Books have and will be written on this topic. World hegemony moves around. If we consider the arrogance of the Monroe Doctrine and our enforcement of same, does China have the same "right" to control its sphere of influence? I am just asking; I have no answer.
The US is very short-sighted when it does diplomacy, which is not often of lat…
Books have and will be written on this topic. World hegemony moves around. If we consider the arrogance of the Monroe Doctrine and our enforcement of same, does China have the same "right" to control its sphere of influence? I am just asking; I have no answer.
The US is very short-sighted when it does diplomacy, which is not often of late. Generally, diplomacy consists of demanding what we want and expecting the other(s) to agree. If not, threaten sanctions or military action. I doubt that many of the current State Dept. members have a strong understanding of Chinese history or of how they look at the long view for planning. More like a game of checkers vs a game of Go.
China is in a strong nationalistic frame of mind. The leader wants to be leader for life I think. He wants to see China as THE preeminent power in the world. I believe that this can be tempered short of war with careful quid pro quos and few threats, something not seen under Trump. I also think that cooperation is vitally important in climate issues, economic issues, and in moving into space. Think of what could be accomplished in colonization through cooperation rather than competition.
Not going to happen with white supremacists running things.
“does China have the same "right" to control its sphere of influence? I am just asking; I have no answer”
This is exactly what Putin is saying about Ukraine. There are historical ties between the two countries. What real interest or ties does the US have to Ukraine?
If war comes over Taiwan or Ukraine can it be limited to tactical nukes? Or will WW-3 follow as sure as sunset follows sunrise?
Books have and will be written on this topic. World hegemony moves around. If we consider the arrogance of the Monroe Doctrine and our enforcement of same, does China have the same "right" to control its sphere of influence? I am just asking; I have no answer.
The US is very short-sighted when it does diplomacy, which is not often of late. Generally, diplomacy consists of demanding what we want and expecting the other(s) to agree. If not, threaten sanctions or military action. I doubt that many of the current State Dept. members have a strong understanding of Chinese history or of how they look at the long view for planning. More like a game of checkers vs a game of Go.
China is in a strong nationalistic frame of mind. The leader wants to be leader for life I think. He wants to see China as THE preeminent power in the world. I believe that this can be tempered short of war with careful quid pro quos and few threats, something not seen under Trump. I also think that cooperation is vitally important in climate issues, economic issues, and in moving into space. Think of what could be accomplished in colonization through cooperation rather than competition.
Not going to happen with white supremacists running things.
Fareed has a special on Sunday night—it helps understanding some of the dynamics….highly recommend viewing!
“does China have the same "right" to control its sphere of influence? I am just asking; I have no answer”
This is exactly what Putin is saying about Ukraine. There are historical ties between the two countries. What real interest or ties does the US have to Ukraine?
If war comes over Taiwan or Ukraine can it be limited to tactical nukes? Or will WW-3 follow as sure as sunset follows sunrise?
Scary thought.