I loved this story about the Blind Boys of Alabama told with such eloquence and grace. I view journalism at this level as an art form. Steady helps me find balance in these conflicted days. Thank you so much and I hope there are other gifted journalists following in your footsteps.

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Thank you Dan and Elliot for the introduction to these great musicians who made the best of their lives and gave their all to the world.

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Nothing better for a Christmas week when the world seems overwhelmed. Angels in the heavens; prophets in our midst. And everywhere, people keep singing. Thanks to all, every one of us.

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ALWAYS enjoy your pieces, current and past. I am a fan from childhood, though did not have TV throughout most of my life (including now). I have listened to you, Dan, on the radio, and I think I may have been in high school when I first saw your face on the news. My attitude took a sour turn when you “disappeared” from mainstream media. I gained some perspective I hope, yet was thrilled when you started STEADY. Along with Elliot, you are contributing so much of what has been a shrinking art. I am forever grateful.

Almost forgot - I too have enjoyed the BBoA since junior high 💙.

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We lived in the Northeast and my dad listened to them and I liked their music too.

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I was so lucky to see them in Las Vegas several years ago. Entire audience up on their feet swaying and singing. Didn’t matter if you were religious, the spirit of that music made you move!

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This made my day!! So impressed with these fine men. So wish more men were like them. Our country would not have the problems we have today.

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Thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed that.

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Love those Blind Boys - have seen them twice and they sure put on a great show - so uplifting and inspiring !

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Loved watching how a group of men working and living the past 60+ years together. There's still hope for America yet!

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That was great! And so positive and sweet, if you will. These boys-to-men persevered and continued on their path with a hope we all should know.

Thank you, Dan and Elliot, for this smile.

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Thank you for introducing me to The Blind Men Alabama! I had never heard of them at any time throughout my 77 yeas. What a joy to discover something new, like a shiny new present under the tree!

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Thank you, Dan. And, Merry Christmas!

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Thank you Dan and Elliot, this was so beautiful. Much love towards these beautiful men.

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Thank you for sharing this great story. And Merry Christmas to you both. May 2022 be a year of hope for all of us

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Thank you for sharing! What a beautiful story about three beautiful souls. This leaves me inspired during this difficult holiday season.

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