I hope you will continue to express your thoughts and views on Twitter. I am not a user of that application. The breath and depth of your knowledge is commendable, and I always enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good work!

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A note to @DanRather

Please continue the writings. All of them. Yes, there are this in this country, world, that probably don't care for what you have to say, or your thoughts. But, I can probably assure you, by the response when I post one of your articles on my Twitter page to share with my friend and followers, and for them to shares with theirs, that there is a lot more people who enjoy reading what you have to say, and sharing thoughts with you than you may ever realize.

Personally, I truly enjoy reading, and commenting on, your articles. It give me a chance to express my opinion., And yes, I'm quite aware what opinions are like, and yes, everybody has one! Your articles bring top light a lot of problems that truly need to be discussed in this country, and it opens up discussion . I have no idea if the right people ever see, read, pay attention to, or otherwise act on, what is written by you, or those who comment and express their opinions on your thoughts you share. But, it they don't, it's their mistake.

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This is one of my favorite posts on Steady. I love seeing “inside” your thoughts as you pen the perfect Tweets, and I always learn something.

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I love your weekly review. Like other commenters, I am not on Twitter, and so would not see these insights without your review. I particularly love the posts with Gen. Milley and with the stepwell video. Thank you Dan!

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Like others here, I am not on Twitter. But I do read NYT and WaPo daily so I am usually aware of headline news. But regardless, I love all your Steady posts, and especially the comments session. It puts me in contact with others and their perspectives. So thank you, Dan!

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I love your weekly review because I am not on Twitter so otherwise I would not get to see these! Thank you😊

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I’m not on Twitter also so thank you, Dan.

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I do enjoy the weekly wrap-up. It brings some perspectives and information that I didn't have.

Libraries are great! I'm appreciating mine this summer as I take grandchildren to activities and one is in the summer reading program.

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I ENJOY "The Week That Was" for its variety, your statements and others, the topics and the choice of selecting for more on topics with photos, videos and reading.

A retired librarian in city, law firm, college and school settings, I am well aware of the resources in libraries and always wished for more publicity of the city and county library resources so they would be more fully used and appreciated.

The importance of the different news items is well presented and stated.

Many thanks!

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I like looking back over the week just ending and reading what you had to say about what seemed to you the highlights or important things that happened. Please keep sharing.

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I like your Twitter shares as I’m not on that app. I like your weekly summaries, too. I like your sense of irony, your sense of humor, and your articulate and concise way with words. I agree with what enrages you and I agree with what delights you. I’m glad you’re back!

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I very much enjoy the weekly summaries. Thank you!

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I look forward to your weekly summaries. They are always interesting, plus I’m not on Twitter, so without the summaries I would never see them.

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I love reading your thoughts! I look forward to your thoughtful shares. Reasonable thoughts are too rare

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Always a pleasure to read your Twitter feed, Dan, as I do not have an account. You and your team gather the most interesting stories so I feel I am getting the best of Twitter!!

Loved Rachel Scott's confidence and collectiveness. You go girl!

Toyota has all 3 of their manufacturing plants in Republican states. With their large donation to "Stop the Steal," it is disappointing but not surprising. When our kids all come home for a visit there are 5 white Toyota cars in the driveway. Will be looking at those cars differently now.

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I love reading the Week that Was. Please keep writing these. They are so insightful.

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The weekly run throughs are helpful, if I have missed one of the more frequent posts and want to check back. Otherwise I do not spend a lot of time on them. There is always more information available today and far too little time--even for old retired folks like me.

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That's another nice feature--short yet long enough for thought and more as wish.

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