Just a couple of concerns.

First, if ‘divisive hatred’ should be called out, what is an example of ‘inclusive hatred’?

Second, you said, “The attacks on drag queens and others in transgender communities as “groomers” etc. [is] particularly despicable.” And “The purpose of these attacks on the trans community is transparent. It’s about political power, and a power built on division. It’s about picking on those who have the least ability to defend themselves, including and especially children.”

If there is no grooming going on, what do children have to be defended against?

And by whom? Their parents or their government? And if you think government is the correct answer here, then we are in big trouble.

And finally, gender fluidity is an anti-concept.

Anti-concepts play a big role in destroying human minds—that is, in turning them into mush. I guess mush is more flowable than is solid, rigorous, valid concepts. I will continue to argue that ‘anti-mush’ is preferred to mush, even if you try to label me a mushophobe.

Opps, I guess that’s three concerns.

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Agreed. Children need to be protected from predatory males - of all stripes.

Help explain how keeping children out of hyper-sexualized environments - "hateful"?

There is a difference - drag queens can rule adult entertainment with their cartoonishly sexualized version of women - and they do.

What's with the drive to hyper-sexualized drag in the presence of children?

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Hate always “strikes down”. Never a fair or equal target.

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This article is hyperbole. People concerned about medically transitioning minors and protecting women's sex based spaces do not hate transpeople. And there are examples of drag performers putting on sexualized shows with children present. There are also examples of pedophiles and rapists identifying as trans to gain access to women's prisons, etc. Gender ideology aims to negate the biological reality of sex and place an indefinable concept as "gender ideology" as primary.

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Being transgender in America is a complicated issue. As a Lesbian I have mixed feelings on the subject, but the fact that here you are still arguing their right to exist hurts my heart.

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It is true that the world needs more cohesion than division. This rending society calls for the support of all from different group of people. No matter what position you are, the critieria is that your word and action should not infringe others' right and damage the living environment for all.

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In a democracy, equal rights applies to everyone. Society has the responsibility of protecting children. Science is in the process of answering when intervention for transgenders is most helpful.

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Agreed. The distance between the haves and the have nots grows exponentially. And the billionaires are soulless exploiters of us all.

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Brave to write this column for the Steady Community. As I can only discuss this very sensitive and deeply intimate subject from an "academic" perspective, that is not through it being my case or the case of a close family member. Most of us seem to be speaking NOT from first hand encounters or knowledge, but instead are making comments based on our opinions/hopes/concerns. It strikes me that the very impassioned opinions about folks being violated by someone "claiming" to be transgender seem so very limited and the actual violence against individuals who are transgender are so much more often the reality.

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Thank you for the observation that that was "a very troubled person"! THAT is precisely the problem. People can be filled with agony that seems unshakable. Agony is what motivates murdering others. Agonized people who kill are saying, "AGONY? YOU WANT TO SEE AGONY? HERE IS AGONY!!!"

And EVERY one of us can do something about not causing, and helping eliminate, troubled feelings and consciousness in others. Start with your family, where the greatest agony happens. Especially in kitchens! People want most to be close to important people they're left out of in their lives, in the kitchen. I've taught bowkoo kids, and they say that.. Interfere there, unintentionally flaunt your privileged closeness to a parent or someone special to someone else, and you may see someone duck out of the room, to get away from their agony. Or explode in intensity and violence.

Be sensitive, always, to others' frame of mind, to their feelings. If someone you're in front of is clearly "down", SAY something to them! A simple "How's it going?" or anything customary. It could help A LOT. Don't waste the chance to help an agonized person.

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Thank you Dan for adding your voice to this. I have a couple of friends, one 'kid' (17) and one slightly older, who need all of us to simply recognize their humanity, and push back on those who would punish them for being different. (disclosure: I've been slow to learn myself on all LGBT issues until friends have 'shown me the light' over the years.) Let's be better together.

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Wow. This is a powerful piece and should be broadcast far and wide. Two dear friends are parents of trans children. This rhetoric is hateful and runs deep into places the phoney but earnest [sic] dare not to go. It is no small wonder to my mind that the latest politicians to be arrested for (let's just call it) lewd behavior are precisely the ones shouting to the mountaintops about the evils of gender fluidity.

It has been with humanity since the dawn of awareness. Get over it.

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Thank you Mr. Rather for your thoughtful piece. It’s refreshing seeing an older generation Texan being so open-minded.

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republi-can'ts thrive on bullying. they don't thrive on humane treatment of the weak and oppressed. republi-can'ts refuse to accept others as social or political equals. They hide behind obsolete concepts and definitions. Minorities require equity not equality; equity addresses opportunity while equality addresses outcomes from effort. republi-can'ts don't "effort". Neither do they respect equity.

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Just FYI drag queens are generally *not* transgender, though they are often lumped into that category by those outside the LGBTQ+ community. Here's a refreshingly clear video about the differences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3xR8QYZkFs

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