I am right with you!I was afraid to open my eyes this ,,morning. The reality of this liar cheat rapist thief in office AGAIN is unbelievable. Please keep doing your flawless reporting we need you more than ever.

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Problem: Noone in MAGA or Dictator Don, or in the government or media can say anything to make me trust that asshole will not be a dictator, tank the economy and isolate minorities. They are racist punks.

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I am writing this on November 6 and doing so with a heavy heart. I am still in shock. My thoughts are with all of my American friends - well, maybe not all of them as sadly some of them voted for Trump - but more importantly I worry about the people of the Ukraine. They will be left in the dust and their country may cease to exist. I can hear Putin cheering. It is beyond me how this happened.

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One way this happened is that 14 million Democrats who voted in 2020 stayed home in 2024. As we point fingers at others---the press, Trump voters, whoever's handy---we need to remember that this was a bipartisan loss: the Republicans wouldn't be crowing so loudly today if Democrats had voted yesterday.

One reason they didn't vote yesterday: Joe Biden, the most unpopular incumbent since Richard Nixon, failed to read the room.

A fine man, bless his heart, who oversaw a surprisingly effective presidency, nevertheless he should have announced during his inaugural address in 2021 that he would not run for a second term.

Instead, he clung to his office like a drowning man to a liferaft: then in the mad scramble after the June debate fiasco, he made it impossible for his successor, Kamala Harris, to do one of the things that might have persuaded at least some of those 14 million Democrats to show up at the polls yesterday---wage a fierce, pointed, intelligent attack on the unpopular policies of an unpopular incumbent.

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While I agree, pointing fingers and apportioning blame does nothing at this point in time. The deed is done and we now need to focus on the future. What are the Democrats going to do to win in 4 years?

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11/05/2024 a day that will live in infamy.

The official date of America’s fall into a Dantesque Inferno of a fascist kleptocracy, and the gruesome dismemberment of post-WWII alliances and world order.

The date that spells the end of Ukraine and the rise of more brutal USSR backed by the USA’s Kleptocratic Fascist Administrative State, the Fascist kleptocratic Republican Party, and the white christian nationalist Supreme Court.

A date that begins the second Great Depression in America and the world.

The date that begins America’s return to Pre-FDR America, Jim Crow, Detention Camps constructed for brown Americans and Muslim Americans.

A date that ends all environmental agencies, all environmental regulations, all hope to slow global warming.

A date that begins the end of all financial and antitrust regulations.

A date that begins the end of equal opportunity public schools, and the end of Department of Education.

A date that begins the end of income Tax, Social Security, the ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and all other safety net programs.

The date that begins the apocalyptic end to the Justice Department as it has been known since WWII.

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History doesn't happen in a straight line: it sure took quite a curve last night. We won't know for another year or two how really bad this could be, or how surprisingly "meh" it might end up being.

Trump is a creation and possession of a handful of very powerful men whose interests (if you don't count Elon, who's quite nuts) are not to allow the economy to be destroyed and not to shatter all our existing alliances, but merely to insulate themselves from taxation and regulation, and to provide themselves with friendly federal judges, and if that means a lot of us get hurt in the process, they don't care any more than John D Rockefeller or Jay Gould cared once upon a time.

Best case, the country merely becomes as right wing as it has often been in the past.

Worst case, we get the loony tariffs and mass deportations and the dismantling of Social Security, Medicare, and the ACA, and the breakup of the NATO alliance, while Donald tucks himself into Vladimir's vest pocket and the Russians and the Chinese, with our political system in a shambles, set to work on dismantling our economy as well.

We don't know yet how this will end up. We don't even know all that clearly where we are right now. Four years ago tens of millions of Americans were saying the election had been stolen, the liberal media was the enemy, America was dead, it was all over. They were wrong. Today tens of millions of Americans are saying the election was rigged, the right wing press is the enemy, America is dead, and it's all over. Are they wrong too? Who knows? Odds are, yes: they're wrong too. But again, we won't even begin to have a clear picture for the next year or so.

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A great day to be alive - come on in Dan, don’t be shy - we won’t hurt you.

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And last but not least, I‘m in denial right now. And I‘m creating my own conspiracy theory right now. Are voting machines accessible from the outside by internet or any kind of connection? Americans simply can‘t be that degenerated to vote like that, can they?

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Looking for a save refuge right now. Europe will be quite uncomfortable with dicators being told „Do whatever you want!“. What can you recommend? Should be oversees. Any nice country in South America to live in for some more years?

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Dress for winter. It‘s here and it will not be mercyful on the world. Very disappointed in Americans. But maybe it‘s time for the showdown. Decadent Rome vanished too. Not to mention dinosaurs, like „De•mo•cra•cy“, a short termed try in human history that claimed „All men are created equal“ and „Freedom of speach“.

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Thank you ✨☀️

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Not looking good at all.. Scared shitless.. how can this happen? A dictator, a felon, a racist. A LIAR WHO HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO DUPE the innocents and uneducated.. I think is going to win, and possibly both houses.. I am beyond frightened, too old to move to Norway.. I'm ashamed of so many Americans.. I am numb and in shock.

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What is happening????? This is soooooo scary!!

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I live in the battle ground state of Pennsylvania. It’s been horrible. Between the tv ads, the phone calls and the mailings it has been hard to be “steady.” Thank you for this common sense column. I pay no attention to any polls. It’s been my experience that polls can be manipulated to determine many different results. We voted today. We are hoping for the best. I think it will be a while before the results will be final.

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Thank you for this. As a Canadian, with many American friends, I am trying not to get all twisted up in Trump's horrific BS. One way or another. he will scream and tantrum and be generally what he is. I've heard Americans predict a civil war if he loses. I just hope the scum goes to jail where he belongs.

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Thank you Dan! I am so grateful you started THE STEADY!

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