SMFH over how ignorant this bunch is. Why should we even have science if know one is going to believe it.

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It all depends on who you want to protect.

If you want to protect the pathogens, then of course you are against vaccination. How do you expect the pathoegens to freely multiply, if they keep running into vaccinated potential hosts ?

Of course, most would prefer to protect the population.

In that case, vaccination wins hands down.

As it should be.

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This is a threat to children life's and if it's not contained, we will have a plague that would kill thousands of people. I remember when Trump was president in 2017. He was warned about covid 19 but failed not to take it seriously. He thought it was an hoax. There were over 1 million people who died from covid . Thank God, President Biden worked with Dr. Fauci.

It's unfortunate and unacceptable that RFK JR'S ignorance jades his judgment for vaccines. He is not a specialist nor does he have a degree in studying viruses. What a tragedy this is.

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It is beyond belief what is happening in this country. We are no longer the United States; we need to change the name of the country to Trump -Land. If the Republicans and the courts are all dedicated to Donald Trump, we need to just give up and realize the culling of people who are not rich, who are not white, who are not straight and who are not religious is inevitable. Disease worked great in our war with the native Americans, so it should help to get rid of some of the Trump undesirables. Unfortunately, a few Magas are going to take a hit or die, but that is just collateral damage that comes with the territory.

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Thanks for another great article to keep us informed. I also read somewhere that they stopped the research on this year's strains of the flu shot. They also fired fda officials responsible for the safety on medical devices. Me ,my daughter ,and 4 year old grandson have pacemakers. Now I have to worry if there is a recall etc . Will we know? Will faulty pacemakers get through. I so long for the Biden presidency when I felt safe and protected.

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Thank you for your commitment to see the truth presented to the public. RFK, Jr. peddling harmful lies is bad news any way you look at it, but the celebrity know nothings who chime in with their ill informed opinion presented as fact is utterly reprehensible and repulsive. If these idiotic narcissists cannot be part of the solution, they might do well to button their lips and avoid adding to the problems we’re already facing.

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Where our times find us. A Nation, without truth.

Without truth, real knowledge can’t be absorbed.

You are simply being indoctrinated. And positioned to be a mark, or a member of a cult. And deprived of your individual freedoms, and subsequently the freedoms of others.

The really important component of freedom involves truth.

From truth, flows knowledge.

From knowledge, in most (non-narcissistic/non-psychotic humans) will flow empathy.

And from empathy, selflessness.

Without selflessness, humanity would not have progressed to today.

History is replete with freedom fighters whose selfless sacrifices have paved the road of freedoms we ALL use and hold dear today. Even amongst those who today, disassemble the truth, for their own nefarious purposes.

Those freedom fighters are too innumerable to list, but for a stark visual representation, observe the undulating rows of gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery.

In science, whose truths have enabled 8 billion lives to be realized on our planet, see the wheel, fire, penicillin, electricity, contraception, vaccines, agriculture, and other sciences without which, we’d still be hunter gatherers.

In politics, whose truths have also been vital to humanity’s prosperity, Cleisthenes then later Euripides, and other ancient Athenian Greeks were the forefathers of democracy, even at risk of death for their truthful observations. Britain’s Charter of Liberties, then their Magna Carta, the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the American Civil War, WWI and WWII have all been events whose truths dramatically advanced humanity forward towards prosperity.

And individuals, Pythagorus, Cyrus the Great, our founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Jonas Salk, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur, Faraday, Kepler, Newton, Carver, and more, brought their truths of morals, and science to light and to bear, to advance humanity.

Trump, the GOP, and MAGA are untrustworthy liars. Propagandists. Traitors to our Constitution and Nation. Criminals and grifters.

Where our times find us. A Nation without truth.

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I have one better.When a newly pregnant Mom goes to her first OB-GYN appointment,one of the first things routinely done is loads of blood work.One of the things they are looking for is immunity to Rubella,aka German Measles(back in the day they were called"Three-day Measles").The reason why is this completely preventable disease is dangerous to pregnancy and causes miscarriage.

So apparently this isn't a problem now?Maybe not,but at this rate,all jokes aside,it will potentially soon become one that will give these idiot antivazzers pause.Are we going to lock women up over not being immune to something she's not going to be allowed to be vaccinated against?Where does all this stupid shit end y'all?

These dumb idiots make my head hurt.

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Also caused by first trimester exposure to German measles blindness, deafness and fetal anomalies.

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Thanks for this info.In this era of having routine vaccines and it being a normal thing to keep ourselves healthy and in turn others healthy as well,we haven't had worries like this.

Many,many people have no idea that those diseases killed and caused lifelong issues to millions of people,before vaccines wiped all this out.We take this for granted.But people like RFK Jr.want to reverse all this,with disputed and debunked evidence,and lies to us saying the disease is worse than the cure.Don't you believe it!!That junk science is a lie of the Devil!And these lies are dangerous and hazardous to our health.

Don't let the antivaxxers be the only ones who are being heard,we need to keep real and truthful information out there to keep saving lives.Vaccines save lives,and they always have.

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I will never forgive or forget.

Once I respected America, as an ally, home to some of my family, home to some of my business associates, and a country that set a high standard for helping keep Russia in check up to including Germany being reunited. I have lost all of that respect for everyone south of the border who are sitting on their hands and watching the most vile of men work their dirty deeds.

A lifetime of respect lost because of the Trump family and their enablers, rich and poor. America will pay an awful price in the months and years to come. I am old enough and travelled well enough and have read much.

There is a reckoning coming fast for America.

The tipping point has past.

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I would argue that not only is tRump responsible for this child’s death through his proliferation of outright lies about every stinking thing, so is RFK and the Republican weasels in the Senate who confirmed him. They’ll never own it, but it is all their responsibility. 💔🤬

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I truly appreciate what you are telling us but it is also coming to us from other sources. I feel we need you to try and find people who can direct us and help the common people to stand up to this tragedy of trump. You are not reaching MAGA people, nor Republicans. The longer nothing is done the worse it will get. The democrats are not doing enough (or in my true opinion nothing). The 2026 elections are coming up and do the democrats think people will vote for them? We need true leaders to help us do whatever it legally takes to fight this mayhem. There have to be people in this country that are visible and people will follow. I wish musicians, actors, good and honest representatives of our country, anyone with good charisma (not bad charisma like trump) would stand up and lead us. We need guidance not the horrors of what are going on. I'm hoping Steady understands what I'm saying and work to leading not talking. I appreciate your hard work, but please try a different road.

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God help us. As an acute care nurse practitioner, I believe evidence based knowledge is essential for safe and up to date delivery of healthcare.

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Looks like we're headed for a perfect health disaster storm just like with COVID.

Our poor Country is lurching from one disaster to another. God help us all.

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Disbelief. Outrage. Overwhelmed. Frustrated. Impotent. All of those emotions and so much vacillation. And from Letters from an American - by Heather Cox Richardson's post dated 2/27/2025 this: Yesterday the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) abruptly canceled a scheduled meeting to select the strains of flu to be included in next season’s vaccines. This year’s flu season has been severe: according to NBC News health and medical reporter Berkeley Lovelace Jr., 86 children and 19,000 adults so far have died from the flu this year and 430,000 adults have been hospitalized. On February 20, Lovelace reported that a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, scheduled for February 26–28, was cancelled. [end quote]

The atmospheric effect makes the reality of this administration's charade worse: cavalier, dismissive, contemptuous, disdainful, scornful, smearing, snide... My stomach roils and wants to turn itself inside out. And the worst of it all is how many lives, individual people with families who are counting on them, are going to be ruined...before being reported as mere numbers in the tally. The fallout out will elude all statistical analysis for impact. And not only for our time.

As sure as I know the sun will rise again tomorrow I know that "this too shall pass" but that knowledge doesn't tamp my incredulity! "Perfect Storm" might provide a starting point to list the factors that went into the "buy in" for this election result, but it would require an entire treatise to flesh out how analytics, money, and evil intent have managed to scrape the bottom of this burned out pit of humanity and secrete the foulest of human waste. What we are witnessing represents all the effects that come from complete absence of good. Hatred, bigotry, bias and a complete lack of regard not even bothering to masquerade. Disgusting. Vile. Sickening.

But I agree with you Mr. Rather that it doesn't call for hopelessness. I am simply being honest when I say I am heartsick.

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"...the 'buy in' for this election result....would require an entire treatise to flesh out how analytics, money, and evil intent..."

Not to mention, Muck's little army of hackers and also GOP operatives' access to election systems.

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If the country is in chaos, noone is paying attention to him, right?

Wrong, we are, no matter what happens to us.

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add to this AM

story on the death of big cats at a zoo and the ever morphing of the bird flu..we all mind as well call the mortuary and make a reservation

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