The BIGGEST point is that the election itself won't end DT. (or Vance, or their worshippers).
Kamala's winning will be the ENORMOUS stepping stone... but as far as DT is concerned, another Jan 6 (aka transfer of power) is within HIS reach.
DT is worst nightmare the USA has seen in our lifetimes... but he is a bug that leaves nasty droppings everywhere. E.g. Congresspersons and Supreme Court that drool over themselves to be as criminal as he is.
I, too, want it over & DT over & all of his ilk out of office.
But, the LOOOOOONG GAME is too important to be complacent now.
Lynn, DT is a useful idiot supported by the real villains that corrupted the Supreme Court, that paid for Citizens United. They are the puppet masters behind the scene of the everyday. They are the uber-rich conservatives who drop their dark money in pursuit of favorable taxes for major corporations. They are paying for Project 2025. They are not going away until we overturn Citizen United and uncorrupt the Supreme Court.
Too right. Citizens United was in many ways a turning point in the long-running attempt by the REAL deep state to gain a stranglehold on our democracy. Oh, they'd still call it that, while it would be anything but. There's many cracks and faults that've been exposed by DJT's exploitation, but CU is at the core. It MUST be struck down.
Robin Wright you are so correct. Remember folks…Trump’s two sons pushed their father to pick JD Vance as his running mate. So no matter where Trump lands, Vance, the sons and the whole sick Republican Party will be in the background, ready to take over and keep the plan alive. As Trump sinks further into dementia, he will become a puppet for those behind the scene. We’ll have to be wary of this cult for way longer than we know.
A positive is that on this occasion he does not control the government which is both forewarned and (hopefully) forearmed. The VP who will certify the votes is a Democrat who will apply the rule of law. But the price of liberty is still eternal vigilance and that has never been more true than it is now.
In observing the terrifying phenomenon of DJT, he appears to resemble most men of his ilk in that the movement is all about him. He cannot share the limelight, so there is no heir apparent. While his ideas may live on, there will be no figurehead. In time, I’m hoping we can send them to the trash heap of history.
I’m afraid there actually are two heir apparents Martha. One is JDVance. But, he’s not the pied piper Trump is. Vance will try to keep the madness of Trump alive, along with the other heir apparent, Elon Musk. Once Trump is out of the picture- we must keep Vance and Musk on the fringe of what’s considered acceptable political rhetoric. Neither one is capable of recreating the unique malevolence of Trump, but they’ll try, and they’ll try for their own personal reasons that have nothing to do with any of us.
The scariest part of this chapter of American history
is the corrupt majority of justices on the Supreme
Court, including Chief Justice Roberts. They are supposed to function as the ultimate “guardrail” of democracy. But we now know beyond a shadow of doubt, they have forsaken our democracy and joined the avaricious ranks of those seeking ultimate power
over every American citizen for their own self-serving gain-but I don’t presume to know what that gain is.
For their own personal reasons, their goal is to rid America of democratic self-governance and assert control over every aspect of our lives. Their idea of government is to dumb-down the population, rendering us incapable of thinking for ourselves, making us less of a threat to their control. But they have underestimated us. We are the sons and daughters and grandchildren of the Greatest
Generation. We haven’t forgotten why our parents &
grandparents sacrificed themselves for democracy
and for us.
We may have become complacent, not realizing the
threat is still with us, but we know it now. Our job is to educate younger generations to understand they
must be vigilant against the tyranny others would exert over them by using the false narrative of disinformation. The ability to spot disinfo and render it powerless is the key to remaining free. But spotting it and calling it out takes energy. It requires
vigilance and most importantly, it requires good will toward all, including those who are different than us.
I’m not saying we should have good will toward obvious evil, I’m saying what President Reagan said,
Trust, but verify that trust.
Anytime someone, including clergy, tells you that you should hate and distrust certain people, you must distrust that person, not the people they tell you to distrust. Hate requires energy as well, but it’s negative energy. Trust requires positive energy. Negative energy is heavy and destroys us as much as it destroys others. It makes us small. Positive energy is expansive and light. It leads to joy. Everyone has to make their own decision to expend their energy positively or negatively. To me, Tim
Walz is the personification of positive energy. And
Susan, I would agree with you; however, I think it would be so very important to teach our young children what can actually happen if they take our Democracy for granted. I learned about the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and that has shown me I do not want that here in America! Leave him in there as a lesson that we must always remain vigilant to protect our Democracy. Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!
He absolutely must be included as part of our history. How else can it be demonstrated that people will cling to the beliefs of an authoritarian leader without realizing they’ve been taken in by that leader. That it’s the leader they’re drawn to and not their own belief systems prior to their indoctrination into a world of hypocrisy and hatred towards others. These lessons taught before, during and after the Holocaust have been fading away with each new generation and it is our responsibility to keep this part of history extremely pertinent to the rise of what we’re witnessing today! People who cannot realize what they’re about to do by voting him in again will be responsible for our world and life today being forever changed into something we will not recognize. It’s frightening, and especially for the most vulnerable; the poor class, senior citizens, women, the disabled, the ill, non-whites, etc. Unfortunately, his supporters aren’t flexible. If they’re still supporting him today, I don’t believe anything can be done to convince them otherwise. We must put all we have behind the Harris/Walz ticket and make sure the guardrails protecting our Democratic election process remain in place!
By saying “Shall we leave him out of the history books” I was not advocating for that. Just the opposite. I don’t happen to think anything should be left out of recorded history if it’s factual and honest.
Understood, Susan! To be perfectly honest, I would absolutely love to completely forget about the orange stain. History will NOT be kind to him and for that, I am grateful!
No...he will goes down in history as a nefarious character that future citizens should learn about the same as th Holocaust and other tragic events. It is so sad that many Americans are duped by DJT and his deceiving band of players....shame on Americans who do not have the forthright to do their own homework by listening to multiple newscasts and questioning the difference in media casts.
Note: I was replying to Martha rhetorically. We will never forget this man and what he did and continues to do. He will go down in history as the dumb Hitler or something similar.
Agree with above responses. Our low opinion of him doesn't negate the danger this type of person presents if things go right and they get into a position of power.
He’s a nightmare and his sidekick is 1,0000 times worse. Would not vote for him for Dog Catcher!! Too bad those who need to read this won’t. Keep it coming Dan I keep emailing it out
I get it. The MAGAs don’t get how dangerous this man is. People are weird of course. And I’ve always said that many if not most of us don’t use reason and logic while voting. Most of his MAGA supporters are white. So why are white people so aggrieved? I’m want to suggest that the blame game has much to do. We blame white people for being privileged. Hey I’m white, I’m a full supporter of most democratic initiatives. But boy do I hate being singled out as privileged. So what did Hillary do (Talking in my town of Hartford tonight) in 2016. She coined a new term; deplorable. And they took it as a badge of honor.
Let’s stop the blame game. Let’s patch up the border when it needs to be patched up. We are better than that. Just my opinion.
So Hillary is to blame? And of course deplorable is so much worse than any derogatory name calling 45 has said. Maga spun that into the outrage it was not. And who is blaming white people for being privileged? Patch up the border? Is a freaking fence all that matters in the deeply complex immigration issue? You are right. People are weird. Some are weirder than others.
Misogyny much? Or just when you think you can? Have you not been reading what is now being discovered about the 2016 election? The country is Russia, the goal was to destabilize the US election. It worked. By the way she won the popular vote by more than 3 million votes - or did you miss that? She won and that tangerine turd? In favor of felons who also is an adjudicated rapist. Talk about deplorable.
She lost the electoral college due to Dems not showing up to vote for her (as they then did for Biden). Was it due to them sitting home sulking due to her CORRECTLY identifying MAGA as deplorables, or due to mysoginy, or both? Either way, DEMOCRATS have themselves to blame for her loss. I voted for Hillary. Did YOU?
Campaigns are not contests about who says the worst stuff. Insulting people says “I don’t want and I don’t need your support”. Trump has a lane and those are the only voters he tries to get. Dems need every vote they can get.
Surprising remark because those deplorables, like the United Mine Workers in 2008, endorsed Obama. Those deplorables helped Bill Clinton win many of those states including KY and WV, 2 times. Being in one state talking about putting workers out of their jobs in another area (those deplorable states) is not wise. (Bill had remained popular in KY. But in Floyd Co. KY where he’d received 71% of the vote he arrived to do clean up for Hillary and was roundly booed.) It seems her campaign wrote off a lot of states or took them for granted.
Yes, “white privilege” is a thing. I’m surprised you are unaware. Not so surprising people in economically suppressed areas don’t relate to being considered privileged.
Hillary had enough problems coming at her without feeding the stereotype of elitist Dems. But it kept slipping out in public.
Whoa, that's a whole lot of hate for one candidate. The Hillary problem indeed. Guess some people just can't let go, can they? Hope "some people" don't have the same problem with Kamala. By the way, 3 million weren't part of your "some people" trope. They didn't see her being a mess. Huh.
Maureen; I have a propensity to criticize my own. I know she was tarnished by nefarious elements. That doesn’t mean I should absolve her. Why was she so dumb to do official business on a non government cell device? When she testified about Libyan ambassador , sure the MAGAs drained her until she blurted out, “What difference does it make” sounding as if she referred to his killing but she wasn’t. She broke at the wrong time. She should have worked the battleground states 24/7 because this is how one becomes president. Besides everything, she was and is too war hawkish for me. Yet, I voted for her it was t even a hesitation.
True. But we have a voice, and we need to use it. Keep asking people if they are registered to vote, and if not, help them know how to do it. Keep asking people if they plan to vote. If someone you know needs a ride to the polls, offer it, or tell them to look up RideShare2Vote online for a free ride. There are things we can do, always.
This whole ordeal has shone a bright light on the weak spots in our system —> The fact that tRump — with his impeachments, his indictments, his sexual predation, still QUALIFIES to be a candidate for POTUS?!! This is just wrong! Can we modify the job requirements?
Hopefully, his ongoing lack of job requirements will further be spelled out in Jack Smith’s 180-page brief that was suppose to be on Judge Chutkan's desk today. You'd think that two years worth of more info on demented Donnie's shenanigans will help persuade some of the undecided voters that he's beyond unfit for the Oval Office. Years ago, this wouldn't even be up for discussion.
This is confusing for me . He can run for the presidency ? As a convicted felon, he cannot vote. Can anyone school me on this. He should be in an orange jumpsuit.
As a convicted felon he can’t volunteer at my towns local soup kitchen! Or travel to Canada!
I actually feel these rules are unfair to most felons, but the point here is, tRump is blocked from these small activities yet is permitted to be POTUS! Maddening. Lawmakers need to revisit this loophole.
I still cant comprehend how the Constitution has seemingly been pushed aside...
that a treasonist insurrectionist can be on the ballot.
But for the shorter term we need to leap over that to get people to vote... and if at all possible, vote rationally... on calm over chaos, and holding firm that no one should be above the law.
Reminding people that the potus is not only for entire nation, but VERY much a leader of the global stage (including democracy, economics, human rights, weapons control, environment).
Among these global topics, there must be some way to reach rationality with our neighbors and even in our families. Peace in our time?... it IS worth hard conversations.
Yes, MMG, we can and should modify the job requirements such as they are (you can read my post "the three branches of Government on Fay's Rants posted 9/21/2024 it's free) Currently there are only 4 requirements to become President of the United States: Be 35 years of age on or before January 20th; be born in the United States; have lived in he United States for 14 years prior to the election; win at least 270 electoral college votes ( a fifth one would be to hope to hell the besiegers don't succeed this time in preventing the vote count).
It would be a great help if the job requirements included: Read the Constitution with comprehension; be able to pass a test on basic understanding of the Constitution as the newly naturalized citizens are required; know and understand the basic duties of each of the three branches of Government
Which even more desperately needs job requirements. The Constitution gives none, not even age or citizenship, they could be a babe in arms or as old as me (nearly 92)!
We "CANNOT [caps mine] lose sight of the fact that a second Trump presidency would threaten our way of government and our way of life"! I've been reading two books about life under Ceausescu and Franco. I fear that what life is like under a fascist dictatorship is completely unknown by the tens of millions of MAGAs in our nation. Such ignorance of world history by far,far too many Americans has led them to think that a trump presidency is in their interests. Little do they know.
Yes, anyone who's done any significant reading about Germany in the 1930's would be bound to see the parallels I think. The most striking is that many in Germany didn't take Hitler seriously. They thought he was just a clown. Well, maybe he was a clown. But clowns put in a position of power can do a lot of damage.
But the more I learn about Trump, especially from the people who have known him personally, the more I realize he is NOT innocent. He knows the pet eating thing is B.S. But he pushes it anyways for impact, to keep his base shocked and angry, so they don't use their thinking brains. As Dan wrote once "Donald Trump may be many things, but innocent is not one of them"
Mr. Rather, no one can dispute anything you have written. It’s all true and rigorously documented.
If you haven’t had time to listen to Senator Whitehouse’s closing statement at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing I would suggest you take a listen.
Our system is flooded by money. Billionaires and corporate money. Citizens United has been a windfall for conservatives. This needs to change. Yet the people in charge can’t/won’t. Trump only makes these things worse. He’s lazy, only thinks of himself and has no interest in actually governing. It makes no sense to me, why anyone would vote for him or any republican for that matter.
Everyone, check your voter registration and vote as early as possible.
Absolutely, on all counts. Subject CU to the sniff test and all you'll smell is money. Subject CU to logical scrutiny and you realize quickly that its proponents really are trying to bum rush democracy.
🎼Fare the well to Nova Scotia, the sea bound coast….🎼
I failed to complete my submittal for dual citizenship (parent Canadian) during Satans last time as POTUS. If there’s a repeat, imma gonna be an “illegal” immigrant to Canada! I’d rather be in jail there, than HADES here!! A unmitigated Bluenose, (the modernterm of endearment, unique to and synonymous with Nova Scotia and Nova Scotians, not the earlier derogatory use) fan man.
Kamala and Tim say, “we’re not going back.” They know that those of us with ears to hear and eyes to see are well aware of the threat. Bullies want to take up space in our heads and wear us down. They aren’t falling for it, and neither should we, because there’s too much work to do between now and next January 20th to elect honorable public servants and deny power to the MAGA movement. Some of those non MAGAs who ignore the threat or have tuned out can be reached by appealing to what matters to them. That’s where we can make a difference.
Proof positive - and backed up by criminal charges and convictions - Trump is a classic example of the adage: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely! Absolutely, indeed.
We have to VOTE blue, all the way down the ballot, in numbers too large to be disputed. Our democracy, our way of life, and in some cases, our very lives depend on it. He’s said, out loud, he would come for the judges, the media, the donors, and anyone who was against him. How long will it take him to reach down into the voter rolls and come for ALL OF US who voted against him? He’s completely unhinged and CANNOT take up residence in the White House again. We have to counter the 10s of millions who will vote for him either because they are in his cult or simply because he has an “R” after his name. VOTE as though your life depended on it. It just might.
Or they want a white-ruled society where women, people of color, LBGTQ folks or ANYONE not white and male have no power and no say. Many people will vote solely because they won't vote for a woman, or woman of color and don't care if Trump ruins our government. It's sad and I can't ever wrap my mind around it but he could still win. I pray not.
Already happening here in Florida. Fortunately we are making some headway with Debbie challenging Scott, Maxwell another (hopefully) term in Congress we can possibly change governorship when DeSantis tries to run again. 🤞🏼#turnfloridablue
At this point, it takes far more than prayer. The old saying "God helps those who help themselves", and help ourselves we must: We must actively involve ourselves and our friends in preserving democracy and the tenets of the Constitution. Contribute time and treasure, make sure you are registered to vote, and after all that, make sure to vote!
Clearly when he doesn't win there will be even more destruction. We took a deep breath of fresh air when he lost, then the insurrection , total immunity (scotus).
I think that most of them are ignorant (and too lazy to self-educate -- or perhaps to have read their textbooks in high school?), and utterly clueless about what they think they would get under a fascist trump dictatorship.
DJT wants to be adored like Jesus, but sadly has no interest in trying to be more like Jesus. That involves sacrifice for the good of all humanity and some very heavy loads to carry.
I Googled Dunning Kruger. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head for most MAGAts, but there are some educated dolts who, for some reason, support the SOB. I am related to several. 😒
Dan….everything you say is absolutely right and, I, personally am starting to get scared. I’m scared that the Electoral College will screw us once again. He is a clear and present and future danger and will be far worse if Heaven forbid he gets an encore. I heard him rambling and lying again about Harris, Biden and the migrants coming into this country being only criminals, drug users, and that Venezuela and the Congo are emptying their jails and mental institutions and sending them here. He told three stories this afternoon about women getting raped by migrants. And then he says he knew all along the Eric Adams was a criminal. I guess a criminal knows another criminal when seeing him. Vote we must. No excuses this time. What I don’t understand is why no news organization, knowing how demented and dangerous he is, hasn’t called upon him to drop out of the race. That’s what we need; a movement to end his bid. He is incapable and dangerous and will destroy the life and freedoms we know.
I agree as I don't think he will win the popular vote but can win the Electoral College. Why do we have no recourse for a man who is clearly unqualified to be POTUS???? Why is he still not really being held accountable?
Unfortunately, they probably would. I could find nine members of a baseball team that could do a better job. (Except for the minority liberal, sane justices).
Thank you, sure, with an equally illustrious career with CBS, be it in sports. It must hurt you guys( Dan and yourself) to see this happening right before your eyes. I am you guys know a lot more about him than you can really report.
USA has a very good track record and history of bouncing back from tragedies , natural disasters and calamities. Really, beats me when this nightmare or “” love affair of the stupid with Trump “would end.
Sure does hurt to watch this. I only know that as a media person and a New Yorker we saw Trump’s antics back
In the 70s and 80s and he was a horror and a fraud then and just got worse over the years. I could kill the NBC execs that made him a tv star. They launched him and we have been unable to shoot down his rocket.
Very true, I read about Bill Paley and CBS in Dan Rather’s books. There was no Bill Paley in NBC. I lived in NewYork in the early 80’s and 90’s. This guy took every one for a ride.
I remember watching, Greg Norman, Freddie Couples and the all time favorite Jack Nicklaus on tv during Master’s.
Well said. Terrifying! He could bring about the end of this country. And newspapers, other media outlets and psychiatric professionals should say he is deranged and unfit and get out of the race. I’ve heard enough about his “rambling remarks”. Be more demonstrative. He is ill equipped and dangerous.
it looks to me like if he regains the White House (I wont' say win), either the REAL deep state and their puppet will finally succeed in gaining the stranglehold they've always coveted, or a Blue Tsunami will occur in 2026 and then, third time's the charm. I'm willing to suffer through two more years of crazy for that kind of reward, but I'd rather not. The risk is far too great.
Point taken except how much damage can he do in 2 years? The answer is a lot. And heaven help us if Congress is Republican controlled. He will own the government. The press needs to be more demonstrative and help bury him and leave behind all their journalistic values. Blast him. Or there won’t be a press. It will be Trump/Murdoch. Terrifying!!!!
I agree with you, except I am not starting to get scared, I am terrified. If trump wins, I plan to leave the country because it will no longer be my country.
Give us ideas. We travel a fair bit, all over the globe. The moment people from other countries realize you are from USa, they stick to you as if ( rightly so in their mind ) you are made of money.
Mexico no safe haven, canada too damn cold. We live here a few months in a year.
We are like the Hamlet. Instead of “ To be or not to Be””
But if it does happen, wouldn't you want to be part of a Blue Tsunami in 26 (assuming we still have the right to vote and that the election isn't stolen)?
"The coup de grace is that Trump has carte blanche to do whatever he wants. That terrifying reality is brought to you by none other than the Supreme Court with its ruling in Trump v. United States." Not just the Court but also with the full blessing of the Fourth Estate. That, to me, is the most terrifying of all.
I totally agree and I blame the media more than the court....the media was not appointed by trump, but they have embraced him and the court in such a way that democracy has little chance of survival. Which to me is strange because there are not enough jobs for all the journalists (well, that's not the right term is it..I don't know what to call them...they are not reporters, not journalists) who will no longer have a job because there will be no other "press" except fox and whatever newspaper supports trump. Used to be members of the Fouth Estate were smart enough to see that and had the integrity and courage to do something about it, but no longer. Yes we have Meidas Touch Network and Heather Cox Richardson and Rachel Maddow and some others but they are only preaching to the choir.
So true but I fear they pretty much are just sharing info with folks that already know it and/or are sure who they are going to vote for. I think this is very important as it can keep our spirits and energy up to work hard to convince undecided folks, but I also wish that the more major media outlets that may be reaching more people would be honest about the dangers trump represents, and would consistently call him out for both his lies and the illegal behavior he engages in. But for some weird reason that I will never understand, they will not. If it were just that they were owned by MAGA supporters, I would expect to see mass exoduses of people who want to be good honest journalist, but I've never seen a report from anyone saying they are leaving the NYT (or anywhere) because they will not call out trump. And if trump wins but loses the popular vote by millions and millions I wish in every story the media would say "But remember, he does not represent the will of the majority of Americans" but they will not. They simply will not hold him accountable. As I've said, to my surprise, USA Today has done the best job of all the more neutral media outlets. But their stories usually are down at the bottom of the Yahoo page I get when I pull up my email and I think a lot of people get their news from what shoes up on Yahoo when they go to check their email.
There are many ways to analyze Trump and none of the honest ones are flattering - sociopath, Russian asset, malignant narcissist, grifter. The one that seems to fit the best to me, however, is mobster- the criminal who constantly is running rackets, dipping into any income stream he sees, buys and sells whatever he pleases, expects total loyalty, has judges who will protect him and believes he is smarter than everyone else. It fits him and his family to a “T”. And I would submit it is even more ominous for the country than the others.
James Comey said Trump acted precisely like a mob boss, even asking for Comey's "loyalty" to the point where Comey thought Trump metaphorically wanted him to kiss his ring. Ironic in the end. Comey who was so harsh on Hillary -- publicly putting nails in her coffin with endless public investigations into her emails , yet no public disclosure about Trump's treasonous ties to Russia -- ended up being badmouthed and fired by Trump. Comey's actions contributed to the unleashing of Trump and his dismantling of democracy in the US. Comey was Republican and couldn't see beyond his hate of Democratic Hillary, even in the face of a great threat to his country. How can Republican's be so blind and spineless?
There is no way to minimize the truth of what you are saying. To have this man as our president again is potentially the most dangerous thing that has happened to our country in my lifetime.
How did we even get to the point where that convicted criminal and traitor is running again for president, let alone have a good chance at winning??? This is surreal. Makes me sick.
Like the ignorant idiot who asked me if the government works in our best interest 🤔 My answer was how about public school, public transportation, OSHA, child labor laws, EPA and others. Do these idiots want dirty water and no one to plow the snow after a storm?!!!!
Trump has motivated people to attack him by his own rhetoric and actions. The violence against him has been carried out by ordinary citizens who are sick of his BS, not by the Democratic Party.
Remind your like-minded friends to vote early. Make sure you and they double check your polling place in case it changed since the last time you voted.
He’s a nightmare that won’t end. Hopefully Kamala Harris can end it. I never want to hear his name again. Or his family or the rest of the liars.
The BIGGEST point is that the election itself won't end DT. (or Vance, or their worshippers).
Kamala's winning will be the ENORMOUS stepping stone... but as far as DT is concerned, another Jan 6 (aka transfer of power) is within HIS reach.
DT is worst nightmare the USA has seen in our lifetimes... but he is a bug that leaves nasty droppings everywhere. E.g. Congresspersons and Supreme Court that drool over themselves to be as criminal as he is.
I, too, want it over & DT over & all of his ilk out of office.
But, the LOOOOOONG GAME is too important to be complacent now.
The saving grace is CFDT is 78 years old. Unfortunately the sickness of authority he has spread will not die with him.
Lynn, DT is a useful idiot supported by the real villains that corrupted the Supreme Court, that paid for Citizens United. They are the puppet masters behind the scene of the everyday. They are the uber-rich conservatives who drop their dark money in pursuit of favorable taxes for major corporations. They are paying for Project 2025. They are not going away until we overturn Citizen United and uncorrupt the Supreme Court.
Too right. Citizens United was in many ways a turning point in the long-running attempt by the REAL deep state to gain a stranglehold on our democracy. Oh, they'd still call it that, while it would be anything but. There's many cracks and faults that've been exposed by DJT's exploitation, but CU is at the core. It MUST be struck down.
Money is the root cause of almost all serious problems. "Follow the money"!!!!!
Money has a strong tendency to rob people's integrity.
Yes but JDV is even worse. An educated 'hillbilly' without a brain.
Robin Wright you are so correct. Remember folks…Trump’s two sons pushed their father to pick JD Vance as his running mate. So no matter where Trump lands, Vance, the sons and the whole sick Republican Party will be in the background, ready to take over and keep the plan alive. As Trump sinks further into dementia, he will become a puppet for those behind the scene. We’ll have to be wary of this cult for way longer than we know.
Very true😢
🤣 truth!
Without a brain or a shred of integrity.
If trump loses, which I hope he does, he can't hide behind the presidency this time. Another attack like last time should be met with military force.
Vance would love to be CFDT's MAGA heir apparent and he's only in his 40's.
A positive is that on this occasion he does not control the government which is both forewarned and (hopefully) forearmed. The VP who will certify the votes is a Democrat who will apply the rule of law. But the price of liberty is still eternal vigilance and that has never been more true than it is now.
In observing the terrifying phenomenon of DJT, he appears to resemble most men of his ilk in that the movement is all about him. He cannot share the limelight, so there is no heir apparent. While his ideas may live on, there will be no figurehead. In time, I’m hoping we can send them to the trash heap of history.
I’m afraid there actually are two heir apparents Martha. One is JDVance. But, he’s not the pied piper Trump is. Vance will try to keep the madness of Trump alive, along with the other heir apparent, Elon Musk. Once Trump is out of the picture- we must keep Vance and Musk on the fringe of what’s considered acceptable political rhetoric. Neither one is capable of recreating the unique malevolence of Trump, but they’ll try, and they’ll try for their own personal reasons that have nothing to do with any of us.
The scariest part of this chapter of American history
is the corrupt majority of justices on the Supreme
Court, including Chief Justice Roberts. They are supposed to function as the ultimate “guardrail” of democracy. But we now know beyond a shadow of doubt, they have forsaken our democracy and joined the avaricious ranks of those seeking ultimate power
over every American citizen for their own self-serving gain-but I don’t presume to know what that gain is.
For their own personal reasons, their goal is to rid America of democratic self-governance and assert control over every aspect of our lives. Their idea of government is to dumb-down the population, rendering us incapable of thinking for ourselves, making us less of a threat to their control. But they have underestimated us. We are the sons and daughters and grandchildren of the Greatest
Generation. We haven’t forgotten why our parents &
grandparents sacrificed themselves for democracy
and for us.
We may have become complacent, not realizing the
threat is still with us, but we know it now. Our job is to educate younger generations to understand they
must be vigilant against the tyranny others would exert over them by using the false narrative of disinformation. The ability to spot disinfo and render it powerless is the key to remaining free. But spotting it and calling it out takes energy. It requires
vigilance and most importantly, it requires good will toward all, including those who are different than us.
I’m not saying we should have good will toward obvious evil, I’m saying what President Reagan said,
Trust, but verify that trust.
Anytime someone, including clergy, tells you that you should hate and distrust certain people, you must distrust that person, not the people they tell you to distrust. Hate requires energy as well, but it’s negative energy. Trust requires positive energy. Negative energy is heavy and destroys us as much as it destroys others. It makes us small. Positive energy is expansive and light. It leads to joy. Everyone has to make their own decision to expend their energy positively or negatively. To me, Tim
Walz is the personification of positive energy. And
Kamala Harris is the light that guides us to joy.
It must be an ongoing trauma for him to never admit he was wrong.
I agree 100%
snag your Harris-Walz gear now at and show your support!
Sorry, nothing on the 2 pages of overpriced, silly items shows support
Already got mine!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Oh, I do! Indicted and in Jail!!! All of them.
Shall we leave him out of the history books?
Susan, I would agree with you; however, I think it would be so very important to teach our young children what can actually happen if they take our Democracy for granted. I learned about the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and that has shown me I do not want that here in America! Leave him in there as a lesson that we must always remain vigilant to protect our Democracy. Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!
He absolutely must be included as part of our history. How else can it be demonstrated that people will cling to the beliefs of an authoritarian leader without realizing they’ve been taken in by that leader. That it’s the leader they’re drawn to and not their own belief systems prior to their indoctrination into a world of hypocrisy and hatred towards others. These lessons taught before, during and after the Holocaust have been fading away with each new generation and it is our responsibility to keep this part of history extremely pertinent to the rise of what we’re witnessing today! People who cannot realize what they’re about to do by voting him in again will be responsible for our world and life today being forever changed into something we will not recognize. It’s frightening, and especially for the most vulnerable; the poor class, senior citizens, women, the disabled, the ill, non-whites, etc. Unfortunately, his supporters aren’t flexible. If they’re still supporting him today, I don’t believe anything can be done to convince them otherwise. We must put all we have behind the Harris/Walz ticket and make sure the guardrails protecting our Democratic election process remain in place!
Very well said, Deborah! 100% agree!
Thank you! I only elaborated on what you pointed out first. I’m not a paying member here so wasn’t able to “like” your comment for some reason.
By saying “Shall we leave him out of the history books” I was not advocating for that. Just the opposite. I don’t happen to think anything should be left out of recorded history if it’s factual and honest.
Understood, Susan! To be perfectly honest, I would absolutely love to completely forget about the orange stain. History will NOT be kind to him and for that, I am grateful!
No...he will goes down in history as a nefarious character that future citizens should learn about the same as th Holocaust and other tragic events. It is so sad that many Americans are duped by DJT and his deceiving band of players....shame on Americans who do not have the forthright to do their own homework by listening to multiple newscasts and questioning the difference in media casts.
No, absolutely not. We must, as a global society, begin to learn from our past mistakes (dt is a huge mistake)!
Note: I was replying to Martha rhetorically. We will never forget this man and what he did and continues to do. He will go down in history as the dumb Hitler or something similar.
Agree with above responses. Our low opinion of him doesn't negate the danger this type of person presents if things go right and they get into a position of power.
I agree with you. I never want to hear his name again either or look at his orange face. I will vote blue all the way!
He’s a nightmare and his sidekick is 1,0000 times worse. Would not vote for him for Dog Catcher!! Too bad those who need to read this won’t. Keep it coming Dan I keep emailing it out
Yes, that's what's so frustrating... Those who need it won't read it.
I get it. The MAGAs don’t get how dangerous this man is. People are weird of course. And I’ve always said that many if not most of us don’t use reason and logic while voting. Most of his MAGA supporters are white. So why are white people so aggrieved? I’m want to suggest that the blame game has much to do. We blame white people for being privileged. Hey I’m white, I’m a full supporter of most democratic initiatives. But boy do I hate being singled out as privileged. So what did Hillary do (Talking in my town of Hartford tonight) in 2016. She coined a new term; deplorable. And they took it as a badge of honor.
Let’s stop the blame game. Let’s patch up the border when it needs to be patched up. We are better than that. Just my opinion.
So Hillary is to blame? And of course deplorable is so much worse than any derogatory name calling 45 has said. Maga spun that into the outrage it was not. And who is blaming white people for being privileged? Patch up the border? Is a freaking fence all that matters in the deeply complex immigration issue? You are right. People are weird. Some are weirder than others.
No, Hillary is not to blame.
She did lose a pivotable campaign.
Misogyny much? Or just when you think you can? Have you not been reading what is now being discovered about the 2016 election? The country is Russia, the goal was to destabilize the US election. It worked. By the way she won the popular vote by more than 3 million votes - or did you miss that? She won and that tangerine turd? In favor of felons who also is an adjudicated rapist. Talk about deplorable.
She lost the electoral college due to Dems not showing up to vote for her (as they then did for Biden). Was it due to them sitting home sulking due to her CORRECTLY identifying MAGA as deplorables, or due to mysoginy, or both? Either way, DEMOCRATS have themselves to blame for her loss. I voted for Hillary. Did YOU?
Campaigns are not contests about who says the worst stuff. Insulting people says “I don’t want and I don’t need your support”. Trump has a lane and those are the only voters he tries to get. Dems need every vote they can get.
Surprising remark because those deplorables, like the United Mine Workers in 2008, endorsed Obama. Those deplorables helped Bill Clinton win many of those states including KY and WV, 2 times. Being in one state talking about putting workers out of their jobs in another area (those deplorable states) is not wise. (Bill had remained popular in KY. But in Floyd Co. KY where he’d received 71% of the vote he arrived to do clean up for Hillary and was roundly booed.) It seems her campaign wrote off a lot of states or took them for granted.
Yes, “white privilege” is a thing. I’m surprised you are unaware. Not so surprising people in economically suppressed areas don’t relate to being considered privileged.
Hillary had enough problems coming at her without feeding the stereotype of elitist Dems. But it kept slipping out in public.
Whoa, that's a whole lot of hate for one candidate. The Hillary problem indeed. Guess some people just can't let go, can they? Hope "some people" don't have the same problem with Kamala. By the way, 3 million weren't part of your "some people" trope. They didn't see her being a mess. Huh.
Hate? Some people trope - 3 million people? Whatever. I did not say “the Hillary problem”. I said she had “enough problems coming at her ...”
I believe there were things about her campaign that were flawed. I voted for her anyway.
Maureen; I have a propensity to criticize my own. I know she was tarnished by nefarious elements. That doesn’t mean I should absolve her. Why was she so dumb to do official business on a non government cell device? When she testified about Libyan ambassador , sure the MAGAs drained her until she blurted out, “What difference does it make” sounding as if she referred to his killing but she wasn’t. She broke at the wrong time. She should have worked the battleground states 24/7 because this is how one becomes president. Besides everything, she was and is too war hawkish for me. Yet, I voted for her it was t even a hesitation.
The cult of Trump believe he is the savior. How can we make them see who he really is? A fraud, a criminal, a rapist, Putin’s puppet.
They are really not so much supporting him as they are voting against something.
Mmm... Thinking about that... Actually, I think that the VAST majority are voting FOR him -- their savior, their hero, the man they love.
If you count yourself among the "deplorables," which Clinton used to refer to blind Trump followers, wear the shoe.
Brava ma’am! 👏🏻
Pound your Tom Tom
Make they are ignorant of the harm he will cause. That is the Cult of Trump.
I agree and wish someone had a plan for how to get the undecided voters to get this information.
True. But we have a voice, and we need to use it. Keep asking people if they are registered to vote, and if not, help them know how to do it. Keep asking people if they plan to vote. If someone you know needs a ride to the polls, offer it, or tell them to look up RideShare2Vote online for a free ride. There are things we can do, always.
This whole ordeal has shone a bright light on the weak spots in our system —> The fact that tRump — with his impeachments, his indictments, his sexual predation, still QUALIFIES to be a candidate for POTUS?!! This is just wrong! Can we modify the job requirements?
Hopefully, his ongoing lack of job requirements will further be spelled out in Jack Smith’s 180-page brief that was suppose to be on Judge Chutkan's desk today. You'd think that two years worth of more info on demented Donnie's shenanigans will help persuade some of the undecided voters that he's beyond unfit for the Oval Office. Years ago, this wouldn't even be up for discussion.
This is confusing for me . He can run for the presidency ? As a convicted felon, he cannot vote. Can anyone school me on this. He should be in an orange jumpsuit.
Makes absolutely no sense. However, the architects of the constitution were probably thinking there would never be a convicted felon nominated for
president over 200 years later.
As a convicted felon he can’t volunteer at my towns local soup kitchen! Or travel to Canada!
I actually feel these rules are unfair to most felons, but the point here is, tRump is blocked from these small activities yet is permitted to be POTUS! Maddening. Lawmakers need to revisit this loophole.
Yes, I think this is one example of there are no rules in place because it just hasn't been an issue/problem until now.
I still cant comprehend how the Constitution has seemingly been pushed aside...
that a treasonist insurrectionist can be on the ballot.
But for the shorter term we need to leap over that to get people to vote... and if at all possible, vote rationally... on calm over chaos, and holding firm that no one should be above the law.
Reminding people that the potus is not only for entire nation, but VERY much a leader of the global stage (including democracy, economics, human rights, weapons control, environment).
Among these global topics, there must be some way to reach rationality with our neighbors and even in our families. Peace in our time?... it IS worth hard conversations.
Yes, MMG, we can and should modify the job requirements such as they are (you can read my post "the three branches of Government on Fay's Rants posted 9/21/2024 it's free) Currently there are only 4 requirements to become President of the United States: Be 35 years of age on or before January 20th; be born in the United States; have lived in he United States for 14 years prior to the election; win at least 270 electoral college votes ( a fifth one would be to hope to hell the besiegers don't succeed this time in preventing the vote count).
It would be a great help if the job requirements included: Read the Constitution with comprehension; be able to pass a test on basic understanding of the Constitution as the newly naturalized citizens are required; know and understand the basic duties of each of the three branches of Government
Then there is SCOTUS...
Which even more desperately needs job requirements. The Constitution gives none, not even age or citizenship, they could be a babe in arms or as old as me (nearly 92)!
Bless you @92. I thought I saw a lot in my lifetime. I bet you can write a novel on the state of our country! 💙🇺🇸👍🏻
We "CANNOT [caps mine] lose sight of the fact that a second Trump presidency would threaten our way of government and our way of life"! I've been reading two books about life under Ceausescu and Franco. I fear that what life is like under a fascist dictatorship is completely unknown by the tens of millions of MAGAs in our nation. Such ignorance of world history by far,far too many Americans has led them to think that a trump presidency is in their interests. Little do they know.
Yes, anyone who's done any significant reading about Germany in the 1930's would be bound to see the parallels I think. The most striking is that many in Germany didn't take Hitler seriously. They thought he was just a clown. Well, maybe he was a clown. But clowns put in a position of power can do a lot of damage.
But the more I learn about Trump, especially from the people who have known him personally, the more I realize he is NOT innocent. He knows the pet eating thing is B.S. But he pushes it anyways for impact, to keep his base shocked and angry, so they don't use their thinking brains. As Dan wrote once "Donald Trump may be many things, but innocent is not one of them"
Shock & Awe
Mr. Rather, no one can dispute anything you have written. It’s all true and rigorously documented.
If you haven’t had time to listen to Senator Whitehouse’s closing statement at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing I would suggest you take a listen.
Our system is flooded by money. Billionaires and corporate money. Citizens United has been a windfall for conservatives. This needs to change. Yet the people in charge can’t/won’t. Trump only makes these things worse. He’s lazy, only thinks of himself and has no interest in actually governing. It makes no sense to me, why anyone would vote for him or any republican for that matter.
Everyone, check your voter registration and vote as early as possible.
Absolutely, on all counts. Subject CU to the sniff test and all you'll smell is money. Subject CU to logical scrutiny and you realize quickly that its proponents really are trying to bum rush democracy.
Oh Lord, she has to win. Go ,La and Coach!! 🇨🇦
🎼Fare the well to Nova Scotia, the sea bound coast….🎼
I failed to complete my submittal for dual citizenship (parent Canadian) during Satans last time as POTUS. If there’s a repeat, imma gonna be an “illegal” immigrant to Canada! I’d rather be in jail there, than HADES here!! A unmitigated Bluenose, (the modernterm of endearment, unique to and synonymous with Nova Scotia and Nova Scotians, not the earlier derogatory use) fan man.
We all feel terrible for what the US is going through. We feel so my anxiety here.
Yes, you might have missed your chance but ,L and Coach have got to pull through.
PS My brother lives in NS. I could talk to him??? Hehe
Coach and La, all the way! Yes!
I pray!
Bless you!
If Trump wins, Imma sing you my song!
Oh Canada
Glorious and free
We’ll stand on guard, we’ll stand on guard for thee
Oh Canada
Do you have any room, for me?!
Kamala and Tim say, “we’re not going back.” They know that those of us with ears to hear and eyes to see are well aware of the threat. Bullies want to take up space in our heads and wear us down. They aren’t falling for it, and neither should we, because there’s too much work to do between now and next January 20th to elect honorable public servants and deny power to the MAGA movement. Some of those non MAGAs who ignore the threat or have tuned out can be reached by appealing to what matters to them. That’s where we can make a difference.
Proof positive - and backed up by criminal charges and convictions - Trump is a classic example of the adage: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely! Absolutely, indeed.
We have to VOTE blue, all the way down the ballot, in numbers too large to be disputed. Our democracy, our way of life, and in some cases, our very lives depend on it. He’s said, out loud, he would come for the judges, the media, the donors, and anyone who was against him. How long will it take him to reach down into the voter rolls and come for ALL OF US who voted against him? He’s completely unhinged and CANNOT take up residence in the White House again. We have to counter the 10s of millions who will vote for him either because they are in his cult or simply because he has an “R” after his name. VOTE as though your life depended on it. It just might.
Remember what Martin Niemoller said, and let us make sure it never comes to this.
I realize there are Americans who don’t want democracy. Wish they would leave instead of forcing change on us because of their corrupt policies.
Or they want a white-ruled society where women, people of color, LBGTQ folks or ANYONE not white and male have no power and no say. Many people will vote solely because they won't vote for a woman, or woman of color and don't care if Trump ruins our government. It's sad and I can't ever wrap my mind around it but he could still win. I pray not.
Just read the Handmaids tale! That’s what would be our reality! Vance is even more evil!
Already happening here in Florida. Fortunately we are making some headway with Debbie challenging Scott, Maxwell another (hopefully) term in Congress we can possibly change governorship when DeSantis tries to run again. 🤞🏼#turnfloridablue
At this point, it takes far more than prayer. The old saying "God helps those who help themselves", and help ourselves we must: We must actively involve ourselves and our friends in preserving democracy and the tenets of the Constitution. Contribute time and treasure, make sure you are registered to vote, and after all that, make sure to vote!
Clearly when he doesn't win there will be even more destruction. We took a deep breath of fresh air when he lost, then the insurrection , total immunity (scotus).
Don’t forgive them, because they know not what they do!
I think that most of them are ignorant (and too lazy to self-educate -- or perhaps to have read their textbooks in high school?), and utterly clueless about what they think they would get under a fascist trump dictatorship.
But “He’s a Christian” so sayeth a friend of mine. “He’s doing this for us” she says. Please🧐
Exactly! What is he doing for anyone but himself? How can he say if he is not President, they will come for you? What are you doing to believe this?
WHAT??? She has drunk so much Koolaid that she'd drowning it it. SO SICK.
I know. But the posts of Ai trump kneeling by the altar or carrying a cross continue. She knows I see them but I simply do not comment.
It blows my mind! The ultimate in blasphemy! How do they not see it?
Trust me, many of us cannot understand.
DJT wants to be adored like Jesus, but sadly has no interest in trying to be more like Jesus. That involves sacrifice for the good of all humanity and some very heavy loads to carry.
OR even knowing the first thing about Jesus!
Did you mean to say “he’s a crazy/criminal” vs. Christian?
That’s how I read it, anyhoo! 🤡
Totally Dunning Kruger effect
I Googled Dunning Kruger. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head for most MAGAts, but there are some educated dolts who, for some reason, support the SOB. I am related to several. 😒
Underlying Trumps support, I’d venture these general sub-categories;
B) White Christian Nationalist 25%
C) Racism, mysoginy, bigotry 25 %
D) Rich seeking more money 5%
Dan….everything you say is absolutely right and, I, personally am starting to get scared. I’m scared that the Electoral College will screw us once again. He is a clear and present and future danger and will be far worse if Heaven forbid he gets an encore. I heard him rambling and lying again about Harris, Biden and the migrants coming into this country being only criminals, drug users, and that Venezuela and the Congo are emptying their jails and mental institutions and sending them here. He told three stories this afternoon about women getting raped by migrants. And then he says he knew all along the Eric Adams was a criminal. I guess a criminal knows another criminal when seeing him. Vote we must. No excuses this time. What I don’t understand is why no news organization, knowing how demented and dangerous he is, hasn’t called upon him to drop out of the race. That’s what we need; a movement to end his bid. He is incapable and dangerous and will destroy the life and freedoms we know.
I agree as I don't think he will win the popular vote but can win the Electoral College. Why do we have no recourse for a man who is clearly unqualified to be POTUS???? Why is he still not really being held accountable?
Good question. He shouldn’t even be on the ballot. But too many people (particularly other republicans) are afraid to speak out.
And to add fuel to fire, Scotus would invariably side with this sycophant.
Unfortunately, they probably would. I could find nine members of a baseball team that could do a better job. (Except for the minority liberal, sane justices).
Thank you, sure, with an equally illustrious career with CBS, be it in sports. It must hurt you guys( Dan and yourself) to see this happening right before your eyes. I am you guys know a lot more about him than you can really report.
USA has a very good track record and history of bouncing back from tragedies , natural disasters and calamities. Really, beats me when this nightmare or “” love affair of the stupid with Trump “would end.
Thank you
Sure does hurt to watch this. I only know that as a media person and a New Yorker we saw Trump’s antics back
In the 70s and 80s and he was a horror and a fraud then and just got worse over the years. I could kill the NBC execs that made him a tv star. They launched him and we have been unable to shoot down his rocket.
Very true, I read about Bill Paley and CBS in Dan Rather’s books. There was no Bill Paley in NBC. I lived in NewYork in the early 80’s and 90’s. This guy took every one for a ride.
I remember watching, Greg Norman, Freddie Couples and the all time favorite Jack Nicklaus on tv during Master’s.
Thank you for the good times.
He's worse than a syncophant!!!
my fear out loud:
the Electoral College + another Jan 6 + Supreme(ly arrogant) Court + DT not behind bars til death
Needs to be behind bars NOW. And for a long, long time.
Well said. Terrifying! He could bring about the end of this country. And newspapers, other media outlets and psychiatric professionals should say he is deranged and unfit and get out of the race. I’ve heard enough about his “rambling remarks”. Be more demonstrative. He is ill equipped and dangerous.
it looks to me like if he regains the White House (I wont' say win), either the REAL deep state and their puppet will finally succeed in gaining the stranglehold they've always coveted, or a Blue Tsunami will occur in 2026 and then, third time's the charm. I'm willing to suffer through two more years of crazy for that kind of reward, but I'd rather not. The risk is far too great.
Point taken except how much damage can he do in 2 years? The answer is a lot. And heaven help us if Congress is Republican controlled. He will own the government. The press needs to be more demonstrative and help bury him and leave behind all their journalistic values. Blast him. Or there won’t be a press. It will be Trump/Murdoch. Terrifying!!!!
I agree with you, except I am not starting to get scared, I am terrified. If trump wins, I plan to leave the country because it will no longer be my country.
Where would you go ?
Give us ideas. We travel a fair bit, all over the globe. The moment people from other countries realize you are from USa, they stick to you as if ( rightly so in their mind ) you are made of money.
Mexico no safe haven, canada too damn cold. We live here a few months in a year.
We are like the Hamlet. Instead of “ To be or not to Be””
Go but where to go?
Cold doesn’t phase me so I vote for Canada. Besides, western Canada is temperate. Portugal is lovely.
Vancouver and there are other bright spots in British Columbia.
The US dollar goes a long way in Portugal
I am thinking Costa Rica or Spain/Portugal.
Beautiful countries.
No doubt. Language has been an issue with me. Wife from New York, knows pukito spanish. Lol.
Tenada works for me, lol
Good golf in Portugal, if you are into it.
Thank you
Correction! That was Macbeth. Old age catching up, I am sorry
It was Hamlet, i need coffee
But if it does happen, wouldn't you want to be part of a Blue Tsunami in 26 (assuming we still have the right to vote and that the election isn't stolen)?
I appreciate that James. Thank you. But you know we need a Blue Tsunami in 2024
Just my two cents
Thank you
"The coup de grace is that Trump has carte blanche to do whatever he wants. That terrifying reality is brought to you by none other than the Supreme Court with its ruling in Trump v. United States." Not just the Court but also with the full blessing of the Fourth Estate. That, to me, is the most terrifying of all.
I totally agree and I blame the media more than the court....the media was not appointed by trump, but they have embraced him and the court in such a way that democracy has little chance of survival. Which to me is strange because there are not enough jobs for all the journalists (well, that's not the right term is it..I don't know what to call them...they are not reporters, not journalists) who will no longer have a job because there will be no other "press" except fox and whatever newspaper supports trump. Used to be members of the Fouth Estate were smart enough to see that and had the integrity and courage to do something about it, but no longer. Yes we have Meidas Touch Network and Heather Cox Richardson and Rachel Maddow and some others but they are only preaching to the choir.
Thankfully we have the likes of Dan Rather, Scott Dworkin et al to counter corporate media, true journalists.
So true but I fear they pretty much are just sharing info with folks that already know it and/or are sure who they are going to vote for. I think this is very important as it can keep our spirits and energy up to work hard to convince undecided folks, but I also wish that the more major media outlets that may be reaching more people would be honest about the dangers trump represents, and would consistently call him out for both his lies and the illegal behavior he engages in. But for some weird reason that I will never understand, they will not. If it were just that they were owned by MAGA supporters, I would expect to see mass exoduses of people who want to be good honest journalist, but I've never seen a report from anyone saying they are leaving the NYT (or anywhere) because they will not call out trump. And if trump wins but loses the popular vote by millions and millions I wish in every story the media would say "But remember, he does not represent the will of the majority of Americans" but they will not. They simply will not hold him accountable. As I've said, to my surprise, USA Today has done the best job of all the more neutral media outlets. But their stories usually are down at the bottom of the Yahoo page I get when I pull up my email and I think a lot of people get their news from what shoes up on Yahoo when they go to check their email.
Project 2025. We must stay focused . 💙🇺🇸
There are many ways to analyze Trump and none of the honest ones are flattering - sociopath, Russian asset, malignant narcissist, grifter. The one that seems to fit the best to me, however, is mobster- the criminal who constantly is running rackets, dipping into any income stream he sees, buys and sells whatever he pleases, expects total loyalty, has judges who will protect him and believes he is smarter than everyone else. It fits him and his family to a “T”. And I would submit it is even more ominous for the country than the others.
James Comey said Trump acted precisely like a mob boss, even asking for Comey's "loyalty" to the point where Comey thought Trump metaphorically wanted him to kiss his ring. Ironic in the end. Comey who was so harsh on Hillary -- publicly putting nails in her coffin with endless public investigations into her emails , yet no public disclosure about Trump's treasonous ties to Russia -- ended up being badmouthed and fired by Trump. Comey's actions contributed to the unleashing of Trump and his dismantling of democracy in the US. Comey was Republican and couldn't see beyond his hate of Democratic Hillary, even in the face of a great threat to his country. How can Republican's be so blind and spineless?
The real threats from trump & vance are endless. "Chaos. A gaping pit waiting to swallow up all."
And that is so frightening…
Just always remember narcissists want to cause us to be afraid so never help them.
There is no way to minimize the truth of what you are saying. To have this man as our president again is potentially the most dangerous thing that has happened to our country in my lifetime.
How did we even get to the point where that convicted criminal and traitor is running again for president, let alone have a good chance at winning??? This is surreal. Makes me sick.
Like the ignorant idiot who asked me if the government works in our best interest 🤔 My answer was how about public school, public transportation, OSHA, child labor laws, EPA and others. Do these idiots want dirty water and no one to plow the snow after a storm?!!!!
Trump has motivated people to attack him by his own rhetoric and actions. The violence against him has been carried out by ordinary citizens who are sick of his BS, not by the Democratic Party.
Remind your like-minded friends to vote early. Make sure you and they double check your polling place in case it changed since the last time you voted.