Navalny's death is an amoral (as Dan stated) crime ordered by despotic Putin. According to the Oscar winning documentary "Navalny", another reason he gave for going back was that he couldn't expect others who were in country to keep up the effort, while he remained elsewhere. He left little question that he knew what was likely in store …
Navalny's death is an amoral (as Dan stated) crime ordered by despotic Putin. According to the Oscar winning documentary "Navalny", another reason he gave for going back was that he couldn't expect others who were in country to keep up the effort, while he remained elsewhere. He left little question that he knew what was likely in store for him, and I feel somewhat consoled by that; but I still just hoped and believed he would emerge free and full of voice. I feel he would have accomplished much of what he set out to do if he'd had more runway, and I'm haunted by the footage of him running, a solitary figure making tracks in the snow.
Navalny's death is an amoral (as Dan stated) crime ordered by despotic Putin. According to the Oscar winning documentary "Navalny", another reason he gave for going back was that he couldn't expect others who were in country to keep up the effort, while he remained elsewhere. He left little question that he knew what was likely in store for him, and I feel somewhat consoled by that; but I still just hoped and believed he would emerge free and full of voice. I feel he would have accomplished much of what he set out to do if he'd had more runway, and I'm haunted by the footage of him running, a solitary figure making tracks in the snow.