I love the picture of Stonehenge

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All wonderful commentaries this week. I especially love the one about 'the old lady who swelled a horse', secretariat and Mr. Ed. thank you for your depth of thought and for your sense of humor.

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Thank you, Dan, for posting the photo of Stonehenge & the Comet! Such a sight (& site) should remind us what tiny (& small-minded) creatures we are inhabiting this OLD planet that we are supposed to take care of!!

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Twice this week I was startled to learn that nurses are amongst the population which refuses to get vaccinated-over many years...including the pandemic we all suffer in now.

My sources are current and absolutely reliable. (1. A thoughtful and caring friend, whose nurse mother just retired out in Manitoba, Canada, and 2. A young dental hygienist who just yesterday said she knows several practicing nurses in Ontario who refuse to be vaccinated. And she added there are many more. This is a common state of affairs.)

I am disgusted.

And I have found myself thinking about the nursing profession with a new found skepticism this week.

It saddens me to write this testimony.

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Thank you, Dan, for the recap of this week’s events. This Labor Day, I turned 70. Quite a milestone as I never ever thought I would be this age but here we are. Never did I think we would have a rogue president associated with a corrupt party of thieves and liars, but here we are.

Bravo for Joe! He put his foot down not to mess with him. Certainly a wonderful sight to behold. “Get out of the way”, he exclaimed to the Republican governors. Garland also, finally spoke out against Abbott and his obnoxious legislature. It’s been a wondrous week and here we are, prepared to fight fire with fire.

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Even though I also scroll through Twitter, I really enjoy Dan Rather's weekly round up of his tweets, with additional commentary attached. I think I most enjoy the occasional pithiness, as in Trump's "carnival of cronies." Sadly, I recently read that Stonehenge's continued designation as a World Heritage Site is under reconsideration, because of the UK's plans for additional construction and roadways in the area, thus endangering the site's integrity. One source for this is here: https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/564844-stonehenges-world-heritage-designation-at-risk

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🦄🤠Much and many Thanks Mr. Dan Rather 👍for sharing and not being afraid to share 😃What a #wonderful #weekthatwas @DanRather #DanRather 💜💜💜 and the #Steady team ♥️🤍💙

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I believe in signs on display in the universe. Its luck to just see a falling star. Enjoying the summary of your daily tweets.

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I am glad that President Biden is asserting this much needed leadership now. And that the DOJ is being quite clear about what the Texas governor and its Republican legislature is up to in the matter of SB 8. Hopefully our voting rights will be restored for all.

Good irony. Lovely pic of comet over Stonehenge.

Thanks for sharing.

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GOP voter restrictions without reason? No, No, No. Restrictions with a clear reason - to keep Republicans in power at whatever woks. Dismantle democracy to make sure enough probably Democrat voters find it too difficult to vote? Yeah, sure, why not. The purpose of elections in our country isn’t to openly select the candidate an actual majority of voters want, no, the purpose of “elections” in the US is like those in any burgeoning autocracy - to ensure that the party in power stays in power, no matter what.

If the Republicans had their way, voting Democrat would constitute voter fraud.

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This is a post that I left on a rant from a preacher that said they have Jesus on there side, that there was no need for masks.

How many times has Jesus answered prayers for help? How many times did he answer those prayers with research used to find out what the type of disease, With what we as the human race needed to do to combat this disease, With the pharmacies coming up with a vaccine to try and combat this disease, with the medical field coming out with there recommendations on how we as the public can help fight the disease.

How many more time does God need to tap you on the shoulder and say "See what I have done for you and yet you still turn your back on me."

It's time to stop this me, me, me thing and get serious!

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Sometimes listening to the news every night is just too heavy. Dan, I enjoy your recaps, opinions, miracles of nature photos and great sense of humour. Just loved the Stonehenge picture. Brought back wonderful memories of our visit there. I read your feed store entry out loud to my husband. We both had a good laugh to start out the weekend. Thank you Steady team from a reader in Canada. Keeping you all in our prayers.

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My wish for the world. Everyone wakes up with common sense restored.

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But common sense for one isn't the same for another.

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Thomas Paine didn't think so, although maybe the British disagreed.

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I feel President Biden should have used this analogy: Would you let your freedom be taken away by an army advancing on you with drawn weapons threatening you and your family? Then think of the virus-literally BILLIONS of an unseen army ready to kill you and yours. Wouldn’t you defend yourself? Well, the vaccine is our only defense so arm yourself!!!! Get the vaccine!!!

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Please let’s make Election Day a national holiday.

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I’m with you, Judith! If it were a Holiday many of the election regulations would not be required as most people would not be working. And as for the “essential” workers, they can vote by mail or be required to get time off to vote.

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