People should boycott Amazon products. Billionaires are buying this country and our Democracy. Not to mention other countries who believe in Democracy. It's a plaque of autocracies taking over this world and our country. We the people have to challenge this and write letters to our Democratic leaders and ask them what is their plan. We can't afford to wait 4 years.

We need action , now!

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I am reading an article this evening from "The Atlantic" titled: "How Hitler Dismantled A Democracy In 53 Days".

(He used the constitution to shatter the constitution)

By Timothy W. Ryback January 08, 2025

"Ninety-Two Years Ago This Month"

*An Educational and Very Disturbing Piece of History.

Read It if you can find it. So far, it resembles exactly what is about to transpire here in America.

President Hindenburg Failed Germany in It's Hour of Need, the same way that President Biden Has Failed The United States, in Our Hour of Need.

Germany's History may soon become our history.

I wonder if Our Nation's Capital Building will be burned to the ground the way the Reichstag was?

January 6th was the start...

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If it is misinformation and disinformation in a publication supporting Republicans it is free speech, but truthful and accurate information in a publication supporting Democrats and progressives, it should be suppressed. I totally agree that a free press is the anchor of democracy. They can fling there lies and a free press can challenge it. Suppressing reporting you don’t like doesn’t sound like democracy. Just sayin’!

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A cartoon depicting the reality of billionaires bowing to and serving the king seems to have struck a nerve. Does someone find an illustration of the truth unsettling? Interesting. Reality and truth do have a way of being offensive to some people, don't they?

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ProPublica has good and brave journalists and they are funded by donations from people like me.

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Bezos is killing the WAPO. Started reading the paper in 1959, subscribed no matter where I lived. What has happened there the past weeks is a crime. Bezos has kissed the ring and now he going to destroy one of the last newspapers in the country. It has truly begun.

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I was one of those people who canceled their subscription but then resubscribed figuring it was hurting the journalists more than Bezos. Now if I could just get rid of Amazon Prime.

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I know, I have been thinking the same thing about Amazon Prime.

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Dan, thank you once again for putting light on the real news. Something in the water. . .the richest folks bumbling over the $ cliffs as lemmings.

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Will George Soros put up the money to fund a new paper dedicated to Democracy and the Constitution?

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Bernstein and Woodward are probably gnashing their teeth and pulling out their hair now. The cartoon that got killed only told the truth. Heavens! Can't have that. As the cartoonist herself said, the Press has to remain free and unencumbered to have any power at all and that's being abdicated big time now. We have truly gone down the drain.

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The ways these billionaires throw their weight around looks very much like the Russian oligarchs. They have learned avidly from the oligarchs and also from trump and his pals in power around the world. We need to be wide awake as this next president takes office and continues his way to destruction of our democracy. We must be on our toes, ready for combat according to our Constitution. Not in a military way, but by protecting and solidifying current laws in the face of his onslaught. If it's even possible...

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One more step toward losing an independent press. With more to come. Wait for Trump to pardon those involved in the January 6 insurrection. To suspend the Constitution under the guise of national security. To throw and even bigger "monkey wrench" into our global position with our allies than he did in his first term. To announce again and again, as we heard from Nixon in the Watergate days. . ."It's not wrong [or criminal] if the President does it". And know that the billionaires will keep kissing a**".

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It may have just been minutes after this was posted that Facebook decided to eliminate fact checking. Another billionaire kissing the ring

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I need to get off FB, but I don't know what will take its place. I also need to stay in touch with likeminded folks that support Democracy.

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When people who have nore money than sense and use that wealth to stop papers from performing the right to keep an already dumbed down population from getting the truth about our Government and the crooks running it we are a lost Country and God help those who don't understand the ways of the crooked people running it. It won't be long before it happens.

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It truly is a shame , we are losing all are once trusted institutions to these bloated cowardly billionaires, very disturbing, sad,

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All of this scares me, and I don’t think we’re ever coming back. Maybe things weren’t great before but anything’s better than what’s coming. How much money does one person need and never put a thought into helping others?

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