

At this point the Israeli government is again using Palestinians for political benefit of revenge & fear. For years Israeli governments played fast & loose with human rights and international laws. Much was made of comparing deaths in Israel on October 7th to the population of Israel. The world is noticing 30,000 deaths in a much smaller Gaza. The use of famine as a tool of war.

(By the way, Egypt, Jordan & the UAE are trying to get aid into Gaza. They are having as much luck as the US.) Israel’s allies are at the end of their patience. So are Israeli Jewish voters. Netanyahu and his Cabinet know only the war keeps them in power. That’s why Gantz was in DC and London.

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Also, the numbers you are quoting are according to Hamas. You do understand that right? They have never ever been substantiated by any outside sources (the UN and UNRWA do not count, they are not outside sources.)

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Gantz was brought to DC under the guise of a rational discussion. It was instead a divisive attempt to a circumvent Netanyahu. I do not know what transpired in London so I will not address that. It really doesn’t matter what Israel’s “allies” wamt. Israel will do what she needs to do. Can you imagine if someone told the US what to do after 9/11?

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I’m sorry - I cannot agree with you. It is complicated. However although many in the Middle East do want to see Israel eliminated many more just wish to live in peace. Iran and Syria together with Hamas and Hezbollah certainly wish to eliminate Israel and that is another reason that Biden is so strong in support. However the other states in the region value their contact with Israel and the only long term solution is for them and Israel to allow the non-violent Palestinians a land of their own.

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We can agree to disagree, I am not looking for any validation from strangers on the internet. I find it very telling through that not one other Arab state in the region has lifted a finger to help the Palestinians. There’s a reason for that. None of them want anything to do with them, they’ve caused too many problems over the years. Egypt even fortified their border to keep them out.

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Speaking of the Nazi's, look up what Hitler did in the Siege of Leningrad. Ironically, it is happening in Gaza now. Study ALL History.

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Hamas and the Nazis are the same side of history. It’s not Jews sticking up their arms saying Heil Hitler and “Hitler was right” at pro-Hamas rallies. Had Hitler succeeded in Europe, he would have moved onto the Jews in the Middle East. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a huge Hitler fan. Study ALL history.

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It takes courage to have convictions worthy of a free and democratic society. The Jewish People have more courage than they can sustain over the next 3,000 years. God willing! Shalom!

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