I just watched John Pilger on You Tube - this is a war on Propanda and if you have a chance to watch, wondered what your opinion might be?

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This is perfect awesomeness. I know I am behind on reading Steady and this is such a joy. Footloose came out during my senior year of high school and it was everything I felt. But..growing up in a family who loved Lawrence Welk and old movies, this compilation is amazing. Thank you Grand-Danny!

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What a joy to watch. Did I miss Christopher Walken in there? I just recently discovered what a fabulous dancer he is/was!!

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Oh, yeah!!!!

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Oh my! Fred Astaire, Vera -Ellen, Ann Margaret, Elvis, Gene Kelly, Dick Van Dyke, Julie Andrews, John Travokta, Kevin Bacon and Jennifer Beals. My life “flashed” before me via dancing ♥️

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Fabulous! How refreshing. So many movies that I saw as a kid and always loved, thank you, thank you

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I LOVED this! The dancing was incredible, and the way the film was set to follow the song Footloose was amazing. Also, I laughed out loud at Loretta Young smashing the record at the end!

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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ SO needed the smiles!

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Thanks so much - it made my Tuesday!

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Awesome!! Even on a Tuesday :)

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I recognized many of the dancers in these snippets from musicals of a bygone era. Thank you so much to the one who put this together .

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Dancing heals the heart!

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BZ! Nautical signal for “Well Done” is BRAVO ZULU..

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This was amazing! Just what I needed!!! Thank you for sharing!! It's nice to smile for a moment

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