Governor Abbot should be ashamed of himself.

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Stunts by Abbot and DeSantis to vilify immigrants and bus them to "blue" states and cities are clearly playing politics with people's lives - but they're working. Democrats are acting like deer in the headlights just wringing their hands. Where's the strong offense? Where's the push for DACA legalization that huge % of Americans support? Where's Biden's use of Executive Action that accomplishes both actual and political results?

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Enforce the Law! If you don’t support or like the law then change it. If you can’t change it, change parties!

Part fact, part joke!

S. Charles

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People who drag children into a deep, rapidly flowing river at night need to go to prison, and the politicians that encourage them need to share the cell next to them.

Why doesn't Mexico erect great big signs with red lettering "¡Peligro! Corriente fuerte; aguas profundas. Muchos se han ahogado aquí. No intente cruzar."?

Why doesn't that scumbag Mayorkas put some on the US side?

They don't care about these people. It's all a game to them.

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Thank God for Abbot. He's providing leadership, and carrying out his sworn duty to protect the people of Texas. He also gives courage to Governors like mine, in South Carolina, to take the steps the feckless federal government won't do.

Big 10 gallon hat off to Greg Abbot!

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Must oust Abbott and his crew! They are admitting to causing the death of people.

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It is so shameful when greedy politicians play politics with the lives of real people. Shame on Abbott and all those who acceded to his inhumane actions!

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How bereft of humanity are you to say out loud, in the presence of live microphones, that were it not for being charged with murder, this would be a legitimate option to you? I am dumbfounded, chilled, and sad beyond belief that this is where we are in 2024, in America. This is not who we are. Or should not be.

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I beleiveTrump is using the immigrants as cover for people he is bringing in to use against us. Closing this park insures his people are able to cross.

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Dan, this one is on Abbot he comes across as a terrible person and horrible leader.

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Great article. So sad for the lost lives. Using the poor as pawns is horrific. Solve the border issues now.

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Late coming to this piece. This is ridiculous, a state denying Federal access. It doesn't work this way. Abbott is out of control. The callousness of TX is beyond comprehension.

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Make border security tighter ... ... by all means. Process them faster ...; send them back faster.... Discourage them long before they leave their home countries. But it's WRONG to let them drown, if you could have saved them. Also, it's WRONG to split children from their parents - the previous administration used to do that! Let us be humane and civilized in enforcing our laws.

Half the time those who did my tree work - brought down and disposed of 90-100 ft trees skillfully without a crane, for a reasonable charge, were Latin American immigrants. Those who replaced my roof, under the supervision of Anglo-Saxon/Irish Americans, were Latin American immigrants. So, there must be a demand for their labor in our country. Let's, humanely and rationally, restrict and regulate immigration -- not make absurd claims like, 'they are poisoning our BLOOD!'

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Such a sad story- all of it surrounding the drownings and what will come after them. Republicans will politicize this to the max. The solution for me and many people I know is to VOTE BLUE always!!

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“…Abbott, never one to miss an opportunity to politicize tragedy…” Abbott is responsible for those lives lost, and his behavior and values are repugnant.

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He’s a practicing Catholic-would be interesting to get his priest’s opinion-his human opinion.

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Don't worry, God will give him what he deserves.....

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Pat, I agree that the southern border problems encompass more than one administration, and the extreme Democratic left wing has always viewed South American immigration (not just Mexican) as a potential source of future votes. In the larger scheme of things the USA requires a reasonable and fair immigration policy consistent with, although not identical to, the policies utilized in the 19th and early 20th century. The USA has always benefitted from competent, hard working immigrants and can do so in the future. Wide open, uncontrolled immigration, especially given the existence of terrorism we now face, is undesirable and not consistent with what we have done in the past. To the extent that President Biden or the Democrat left wing extremists wish to promote unrestricted immigration from South America oppose it - but neither do I agree with the near total immigration bans voiced by the MAGA extremists, including Trump. A large problem at present is the Republican extremists (and I am a long time Republican) who wish to tie immigration reform to support for Ukraine, Israel and other matters. That may or may not be effective politics from a party standpoint, but it does a serious disservice to our country - and that is NOT GOOD CITIZENSHIP from any point of view.

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