Fauci is a career liar who got a lot of people killed. It's wild that people don't think critically and think "the science" is a monologue at a podium.

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You all should read The Real Anthony Fauci and then talk about this great man of science. Science has been hijacked for political purposes. The book is scathing and this man continues to walk free? After experimenting on poor, black orphans? Where is the outrage. And if one single thing was a lie about this man, tell me (1) what it was and (2) why Fauci didn't sue the pants off RFK Jr.? It is all true. If you take away your feelings and step back to look at the facts, you'll see the truth for yourself. Shame on you Dan Rather, you paid off shill.

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Dr. Fauci is scholarly, well-mannered, informed, and principled. This brilliant man was demonized by the White House...and let me hasten to add....NOT scholarly, ill-mannered, and having NO moral compass. Covid was nd never will be a political issue. Shame on the White House

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Thankn you for your life-long dedication, Dr. Fauci. It is deeply appreciated by the majority.

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Beautifully written, and true. He is a hero. So are you. Thank you

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Dr fauci thank you for all you did in your life time you are a genius I only wish there will be more like you out there to continue this work!! I wish only the best to you may God bless you always!! Thank you again!!!

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Thank you Dr. Fascinating for your years of service‼️ I pray that GOD will bless you and that you will enjoy your retirement peacefully and joyously with the love of family, friends, admirers, colleagues and so many others👍🏿💜💕💜👏🏿👏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

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I know little about Elon Musk and do not understand his comment. Lately in his media presence he seems to be embracing the farcical as a way to get attention (the sink, for example). He has hired excellent scientists and engineers. Is he becoming more contradictory?

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Thank you for this comment!

I’m certain of one thing Elon Musk has lied on his new toy called Twitter.

In the he 1st days of ownership Nancy

Pelosi’s husband Paul had been asleep at 2am 1 morning while she was in DC. Va. He was startled awake by a break-in

A man had found Pelosi in bed . And demanded where is she .

He had brought with him burglar tools with him

Since she wasn’t there the intruder began torturing him instead of her.

Pay called 911 when Police arrived the burglar picked up the hammer began pounding Pelosi over the head

The evidence found was glass shattered on floor inside a back door . The man intended to kidnap Nancy tie her up and break both knees do she would appear in congress in a wheelchair. The man was a far right MAGAT . He didn’t know Paul

Elon and trump jr both had tweeted on Twitter before the above evidence was reported that Paul Pelosi and this attacker were involved in a homosexual relationship. They quarreled and Pelosi was bested over his head with his own hammer .

For hours after these 2 horrible men “reported” this lie

MAGATS and other trumpers had whipped up this story and accused Nanvcy of being a liar who was doing much re harm to Trump

The next day the investigation submitters report to Twitter showing what really happened

For 2 days MAGATS and trumpers had not believed any of this evidence because FBI is owned by the democrats and they are paid o do ad they are told

For month Rand Paul senator from Kentucky had been leading the charge to discredit Dr Fauci telling us ppl that he is a liar and wearing a mask is theater at first the doctor was low key. Then Paul started to post .warning sights even offering rewards if public cooperate in some way with Rands pathetic attempts to discredit this man

Election Musk the same guy who uses Twitter now to post dirt on Paul Pelosi has now made it known thathe wants to prosecute Dr Fauci for perceived Twitter tweets that had been removed by Jack Dorsey the owner of Twitter who didn’t want certain things that were against the companies guidelines .

Instead of leaving things alone Elon has now started a new dressing down of a decent American for the reason of drumming up new interest in his failing Twitter !

Twitter has lost integrity and truth. And it’s coming out of its new owner’s mouth Elon Musk is falling apart. Or maybe he has always been a creep with no ethics. Buying Twitter for 44 billion dollars is 4x

It’s worth as it’s value has gone so far down since he has been a contributor.

Dr Fauci is a valued American who has spent his life as an American scientist. I Stand by this man and all his achievements.

musk may be a billionaire but it’s not clear to me if being a billionaire makes him anything but a billionaire with

More money than anything

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I read your article. I have also read the contra narrative with substantial background and notations backing up their claims. I hate to tell you but I am in strong disagreement with your conclusion. Not being a billionaire or Bad Orange Man and disagreeing with should not make me a conspiracist you ought to read and research Bobby Jrs book before making your claims sadly the deaths outnumber the lives saved. Cloaking your argument in Science is rather weak since science is always in constant review.

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Anyone who supports the fraud is blind. Willfully blind. The COVID was created by him and his lab. The lockdowns ruined our children, families and businesses. The jabs are responsible for maiming and worse for millions of people. He needs to be tried and arrested. Jailed for the rest of his miserable life.

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Mr. Rather, you are a national treasure. Dr. Fauci cures the body, you cure the mind.

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Can't imagine where this nation would be without dedicated individuals like Dr. F. What a beacon of courage he has been during one of our darkest times. Thank you sir...thank you.

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Thank you kind doctor for being a light in a dark time. I pray you feel the gratitude and peace from all of us who have benefited from your dedication.

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Thank you for this. I am so tired of these tired billionaires invading who I trust and who is honest. He'll probably go after you soon. Please God no!

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True American Hero.

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