
Dan, this choice was perfect, there could not be a better way to exemplify what it truly means to be an American and to have a leader that is true to the ideals of the founders without getting mired in the rhetoric. I remember the episode you included vividly as well as the first episode when 'President Bartlett' first came into the room with a cast on his leg. Both were so very important because their most important point is that all Americans, regardless of religion, ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, and lifestyle are and should always be considered Americans, pure and simple. The 'West Wing' also showed that even people who work closely together, from the 'same' political party, and who care about each other have strongly held and differing opinions, and that is perfectly okay. And most importantly, in taught us about our history in a very intelligent, interesting yet challenging and humble way.

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Thank you "pastor" Sheen! A reason to smile indeed! I loved the West Wing. It was incredibly inspiring.

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I never saw the West Wing. By that time ,I was out of the TV world. But wow, what a speech at the real White House and wow, what a work from the show. Thank you Dan Rather.

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"Let our country awake. Amen" In the clip where the American President calls out a pre-trumplican for hypocrisy, she stands. That means reason has gotten through. As Captain Picard always sai, "Make it so." Again.

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The optimistic future of Star Trek - if we want to get there, we have to indeed, "make it so." Be BOLD. Let's GO!

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Another great TV series with progressive social themes!

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Ah my favorite. There was a piece in the original in which the starship crew was given these hand held devices and it corrupted the crew and made them addicted in pleasure with using them. Wow that was way before it’s time. Try to find it the piece will low your mind. Prophetic.

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I don’t remember it! I’ll have to check it out.

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I highly recommend that you watch it on DVDs, likely available at your local library. 🤩

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I think it is available on a couple of streaming services, too. It was an outstanding show!

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Still enjoy it, in FULL.

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Martin Sheen is a national treasure.

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Ramón Gerard Antonio Estévez! 😃

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That show was just wonderful. We binge watched it last year—we don’t have cable, so it was our first exposure—and were shocked at how timely and even prescient it was.

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You convinced me, I will have to find it and start watching. AFTER I finish doing all I can to get Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Democrats down the entire ballot elected, and save democracy!

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Amen, Beverly. First things first!

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AGREED!, Again.

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Thank you, Dan Rather, for bringing back great memories. Your sense of timing is par excellence. You know what news to present and when.

These are very crazy times we are all living in. It is so very unfortunate that the illegitimate stuff is being given legitimacy by the 45th guy. I mean the lies, false facts and absolute disregard for civility, decency in public life. I just hope wiser sense prevails amongst the undecided’s. For lack of a better word. This man has nothing for the average American. He has only succeeded in invoking the unwanted wrath of the sorry to say, “” miserable’s”.

This is a platform to speak your mind. Hence the language above. I profusely apologize if I offended anyone.

My two cents

Thank you

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I don't think we should ever apologize for speaking the truth, no matter who it offends. Especially in a fight for our country not unlike the Civil War, without bloodshed.

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Thank you, I appreciate that Mary.

We can all agree to disagree and be respectful to each other. Arrogance and unnecessary aggressive behavior is bringing all of us down, internally and internationally.

We don’t want to be the laughing stock in the world. 45th is a joke and don’t want him around on the political landscape.

Thank you

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I would add that bloodshed is indeed present in another mass shooting in my revered home of Birmingham, AL, over the weekend. If we do not rein in the NRA with gun reform, we are lost. I am 💔 21 victims, 4 dead so far at a venue so very precious to me.

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Very true, Judith.

In actuality the loss is a lot more snd severe and irreparable. Not to forget the parents, siblings snd neighbors that get affected.

We have no one but ourselves to blame.

Too many guns and too few weak laws in place. Hold the feet to the fire of Congress which opposes strict gun laws.

Australia is no third world country. No guns there. Is anyone suggesting that Australians lead an inferior lifestyle as opposed to other countries in the world?

My two cents.

Thank you

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Raves for Rajiv Bahl and deepest solace, Judith L.Hubbard.

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Absolutely no offense. Truth be spoken!

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No apology required, gentle soul.

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Beautifully written and acted show. Makes me long for the hope I have felt in other decades.

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It’s right there in front of you. That’s what Kamala represents. It’s okay to hope now. It’s not about winning. It’s the fight and why we keep going.

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Kerry, True, scars and all in💙💙💙💙

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Long ago, my conservative father surprised me when he told me he loved "The West Wing."

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I'd have loved to have heard that conversation. :-) Good for your dad.

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He was a WWII and Korea US Army infantry Captain. Surely knew something of "top brass" realities. The West Wing seemed authentic to him, thus provided him great diversion, imho.

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There's a dear friend who has a friend whose speech is limited to only saying, "I too!"

Just now, me too.

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That was my favorite tv show. The writing was incredible! And that episode is by far the most memorable. I too think of it with what is happening in politics today.

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I just finished watching the entire series again and was stunned at how good, and how prescient it was. Thank you for this reminder.

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Thank you. Great clips, great inspiration, With the information that many states election officials are saying they will not certify the votes thereby threatening the peaceful transition of power, the very foundation of our democracy, as a citizenry we need to be inspired to be engaged in knowing the truth and getting out the vote, It seems this country can’t decide if it wants to be a multiracial pluralistic democracy, or a white supremacist autocracy justified by a deterministic Christianity that holds all but monied white men as second class, When are we going to get rid of the electoral college?

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@Linda Querry and @Ann Sharon, Regarding elections and the Electoral College,

Heather Cox Richardson has AGAIN given us an in-depth explanatory background of foundational American history, traced the bread crumbs through the decades, and brought us to where we are today. She is the professor as well as "therapist" that has helped millions of us retain our sanity over the past few years and the veering toward authoritarian rule under the decades of subterfuge that now manifest as MAGA and the groups behind Project 2025. As Tim Walz says, a football team doesn't create a playbook if they don't intend to use it, and a truck manufacturer doesn't make a manual if it doesn't show how things work. We MUST oust Trump and company forever.

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I am confused about why you are telling me these things? Yes, we need to dispense with trump. I have a reasonable grasp of US history, government and how the Electoral College works. I know who HCR is.

My response was to the question: “when are we going to get rid of the Electoral College?” Maybe I should have just said “No time soon. It is still aspirational.” This is not opinion; it is fact. The bar is very high to get rid of it.

Changing the Electoral Process requires a Constitutional Amendment. I’m certain HCR would agree. The Constitution came long before Project 2025, which is also undeniable.

For much of my life I’ve heard talk of getting rid of the Electoral College because Republicans need it. They have fewer voters spread across more states.

Here is the process to get rid of it:

• An amendment proposed by a 2/3 vote of the Houses, or, if 2/3 of the States request it, by a convention called to amend the Constitution.

• The amendment that is passed must be ratified by 3/4 of the State legislatures, or 3/4 of state conventions called for ratification.

I’m still waiting for the ERA (Equal Rights (for women) Act which never made it.

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Ann, I too am waiting for the ERA. Still have my buttons (Uppity Women Unite) and other gear from those days. I am stunned so much of our good work has been trashed. Pat Schroeder, Geraldine Ferraro and Ann Richards are rolling in their graves.

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When we do away with the Article II, Section I of the Constitution, its Clauses that set out the process like Clause 2. To do that we would need to convince small states and rural states making them irrelevant in presidential elections is a good idea.

Clause 2 Electors

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.


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And why winning electorate vote take all for most states? My vote doesn't seem to count in Texas, which Repubs have taken over.

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Sister Texan here. At best doing what I can to lay out Colin Allred’s positions for young folks. Cruz truly works for Trump now.

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Cruz was most always a Trumper, at least since after he ran for President. Such a smart aleck person who doesn't seem at all serious. I have been for Allred since previous election. Good for you helping to persuade younger people.

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Majority of the state voters. I am in the same boat in an only ‘blue’ congressional district in KY … a district the state GOP wanted to erase when they drew the last map. McConnell was afraid it went too far & the courts could toss their whole map. We’ll see what Nebraska does after the next census. When there is such an overwhelming majority in the legislature they can gerrymander congressional districts and then the blue dot disappears. Nebraska has a different type of legislature. Not elected by party & is Unicameral. All the other states have both a House & Senate.

They gerrymandered what was the 2nd Ky blue district out of existence some yrs ago. This time the capital, Frankfort, is in Comer’s district which was always far W KY. (He wants to be governor. Their excuse was bought a home in Frankfort.) Our district may not last much longer given how SCOTUS leans.

Regardless, all our electors go to the ‘winner.’


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Thanks--not a positive, but it let's us know we're stuck due to gerrymandering elsewhere. I don't believe the Electoral Congress works to represent the people.

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Right. Adding Senators to the calculation skewed representation to get a compromise. They also envisioned the document being amended more often.

Nebraska is so different. I read that in the ‘regular’ legislative session going to ‘winner takes all’ came up and went nowhere. Meddlers from other states are usually not appreciated. But Lindsay is a messenger from the chosen one (who was ignored during the regular session).

His trip advertises just how worried the GOP is, even about the electoral college.

Compared to Hillary’s campaign, Kamala’s is run much better without the baggage & the division among Dems. She’s gaining momentum while her negatives go down. Avoiding errors like Hillary didn’t go to key states in the Midwest they thought were ‘safe.’ Walz is a much bigger VP asset. Now if they can win & pull some down ballot races over the line we can catch our breath.

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I see Nebraska didn’t cave to Lindsay. They will not go to a winner takes all. A Dem party person said this has come up every year since the district voted for Obama. The difference is trying to do it in a special session so close to the election. Totally in character a true trumpian response followed:

"It would have been better and far less expensive for everyone! Unfortunately, a Democrat turned Republican (?) State Senator named Mike McDonnell decided, for no reason whatsoever, to get in the way of a great Republican, common sense, victory. Just another ‘Grandstander!’ …”

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Please, give us more on why the Electoral College, in your view, must be jettisoned.

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Martin Sheen’s speech at the White House ceremony is incredible for its message, and the power and passion with which he delivered it. I would not have seen it but for this post, and am grateful for that. It should be required viewing.

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I, too, would not have seen it except for a great friend who sent it to me ... IN THE UNITED STATES MAIL!!!

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He went from Martin Sheen to Jed Bartlett in a nanosecond.

I am currently rewatching the West Wing from the beginning. It is very reassuring as America tries to heal itself from 9 long years of animus.

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Ironically, while the American public craves a new version of Camelot, the joke is on us; god gave Trump; the anointed one from hell, with all his hilarious helpers: Laura Loomer, MTG, Comer, Jordan, etc….and the rest of the would be “CHAIN” gang!

One could say this is the cruelest joke of all…..:)

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I refuse to believe that God gave us Trump. He is a monster of our own making.. he was made in our distorted image.

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Fair enough, but I did say he was the “anointed one from hell,” so technically it was a false flag operation…:)

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true, but I still have "friends" and family who really believe that GOD chose Trump. SMFH

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Makes me feel better about being a “godless leftist.” 😁

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It was Russian interference that was mainly responsible for tcfg winning. They hacked both the DNC & RNC, releasing the DNC info, Comey’s October surprise about Hillary & other electoral interference. Imho.

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Thank you. I miss that show. Or perhaps I miss the high caliber of its acting and content.

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I have watched that series a couple of times and that particular moment has always been one of my favorites. How I wish that we had someone of that eloquence speaking to us today!!

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I have never seen that show though I heard of it. Perhaps I had to pay an additional charge to watch it. How refreshing for a President to be portrayed as a humanist. However, that scene which you shared with us, is so poignant as to how I feel about the Bible. I understand that people’s beliefs bring them comfort and I don’t want to judge people for their beliefs. My issue is when people use their Bible passages as an excuse to judge others. That is what the anti-abortion movement is doing. They are using their beliefs to not only judge others but to control them. It’s wrong and it’s harmful. I wish the media would have done a much better job of reporting those of us who felt this way. I also wish they would report facts and positive messages way more than they report lies and negative comments. Our people, our country and the world need to hear those messages if we are to heal our wounded souls, feel a sense of trust, and move forward towards peace. “Peace is good, that it is conducive to human welfare…but volition and action are necessary before it can be established.” Vote Blue, America, and let our journey begin.

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So agree with you, especially about judging others and forcing their beliefs on us.

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