I support Biden - he is a wise and caring man who is trying so hard to keep the USA a democratic country. For all of you whining about his age - where are the younger more viable democrats?? So far no-one has filed to run that could be a good leader. Suggestions of who could run in his place???

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Dan, at 91 years old, I'm your junior at 81 and vividly remember the Truman vs. Dewey election. I've observed numerous national elections, though not as many as you. From my vantage point, it seems that likability, regardless of how it's defined, wields a significant influence on the outcome—perhaps more than policies, which one would assume to be the paramount factor. Likability, whether we appreciate it or not, often takes center stage.

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The thing I've realized is that Biden SERIOUSLY needs to invest himself in voice coaching. I understand that he used to speak with a stutter, and kudos to him on overcoming that. I understand that the fact he used to stutter is often connected to how he speaks now. I'm not in the least a speech pathologist but that makes sense.

Regardless, though, his mumbling is significant. Things like failing to enunciate and as a result saying "presdent" instead of the full three syllable word. I guess it might not be obvious, but speaking as he does results in deepening the perception that Biden is too old to function as he needs to. It would be only a perception but in politics that can be everything.

If Biden could overcome this problem I believe a lot of his detractors, as well as those who doubt or are unsure of him, would see his strengths and significant achievements for what they are. As things stand now, though, Biden unfortunately comes across as less than focused and clear-headed.

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For those of us who admire Pres Biden because he is a known commodity and he is STEADY. Much like this column and writer. Trustworthy. Speak the truth. These are qualities that are desirable in politics far more than who can't be the greatest- the greatest con man - the greatest liar - the greatest at rabble rousing. It's a very long list. As for physical fitness - no comparison. We have summertime who clearly watched his diet instead of a pile of hamburgers and fries and rides a bicycle instead of a golf cart. The trumpets are clearly disillusioned in comparing mental, physical or psychological fitness of tRump vs Biden.

And Biden attributes hold STEADY vs other GOP candidates as well.

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No, sir- I would love to see him retire from politics with grace and dignity.

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It’s not a real question of his age, it’s a question of once again the news media is promoting Donald Trump over everyone else as if a criminal,convicted criminal by the way, facing 91 indictments or rather 91 charges should even run again it’s not whether Biden should run again Mr Rather but whether Trump should be allowed by law to run again you just bought into the old age thing. I guess you might be feeling your age, I get that but I just buried a 94-year-old woman in April that could’ve taken on the world.

That said, where would we have been if we hadn’t had Biden for these last three years just wear with this country and Ukraine in NATO be if we didn’t have Joe Biden I’m sorry he earned deserves and will do fine for the next four years. And if Kamala hast to take over Gen X will just go absolutely crazy they love her young people love, Kamala. Old white media is trying to bury her.

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Of all the millions of brilliant and politically savy Americans (Mayb that’s a high estimate) why can’t we find someone who could beat Trump hands down and continue to guide our country on the right path?

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because there isn't yet a younger democrat with national recognition and no skeletons in their closet. 2028 will be the passing of the baton to next generation. I like Shapiro, Newsom, Buttileig, Whitmer, and now Crocket. We will be awash in great dem candidates. GOP? I can't think of one that hasn't bought into the Big Lie and is considered a serious candidate for president.

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Agree with all your comments. I will support Biden and frankly anyone that can beat Trump.

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President Biden has restored order to the executive branch and presided over the nation’s recovery from the pandemic. Inflation appears to be moderating and unemployment is low. Contrast this with Trump’s chaotic Presidency, incompetent handling of the pandemic, and relentless efforts to undermine the rule of law. An aging Biden is better than a slightly younger Trump who’s declared an all-out war on democracy and the rule of law. Ideally Biden’s VP would have earned the confidence of the American people. Let’s remember that George H.W. Bush had Dan Quayle…

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I see it as an aging Biden and an aging dementia riddled Trump. 3 years at that age are not enough to consider Trump young, by any means. And his evident problem remembering who people are and inability to complete sentences that are coherent.

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I had to think about this a couple of days. I am very annoyed that Dan Rather, who is 11 years older than Joe Biden, casts doubt on Biden's ability based on age. Biden is doing a phenomenal job. Biden answered the call to save our country from wannabe dictator Trump instead of sitting back to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Note that Rather is keeping at his own trade in spite of age. The Democrats have a deep bench so no matter what happens we are covered. Biden had the courage & wisdom to take on Trump, to unite & reinforce NATO against Putin, to support Ukraine, to remake the US economy by investing in middle class jobs. Show some respect. Biden/Harris 2024.

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I am 90 years old with vitality and alertness. I consult, write, and is physically active. Today

our democracy is in jeopardy and in my opinion, there is no individual in the country that has the experience in government as Biden. He has served in every federal branch of government other than the Supreme Court. At this time in history, we need a man of wisdom that cognitive and empirical knowledge provide. It is not Biden's age that is the problem; it is the fear of his death and a woman becoming president. Don't worry, Biden with make 90 years like me.

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even if he didn't he'd likely complete most of his term. So Harris would only have a year or so. Personally I am fine with Harris as president, but for those who aren't, when 2028 rolled around, they can vote as they wish. But to not vote for Biden because they are afraid of a Harris (who is a well respected lawyer and former AG of California) is misogyny at its worse.

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Harris should excuse herself from the ticket and Biden should pick Hakeem Jeffries to run with him. We need the strongest ticket possible.

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I've been following Jon Stewart on Instagram. I really wish he'd run for President. Am I crazy to think we need a smart younger voice like his?

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I agree, but that type of thing needs to be done way ahead of time. It's too close to the election for someone to be trying to convince Jon Stewart that in a world where a narcissistic sociopath keeps trying to start a Civil War, he should run for the presidency.

The biggest thing Biden has going for him is his charisma and experience; sorely needed to repair all the damage 45 did to our foreign relationships. He also is incredibly experienced in foreign affairs, probably why Obama wanted him for VP. He needs to stay the course.

Harris is on the wrong side of this fascist, right-wing push to promote racism and misogyny right now. We're trying to keep our country from dictatorship - now is not the time to promote firsts. Once we get people jailed for trying to overthrow the government and others begin to see that their MAGA bravado/sociopathy has consequences and go back into their closets, THEN we can start having conversations about a female presidential candidate. Unless people realize they have to step up to vote blue not only for the House and Senate, but their State House and Senate, we won't be able to change the laws that allow these corruptions to go unchallenged because electing judges has turned into political theater and not who's most qualified.

Until then, the GOP is going to try to divide the nation up until it looks like the 2006 TV Series "Jericho" starring Skeet Ulrich. You want a reality check on the world we live in right now? I wouldn't put it past the GOP to take MAGA elements in the NSA and CIA to do exactly what happened in this TV series to get rid of voters who support democracy because they are evil enough to do so. Democrats have always believed there are more people who will do the right thing and vote for democracy. After watching the herculean effort the GOP took to fill all the judicial seats, gerrymander the voting districts and create new laws so the gerrymandered results of those districts could take away voter rights, it has become clear that racism and bigotry will fight until their last breath to drag the USA back into the past where abuse and corruption was the norm. Just look at Texas, who didn't indict someone they had EVIDENCE was breaking the law. "Jericho" is included in Paramount Plus subscriptions https://www.paramountplus.com/shows/jericho/ or can be purchased through places like Amazon, etc. Anyone who isn't familiar with the (2006) version of this show needs to watch it now to understand exactly how deviant the GOP really is.

Until then, I suggest people take a look at David Hogg's "Leaders We Deserve" website https://leaderswedeserve.com/ for where our next presidential candidate may come from. Biden was elected for a reason. We need to find someone with skills as strong as his or we will lose the next election and become the dictatorship the rest of the world won't want. Trump already has his eye on invading Mexico. If the GOP is elected back into the White House, we as a country will become the very thing we hate.

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First point, Mr. Rather made no mention of the current other primary options, nor did he mention Senator Sanders when referencing the 2016 issues he raised. To be clear, I dislike former President Trump, Govorners Christie and DeSantis, or the others. We had better put off talking about President Biden's age. Talk isn't enough. His age isn't the problem, his gaff's bring into question what he says and does for too many voters, whether it's fair or not. I do not want a Republican to win. Fair or not I do not support the current Vice President, should she (heaven forbid), become the President. I wanted Senator Sanders to be the nominee in 2016, and I think he would have won. The DNC has ruled that any Democrat seeking the nomination, besides the Pres.ident, in the Iowa caucus, or in the New Hampshire and other primaries, will have their affirmations and or votes nullified. That is in direct conflict to the DNC's own rules! Robert Kennedy Jr. will beat the President for the nomination or he won't in a fair primary season and convention. He is unbeatable if he were to be the nominee. The President may or may not win, the Vice President would definately lose, and worst of all, some 80 million eligible voters will once again, fail to do the one thing the should as a citizen, VOTE

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I don’t disagree with the concern around President Biden’s age. It’s not unwarranted. But what really bothers me is that no one talks about Trump’s age. He’s just three years younger than Biden, he’s nowhere near as fit, and he carries a lot more real baggage than Joe. For Pete’s sake, Trump has been impeached twice, indicted 4 times, is awaiting trial, is a liar, a cheat and a sneak. And that’s just scratching the surface of how awful a human being Trump is. I wish the media would spend half as much time reminding people of Trump’s complete lack of any character. Then maybe we can talk seriously about Biden’s age.

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The age of Biden is not an issue particularly when compared to the age of Donald Trump. I think he can do the job, I honestly believe he will live well past the next term and admire his honesty and openness. In the meanwhile, the Democratic party needs to make room for female leadership, its a shame we have not had a female leader for this long.

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