Hi Dan, thank you for bringing this to the forefront. Musk’s comments must be stopped before they do more harm. It is so terribly disappointing to hear “leaders of industry” saying such things. The horrors caused by the Nazi in Germany must not be forgotten and must be used as a reminder of what can happen if “leaders” get above themselves.

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Man O Man I knew I despised Musk just from intuition but to learn that my gut feeling was right is another story. As I have remarked on Professor Robert Reich’s forum, I just wish that Musk and Trump would fly away and never come back. Two peas in a pod. Most disturbing and atrocious. I weep for this country. 🌻

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I am having trouble understanding the level of criticism about this tweet. Is it the use of the photo? The Democrats and Leftists compared Trump to Hitler again and again, and I heard no outcry about decency and disrespect for the holocaust victims. Whether one likes Trump or not, the comparison is the same, comparing a current political figure to the ultimate bad guy. I don't think it is a fair comparison in either case, but why is something ok if done by or for the left but not ok if done by or for the right? I am more concerned about the acceptance of hypocrisy than about an exaggerated comparison.

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Musk MUST be brought down, much like Drumpf.Absolute power corrupts absolutely and this egomaniac is living proof of that. I fear for democracy if this fool is left unchecked.

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The essence of dysfunction: no limits.

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I really wanted to like this guy, but am finding him stranger by the day. Some book list I follow was showing his fave books - all about AI, and yet in another place I saw he was cautioning care with AI. Which made me think he wanted to ‘own’ AI. Folks, dictator wannabes aren’t always in the form of tfg. Please be wary and let’s do what we can to check him. I also just don’t trust men who are so close to their mommy’s (sorry loving son-mothers out there)! There’s something off kilter with him.

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Thank you, Dan!

It looks so unsettling to see a man who could do much for mankind, reverts to something like this.

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I truly need an answer to this question as I often feel helpless when I see or hear things like the subject of this essay. I am in complete agreement that we cannot simply shrug and accept it, however: How DO we go about challenging what someone like Elon Musk says or does? How do we go about impacting the words or actions of someone so rich and powerful they can lanuch their own space program? In the old days we were told to "vote with our pocketbooks" but aside from assuaging our own consciences, is there really any effect to a few people cancelling their Starlink satellite service or not purchasing a Tesla, which most of us can't afford anyway? I would welcome any ideas.

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Sick, just sick.

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I am a misarchistic, libertarian, laissez-faire hairy old white male Canadian capitalist. That is so many strikes, I am not just out, I am banned from the game. Even though I respectfully disagree with most of her opinions, I must defend Whoopi Goldberg for her comments on the Holocaust. She is correct; it was a crime, an absolute obscene crime against humanity that 17 million human beings, yes, 6 million of them of one religion, were murdered.

I still cannot erase the image of a baby being taken from their mother’s arms, tossed in the air, and impaled on a bayonet. But does it matter the colour, race, religion or gender of that baby? Is there an ‘Atrocities Scorecard’ to rate this insanity? Do any of the characteristics of that baby make the crime more or less horrific? Evil is evil, it has no numerical gradient, no suffering coefficient, no comparative metric. A baby was butchered, does anything else matter?

In the gas chambers, Jews were not murdered, individual human beings were slaughtered. In Rwanda, with their machete madness, blacks were not murdered, individual human beings were slaughtered. There is only one race, the human race. There are no hate crimes, only crimes to hate. If we must hate at all, let crimes against the human race be the focus of our attention and our commitment to eliminate.

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Thank you for your apt and wise...and passionate...commentary on Elon Musk. It is important that his actions be in the public eye.

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This is a hit piece. Plain and simple.

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This is a hit piece. Plane and simple.

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As a historical theologian who has spent my adult life wrestling with things like the holocaust (Shoah), eugenics, and genocide. We must SCREAM from the mountain top that this kind of discourse is totally unacceptable. I have always believed that the cure for evil speech is productive, caring speech. Today and the last few months I have been questioning if we shouldn't penalize hate speech. In my opinion this was hate speech.

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Mr. Rather, what can we do to create change in the unacceptable yet tolerated behavior that is becoming all too common

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And no doubt he hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest .?you would think he’s starving for attention!

And whatever audience , for there’s many different characters recipients of people stumbling over their undertakings , once given a pedestal one will experience life under a microscope unless they own the news.

Anonymity is not bad .

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