I blame Mitch McConnell for ALL of this. From not having hearings for Merrick Garland to pushing Amy Barrett through at the last possible second. And I still wonder why Justice Kennedy resigned. This is on Mitch. He and Newt have damaged this democracy, maybe beyond repair. Did they really need all the power?

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No, they did not need all that power. McConnell also wasted so much of Barack Obama's intelligence and humane governance. A country run by religious zealots and self-important billionaires won't work well. I just keep writing postcards and signing petitions. The other part of this is that people who live in a multi-billion dollar bubble of privilege haven't a clue what most people deal with day in and day out. They have no right to dictate laws to the rest of us that revolve around their privileged, narrow, and monied positions.

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Love "Obama's intelligence and humane governance." Wonderful pairing of his talents.

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thank you for your insight!!!

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I disagree . The people in the "Multi -billion dollar bubble " care about one thing ,money . They have no trouble getting an abortion ,or paying for college , or getting the best medical ,or going to prison when the commit crimes. We can all choke on the pollution they create as long as they don't pay taxes ,can't be audited or regulated.

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Have you checked recently how much Obama is worth? Do you have any clue how much a home on Martha's Vineyard cost? Or, why anyone but the absurdly rich would wish to live in that environment? It's a CLUB as much as it is an island.

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What Obama is worth now as a private citizen is less important to me than his acting with truth, honor, and free of money ties to vested corporate interests which he did as President.

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Both of the Obamas, who worked hard for ttheir undergrad and postgrad educations, have written best-selling books. They've produced films. They've given speeches. Ostensibly, they have investments. Just because they can afford a lifestyle in a high-priced area doesn't mean they took bribes or gifts to influence their agenda.

On the other hand, where are the best-selling books by Thomas and Alito? Yet they have expensive homes in DC suburbs, as well as vacation homes on expensive real estate.

Your "what-about" slip is showing.

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Thomas is yet another D.C. grifter.

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Why is this germane to the discussion???

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What I love about The Obama's living on Martha's Vineyard is that they live in an area of MV that is historically black, filled with human beings living their best lives.

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Martha, I don’t think you know much about Martha’s Vineyard, do you.

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Martha Bromburg, please know your subject before you make generalizations. I get how impressions of Martha’s Vineyard might be formed from limited and incomplete media coverage, but there is a truer and bigger reality.

First, what Obama’s income and spending abilities are is his business. He is a decent human being who cares very much about our country., and is right now working hard to preserve our republic and our democracy.

Next, the Vineyard is only a “CLUB” for a select few who treat it as such for a fraction of the year. They are able to do so because the island’s main population is folks who work very hard , often at multiple jobs , year ‘round .

You are welcome to come to the island and spend time discovering the true Martha’s Vineyard. The Obama’s appreciate and are very supportive of just that.

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I have spent a good deal of time on the island with family who lived there. It is typical of places with a wealthy class and many poor people who support their needs, often needing two or more jobs.

How much money any politician has, and where it came from, is the business of all voters. Corruption is obviously a problem in our government. This is not a secret.

It"s up to all of us to ask questions, especially of the party and politicians we "believe in".

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Thank you for your intelligence to know the difference between myth and reality. I have visited Martha's Vineyard and love the history behind it. The settlers there were people ahead of their time. Yes, I met with the Native American tribe that still lives there, and the history of the Inkwell area. Lovely people. As for Obama, he has earned everything he has received. I believe he had a guiding star his whole life. Nary a scandal.

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Your point being???

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Susan, I agree. There should be NO laws at all because they all come from some religion or a person who rightfully has no religion. No laws, no prosecution, no jail, no cops, no military, no hospitals, nothing. That is what you are exposing, isn't it. Or just the laws you want and not what the majority voted for. Just curious.

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Mitch McConell will forever be tied to the Supreme Court's moral corruption in the first 3 decades of the 21st century. Alito, Thomas, Roberts, and Gorsuch have more than the others, led the court down into a swamp of political amorality.

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Please do yourself a favor and look up the word borked in the dictionary. What the DEMOCRATS did to a human being was so disgusting and vile that the person's last name actually became a word. And they did to a Supreme Court Justice nominee. THAT is how this disgusting court we have came about. Mitch said 35 years ago that the Dems will rue the day they started this and he only kept his word. Before that almost EVERY justice got at least 90 votes. Please look it up, don't trust me but don't trust what others write either.

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And I didn't like how Anita Hill was treated either. But I do think that back in the age of Robert Bork, corruption to the degree of Clarence & Ginni Thomas would never have passed muster with either party.

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Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's a pithy saying that carries a lot of punch. We have lost our way as a Democracy. I am a Democrat, as were my parents. No, the party is not immune to outside influence and self-aggrandizement. However, I strongly believe the GOP has lost its way entirely by recruiting the NYC idiot whose father was a Nazi-sympather. McConnell denying Obama's access to appointing Garland should have led to his impeachment. That's the issue; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yes, many of our Public Service elected officials have lost sight of whom they work for. If you do not Serve The Public, Get Out of The People's House and Senate.

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What I don’t understand is why the Republicans are allowed to get way with Gerrymandering and removing people from voting lists. Why is gerrymandering even legal, it certainly seems like cheating especially when the R’s are always busy doing it. It’s to their advantage it seems illegal. Why isn’t it. It’s so pathetic how they have to cheat to win. They’re only going further and further right and Trump is dragging them into the sewer.

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First they gerrymander, and when challenged in the court, their previously appointed justices side with them. Justices who judge unfairly aren't just the Supremes. Gotta hand it to Republicans for their long term strategy of getting the players in place.

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Suzy, both parties have engaged In gerrymandering, but R’s have made it a high art! It should never, ever, be allowed…seems like there should be a fair process to accomplish creation of voting districts.

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I have always wondered about the same thing, that is, how is gerrymandering legal??!

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Yes someone please explain.

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Do you know where the word "gerrymandering" comes from? I bet no. It's from a democratic politician named Gerry who did what you are accused the Republicans of so much they named the whole entire disgusting thing after him.

Please look it up, don't trust me but look it up for yourself.

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Sorry but what does that have to do with what the Republicans are doing now? It’s ridiculous to point out that a Democrat who started it when it’s now a huge part of how the Republicans operate. So what if a Democrat engineered it? That’s not the point in today’s elections. If Republicans have to resort to using Gerrymandering it’s obvious they are doing something wrong and Americans don’t wish to vote for them. Why would we? They want to take away our very successful social programs like Social Security Medicare etc and give tax breaks to the wealthy! Why do the wealthy need all these tax breaks? Oh I know so they’ll vote for Republicans! A vicious cycle, I‘ll watch your back if you watch mine and we will both get rich off the backs of the people. Pretty disgusting! So even if a Democrat invented it the Republicans are enjoying using it, year after year. I really don’t see your point?

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What exactly did Mitch do that would warrant an impeachment? Not bringing up a bill? There are literally over one thousand EVERY year that are not brought up. Should he and now Schumner be impeached a thousand times a year? Please, look up the word borked in the dictionary and learn WHY Mitch did what he did. I agree with you it was wrong but definitely not illegal and he told the Dems over and over and over 35 years before that that it was coming because of what they started, he only kept his word.

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He‘s a rotten cheater on every level and every one knows it. How did he make over $22 million being a Senator from a state like Kentucky? Senators do not make anywhere’s near that kind of money from the government. He’s getting kickbacks in the millions. It seems strange that he could get so wealthy doesn’t it? Many of these Senators make millions from deals they cut. It doesn’t seem honest.

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Why didn’t more of us speak out at the time?

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I did and so did many others, but the problem is the Checks and Balances act has been denied under Republican rule and there is the filibuster rule that the senate refuses to break. By the Democrats not having a majority rule in the House or Senate, it is difficult for a Democratic president to rule well.

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My only complaint with your post is that Presidents do not 'rule'. They are the head of the Executive Branch of our government; they aren't kings. We gave up the idea of having one long ago, though there are some today who favor a reversion.

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Somebody currently running wants to be Emperor. Guess who. He‘d settle for Dictator.

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First of all the Dems ARE in the majority in the Senate. Second of all when your favorite president was elected, Obama, the had 60 senators which means that there was NO fillbuster. They could have outlawed guns, gerrymandering, but abortion into the federal law. ANYTHING they wanted, but they did not. Don't blame the minority part when it was your party that did it.

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We did but nobody listened.

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What is really pitiful is that he will be dead soon and has left a mess in his wake for future Americans to fix. He doesn't give a damn. He has lived the high life.

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Not soon enough.

Tonight would be soon enough !

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I wake up every morning hoping to read the the orange monster died in his sleep.

One day it will be true, and I hope I'm still alive to celebrate it!

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Rhondai know how you feel. I wake up hoping that the president who raped that you g girl over and over dies before me. And before you say he didn't rape her look up the law he himself as president signed into law the year before. It was and is rape. If only all presidents were honest like Obama and the first Bush, we would all be so much better off.

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Me too! A Coronary from being so OBESE

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It isn't about *need* - power is a want for these people.

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But it's also on us, the Democrats, for not loudly opposing. We just sat quietly by.

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Did they really need all the power? The desire for power is insatiable! If by chance you've not noticed.

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Agreed! They knew and know better... GOP's Frankenstein ride for Trump is poisoned everything it touches. Godspeed America 🇺🇸 🙏 ✨️

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Son of a gun.

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You got it. We all know the truth, but some people cannot handle the truth.

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Do you have any idea why Mitch spent 35 years of his life doing what he did? I doubt it. Look up the word borked in the dictionary and if you have any common sense you will be able to figure out why the Supreme Court has become the political specter it has and who the hell started it.

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I agree.

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They're Fn! feigns and must be exterminated from our jurisprudence!

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I agree with all of this except partially the last sentence. If Trump and the billionaires steal this election Trump will be "in office" for life, and be replaced with another dictator. That is how the fascism they are planning works.

If we re-elect Joe Biden, he will act within the law to nominate justices as vacancies occur, just like every other president since our founding.

Vote Blue!

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BLUE down the line. The POTUS position is the top, but we need Blue (solid blue) through congress down into local levels.

It's the only way to NOT WAIT for a SC justice to die... but to Expand the Court,

"The Constitution does not stipulate the number of Supreme Court Justices; the number is set instead by Congress."

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Until Trump, I never voted straight ticket. I wanted to try to vote for the best person for the position. But, now, it's blue blue blue and more blue. The Rs are scaring me to death. They've lost their moral compass.

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Even Biden has indicated he won't expand the court. I wish he had more gumption. I wish he'd nominated a stronger, faster, less wimpy Attorney General so we'd be well past the Jan6 prosecutions before the '22 and '24 election cycles.

But fear not, I will vote for him again.

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Expanding the Court seems unlikely with the present lack of bipartisan cooperation in Congress.

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Please, VOTE BLUE ACROSS THE BOARD, IT WILL BE THE ONLY WAY that Democracy will be upheld. To the Voters, especially the women and those who support you, VOTE BLUE. Know that the Republican female public servants will vote against all women, including their future generations. How that is conceivable? I don't know but it is. 51% OF WHITE WOMEN VOTED FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Shocking? Yes! how do they support a sexual pervert, an adulterer, an openly corrupt and violent individual? I have not answer.

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Back in 2016 my sister told me that she and her husband would vote for trump. I looked at her in disbelief, "You have 2 beautiful daughters and you plan to vote for a man who says it's okay to grab an attractive woman by the pu**y? Are you serious?"

She said they don’t pay attention to that kind of stuff. "We think trump will shake up Washington." And how has that worked out? I have family and a dear friend who are MAGAts. I will never ever understand.

I have suggested that this year the election is not about old men...it is about Democracy. If you want our Democracy to continue, vote for Biden, whether you like him or not. If you want fascism, vote for trump. If you have children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, please do consider their future.

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Wendy Hansen, I feel your pain. I also have a few family members who have gone awry in support of a sexual predator, adulterer, corrupt to the core, cares nothing about his family or anyone of us, no protocol in the political world. For that matter no one in his organization, or the Republican members of Congress show any sense of civility while in front of the cameras.

Foments violence and is set on revenge if elected. In your words, I will never understand not voting to protect one's daughters, granddaughters, nieces, female cousins, mothers, etc.

Listen to Fox all the time, believe the lies and the propaganda coming from the alt-right. And it is not for lack of formal education, or our humble background. Each have daughters that need protection one way or another. I am at my wits end.

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I hear you! I have family in MTG's district. My husband did business with MTG's husband when they lived in an upper middle class neighborhood outside of Atlanta. Not the district she was elected to serve. My husband never met her, but her husband is a solid person with ethics. No wonder they divorced. She now lives in a multimillion dollar home within her district. As always, follow the money. Most of my biological family no longer speaks to me. I have given up trying to have a relationship with them. Saddens me, but life goes on....

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Fascinating! You're so right...follow the money. How...why do so many choose to ignore what's going on with trump and his minions?

What has MTG done thatis so wonderful that they support MTG?

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As an Atheist, my thoughts are that it is due to religion. That is what has convinced so many women to vote against their best interests. Religion poisons everything it touches.

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I fear if elected DJT would appoint one of his sons as his successor and that would be worse than DJT.

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Yes even dumber , if possible.

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Thank you, Dan, for speaking the truth. We really have to all step up to save the country.

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I have a dream the DOJ forces Alito & Thomas to resign or face prosecution for bribery.

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Well, I suppose dreaming hurts no one and I agree that this is a great one! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I like to think if Sally Yates was AG, it would be more than a dream.

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I dreamt the DOJ had taken DT to court years ago. But, here we are.

Far far too many in government have tip toed around criminality... and for what reason?... to prolong the stench of former administration.

Every single level of unaccountable criminality has been exponential.

It's psychologically (and financially) empowered judges, justices (a misnomer now) and congress.

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Not just gov. The media, academia & worst of all the psych establishment has failed us. https://samray.substack.com/p/psychiatry-and-psychology-are-failing

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Unfortunately, bribery is legal due to Citizens United. That is why the entire American judicial system is becoming more and more corrupt. Corporations and various individuals with money have purchased politicians, judges and government employees.

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There is no way a justice can get a 250k RV for free & his mother's home purchased where she continues to live rent free, paid for by someone you made millions in a ruling for. Only the most milk toast Merrick Garland interpretation would choose your view.

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The DOJ cannot do that but if Democrats get a super majority in the Senate and in the House they can impeach their asses.

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Supreme Court justices are not above the law.

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But they sure think they are!

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narcissists gonna narcissist

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And act as if they are-- above the law......

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To me it seems that the leaders need a leader

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Joe is a decent leader but he sure could use a lot more leaders helping him. Unfortunately in this age of narcissism, we to have far too many wannabee leaders.

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Four of these justices lied to Congress. We know Thomas, Alito and Kavanaugh have been bought. Two wives are blatantly in favor of 1/6. Let’s agree to ignore their unconstitutional rulings.

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My theory, and fear, is that Thomas and Alito being near 70, will retire if trump is elected, allowing trump to appoint two more fascist judges. If Biden is reelected they can just stay where they are, the position is for life after all, and undermine and dismantle our freedoms from a very corrupt judicial bench. It is actually very frightening.

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there is no rush to retire... and have their $$$$$ stream disappear!

The end of 4th year of Repub pres... maybe...

But considered the highest level of narcissism and love of $$$, not likely any of them would "step down"... until a billionaire BUYS THEM OUT.

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This is a very likely scenario I am afraid

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Voting is crucial. The person elected to the presidency in 2024, will have far reaching effects on this country. It would seem beyond belief that a rapist could be elected to the highest office, but it is a possibility. We must work to get people to vote, and vote blue.

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also a traitor, thief & nazi sympathizer ...I miss R.B.G

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Yes! Particularly in those seven “swing” states.

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Another serious warning from America’s greatest living journalist.

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Dan, you have nailed the most obvious and recent problems with this Court. What’s also taken place under the guiding hands of the Federalist Society’s puppeteers is not just conservative but theocratic. This is not the United States envisioned by the Founders.

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And I wonder if the Supremes have the humility to read blogs like this. Not everyone in the country is a hard right crusader for an authoritarian state.

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This is so depressing. I used to live in Texas but left when they took Womens’ rights away. I’m 70 years old and I know when it’s over. I also left the USA. It depresses the hell out of me to see these fascists sliding so easily into power, but all you need to do is to look at the state of Texas and see what they did there with barely a protest. Everyone just LOVES Texas and it’s GREAT ECONOMY. It s a fascist state and there are so many idiots that live to read 10 second soundbites there. As long as they can keep employing their undocumented workers (wink wink) and paying as little taxes as they possibly can, they don’t give a hoot about anything or anyone else. That’s not the majority but they’ve got the state so gerrymandered it doesn’t matter.

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Vote for Colin to rid Cruz

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I'm still in Texas. In addition to my postcards and supporting Dem voters on our Democratic Voter Protection hotline, I'm going to be working to get rid of Senator Crud. Colin Allred is a centrist who has the potential of beating Crud. Flip that Texas Senate seat in 2024. I'll have something big to be happy about on Nov 6.

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Thank you for not leaving Texas, your presence is needed there. I lived in Texas when Ann Richards got elected, she is proof that Texas can restore sanity. Folks living in red states/counties, etc. have to do the work to remind folks what living in a democracy means. We will beat this monster.

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I don't live in Texas . I do try to donate monthly or bimonthly to Colin Allred and others that are running against the republican appointee. It takes a village . I do believe even small donations add up. 🤞🏼

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With the gerrymandering allowed, we Democratic Texans just keep trying but worry that we'll never turn the state back to Blue.

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You you smart to move out of the U.S. I would move abroad if my spouse supported the idea. She doesn’t feel the same as I do. So it’s very depressing indeed.

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You you smart to move out of the U.S. I would move abroad if my spouse supported the idea. She doesn’t feel the same as I do. So it’s very depressing indeed.

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I am a retired lawyer after 51 years of practice. Today I developed a procedure that could be used to disqualify Justices Alito and Thomas from the Trump immunity case and the January 6 case. The procedure relies on 28 U.S.C. sec. 455 which states the grounds for disqualification of Justices and all federal judges. Several of the provisions in this statute apply to both Alito and Thomas. My procedure says that the Solicitor General and the Special Counsel can file Petitions to Disqualify Alito and Thomas under Section 455. By using the All Writs statute I argue that the Petition should be heard by the other Justices who are not challenged. Thus, the other seven Justices would sit in judgment of the two challenged Justices, and these other seven would decide under the All Writs statute whether Alito and Thomas must be disqualified from the Trump Immunity case and the January 6 case.

If the Solicitor General and Special Counsel filed a standard Motion to recuse those Justices, Alito and Thomas would probably deny the recusal motion. But under my procedure, the other seven Justices decide if Alito and Thomas should be disqualified.

I have sent a short Memo on this procedure to the Solicitor General and to Larry Tribe, Andrew Weissman, Joyce Vance, Neal Katyal, Richard Painter, George Bush's chief Ethics attorney and other lawyers. I could use your assistance in seeking to have the Solicitor General and Special Counsel to file such a Petition under the All Writs statute as I suggest.

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Nicely done.

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Thanks, Dan. After hearing about Alito's flag-flying habit, I was compelled to send a letter to Chief Justice Roberts. Here it is if anyone wishes to copy 'n paste one of their own.


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Thanks Bob, will do

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Neil Gorsch and Justice Robert’s are on the same isle with DJT. Call me insane, but it was written on the White House Blog after Trump took office. There were 3 things that Trump wanted during his Administration 1) John Robert’s 2) Neil Gorsch and 3) Kevin McCarthy!

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Just need to shorten it; otherwise good.

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Too late - mailed it last week.

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My ex-bff voted for chump for the express purpose for getting the SC that we have now. I wonder if she has regrets. She is smart, educated and not a fool. However, she votes as her husband demands. Always wondered if that would ever change. Bullied people sometimes think that actions are their own idea. I still wonder…

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We have to understand this, in order to have frank discussions before November.

Does that ex-bff make her own medical decisions? (reproductive or otherwise).

Does she feel like she has free will? Does she want free will... or, harkening to older eras, does she enjoy having someone do things/thinking for her.

The ultimate danger is that she'd have to get a new husband late in life to fill that role... as men tend to die at younger age, and that leaves women susceptible to unexercised life skills.

Any of us with elderly mothers (WWII babies or earlier), wonder... and wish... women had become independent decades earlier. My late father did far far too much for my mother. Now she is incapable (besides medical issues) of handling her own medical & finances.

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Is there such a thing as free will, really. I like to think so, since I say I would never be so influenced. But I have lived long enough to know that the yin and the yang are in a constant tension.

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Given that there is no way her husband can know how she actually voted, I'd say she is using that as an excuse. She may be smart and educated, but she is a fool.

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On some level she knows better, but that image of family ties is a strong one. To this day, the comments on her FB are lauding the perfect family. The image holds, but I’ve seen behind it. I would say she is deluded, as are all but one of the children. People are complicated and so malleable…

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Jeri, sounds like a “Stepford family”….all the shiny happy people!

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Sort of like that, but I have seen behind the facade. Not a dumbass in the bunch, but that image is sacrosanct.

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That’s even scarier IMHO!

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It is and I have been gobsmacked by the dynamics of such. But I have seen similar in “churchy” families. Why I ran for my life…

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I am not sure that that would be 'smart' since she can't make her own decisions.

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There are plenty of smart people on chump’s team, with more reason, excuses, and agendas than Einstein could count. Also, coercion takes many forms, ask any woman in dire straits

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"Votes as her husband demands." I regret to say this, but this makes her a coward as well as a fool. Besides, aren't ballots 'secret'? Why (and how) should her husband know how she voted?

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Never been a battered wife, have you?

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I'm not sure where that came from, as all I was speaking to was how we got to where we have with the Supreme Court and the McConnell U.S. Senate.

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Sorry, but she’s neither a coward nor a fool. Someone that I saw do amazing things, and I also saw what she had to contend with.

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If Trump gets elected again, he will not leave in 4 years. He has virtually said as much. We MUST make sure he loses. “Bigly.”

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It would seem that the congress and/or the states should write a law or an amendment to one, to correct the 'absence of consequences' ... and while they are at it, how about a mandatory retirement age? ... maybe 75, or less ...

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Neil Gorch would rewrite it.

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What can be done to make senators like Durbin and Schumer actually DO something about Alito, Thomas, and the other “justices” who are bending over backwards to help trump escape accountability?

They’ve ruled that the 14th Amendment can be ignored for trump, and are intentionally delaying the start of the three important trials until after the election, and may even rule trump is immune from prosecution. All while “judge” cannon indefinitely delays the Florida trial.

It appears likely trump will win in November, and make all the trials go away.

What can be done to make the Democratic senators actually DO something instead of just griping helplessly?

Democrats are very good at not using power when they have it, and very good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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VOTE Blue!

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Agree on all points, Donald, except the likelihood of TFG's win in November. Very seriously doubt it.

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