Thank you so much for all you wrote for us. You have indeed been with us for so many wonderful years , your wisdom and honesty and love of country making us love you more. Thank you for what you wrote about trump, a most despicable, evil, corrupt lowlife if ever there was one. He is an absolute disgrace and should hide with shame, but he has no honor, no conscience, nothing. I truly hope and pray he does wind up in jail, as that is where he should be, with plenty of time to think about his terrible life of greed and dishonesty. That would make many of us feel better. Thank you, Dan Rather, for being there for us, still. We are very grateful for you.

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Can't agree with you more. Let's face it. Trump doesn't care about the office or the country. We know he doesn't care about his followers. Could you imagine him letting one of them into his fancy golf courses? Trump cares about Trump. He is running to stay out of jail and because it's a big money maker for him. His newest grift. God help us all

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Excuse me, you personally tried to throw the presidential election of Bush the son.

You typed up a false report of his military experience but you used a manual typewriter that had not yet been manufactured and you were caught. That's why you were thrown off of television. Don't embarrass yourself more by saying you revere the office . You came within a few days of throwing an election.

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That's the easiest question to answer that you have asked so far Dan, in my short time here. Unfortunately the answer is more disheartening than the question. Having lived on the Gulf Coast for more than half of my life I have struggled for years now to understand how Trump could gain so much power so quickly? I am surrounded by people who could only be described as cult members at this point as they see him as the second coming of Christ. I watched in horror as I lost a couple of my best friends to the hate that this man spreads. That's when I realized that the hate the people that follow him accept so much has always been there, he just made it ok for them to express it. For years now I thought the racist hatred that I grew up with here in Ms was going away and that the people here had really changed over the years but what has happened is they have gotten much better of hiding it to the point that they think if they smile in town and dont use certain words that they aren't even racist. Trump made them feel like their hate was acceptable to the point that I question the very humanity of the majority of the people that live around me.

I foolishly and against my better judgement actually tried to talk some sense into one of them recently. She said something that strikes to the heart of you question..."oh, they are ALL like that, every ONE of them.'' The followers of Trump have so little faith in their own government that reality no longer matters. They accept his behavior because they EXPECT his behavior and sadder still, they think so little of the rule of law and our Constitution that they actually RESPECT his behavior. You see, they don't believe that the rule of law or the Constitution is on their side. A horrific thought when you consider the implications and worse yet the consequences of this. I cower from the thought of how many lives this could cost when the most important document since the bible is cast aside as just some other tool of corruption to control them...take their freedom AWAY?!!! Easier to understand when you realize it's obvious to the world that the Supreme Court of our land has at least ONE member who is bought and paid for.

I'm old and don't matter much anymore but I do believe that living in a Republic with a democratic form of government that "we the people" get the government we deserve...If Trump wins the next election his followers will get just what they are asking for and may everyone's God help all the rest of us...we will need it.

Need it more than mankind ever has.

If we sit on our hands now and watch a butcher like Trump's pal Putin swallow Ukraine, it will only wet his appetite for more, with the rest of Europe to come under fire next. IF ANYone thinks that will not lead to humanity's worst nightmare then these truly are the...end of times.

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Hey I live on the Ms. Gulf Coast and there are so few people I know that do not support Trump or agree with ANYTHING he says. I agree with you. Please let us pray that Trump does not win the election!!!

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Linda...not only will a Trump supporter not care if Trump shoots someone on 5th Ave they won't care if he shoots THEM on 5th Ave. Their cult like conversion is total. It defies description. In some ways I hope Trump wins...these people deserver the nightmare their lives will become under him. I live in a 5 generation family home here, have loved it my entire life and spent that life looking forward to maintaining the habitat that so many native animals and plants depend until the day that I die here. Trump has forced me to make preparations to sell this place and walk on if he wins this fall. I will not live in this country under his dictatorship. I've already removed my name from the voter polls and were the Social Security Administration not holding so much of my money I would already have gotten another passport in a different country. Some people take :"we the people" more seriously than others. I refuse to have my name connected to any terrorist organization. Trump made us all terrorist and when the time comes that America will ever have to pay for the terror that he has caused in our name no one will be asking who was a Trump supporter or not...we will ALL pay for it. I've given up on' we' and have to live for 'me' now. I hope you are being careful letting others know how you feel. This area has centuries of proven social acceptance to violence against anyone that disagrees with them on political matters. I've already suffered considerable financial loss due to voicing my opinion. The title of HATE STATE has been well earned and worn proudly by Mississippi's citizens. I now have as little contact with this community here as possible.

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The Saudi's will hand him a billion or so. The ignorant followers will send 4 or 5 million every few days. But he might have to sell some more property. Be interesting to see what happens.

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doesn't that depend on how interesting body bags are? It hasn't been about the money for a long time now. His demand that his thugs in Congress deny Ukraine the funding they need millions of lives are on the line. Trump is a monster but this isn't the movies...nothing interesting or entertaining about any of it. Horrific is more like it.

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WELL WELL WELL...what a week it's been (to the tune of $355 million and more!!

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God bless you Arthur Engoron and the State of NY. We”re not called the Empire State for no reason.

Dan, you referred to your self as having held the job of CHIEF White House Correspondent. A very worthy title. Donald Trump was the CHIEF White House THIEF.

While I would love to see the name Dan Rather used in the present tense for any of the tv jobs that you held, I want nothing more than to keep Donald Trump”s titles in the past tense. I hope the Right Wing portion of this country finally wakes up. After all, this man, can’t even write a check in the state of NY without an approval from his babysitter. Do they really want someone like this as Commander in Chief. Let’s hope not.

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We have our Putin wannabee, Trump, who considers Navalny a fool. Of course Joe will beat his chest.

Sadly, we have no Navalny wannabee in the GOP.

I am not sure we have one in American politics.

Liz Chaney close. Adam Kinzinger close as was Jamie Raskin. The rest follow the media drum beat.

Now we will hear all the moans and gnashing of teeth from our brave politicians about how terrible, although expected, it all was. Yet the GOP, and many Americans, gleefully support our homegrown totalitarian, as if our form of fascism or totalitarism will be different, and of course, MAGA best!!

I look at Israel as a measure of America's power and say, if you cannot get your supposed friends to come to their senses, what about your enemies? We are now complicit in the murder of thousands of Palestinians. Complicit in the murder of thousands of Ukrainians. We have set our Secretary of State up to fail, because we are a Republic that is slowly drifting away into a lonely isolationist fascism.

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Saddly...I could not possibly agree with you more.

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Even though I loathe him with every fiber of my being, I never let myself publicly demean him as long as he was holding the Office of the President of the US, but that was, as you said, out of MY respect for the OFFICE. This extends to my car. Yet, I live in a town in a suburb of Phoenix where I see "F*$k Joe Biden" and "Let's Go Brandon" and, most egregiously, "Joe and the Hoe have got to go!" on cars all the time. It is shameful and it embarrasses me to no end. Sigh.

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I agree with everything you say (as usual) There was nothing I could add, I was about to eShare the column to my daughter and wrap up when I read your last paragraph. How we got to this point? How we got such a flawed individual as Donald Trump, a true criminal, to be the Republican party nominee to the 2024 presidency? Trump is the beneficiary of a slow system. The democracy HE is trying to destroy is the very thing that put him where he is now and may help him get the job. Do we really need to go over all his crimes, including the petty ones? Do we have to agree to HIS delays? He is a criminal, he has no rights, why are we allowing him to have so much freedom..for so long?

(Your para)

‘This agenda would be almost farcical if it weren’t so dire. The fact that we even need to write about this is disheartening. How has a sexual assaulter, a convicted fraudster, an alleged insurrectionist, a hoarder of classified documents, and an election denier all but sewn up the Republican nomination for president?’

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I did forget about the border problems & that’s another BIG issue I have with Abbott. He thinks that the people trying to cross the border into our country are “sub-human” & their lives have no value to him. Him & his MAGA cronies have no compassion for women and children who are trying to escape horror & death from their own country but Abbott would rather let them die as he did recently with a mother & her two children trying to cross the river & the Border Patrol saw they were struggling & were going to help them but were prohibited from doing so by Abbott’s Texas National Guard. So they drowned. Abbott has shown no remorse of course. He’s such a self professed evangelical Christian maybe he should pick up his Bible and actually read it. Jesus Christ wouldn’t have stood by & watched them die & Abbott will have a lot of repenting of his own life IF he makes it to the Pearly Gates (which is doubtful). The migrants crossing the border are loved by God just as much as those trying to stop them. They are HUMAN BEINGS not animals. I agree that there should be some plan in place to reform & control the border crisis peacefully. I also know that the Mexican Drug Cartels are not swimming across the river with thousands of pounds of illegal drugs. They are coming by vehicles through points of entry or through underground tunnels. Accusing all migrants seeking entry into the U.S. of being drug smugglers is what MAGA republicans want us to believe which is ludicrous!

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Not only are they human beings we DESPERATELY NEED them. The GOP need them hated even more. Capitalizm and ALL GROWTH that comes from it REQUIRE cheap labor and the prosperity that comes with their contributions. In my mind the greatest irony is that the GOP KNOWS this...but the power means more to them than their own country. With the power they crave so desperately, they will have all the money they can steal to make up the difference for them. All the while, their followers, like lemings are headed straight for the cliffs.

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This is all so

Frightening…what if no one takes action?

Steady and Breathe as Dan Rather might advise. Thanks for being there Dan for all of us.

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We the North shake our heads.

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Many of us in the south do too😪🇺🇲😪

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not nearly enough to make up for the finger on the scale that the electorial college has put on the souther voter. My vote in Mississippi is a COMPLETE waste of time but until they closed all the polls it was worth the symbolism...now it's time I can't waste while preparing for the worst.

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Thank you, Dan Rather for telling it like it is. Surely Abe Lincoln is spinning in his grave by now. I am saddened and yet grateful for the handful of Republican Representatives with souls and love of country.

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"How has a sexual assaulter, a convicted fraudster, an alleged insurrectionist, a hoarder of classified documents, and an election denier all but sewn up the Republican nomination for president?" The answer lies in the utter spinelessness of the Republican party. There's an old saying 'If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything' (Gordon A. Eadie, not John Mellencamp!)) It is quite apparent that the Republican Party lost its way back around the time of the Reagan presidency, if not sooner, and it has been wandering around in the dark ever since. At one time, children,. believe it or not, the Republicans had definite positions on any number of things - education, the military, expansion of cities, building and maintenance of the railroads and thousands more. They had ideas about proper governance and both social and political agendas. Alas, all gone. For decades now, they have substituted 'anything other than what the Democrats want' for actual ideas, solutions for problems, and a framework within which to work with Democrats for the success and betterment of our country. They have retarded development and progress at every turn all that time, believing in nothing but their difference from the Democrats. This has made them weaker and weaker, and less and less able to think of new ideas to propose, so they have spent most of the last 40 or so years turning inward, contemplating their collective navels and murmuring, "Not a Democrat, not a Democrat" in place of any sort of positive thought. They have become the scourge of our country, the main roadblock to solving our problems, moving forward and dealing with the future as it rushes toward us. They both allowed and created the festering cesspit which is Donald Trump today, and they will reap the whirlwind for it. They are riding him to November, hoping for victory, or salvation, or something they can't define or explain. It is up to the rest of us, not just the Democrats, to put a stop to this anathema.

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"It’s offered for context when I say that through all of those years, I developed a tremendous respect for the office of the presidency, a respect bordering on reverence." The filth that we have had to witness over the past nine years by the orange sadist when he was in Our White House, and in the three+ years since, has been beyond disgusting.

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Yes indeed!!!

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