Congratulations!!!! I love your gentle, no-nonsense approach to telling it like it is. Thank you for continuing to be a beacon of hope and reason in an increasingly insane world.

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And occasionally not so gentle!

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True - always rational, even if intense.

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Just keep telling the truth, Mr. Rather. That’s what we want and need.

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Thank you for all that you do Dan Rather! It is so appreciated!!!!

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I would so like to see a recent video of you, talking about how you’re doing and who you’re now working with. If you’re willing to do that, please let your readers know where they can go to see it. And more of those Rather sayings coming back, and some you may not have shared yet. “Two yellow lines, and hundreds of dead armadillos.” “My mind is like lightning: one brilliant flash, and it’s gone.” “As you slide down the banister of life.“ “I remember when every day started with me gathering my wallet and keys. Now those might as well be in witness protection.” “To an age where I don’t even buy green bananas anymore.“ “The only time the world beats a path to your door is when you’re in the bathroom.“ Thanks, Terry

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Love those! Thanks for a blast from the past that I had forgotten about! Rather is rather wonderful!

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Such wisdom, infused with humor and humility. Thank you, Dan!

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These are terrific; my days as well. Love you, Dan Rather. Just keep on, keeping on! 😘

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I long to hear the voice if Dan!

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Oh, this is good!!!👏👏👏

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Thanks for providing a forum which prints fair comments on events. So much of the media, both print and broadcast, is politically tied up, it is refreshing to participate in one which is not so encumbered. Keep up the great work.

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I couldn't agree more, Mickey! The matter-of-fact tone and the clear, though often gentle way of telling the truth is what is needed more and more.

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Congratulations! I'm thrilled to be a part of the 300,000 + cohort.

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I really appreciate that comments are allowed by all, not just paid subscribers. Thank you. Thank you very much.

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We’re all part of the same community.

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These readings have helped me from to move from despair to hopefulness in the future of America & the world! Thank you, Mr. Rather!

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You and your group are to be thanked. Sane reporting, now there’s a concept! I trust you - with all the corporate media out there, it’s wonderful to read some common sense!

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The title "Steady" was an inspirational thought.....because you, Dan, your team and our entire caring community help keep each of us and our ship of state STEADY! Congratulations to you and all of us!

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Now, let's hope that WE outnumber THEM when it's time to vote....

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Congratulations gentlemen. Your material is always thought provoking and timely.

Our political system is screaming for reform. We desperately need publicly funded campaigns at all levels. We need to have all politicians calendars publicly available so we know who they are meeting with. We need to halt all financial trading by publicly elected officials and high level appointees.

And of course we need to work to turn out people that will chose democracy over vengeance and authoritarianism.

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THANKYOU💙🍀👍400,000 next!!

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Amazing, but not surprising, this is an incredible online space I’m so thankful exists and that I am a part of. Well Done Steady Team!

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Congratulations! You’ve bought so much to our lives.

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Congratulations to you Dan. And also to all of us who need and enjoy STEADY!

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Congratulations Mr. Rather and Elliott. Thank you for all you do for this community! I appreciate both of you for bringing us real truths.

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Elliot's last day with Steady was Dec 29, and he's got his own Substack. "Through the Fog."

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Thank you, did not know this.

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