Enjoy your wisdom. I am 69 and thought I would never see what I am seeing in the USA. Us old guys and gals have to say, "not here, not now."

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Aw, you're just a kid! I'm older and still am amazed that there is even a question about who is the better candidate. And I'm with you - Not here. Not now. Not ever.

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Gob smacked that there is even a question.

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It's that same 30% of the population it's been since 1860 or so


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Thank you. I’m old but I don’t remember such egregious behavior from so many, so proudly, and with such venom. It’s like zombies come to life after having been buried for a long spell…

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We've NEVER come to grips with our past.

It's soul-searching time!

I'm just scared of the zombies that no longer have one...

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We desperately need a period of “truth and reconciliation.” Fox would be banned from such. True that souls are in short supply…

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I am probably older than any of you and never in my wildest dreams, did I think this chaos would ever be possible.

Yes, we have history, that I am sure some read about the Nazi element in the USA. But it never took hold. However, we are seeing that evidence come to life in our lifetime.

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It took hold in many, Japan put a stop to that.

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Have we stopped teaching history in public schools?

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History teaches us that we do not learn from history. (not original to me)

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In Texas, the Gablers were very influential in the content of textbooks across the country. What Texas ordered drove what many smaller states ordered. In the 80’s, I wrote many letters to the Houston Chronicle about their efforts to insert their version of religion into the narrative. They were self-righteous evil. Their followers are still.

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Yes, states have limited the curriculum. Some began demanding edited versions of textbooks a long time ago - not long after the Civil War. Certain states have gone further in more recent years.

This gives an overview:


This is a review of earlier textbooks:


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Thank you both Louise & Michael this should be the Democratic battle cry and then we must stomp him on election day so there's no uncertainty about this election.

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Here it is, DNC: "Not here. Not now. Not ever."

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Louise, I, too, am older than 69 -- almost 79, in fact. And I appreciate Dan's steadiness, as I also repeat: "Not here. Not now. Not ever." Lest we forget. Hitler died as I was about to be born, but I have learned enough from my elders and from research, to know that there are too many parallels from Hitler's time to the now to see that we are human, just as were the German people. God help us all, and show us how to stay a republic and steady.

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Not here not now not ever, and the courage to change the things we can.

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And do not "accept the things we cannot change" because if we all work, all change is possible. Don't give up.

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Change the things we cannot accept.

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Very well stated. Thank you.

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I'm 54 and feel like GenX failed our country, even though we are ALWAYS forgotten about.

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There's plenty of blame to go around. But some of the current troubles may have been out of our individual or collective control. Read:

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...

The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”

― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, 1995

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And those slightly younger, want to add... "not ever"... as in Not Ever Again should the US be in this mess... of leaders not being held accountable, SCt absolutely unethical & self serving, DOJ looking the other way, and judges being bought. And the doozy, of the US Constitution not being self evident on insurrectionists being unfit.

Thank you, Mr. Rather, for your broad perspective! Steady, is what we need.

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I’m 79, and and losing faith in the intelligence of our citizens. Too lazy to seek truth, too easily led by liars, and too gullible to swallow bull fed by a narcissistic psychopath.

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It's the instant gratification of social media and the internet and the corporations that own our media that is dragging us down. It used to be the majority rule now it is who has the mostest rule

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Again, I want to remind people of the work done by B. F. Skinner in the thirties. We do not have freewill. We become addicted to the mammoth high we get when swinging from disappointment to success. It happens to baseball fans, fishermen, and people who follow social media or the news. The addicts cannot put their phones away, and they start to think the topics are important (Trump). Shake off your addiction. Go back to a land line, and get your news at six or eleven the way we used to. Your IQ will go through the roof.

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I don’t disagree David. But, I also know no one is going to stop using their cell phone. It was much easier to figure out what was real and what wasn’t

when we had only 3 major news broadcasts we

could also actually trust. But we can’t go backwards

and today’s youth has never known the world we grew up in. We have to learn how to get information

we can trust since it’s not spoon-fed to us anymore.

News outlets, whether they’re in print, or on the internet don’t seem to care about truth anymore.

Back in the day…major media were strict about

getting the facts right. Now, they deliberately

spread disinformation. As the witch in the Wizard of Oz said after Dorothy threw a bucket of water on her, “I’m melting…what a world…” Little did we know then that we would be practically melting now from extreme heat & unable to trust the news!

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How can you trust fox or one America I think it's called, whether you watch for only an hour or all day ? How could you trust it. I read a couple of years back that fox admitted to not being a news show or outlet, how do you trust anything they tell us 🤔 ? Personally I can't watch fox anyway they make me want to reach through the screen and choke someone. CNN and msnbc have even become a disappointment of late , the bbc is always a different outlook but with any outlet you have to ask why are they showing me this way ?

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You have got to wonder why they call it Fox NEWS when their standards are so low. I also wonder why no one has sued all media outlets for over covering Trump's every breath as if he were important.

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Me too. I’ve had the same thoughts. I guess to us the lies are obvious, but I think you had to already have a bit of knowledge about how our government works

in order to realize Fox news & One America are lying.

Another aspect of this is that many people and news orgs will promote lies for the right amount of money.

When I found out the Koch Bros. donated millions of

dollars to PBS and then got seats on the PBS Board of Directors I almost passed out! But David Koch is dead now so their malign influence is less potent.

Sometimes those who win just outlive the bad guys.

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I simply can’t watch any news period. It’s all so disturbing. I prefer to listen to music and read.

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You know David I be been thinking this exact thing. The 24 hour news cycle and internet has distorted reality, but in this current time it has also courted the end of democracy. Addiction is real. And dangerous to the addict and all of the rest of us.

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Social media / cell phones are the newer more efficient delivery system but not the cause. The strategy from the beginning has been “enrage to engage.” The GOP used it for years and this guy ramped it up.

I’m not aware of B. F. Skinner’s acknowledgement of emotion influencing behavior so I don’t know how many dots it takes to connect them. However, we do know from observing activated areas of the brain what happens when people are angry or fearful. The brain reacts by suppressing the ‘reasoning’ part of the brain and letting the primal or basal ganglia that is in charge of survival take over.

If an incident is severe enough or if the reaction is maintained for some other reason over a long period of time, it is called ‘toxic stress’. The point being that people in this situation are not thinking logically. They are not reasoning. That is the point of keeping cult members fearful and enraged. The followers are warned against outsiders and non-believers to prevent influence by other sources of info.


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You sound interested in this topic. You are right Skinner didn't connect the dots. How could he? I once wrote a book, The Epicurean Concept of Mind, Meaning, and Knowledge, about how emotions are the emf of our evaluation system. If you're interested in a short essay send a link to mindexamined@google.com .

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It's supposed to be majority rule, minority rights.

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And too uneducated.

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My niece is one his supporters but she doesn’t have any interest in politics to find the truth. She doesn’t watch tv or read the news to my knowledge. She just listens to someone who has more influence than me.

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I know you’re sad for her. I have a bro-in-law who watches Fox every night. His wife is not as big a fan. Their son is a Dem but their daughter is an R. I love my niece and hope my sis-in-law talks to her about what’s at stake. Shoot, I might do it instead!

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Just do it Marlene. Let the chips fall where they may. They will thank you after the election, or , no, not going there.

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Yeah, the more I think about it, I am going to take the plunge. After all, she has a gay son and a trans nephew.

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Yes. I am sad and baffled by her choice. We have agreed not to discuss politics but it is something that nags me like nothing else has.

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It’s very sad Karen. Most younger people don’t seem

to have a clue how much their lives are directly affected by what our government does. I know I didn’t until I had been supporting myself for a while.

I could be wrong, but I think a lot of people decided

to support Trump initially because it “seemed like

the thing to do.” In other words, it was popular. You could also say it’s shallow.

In addition, people are being manipulated to think certain things by sophisticated foreign influencers. But I also realize younger-ish people are bombarded with so much information it’s no wonder they have trouble sorting it out, or just don’t want to make the effort.

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Personally, I blame the education system in this country and the fact that 'Civics' is no longer taught and hasn't been for years. We learned how our government is structured, how the three parts work (executive, judicial, legislative), and the duties and powers of each. We had to bring to school once weekly a cutting of a current news story from our local newspaper and discuss it with the class. We had mock elections and court, to examine how those things work. NOBODY who had Civics in middle and/or high school could be taken in by all the malarkey of "Trumpism."!!

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I think this is typical of her age group. They haven’t lived enough of life to understand the consequences or ramifications of this elections. They see a man who isn’t mainstream. They think he’s like them…not a ‘politician’. Speaks off the cuff. Makes jokes and denigrates. However, they don’t see the danger behind the jokes. The real danger.

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The word intelligence is key here. It is difficult to accept that a large percentage of US citizens do not use their innate intelligence because they do not bother to develop it. They allow their emotions to guide their actions. tRump , as Hitler was, is great at appealing to emotions. tRump lacks emotional intelligence and does not use reason. His followers are unable to scrutinise a set of circumstances or issues using reason and coming up with logical outcomes. Their emotions respond to fear and anger and view violence as the way to obtain what they seek. Logical thinkers gather all the information they can, assess the facts, and then methodically decide the best way to move forward.

I do not have statistics, but I reckon the majority might only have secondary education. Those, like politicians, who are "educated", I deem to be opportunists, in it for potential money and power.

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Yes…I agree 100%, but you’ve said it better than I did!! 🙏🏼

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Well put

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The word intelligence is key. It is hard to conceive that a large percentage of the US population is not truly interested in developing their intelligence and allow their actions to be guided by emotions. tRump, like Hitler was, is very good at appealing to emotions. I get where Trumpers are coming from. They lack interest, thus ability, to use logical thinking, to scrutinise a set of circumstances or issues, using reason and coming up with potential solutions. Logical thinkers gather all the information they can, assess the facts, and then methodically decide the best way to move forward

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This has been the evangelical plan since Ruby Bridges dared to go to a white school.

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I definitely agree. 👍

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And I’m older too! This is not the country I grew up in.

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Nor me either. It’s sick!

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But these people were always out there in the hinterlands of rightwing politics. RWNJ is not a new term. I had relatives in the 60's who handed out John Birch society claptrap printed on a mimeograph... Now, it moves at the speed of light. They think that because they get fed this stuff delivered right to their phones that it is the thought of the majority, when it is only selection bias on their parts. We are going to have to vote them down in November and for several more election cycles to drive them back under their wet rocks.

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Selection bias AND algorithms. The more you look at or search for something, the more it is fed to you.

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Yes. Please!

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Not here, not now and never, Sir.

Very well said.

Thank you

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DJT is a cancer on the American body politic that will only die when he does, and the sooner the better.

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The problem is that there are a lot of rich rethuglicans that are scared, and Orban (dictator of Hungary) went to DC after meeting tr*** in florida, and Orban met with these rich rethuglicans who want to make 'trumpism' an institution. The dictator didn't meet with any offical US people at all. These running-scared rich rethugs are really putting $$$ into this plan.

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75 going on 13 and still swinging a mean golf stick. Never grow old. Ever.

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Not ever!

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My goodness, stop with the talk of being old as being a sign of anything, especially that what we are surprised by is somehow more relevant because of our age.

In my opinion, kindergarteners are probably shocked that adults are such hypocrites and liars and call for violence to settle arguments and like the bully who does such horrible things and that the teacher (judiciary) can’t make him stop.

Our age really doesn’t matter. Mr. Rather is in his 90’s but that has absolutely nothing to do with why I respect him. Warren Buffett is older and that has nothing to do with why I’d let him invest my money.

I do understand that you mean to say that you’ve seen much but never expected to see this , but if Wei read history and traveled around I believe we wouldn’t be so surprised. American exceptionalism was an illusion.

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You are right about American exceptionally being an illusion. I have been teaching that at university since 1992. Old people sometimes know more if we put knowledge on top of knowledge. As a 69 year-old retired professor I have read way more than any 35 year-old could. Whether you think so or not research shows knowledge is cumulative.

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It is absolutely true that knowledge is cumulative. I am in total agreement with you except for the one point that sounds that if by not expecting to ever see this happening here you might not have thought it was possible. (I know you didn’t say that. I also never thought I’d see this and I don’t believe I am as educated or as well read as you, but I am not that surprised. Humanity includes many people. I never thought I would see survivors of the Holocaust go along with a siege that is causing mass starvation. Good people really need to stay vigilant and strong including against our own bad inclinations.

Thanks for discussing with me.

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I'm not totally surprised. But the Weimar Republic was a 12 year interlude in a German state, with the exception of a couple of city/states had been a monarchy with authoritarian Junker (landed) elites since the end of the Roman Empire. The USA had a least the cover of a democratic republic( I'm no way discounting slavery or native American genocide) for 240 years until we latched on to this authoritarian fantasy over the last eight years. I realized most of our citizens were less civically engaged ( less informed) than I had thought. Nice talking with you.

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We need to keep saying "not here, not now" or EVER!

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Hold on there Michael McGuire, don’t be speaking for all of us gals as old at 69!!!

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Thanks for making note of this:

"Trump looks politically weaker right now, but that is not necessarily a permanent condition. With the election still months away, we need to remind ourselves that everyone who cares about the country needs to pay attention and get involved."

We cannot afford to become complacent. Who knows what's going to get thrown our way? 2016 should serve as a very painful reminder.

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Yes I’m pretty sure that Russia is already involved because no one wants tfg back in power more than Putin.

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Who better qualified to help tRump, but convicted, (pardoned by the Orange Monster) Russian Operative, criminal, Paul Manaford. All far right, nativity, fascist rulers want tRump as president of the USA. The Orange Monster is willing to sell the country and his soul to be in power.

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Mar 19Edited
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Blueberry, the Biden administration did not and

still doesn’t have any “carte blanche” to give Netanyahu. Netanyahu & the Knesset make their own decisions. But I do know that according to several media outlets and some members of Congress, President Biden and Secretary Blinken have repeatedly urged restraint.

You say AIPAC silenced members of Congress—If you’re referring to the U.S.Congress, AIPAC can lobby members of Congress, but several members have not only urged Netanyahu to use restraint, they’ve also spoken against him as it became obvious he wasn’t using restraint and went back on his word to use only targeted strikes.

I don’t know about CNN, but MSNBC has many Muslim journalists, only one of whom has recently lost his job there. I think you must be joking about media censorship as well as “election interference” from Israel. There hasn’t been even a hint of election interference from Israel. On the other hand, election interference from Russia has been extensively documented.

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I too dislike the orange maggot and want Joe Biden (the best president for our time - ever), but let's be honest. Joe needs both Jewish and Arab American votes, Chuck's speech looks like part of a balancing act.

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Yes, at the beginning of the conflict when Biden visited Israel he publicly cautioned them against being “consumed” by rage and making the same mistakes the US made.

I suspect Israel is too busy with its in-fighting, trying to avoid having an early election & their propaganda / lobbying efforts to mess with our elections.

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Mar 19Edited
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As of yesterday Ali Velshi was still working at MSNBC! I always watch him along with the other great commentators on MSNBC. I don’t know what you are ranting about.

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Mar 19
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Almost all who comment here are strict party democrats who follow party line and cant objectively judge their own policies, so they hide behind Trump criticism.

Trump was elected because of corruption and mismanagment in government by BOTH PARTIES. He's a populist. How else could he have won. People voted for Trump in protest of the status quo.

You are very accurate, Blueberry, in your evaluation of the legistiature.

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Mar 19Edited
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Russia has already interfered with our elections and is continuing to do so.



I have not seen any evidence of concerted Israeli-government inspired election interference. Do you know of any? Russia, and with it, Iran, is instrumentalizing the crisis in the Israel/Palestine to try to divide us. We need to hold together and push back on that and continue to work to bring a solution to a part of the world where so many parties have an interest in perpetuating crisis. We owe it above all to the people who live and suffer there. Please take note of Senator Schumer's comments regarding the need for a two-state solution. This is long overdue, especially after tfg tried to end the two-state solution by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, among other things.

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President Biden is already doing what he can. In addition to air dropping supplies, he is pressuring Bibi. See https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/march-14-2024?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2

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Mar 19
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Correct again, Blueberry. Biden is doing everything he can to look good after making very bad decisions in both Ukraine and Gasa.

We need a "cease fire and negotiation" in both wars. There is a price to pay for killing no matter the reasons. Stop the killing or pay the price. We all know this! Politicians dont. Why?

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President Biden is doing all he can to reach an agreement with Israel and Hamas. Do not. forget that he cannot ORDER the Israeli government. Diplomacy is difficult. Also remember that there are many powerful Jewish people in America.

Balancing is a very difficult task. There is absolutely NOTHING you could offer me or threaten me with, including death, for which I would agree to spend ONE DAY, on President Biden's shoes. He does not get to decide ON HIS OWN.

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Well said, thank you

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He sometimes looks weak and sometimes strong, but always reprehensible.

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Yes, 2016 was a painful reminder. We must be vigilant and united and make sure that doesn't happen again.

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I’m sure there is more to come

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Trump has always managed to trick a lot of people into believing he is more successful than he is. Now that he has been caught, I’m wondering if at least some folks will realize how wrong they’ve been about him. I have my fingers crossed that enough will have that revelation to his defeat and Biden’s win.

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We can but hope! I cannot believe people believe anything he says...if his mouth is moving he is LYING

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Either lying or talking gibberish, these days.

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Yes, he is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. He lies compulsively, hoping that it will be to his benefit. He lies even when it s not necessary, to boost his own ego.

If I had a magic wand, and could get the whole press of the world to not utter or print his name for at least 24 hours, but preferably for a WHOLE WEEK, my guess is that he would go totally insane ( more so than he already is) and would work himself into a breakdown. (If only!)

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The orange grifter is being out played by the US legal system.

And conservatives are fickle about wanting the “strongest dog” leading their power structures.

Biden is slow, plodding, and elderly. But he’s obviously not suddenly $486 Million short, and the criminal trials are still to come.

Makes me wonder if RFK or even Nikki Haley might start looking vote-able to significant numbers of moderate Republicans.

I know the Trump Family owns and runs the RNC - which adds weight on a fascist Trump as the only candidate.

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Biden is neither slow or plodding. Have you been following what he's accomplished? His energy, his vision? Wow. He's been one of the most effective presidents the country has had.

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I agree there is nothing wrong with Biden, and those who say so are only buying into the propaganda! He’s just fine. It’s called ageism and it’s poison.

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Absolutely. We age at different rates. Some of us are old in our 50s while others remain vigorous and active into our 90s. While aging is what we all go through, how we "count" the process is a human construct.

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Biden is just fine in my book, a great president except for Gaza.

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Yes, thank you for saying that!

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He’s boring because he’s working, doing his job for us

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and Biden is very, very patient. He was in Congress for so long that he knows what it takes to pass legislation. He hasn’t been 100% successful, but

he’s done a lot that will benefit ordinary Americans.

Republicans do whatever they can to benefit corporations and the rich…probably because they

get large campaign donations (aka bribes) from corporations and the rich.

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Valid point. That would be my main concern for Biden. Kennedy and the others Independent candidates, running against Biden, must drop out of this election. If they don't, Trump would win. This election is to critical.

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Hope so!

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Only if they are self reflective. Better for their own sense of self worth to hang on to the maggot. Hard to admit you’ve been “had” and Trump and his followers never apologize, never say they are wrong. Their mantra.

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My question is this: Will red states count votes honestly and with integrity? It seems doubtful.

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I'm guessing that some states will make attempts to change the vote, should Biden garner more votes. It depends on the integrity of those who oversee the process.

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No poll or court judgement or even felony conviction will save us. We all have to do our part to save our democracy. Donate, write letters/postcards, and/or make phone calls to voters if you can. We need all hands on deck this election and no one who cares about freedom can sit this one out. We are all busy and often overwhelmed but if we each do a little something it will add up to something big in November.

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Jason. yes! ... And help register like-minded voters. And knock on doors -- found to be the most highly effective way of making a difference.

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I did it, and I'm an introvert.

Also ... We don't knock on Republican doors. If you join Swing Left, they use an app that let's you know who in each home is registered by political party, name, age, and gender. If the app says that the man is Republican and the woman is Democrat, and the man opens the door, then you ask to speak to the woman (by her name) -- if she is not home, you simply tell the man, "I'll come back another time. Have a good day." No one is trying to change the mind of a Republican -- we know they have been brainwashed by Fox News and that is a waste of time.

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BM in some ways you’re right. Ever since the Supreme Court allowed Citizens United into our lives, money has been a big issue. Prior to that, candidates had to go by the skin of their teeth. But to not vote is not exercising your rights. We are still a free country where we can express ourselves per the First Amendment. We may not like what is being said but we have the right to protest the verbiage, the accusation. It’s democracy or dictatorship in this election. That’s what it boils done to.

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Thanks for that info

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Mar 19
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My parents also were of different parties. Neither of them would change their parties and how they voted. Except when it came to Trump. My mom told my dad that he had better not vote for Trump, and he didn't.

Still, it is not time-efficient to speak (and argue) with Republicans. The most effective method is to encourage the registered Democrats to get out to vote. Democrats tend to be mellow and stay home without voting. There are more Democrats than Republicans. We just need Democrats to get to the polls.

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And work on the Independents, a larger majority than either Party.

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Mar 19
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Well, that's a shame to sit out the election. Trump is clearly a criminal -- just look at all his court cases -- and a threat to the country's continued democracy. The choice is very clear.

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Be wary of knocking on doors in Texas- too many trigger happy, insecure folks.

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Amen to that Cindy. Say the word Democrat and they will use the 'Castle Doctrine' defense for giving you 'lead poisoning'.. 'Don't Tread On Me' and 'Don't mess With Texas' flags pepper my neighborhood. And I live in a progressive city. The word Democrat is fightin' words here.

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Don’t forge the ‘Come and Take It’ crowd south of Austin.

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Same in Az just beware

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Unfortunately true.

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You got that right! I know because I live in Texas unfortunately 👎🙄

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I did some door knocking here in Scottsdale a few years ago, and let’s just say I’m glad my husband was with me.

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That’s why we have to frame this election as more than just Trump v. Biden. It’s Trump v. Freedom. It’s Trump v. Your Freedoms.

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So true...but may I take it a bit further? It's:

DEMOCRACY v. autocracy.

Heather Cox Richardson, a well-respected history professor, writes and records a daily blog-vlog. Yesterday she addressed the way way way far-right 2025 plan. Terrifying! Look into it if you're not familiar with it.

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Familiar with Project 2025 and read HCR everyday. Suggest you read David Pepper on SubStack for similar lines of thought.

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I am now subscribed to David Pepper's blog/blog. Thank again for pointing me in his direction.

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Will do! Thanks for the heads up!

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Yes , it is frightening. We have to be united and keep moving forward by helping President Biden be re-elected this November. We are in the battle of our life's for our freedom and our Democracy.

Failure isn't an option.

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That’s true but “freedom” is the product of a true democracy. I think mentioning “freedoms” is important. People these days cannot define autocracy. Neither can they define democracy or respond “we have a republic.” It was losing freedoms that brought out voters in those 7 states (which included ‘red’ states) to defeat anti-abortion ballot initiatives.

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Familiar with Project 2025 and read HCR everyday. Suggest you read David Pepper on SubStack for similar lines of thought.

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And #votebluetosaveamerica

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I donate

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Me too. I've done postcards in the past as well, and phone banks ages ago before robocalls.

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Yes Jason, but democracy won't be fixed today. Let's enjoy the moment, shall we?

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Certainly we should enjoy the wins, just noting that our ultimate victory will come mostly from our hard work and not external factors.

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Jason, You put that beautifully and you are absolutely correct. Thank you for saying it. It can't be said often enough. The good news is that there are so many wonderful pro-democracy groups out there. Working together and holding our leaders and our institutions accountable is what democracy is about.

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Yes it will. This is too important of an election for us not to get involved.

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The local level of our wins is very, very important

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I’ll be honest. The thought of Trump getting back in the White House again is terrifying.

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Jan I feel exactly the same. Iam so afraid of that. I'm scared of the electoral vote. What if they vote for that sick man in again omg I can't think about it

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No this isn't the time to feel scared. The majority of us in this country believe in Democracy. Please don't forget that. We must continue to be positive and motivate people to vote. Nothing is in impossible.

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Thank you for this you have lifted my spirits!!!!

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You're welcome.

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Occasionally, I have to step away from the news. I'll scan headlines to stay in the loop, but it does provide some temporary relief from the severe anxiety.

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Don't follow the news! please!! If you don't already, follow Dr. Heather Richardson, she's a historian who writes about what's going on, provides links, and tells it like it is. Richardson, Rather and Reich are the ones you should follow. <3

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Already follow them, and for a biting, satirical, look at the news with links and great writing, I also recommend Wonkette. Also, Charlie Pierce from Esquire is a national treasure, a longtime journalist/columnist with an encyclopedic knowledge of history.

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Yes, I don't listen to the regular channels myself. Only MSNBC.

I do agree, the news does have an tendency of giving you anxiety. I am greatful for Mr. Rather newsletters and Heather Cox Richardson newsletters because the media is owned by ceo's corporations who support Trump. Half of the time thier feeding you propaganda and lies.

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Same here

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Your terror is warranted, so let's double down on taking action to ensure that doesn't happen.

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Yes, let's remember that fear is their main tactic that they used against the people. Be strong and vote!!!

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"Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.” ~ D. Trump

This is a call to his wackjob supporters to be ultra-violent if he does not win. We know this is what he did prior to, and the day of January 6th.

I can't believe he's allowed to run for office at this point. If he gets into office again, we are all screwed - and even though his supporters don't seem to know it, they are too. I pray often that he will be put in a place where he is unable to run for President at all; whether it's in a jail cell or below the grass, I could care a less. He should not be allowed to run for President, period.

And I won't stop till he's gone. I won't quite till he's lost and I REFUSE to give up hope that he will lose this election big time and that someday he will FINALLY be held accountable for his actions.

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what you said. I'm with you.

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It's now totally up to democracy -- to all voters -- to end this reign of terror once and for all. The tr*** appointees have all said so by cutting him slack. It will be a reminder of who is in charge of the government -- US !

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Good for you! That's the Sprite to have. Fear and words are just tactics that Trump and his mega Republican party used to scare people.

Unfortunately we have people in this country that are weak minded.

But the majority of us who believe in Democracy, know better. We will this election and Biden will be re-elected for President in November.

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Don't give up hope. Just keep working hard to make sure that doesn't happen. Recognize the fear, but remember it will paralyze you if you give in to it. And that is exactly what goons like Trump & Co. want.

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MaryAnn your words energize !!!!

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The fact that he's even allowed to run tells me our country is already broken. Beyond repair? We've yet to see.

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Trump is NOT a "billionaire". Trump barely obtained a bond to cover a $91M judgement. Everything he says, is a lie.

In the meantime, he is having to cut back on campaign appearances. Why? Because his fundraising is down, way down.

It seems businesses finally learned, you cannot take Trump at his word. When will MAGA? Perhaps they are starting to see him for what he is, a FRAUD, and NYC Huckster playing them for rubes.

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Turned down by thirty bonding companies. Good! Maybe the financiers and insurers are finally seeing him as the grifter deadbeat he really is. Not surprised a lot of these companies have $100 million as their upper limit on bonds, especially when they have to cough it up if losing on appeal. Can’t see any of them wanting to back a loser.

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trump is a gambler.

He gambles with $ and with democracy... under assumption that everything has a price.

He gambles with people... wives, women/his victims... and certainly with the courts (judges, justices), his base and in business (anyone wanting a ride on coattails or a favor).

Bluffing, huffing & puffing is the life of a gambler.

But lives are lost in that gamble. Actual lives and injuries.

1/6 could happen again, as he is roaming around the world.

Gambling of his kind- on a global scale- will become terrorism.

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Think he is just trying to get a better deal? Only suckers take the first offer. Everything isi negotiable. If I plead I can't raise the amount "suggested" as a bond while I appeal, am saying I don't have the resources or just trying to get a better rate/price/bond level? Some things aren't what they look like to normal people. I suspect he really is strapped, but has a dollar figure in mind for when his appeal goes south.

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of course his every judgement will be responded to by delay & (plea to) decrease.

But showing his hand by wanting to use a bond... after stating he had millions that were in cash. He has multiple judgements so far, and more to come.

We'll see, if ANY other company wants to have the historical corporate legacy of footing criminal behavior.

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But Lara sent an email...she posted on xitter and pravda that she sent it...what do you mean fundraising is down?! 😉

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I'm angry at, and perplexed by, people who who consider trump and President Biden in pretty much the same light. I mean, HOW? They don't like the choices. Okay. But they surely cannot fully comprehend what trumplicanism is threatening. Either vote to reelect Joe Biden and count your blessings or be prepared to permanently exist in a totalitarian state. Now how hard is the choice between trump and Biden?

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Scary isn't it.

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It sure is

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I hate the horse race coverage of this election but it’s nice to see it’s finally neck and neck. Ima go back to ignoring the polls. Vote blue

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You are hitting the nail on the head about most of the problem with the media, imho. The horse race coverage is always done by the media as if the race itself is the story instead of the candidates and the future. The media understands the horse rave aspect, as it easier to cover than issues and truths about our brittle democracy.

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Look to who owns the media

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Thank you Dan for your explanation and counsel. We all need it at this point🙏🏼☮️

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Lies and delays are the foundation of how trump has operated for decades. But getting caught was never part of the equation. Becoming president was a blessing, and a curse. A blessing because it truly put him on the international stage more so than his television persona. A curse, because now the country, and the world sees what a true conman he is, and is being defended by a cult following, and a political party desperate to keep power.

This will not end well for him, provided that the justice system deals with him correctly, and those of us wise enough to see, will vote in huge, historical numbers in November.

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Well said!

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Apparently the “ stable genius” is reaping what he sowed!

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Stable genius? The only stable where he could possibly be a genius might be a horse stable and that’s debatable. Trump is not bright just mean.

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Please do not make the mistake of underestimating this maggot. He's no intellectual, nor does he have the qualifications nor experience to be President, but he's cunning. His standup routine gets them laughing. People like those who make them laugh. They think he likes them, and will vote for him.

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So true, it seems we’ ve learned nothing fr history! Also our educational system seems to be a failure! Nobody studies history anymore they call it “Social Studies “ now. Social studies was something I studied in grade school. It was about other cultures then. What is it now? I loved history class, it’s not or shouldn’t be all about memorizing dates!

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Someone posted a wonderful utube in the comments section last week of President Biden working with a boy who stutters. He works with 25 kids who stutter. That utube has stuck with me and made me proud of our President all weekend. There is simply no comparison between these two men and I will continue to do whatever I can to reelect President Biden for another term. Experience, ability, and common decency mean a lot more than money.

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I saw that it was so touching. My daughter and I watched it together and I told her That this is the President of the United States..our president.

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Hear hear!!! I was similarly moved by the video. He’s a decent man and I want four more years of his career for our country.

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Oops…four more years of his CARE for our country.

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No one causes more humiliation to others than Trump. I doubt he ever feels humiliation. He just dishes it out.

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When he is humiliated, he responds with anger. He has no poker face. Few times on Letterman, he clearly hated being the butt of jokes 😂

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I am a very young at heart 77 and raised in a Republican family where I am sure my dead parents/grandparents/aunts and uncles are all turning over in their graves at what has happened to our country since the T man got in to the White House. NOT HERE - NOT NOW - NOT EVER. We cannot let him return to our government except to go to a prison.

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Will be 77 this year; I'm another "boomer" who will vote blue all the way.

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Mar 18Edited

Everything about this situation smells. It has become impossible for me to trust or believe in anything MAGA or Trump. The games being played behind the scenes here are dangerous and destructive to all of us.

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