Dan, I agree with your suggestion that that in in their effort to project steadiness, President Biden and his team are doing the right thing. And I think that the way you have framed your question is very useful. What discourages me, after quickly perusing the hundreds comments to your "Steady Leadership" post, is the way people here are criticizing each other -- sometimes not very respectfully.

Why can't we all simply share our diverse opinions and learn from each other, without turning it into combat? Have we all been infected, to a greater or lesser degree, with the toxic extreme polarization, and the mood of angry grievance, that has infected our politics and our country?

I love the notion of Steady as a healthy course of action for this time. To me that includes steady in upholding our core American values -- of the dignity and worth of each individual, and upholding the place in the public square for the voice of each individual to be respectfully heard.

What if we can demonstrate Steady in this community, in the way we speak to each other?

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I rely on those hard working, thought weighing, calm in crisis, steady people leading our world. Those are the minds capable of evaluating situations and using their minds to bring solutions, quick responses, safety, and a path for the near and distant future.

All the other types of human brains have their place and value in our world too. I'm just pointing out the value of the "steady" ones. We need to thank our steady humans, and the not as steady ones, for all they do to help keep us safe and moving forward!

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I think I trust Robert Mueller’s investigation more than anything Twitter or the person that you cite.

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It sounds as if you are trying too hard to find fault with our President and apparently Hunter. The reality is that stuff happens. The archives need to change their system. The crime happens when you refuse to turn over what doesn’t belong to you. If the traitor down in Florida had turned everything over to the archives we wouldn’t have known about it.

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Sooo glad you wrote about "steadiness" in our leadership right at the top. As an artist it is true that creative people can often be "unsteady" so to speak, but all my life what I've wanted is to have steady leadership at home and in our leaders political and otherwise. That balance is so important in order for us to thrive as a healthy country. I can't thank you enough for engendering and this steadiness by your calm and yet poignant articles. They are so articulate and well written. They are inspiring and I know they inspire Joe Biden and his cabinet as well. Keep it up. It's keeping our country afloat on a steady course!!!

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I am comforted by President Biden's strong Catholic faith. Individuals who have that internalized faith in a supreme being, have quietness at their core. They are able to focus on a problem and with faith and expert advice make the better decision.

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Friend, I have a lifelong admiration, earned respect, earned belief from you as source for calm analysis and distillation in times calm and over many decades, trying times, not least of which included dodging the same bullets we did during armed conflicts; walking through personal safety fears to assess, analyze and deliver impartial usable information, and a steady soul to admire. Best always friend ~

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Folks, at the present time what living American politician would you rather have as our President?

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President Biden is a blessing. His decades of experience and his demeanor and character give me confidence that we will come through intact, in spite of naysayers and those who would incite and engage in civil disobedience. Ageists seem to think that wisdom comes only to the young. That is not my experience!

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One of the premiere, yet often overlooked qualities, of the Biden administration: steadiness and sobriety.

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Steady all the way.

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Dan, I respect your decision to choose “steady” as a title to contrast with Trump's chaos. However, beyond the calmness that Biden works to project, I believe Biden also needs to communicate he understands a sociological transformation is desperately needed to solve all the many crises we face. Perhaps you once came across a woman at NBC News named Clare Crawford-Mason. In 1980 her team created a documentary on the transformational management principles being used by Japan to create the highest quality products in the world. She reported those abilities came from learning the “continuous learning and improvement”

philosophy of an American named W Edwards Deming. Dr Deming’s work came from a systems redesign mindset, which is what he taught the Japanese. I highly recommend watching the NBC news special report from 1980 which can be found on YouTube today. It is called “If Japan can why can’t we?” and it tells the story of Dr. Deming’s work in Japan after being sent there by the US government at the end of World War II . Deming’s brilliance is matched by the philosopher, inventor Buckminster Fuller in offering a powerful vision of a future based on cooperation and love rather than division and hate. A third individual Russell Ackoff rounds out of the trio of thinkers I wish Biden had studied. I also recommend you study Deming Fuller, and Ackoff. Lastly President Bill Clinton studied Dr. Deming’s work when he was governor of Arkansas from one of Deming’s associates, Dr Myron Tribus of MIT. . Perhaps you can reach out to former President Clinton for an interview on the subject of sociological transformation

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Lethargy to the point of craven deceit is mistake for a steady hand, in this article.

Biden could have averted the war in Ukraine, instead his neocon minions engineered that conflict, by moving NATO right up to the Russian boarder, he wanted to weaken Russia so we could then" pivot" our effort toward China. This is pure madness. If Russia and China are a threat he succeeded in uniting them, not at all steady. World peace is our duty, it is now arrived at by threatening other countries

Further that with signing on to the Willow project in Alaska another nail in the coffin. This is the major issue, cooperation in reducing the degradation of our planet. Which of course War magnifies.

As for Biden's domestic policy, he sent 113 billion to Ukraine, just think that that could have done for our schools,

The Democrats "led" by Biden just plain mistaken if they think war is a path to another democratic administration. Biden's administration is path to no where.

We ara free-falling into a mad Republican future it he doesn't suceed in blowing up the plqnet.

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Such a comforting and calming synopsis of what we need our future to embrace. Unless you are a sadly disturbed, power hungry, amoral, unsteady individual, how can you think of our world with any other goal but “steady”. Thank you again for your constant thoughtful postings Mr. Rather, and for all the wonderful readers here who support and care about the same.

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There is an increased unsteadiness I feel as a parent of a 19 year old. What should I be doing to continue to prepare him? He is on the spectrum and I fear for him in a world that seems very off kilter. A world where social media highlights Karen's and Kevin's yelling, spewing hatred. He is half Jewish. My anxiety grows as I fear all that can occur just because we have seen it before. I ask myself if my grandmother thought and felt this way. I ask was it this bad then? I dont think so. I think soical media has created a vacuum that we cannot escape. While I try to remain positive I am unable to find my equilibrium in the chaos.

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Steadiness, certainly. But someone has to be enough of a bully to bully. The GOP is out of control and until someone starts taking drastic action, well we all know where we’re headed. Dems don’t know how to fight fire with fire, and it’s well past time to start doing so. Steady Joe he might be. But it’s time to start fighting. They aren’t striving for moderation. We shouldn’t either.

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