Bravo Dan Rather

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A gentle man and a scholar.

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I see what you did there. :) :)

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November WILL determine the course of America for decades. God HELP America to make the right decision!

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Not God, us, we need to vote blue, God can not do anything about what we do with the future of the country, we must be responsible and not put everything on god, he made you to be able to make your own decisions.

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My mother, a Holocaust victim, once said to me “Where was God when 6 million were murdered?”.

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That‘s what worries me now. These Republicans are not much different from what I can see, I think they’re hiding what’s to come if they get elected! He is hungry to be our dictator. I fear some great unpleasantness is coming our way. How stupid we are to let it happen! Biden may not be as young as we would like but at least we know he’s not evil.

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Seems to me Eli Wiesel had a good answer to that question.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

I was privileged to teach Elie Wiesel's book Night for several years to high school students. His answer always brings tears to my eyes, "He is there, on the gallows."

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Wonderful book (as are most of Wiesel's). In a future Trump world, that book will get banned because people will say the Holocaust never happened.

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Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen.

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And where is god now that the Republican party has become a clear and present danger to the USA and the world?

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I wonder that too but is it up to God? We have free will but look at how these Trump fans just give it up to Trump like they do! It’s so hard to understand why they are sucked in except by hate. They hate the same people that he rails about! His entire platform is based on HATE! It’s so disgusting and unAmerican! He’s turned this country from a welcoming place into a place of hate and his supporters are full of hate against fellow Americans and those wanting to become Americans! That’s not what this country was built on. His own Grandfather lost his German citizenship for going AWOL from the German Army! He came here, was he ever an American citizen?

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But Dems have to have a plan when Donnie loses the election because boo hoo he was cheated. Very few politicians could do anything close to what Joe Biden has accomplished during his presidency which don the con swore to ruin the minute he boo hoo lost by 7 million votes.

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I wish Americans would look at all the President Joe has done for them. While 45 is out there carrying on, shouting, and lying, President Biden is doing actual work that will help many Americans.

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Exactly! Biden has been a Wonderful President , not full of hate like someone else we could mention!

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the plan must be martial law, and the willingness to remove several SCJ from the bench for blatantly ignoring the Constitution, and haul in anyone who thinks violence is the order of the day. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Our country and the freedom of all it's citizens is at stake.

And while we're at it, replace Merrick Garland with someone with more teeth.

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Trump is a loser even if he should win, which I believe there will be lots of cheating. Probably there was last time and that’s why Trump was so astounded that he didn’t win. I have no doubt that that the R‘s will cheat, they have ruined themselves since 2000 in their overwhelming quest to be the only party. They should rename them selves the American Nazi Party because that’s what they ‚ve become with Trump as they’re Führer! It’s so terrifying! I never thought to see that here.

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Well said! Totally agree!

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Is there anything too hard for GOD???

Genesis 18:14; 17:17

Jeremiah 32:27

Isaiah 43:19

Luke l: 37; 18:27

Ephesians 3:20

With GOD, ALL things are Possible Mark 9:23!!!

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Six million Jews?

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Very true, thank you

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Exactly 👍🏻

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Amen! 🙌

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No, August will. Democrats need to decide if they want to win. If they keep Biden, the chance of winning in November is massively small!

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Nonsense. Sheer utter nonsense.

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Oh please give me a break.

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Check out Kuttner’s view on Democracy Now. JDVance is smart, clever, looks good, sounds deceptively good and - given Kuttner’s sound knowledge of historical events - would scrub Biden right into the earth, so compelling is well recognized Vance’s debating power. Top this he’s a young 39 year old. Biden disciples be aware!

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Vance will face Harris in a debate, and I've already gotten a very good idea of who and what Vance is. And I got it from 3 guys who hung out with him back in the day when he was still writing his book.

He's a smarmy, ambitious, bandwagon hopper, who insulted everyone in Appalachia with his book that basically said the reason they're all on welfare is because they're too lazy to improve their lives.

And he's not from Appalachia, isn't a hillbilly, and neither were his dad, mom, or stepdad. Vance is his grandparent's last name, and it's the 3rd one he's had.

Like Whatshisname, he's a phony.

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Yep. He showed his true colors here in Ohio. He's all you say he is, Don.

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Read his book and couldn’t get rid of it fast enough, disgusted !

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She will kick his a$$

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We need a fly

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Are the vast majority of Americans responsive to true story or appearances and even swarmy charisma? Think Ronald Reagan.Think Trump.

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There is nothing charismatic about Vance. And that's from everyone who's ever interacted with him. Not to mention MAGAs are already attacking his wife.

And it's not the "true story" they'll be responsive to, but the words that come out of his mouth basically placing the blame for everything the Republicans think is wrong with this country at the feet of single women, women who have no kids, and women who are divorced.

Have you ever heard him speak? Maybe check out his positions.

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Personality wins presidential elections, not issues, policies, or accomplishments. How the candidate is perceived and for the uninformed and misinformed voter perception is their reality and tRump is seen as strong and decisive vs Biden old and frail. Personality - who would you want to have a beer with? Just think of any election and it was personality. The exception was Nixon won on the backlash to the war. Truman over Dewey, W over Gore, Clinton over Bush Sr., Reagan over Carter, and Mondale, JFK over Nixon, IKE over Stevenson. Personality wins every time.

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Scary !!

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If you haven't seen it, check out Trae Crowder's comical video rant on JD Vance. He spent some time with him, and has views.

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Check out his WellRED Podcast on his channel as well. He's joined by two others who knew Vance well.

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Ah, explains while the Orange Head picked him.

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People need to understand that the coal industry and factories are endangering the people there and make life harder. I lived there for several years and worked at a factory that forced people to come to work with carpal tunnel or they would lose benefits.

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Thanx for the info!

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Thanks for the info, DonP!

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But Vance is not debating Biden - perhaps I am not understanding your point? Vance will most like face Harris and if she is in her prosecutor’s mode, she will be very tough…

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You wish. She sure caved as Atty General in California when she betrayed thousands of mortgage holders in letting Menuchin off the legal hook. Vance will shine. He’s smart, warm and wily sly coolly deceptive and self possessed. He is a force. Don’t check him out for yourself. Stick with the VP. Bumbling Joe and Kamala. There is a reason she is low on the popularity poll. More than one reason. Given the empty headed corporate emphasis on performance (show, drive,persuasiveness, power, attractiveness, pure energy) over policy, spaghetti mouthed Biden will hardly fit that bill. Whether that is right or wrong is irrelevant. We are talking about what catches the citizenry’s eye.

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Lies and hate are the only things today’s republican party has to offer. No thanks.

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Warm? That immediately raises a question about your credibility.

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Your talking about the man who called Donald "America's Hitler"? That JD Vance? At least he got that one right.

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The low info voter. I would say with FOX lying 24/7 you have a point...

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keep your lies and hatred for trump who so deserves it.

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Dunning Kruger much, genius?

Bumble that.

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Vance is sexist. That's all people need to know.

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Vance is a supreme misogynist and anti-abortionist. He says women should stay in abusive marriages. He's against gun control. He claims to be a good ol' boy, but has a degree from Yale. Any good strategist could slay him with all of those negatives.

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Please! Let's hope so!

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I guess the question is, do the Dems have the will to pound on those things, and stop playing nice, for once?

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We must remember that this is neither a personality nor a beauty pageant campaign. Pay more attention to what JD Vance stands for, and whose ideas he repeats. He also misrepresents himelf as to what he did as a Marine. He wan't on the front lines as a warrior. He was a glorified clerk typing press releases.

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But it IS a personality contest (mixed with conservatism). The masses identify with Vance. They see him as a "down home" family man who is just like them. Forget that he spews misogynistic and racist values.

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Vance is a purveyor of hate. Other than his physical appearance, he's a clone of Stephen Miller.

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He would debate Kamala Harris, who will eat his lunch. His arrogance is not match for her skill as a prosecutor.

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JD Vance looks like a troll. The GOP party is broken and corrupt. JD Vance MaMaw had 19 loaded guns stashed all over her house. She was crazy. He has been bought and paid for by high tech billionaires.

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He probably is a troll.

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Vance is maga. That will automatically turn the undecided and middle of the road voters off.

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JDVance is smart, clever, looks good, sounds deceptively good

Cute in a suit does not mean he can run a country.

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Um....smart in a smarmy way. Oily at best. Smug. A total turnoff for anyone drawn to a straightforward persona.

"Cute in a suit?" Gag me.

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"OILY" - the perfect word. You nailed it.

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Right on, Patricia...now, take a long look at Andy Beshear of Kentucky, what he's been up to, the path he's been on....then, take a look at Biden...we need blood in our President today, substantive presence....

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Andy WHO? and that is the problem for this election. You'll vote for Andy, another Steady member wants Gretchen Whitmer, someone wants Kamala, and so on. Or maybe other members of Biden's administration or another Governor or senator.

This is a discussion for 2028.

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Why are all the true MAGA distressed about Vance's wife? She's about to get the Bobby Jindal treatment from her own side.

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Disciples? You really don't belong on steady.

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You need to read Allan Lichtman's 13 Keys before you give our opinion.

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I don't need to read anything before giving my opinion on anything.

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It doesn't hurt to be well informed, however.

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It certainly doesn't, but I'm quite well informed as is my opinion.

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Opinions don't stack up to facts.

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What facts would that be? That Joe Biden has no chance to win? That somehow the Democrats can pull off a win in less than 4 months? That the Republicans will just sit around picking their noses while the Democrats pick someone you THINK can beat Whatshisname?

Please tell me the facts you're relying on.

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I disagree, Mark. With age Biden has gained a remarkable wisdom and the ability to get the legislation written by the Democrats in Congress passed.

Yes I know all that happened in the first two years and NOTHING these last two. But Please, cast the blame where it belongs on the 118th do nothing Congress stymied to a standstill by the maggots in the House of Representatives who holding the majority have done nothing but waste OUR tax dollars on endless hearings trying to find something, anything to smear Joe Biden. Hunter Biden's conviction for lying o a form had nothing to do with Joe - Hunter is 54 years old, he has been an adult long enough to be responsible

for his own behavior,

Other than that they've handed out some certificates of good behavior. That sure has helped the Country.

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Cast the blame where it belongs - the American people who have abandoned any moral compass they may have had to hitch their support to charlatan and charlatan jr.

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It‘s the saddest thing that’s ever happened to this country the adoration of Donald “ Charlatan “Trump! I never realized before how many Fools we have living here being taken in by these two losers! They are leading you straight into a Dictatorship and you are happily going along just like The rats with the Pied Piper! How Stupid can you be? Trump is a criminal but like Hitler you don’t even care!

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That's American "exceptionalism."

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Absolutely, Fay.

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Biden's accomplishments during his tenure as president have, in my opinion, put him somewhere between "good" and "great." I also have confidence that, given a cooperative Congress, he could accomplish even more in a second term.

The problem, though, is that he has to get re-elected to have that second term. And to do that he has to perform as a candidate. This in turn means he has to CAMPAIGN. And in this he is not doing well. Although he is still able to give a forceful speech, his reacting to questioning is rather abysmal. In his interview with George Stephanopoulos several times he started to answer a question, couldn't seem to finish the sentence, paused, then said, "Look..." and went off on a different way of answering. These kind of actions make him SEEM like he no longer has the mental acuity for four more years as President of the United States.

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I think he was just very, very annoyed at being asked the same questions over and over again, and they weren't questions about his vision for the future, but all connected with his age and mental acuity. I would end up sounding much as he did when confronted with that sort of questioning.

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I don't disagree but, unfortunately, we cannot unsee what is in front of us, and his performance in interviews has not been much better than in the debate. I have been a huge fan of Biden for years, but this critical race needs a huge infusion of energy, and it isn't coming from Biden.

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Hold on to what you want to believe in contradiction to what your eyes and lots of other eyes recognized because their mom and dad had Parkinson’s too. You could ask yourself which presidential candidate “won” the debate in the eyes of most Americans who don’t research below the surface but are grabbed by appearances. You are clearly certain you are right. But what about the young people? The ones who last time put Biden over the top. Between Joe’s genocidal road map, American missiles hitting inside Russia, insistence on NATO expansion, and climate catastrophe, you think the young adults are clapping for Biden?

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I don't know where you get your news Selina, but Joe Biden DOES NOT have Parkinson's disease or any other nerve disorder. His medical Doctor re-released his medical exam taken in January 2024 with notes released in February. As the Doctor explained when he, or any other Doctor goes to the White House they treat anyone working there and there are several former military personnel suffering from PTSD and one or more have Parkinson's as a result.

I had my cable disconnected May 2023 because I got so angry at CNN specifically but other news channels as well (and no, I never watched FOX even when I was traveling and that was the only channel in the Lobby and breakfast room) at the lies they were passing on to viewers that I knew were outright lies.

That's why I was so delighted that Dan Rather has his post on Substack. Dan I trust, and most of the anchors of his age, Tom Brokaw, Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings and many others. In those days news people whether in print, radio, or TV reported honestly. We have newsmen to thank for bringing lying tricky Dick down.

Today they are ordered by their billionaire owners to report nothing negative about the trumpster/dumpster.

As to the young people, I have 6 young adult grandchildren all of whom are over 21 (they range in age from 29 to 45), They are so justifiably afraid of the future that all have elected not to have children.

That Joe Biden has ever espoused genocide is a flat out lie.

He did allow the Ukrainians to fire missiles inside Russia to hit the launch sites of armed drones fired on Civilians in Ukraine.

I do favor allowing Ukraine to join NATO and any other peace loving Country that wants to preserve itself from Putin's desire to restore Russia's former empire. Tough patooties! I view Putin as a slightly more intelligent trump and therefore more evil.

As to the Climate; in case you didn't know I hold a double Major in biology and chemistry BA (cum laude) and a Master's in physiology. I first learned about the threat of over-heating in global climate in 1970. Scientists and Al Gore have been warning and pleading for change since the 1970's. AND as of today it still falls on deaf ears. MONEY apparently is more important than lives. Biden is THE ONLY PRESIDENT, since 1970 to do anything to mitigate climate change. He signed the Democratic bill to put money into wind and solar. Something the MAGA party has promised to tear down and drill for fossil fuels and dig for coal. Screw the young people MONEY is more important than their future.

Biden/Harris are the only team to beat trump and they won by 7+ million votes AND the electoral college. Support Biden/Harris now and your turn will come in 2028. I'd suggest you start grooming a young candidate now to take over January 20, 2029. One who has the courage and astuteness of Joe Biden to stand up to the wealthy oligarchy in the United States today.

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Thanks Fay! Excellent analysis and argument.

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Yes! I Agree Fay's Excellent analysis and argument was so!!!

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Thank you!

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Thank you Fay Reid for setting the record straight! I never, ever watch Fox because of their Fairy tale news, and strongly believe that they are responsible for most of the misinformation that has been spread around the last few decades! Canada is smart enough not to give them a broadcast license because of all their lies! Too many unsophisticated people buy their lies as pure truth. It’s disgusting that they are even allowed to broadcast at all!

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Thank you, Suzy. And kudos to Canada for protecting the citizens from Fox.

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Hell yes. Have a bunch in the family. They are more engaged than I was at their age. And they are in no rush to go back to the 1950s. Their life defining experience so far has been the pandemic - missing school, graduations and friendships. They were at home watching Trump and his administration bungle the response worrying about the essential workers, elders and frail members of their families. They realize that things have gotten better with Biden.

These are the older GEN Z and younger Millennials, who the old geezers sit around and blame for everything.

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Compared to what Trump did to those children coming across the border and what he’s promising to do There is no comparison! Let me remind you that Biden didn’t start anything in Gaza it was Hamas who murdered thousands and infants included!

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please just go away.

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Biden has a great administration who is fixing both national and global problems. Not read for Dumpster fire administration fire round 2.

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One "positive" outcome -Hunter should have a successful appeal of his felony conviction which was organized by a special prosecutor, which, according to esteemed Clarence Thomas and Aileen Cannon, is no longer legal if appointed by the attorney general. Also, what is the statute of limitations for Richard Nixon to appeal (even though he wasn't formally convicted).?

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Biden is absolutely no match for the likes of JD Vance. See Democracy Now interview of Prof. Kuttner (YouTube). If you do not know the nature of the opposition you will be whistling in the dark. In your view Mr. Biden is a nice man. JD Vance seems like a nice man. But he ain’t no friend of the workers. And in debate with stiff, sometimes garbled minded Biden, Vance will bury him. Not to know the opposition is to be blindly naive and so, a destructive force for policies you want realized.

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JD Vance seems like a nice man? I suppose that his mother might agree but who else? What pact has he made with the man he once compared to Hitler? And how can someone who thinks a president should ignore both the Constitution and the Chief Justice be a VP?

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His comparison of Trump to Hitler would have been more convincing if he had compared Trump's strategy to Hitler's in Mein Kampf where he wrote: "The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials [Stop the Steal} and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward."

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According to Ivana, (wife #1) the writing of Hitler is all Donny ever read.

She said so at divorce hearing.

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I think the word you are looking for is HYPOCRITE, and he shouldn't be a VP. Of course if something happens to a President Trump, then what . . . .??

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We would all be f....Ed one way or another. The danger is devastating.

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What the hell are you talking about? Vance isn’t debating Biden.

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First: there will be NO debate between President Biden and any vice president. IF there should be a Vice Presidential debate between Kamala and Vance, Kamala would wipe up the floor with him.

Second if you are setting your opinions on Joe Biden based on his debate with the trumpster/dumpster - 1) Joe had a cold and a very sore throat. After a few hours sleep he excelled at a rally the following day. 2. Joe has had a lifelong speech impediment of stuttering which he readily admits. Stuttering has NOTHING to do with intellectual capacity or ability to get work done. 3. The trumpster/dumpster is 3 and a half years younger than Joe Biden, if you want to talk about muddled speeches think about some one who stops mid sentence and starts rattling about sharks and batteries in water.

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Vance will not be debating Biden. He'll be debating Harris, a skilled and proven prosecutor. You're talking nonsense.

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Andrea, you are playing with the troll, which is exactly what said troll wants — your energy focused on what will become an endless “debate”. Between the two of you….its exhausting. You and others have explained multiple times that Vance will debate Harris, but it hasn’t made a difference. Trolls just want you to keep talking about things that end up being an energy sink. Don’t play with the trolls is a good rule. I do appreciate your passion for the truth, it is both admirable and a good example of what is needed. Thank you for that..it is going to be a great support in the coming months.

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I know all that. My rule is I give them two chances to prove what they are and then I go about my day. There are other legit people reading this thread and responding with the truth twice gives them a chance to correct their thinking. I’m a site moderator elsewhere. I know a troll when I see one.

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We’ll see, won’t we?!

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More nonsense. Read the debate rules.

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What will we see?

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Vance doesn't seem like a nice man to anyone who values women's rights.

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Selina Sweet - why do you keep on about Biden vs Vance. That has no relevance at all. And for your information, Kamala Harris was a fine attorney general (I lived there at the time) and she and Bo Biden were the only ones who kept the huge mortgage bail out from being a very lowball 3 billion and chipped away at the resistance until the final settlement was over 20 billion. So again, what the hell are you talking about and where do you get your bogus "facts"?

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I lived there too Brian. So, your reference to my presumed bogus facts pertains to her letting Menuchin off the hook? So you know she went after him? Please cite a source. Thanks.

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?critical thinking skills? Who is debating who? HELLO????

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Tell me you don't know how Presidential debate works without telling me. Biden will not be the one debating Vance, that would be Harris.

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Vance will not be debating Biden.

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Replace Biden? That would be a travesty.... That will spark all kinds of candidates running and will split up the votes on the democratic side.... So not a good idea. It is too late to get someone else on board and keep the voters together .

Look he is 81 and on a non-stop schedule.... There are going to be days when not only Biden is off but Trump too!

The same thing on the Republican side. Trump is 78...not far behind Biden and he repeats the same rhetoric over and over again. Is there a problem there? No content about the economy, foreign Policy, taxation, resolution to the debt, civil rights, terrorism, resolution to wars, NATO.

Nothing that makes me feel safe!

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And donthecon is a compulsive lying megalomaniac still keeping his taxes and his college grades secret. What’s he hiding?

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No content is a good description of the republican platform. Spent years in the IT industry doing strategy. Strategy is easy, making it happen not so much.

It really gets hard when you have a paradigm shift (no one saw the internet - world wide web effects coming). Or maybe a pandemic or Putin going on a land grab. Thank god we have an adult in charge again.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Trump has no deep thought or remorse about the consequences of his actions. Hence spouting off that injecting oneself with bleach caused the death of many.

The problem with many Americans is they do not want to think for themselves, therefore they go like sheep to the slaughter. No deep thought. Thinking is a hard process. Not thinking and blaming without any real content is easy. This is America's biggest issue and why we are in this mess!!

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Jonnie. DITTO. I watched a YouTube yesterday of Two psychologist. One was a specialist in stuttering and he said with age the stuttering changes a little bit it does not change the person‘s mental capacity or is cognitive brain function on the other hand Trump shows a lot more signs of mental decline in every way possible.

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EXACTLY!!! Why isn't the media calling this out. Repeating the same lies over and over is a sign of mental incompetence! No deep thought.

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I agree that it’s too late in the game to change candidates. Besides if something does happen to Biden and he can’t complete his term we still get Kamala Harris without the misogynistic fighting over her possible candidacy. She steps in per the Constitution. Really it should just be about Democratic policy versus Republican Project 2025. That should be what the Democrats campaign on. Because it’s one view of America for all people versus a dystopian America for the rich white men.

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Not true. He is in let’s now support him. I don’t feel good with it but it’s not my choice to make. Shut up and support him, lol.

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You didn't hear Biden's speech to the NAACP yesterday. It was the old Biden in fighting form.

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Mark, why do you say that? I know that no matter who is the Democratic nominee, I will vote for them as well as the entire ticket because the threat of King Trump, his loyal Supreme court and law makers, and his many billionaires backers is a threat to democracy, I think most Americans can see through the orange ones con, I have to have faith that the majority of our species wants equality, equity, cooperation, civility, and protection under the law for all. I hope your prediction never happens.

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I share your worries, and I wish I was wrong - but it's more than folks like you voting, however passionately, requires a massive 'get the vote out' effort ...

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Mark, I fully agree. That is what’s keeping me up at night, Most of my time lately is being spent on a cab or at a doctors office and I am encouraged by the cabbies knowledge as well as medical techs, nurses, and doctors, but I am not wearing rose colored glasses. Trump could win and we can all say good bye to social security and medicare, He wants to privatize all departments, he even wants to stop research on weather, and privatize the National .weather Bureau, what we will have to pay for a subscription to get the weather? Part of the downfall of Rome was from the brain damage done to themselves by lining their waterways with lead. I wonder how much brain damage we have caused with all the neurotoxic, hormone disruptive, toxic chemicals we have dumped into our soil, food, water, and air? We are a strange species.

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So right - this is an either / or decision.

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Well, at leat A Schiff agrees with you, so that gives me pause. I only know one thing, I am voting a straight Blue ticket come Nov.

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Now Joe has Covid .... or maybe he has 'a few days to think' ... I think you can fake Covid (Trump did, right?) ... but you can't fake getting shot in the ear!

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WRONG. Polls of ACTUAL VOTERS have Biden ahead. American historian, Allen Lichtman, has predicted who would win the presidential election since Reagan, and he's never been wrong. He predicts BIDEN WILL WIN. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

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Remember Ralph Nader?

A vote for another candidate is a vote for trump.

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I respectfully disagree. Changing Captain in the middle of the trip is a terrible idea.

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I agree, in principle, but the trip starts at the Convention when the Democrats choose a candidate who can win convincingly. Joe's more than 'lost a step', now has COVID and he's in damage control mode at best, declining further at worst - that's a tough sell to an undecided voter. And the voter has to ask themselves - if neither Trump or Biden have the right-stuff to continue for 4 years, who do they want? Harris or Vance? .... the MAGA voter is easy to figure, he wants the white guy, so the lifetime GOP guy votes the party line; so, as I see it, Democrats and independents MUST come out in huge numbers to vote for the ticket that ensures Roe v Wade is reinstated. They have to have faith their candidate can win decisively. Right now, that doesn't look like Joe.

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Maybe if we got our act together and got behind him, he could win decisively. If we are divided, we will lose! Also, lots of people get covid. He has had his shots so he will probably bounce back shortly! Give the guy a chance! Being old is not a crime! I am older than him and I am functioning pretty well and life experience is valuable!

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The lifetime GOP voter DOES not want Trump, the lifetime GOP pols are scared to death that opposing him will be career ending.

If the Democratic party screws this up by dumping Biden and having one of their existential purity crisis and tries to change candidates because the other side is pushing it,, it will end the party for the next several election cycles.

The ship of state is upright, there is a line of succession, the administration is doing a decent job of running the country. What are we trying to fix??????

Your basic independent voter is not going to vote for (fill in the blank) replacement candidate.

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Who do you think should replace Biden?

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It seems to me - of course I could be wrong - that Biden is passing the torch. Look at his cabinet - Harris, buttigieg, haaland, Blinken, Ketanji brown Jackson, numerous federal court appointments, strong Democratic senators, representatives, governors. Torch-passing is a slower process than we’d like. If we’d wanted it during the primaries, that was the time to have this discussion. If we want it tomorrow, we seem to be saying that anyone young and handsome and eloquent will do the trick, we’ll figure that out after Biden steps down. In six days! Well, okay, but there might be unanticipated consequences, and they might be negative, and we might not realize that we are toying with the prospect of not having candidates on the ballots in some states. It seems to me that this turmoil is damaging to the Democratic Party.

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Right on , Kathy! That is exactly my concern!

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Well - out of 350 million people, if you exclude the Republicans, that leaves million of potential candidates but the decision rests with delegates. Democrats - those who are delegates to the convention, they are the deciders. It's time, to quote JFK, "It's time the torch is passed to a new generation ...." They can pick a contending ticket - or spend the next four years regretting it. It's in their hands.

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I'm of three minds.

1) President Biden has far exceeded even the most negative expectations for his presidency. He's the head of an effective team that's given us the best recovery from the pandemic of all advanced economies/democracies, stabilized our alliances and rebuilt our global reputation.

2) If it wasn't for his deplorable reaction to the Gaza calamity, he'd be a shoe in. But he couldn't break the habit of a lifetime and tell Bibi to stop. Instead, for months, he kept calling for an "immediate" ceasefire without putting any muscle behind that demand. Now, I fear very much that he's lost the support of a large swath of the young voters who propelled him to victory in 2020.

3) There is no viable alternative. As much as I like Kamala Harris, her appeal is limited because, like most vice presidents in my life, she has stayed out of the spotlight. I say this with much sadness but there's enough cringing footage for the opposition to paint her as a blithering idiot. Perhaps the only positive about the Vance nomination is that his wife is not only a Democrat who until last Friday worked for a progressive law firm based in San Francisco, she's also a person of color. As for those in the wings -- Governors Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer -- would either be able to mount a serious national challenge to Trump in a mere 4 months? Will the fact that Newsom was once married to DJTJ's fiance help or hurt?

So, what this all comes to is that several times a day since Saturday I relieve my anxiety by screaming the words, "oh my god" over and over and over again.

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A shoe-in? Gaza will cause him to lose Michigan because the state has the largest Muslim population, but I don't think it would be as big a factor in other states. Trump's support for Israel's genocide has not hurt him. The debate, calling Zelenski "Putin" and Harris "Trump" in the same day at NATO meetings, and the fact that every one of his appearances in the past 3 1/2 years has been scripted have convinced more than 50 percent of Democrats to want him to step down. Most Republicans want him to remain. If he continues, his legacy will be dragging the entire Democratic party down to a depth from which they may not recover. The GOP's long-term goal is rule by the minority in perpetuity. Do you really think J.D. Vance would ever certify an election in 2028 where a Democrat wins (although a rule was put in place where the VP is ceremonial only). The Constitution is a big enabler. By 2030, 70 percent of the Senate will represent 30 percent of the population. The winner of the popular vote for President has a good chance of losing the election.

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You may have skipped over the part where I said, "if it wasn't for Gaza..." When all presidents make speeches they are scripted. It's why there is an entire team of speech writers. Also, frankly, I don't care so much what they say in public as long as they are doing the work of the being president. And there in lies the major difference between the two candidates: they both make a hash of their public talks but Biden gets things done where all Trump ever did was nurse his imagined wounds and pay at being president.

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I do not get that? One, good luck on Dems deciding on a candidate NOW, just look at 2020! And don't we have a solution called the. VP for just that reason. Great, just what we need, someone getting the big spoon out and stirring the pot...sheesh, dems always willing to shot themselves in the foot.

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Great point - for some reasons, the democratic party has an affinity for turning a leading position into a loss.

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Who?? Check your calendar and history books...it's time to unite behind the Biden-Harris ticket...my opinion only of course

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No. Do not agree. If we change now, we will surely lose. That is what Republicans want. We need to stick with Biden, who has accomplished much and who has a competent VP and others supporting /working with him vs an incompetent, self serving individual who will only have incompetent, self-serving toadies in his administration.

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I agree, unfortunately.

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If they dump the chanced of losing in November approaches 100%.

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We should not leave this decision to God's help. It us up to us, the voters, to determine the direction of our country. Not only do we need to think of the present, but also the future.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

There is no 'right decision.' Imagine a country where Trump wins. Imagine a country where Trump loses. Both are unsettling.

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Not God, but all of us have to work hard to be sure Biden gets re elected and that there is a blue wave.

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And please, let's get it right - all on the maga train will move heaven and earth to get to the polls. We need to get there too.

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Actually, the left decision. The right leads only to the end of democracy.

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That will be/is my Prayer!!

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Unfortunately, America has made its decision as long as Biden listens only to his wife, his felon son (perhaps it will be reversed given the decision about special counsels by Thomas and the "judge" in Florida) and buddies not in government.

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I am enormously weary of the degrading remarks regarding President Biden and this previous debate. Biden is NOT treading water. Age is a fact of life but Biden is NOT loosing his mind or his cognitive ability.

The debate - which is being used for a lame excuse to continue a worn out argument - was not moderated or mediated by CNN. They allowed Trump to run amuck - his usual tyrannical, and ridiculing behavior. He should have been told to stick to political topics instead of attempting to humiliate Biden - who DID NOT TAKE THE BAIT - and get into a mud-slinging and shouting brawl with a grown man behaving like a 5-year old. Anyone with a sane mind would have behaved in the same manner and shut up. This debate PROVED Biden’s mental soundness.

So let me repeat - when Trump was in office, violent crime, murder, and hate crimes rose by 30% (FBI). A PA man killed and beheaded his own father over an argument about Trump. Another man walked into a NY supermarket and shot ten people. The warped logic behind Trump's antisemitism rhetoric resulted in synagogue shootings.

Biden is the first President in recent times to secure historic investments in crime prevention and intervention strategies. Murders are now at a 50 year low. (ABC News, March 2024, FDLE) Biden saved our country and many lives during the pandemic, while Trump was recommending ingesting bleach. Medicare now can negotiate lower prescription drug prices - badly needed control of essential medications. Unemployment has been at a record of 4% or lower for several years, and manufacturing has finally returned to the U.S. instead of shipping these jobs abroad - more people working than at any point in American history. He saved our economy from the 32.9% 2020 (NPR, July 2020) drop during Trump’s fiscal mismanagement (largest drop in American history) and our economy is now the fastest growing in the world - due to Biden. While Trump howls about the border, it is Biden who secured it and is changing our immigration laws. I could go on and on and on.

We have a choice between a man who lies daily, and has degraded women (Grab'em by the pussy" comment) and being found guilty as a sexual predator. He was convicted of 34 counts of felony, and his tax, bank, and business records proved massive fraud. Or a man who has 50 years of untouchable and excellent public service. THERE IS NO ONE MORE QUALIFED TO BE OUR PRESDIENT and a younger man or woman is not the answer. Biden’s experience, age, and wisdom is indispensable at this time in our country’s history to rescue us from a con man who talks about a “bloodbath” if he doesn’t win and is in bed with the Russians.

So cut the crap and help him win - instead of continuing to further harm our country. Nobody won that debate - and the liability for a lousy televised policy discussion should rest with CNN and Trump - NOT BIDEN. It is time to end criticizing Biden and start screaming about his accomplishments and his ability to lead this country.

Elizabeth, www.democrazy2020.org

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Thank you for stating facts! I’m so fed up with the continuous Biden can’t win garbage. YES HE CAN. It’s up to all of us to get him elected. Saying he can’t win is just the kind of negativity that undermines a very wise man who is willing to serve the American people. Count our blessings and encourage everyone you know to get out the blue vote!

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Well said. We are up against the biased media that continues to ignore all the things the Biden has accomplished and will continue and that will be ended if trump wins so we have to work extra hard. If all someone can do is donate a few extra dollars at least that is something, and if we all do that, it will help. When I'm on facebook I follow Joe Biden and his p age says he has 11 million followers. There was a recent news story about Elon Mush giving $45 million a month to trump. Well if the 11 millions Biden fb followers chip in $4 a month more than what they are, that will equal Musk's donations. We need to step up and do that.

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Well said, and thank you. I too wish that more people would think this way.

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Linda, those who decide elections, not the candidate's base, will not vote for Biden. He is losing support among key voters, union members, people of color, and youth. For the sake of all, we need a young, dynamic energetic candidate. I have been a fan of Biden for many years and knew he would be a great president, but he was and still is a horrible candidate. Sorry, I was on his bandwagon until I realized that the key electorate ain't going to vote for an old, frail, and perceived failing man. PERIOD

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Part of this is media control and the GOP effort to break up democrats. The problem ia the US is immature. I don't know if Kamela would make it on her own bit regardless Kamela would take over either way. Vote Joe.

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I think Kamela would do a great job. She was the Attorney General for the state of California which certainly took a lot of skills. She has watched Joe demonstrate what a great President does. And she would have a great team supporting her. Her negatives: as with Hillary, she is an "uppity woman" and many of the "powers that be" hate uppity women who don't know their place. And, of course, she is a person of color.

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"Uppity" is a perception put on by society. Conservative Americans are taught women have to be controlled. We are uppity when men sense the vibe that we can make a decision without a male opinion. A non " uppity" woman would not ever be president. That is like asking a pilot to fly without their ego or a male engineer when they stop short explaining a concept to a woman though its a woman that asks the question. Its an idiot that thinks a woman needs a " place ".

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I would love to see her as president.

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Anybody other than Trump! She’d be fine. But you know the Trumpians are prepared for her. Can she win? That’s the big question.

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We need to think Biden - Harris team.

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I agree because I think its a huge mistake to change the ticket at the moment. I do not agrew with " downplaying rhetoric". The GOP has a plan which means they are goingbto execute rhetoric. The Democrats need to be doing a full court press to alleviate the fascist party. Project 2025 supposedly sued for Bidens medical records as far as presriptions. They did this while " downplaying rhetoric". Also, everyone of them was ready for the shooting..emotionally..they straight away sais Biden and proof of violence but no word on AR rifle laws..so, something does not make sense.

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Biden had one bad debate now after nearly 3 weeks of very strong rallies and speeches they are still talking about replacing him? It boggles the mind. It seems to me that the complainants are either hoping to be the ones to replace him for their own agendas, have been compromised (blackmailed or been promised something if they tank Biden’s nomination) or they do want TCFG to win. Imho.

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Exactly! Enough already. He has repeatedly stated he is staying in. Stop asking. Stop trying to create a narrative that undermines Joe Biden. It helps Trump. Do that at your own peril!

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Thank you!

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Well said👍 Thank you!

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I feel that the Democrats will need to be much more strategic in the future. Facts and achievements are overblown or diminished, the party needs to separate the 81yr old man from the accomplishments of the team. The team could use a new face with much more eloquence, and Joe Biden’s half century of service should be honored. We are in a new world of very short thoughts, and to be charismatic in this world takes a special person. I wish it was Joe Biden, but it isn’t.

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So just who do you think should replace Biden? Is there any one person that can carry the majority of the party like he can? I have to say I don't think Kamala Harris can win the presidential election...still too much stigma around a female person of color. I voted for Elizabeth Warren, but again, seems the nation isn't yet ready for a smart lady with tons of real world experience. I greatly admire Jamie Raskin and hope one day to get to vote for him for president but I don't think this is his time. Pete Buttigieg might in fact make the best president we could ever have but he is not electable (at least not yet...I hope someday this nation will get past it's disdain for homosexuals). Who do you think can win and based on what?

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I like a ticket of two swing state governors, Josh Shapiro & Gretchen Whitmer. Both could shred the Trump/Vance duo. Shapiro tore up a Trump endorsed candidate, & Whitmer is strong & smart. But it has to happen quickly, & be backed by Biden & Harris. They seem too stubborn to gracefully step aside. And that’s too bad. New people who’re quick on their feet are needed to energize young voters. Did I mention that they’re both leaders of swing states?

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I love them both, but neither have commanded the public stage for more than a few minutes at a time. They didn't hone their skills on a national stage running in the primaries. I think it is too late for a new ticket. I also think the media and the Dems need to stop hounding Biden. He said he's staying in the race—what part of that statement is misunderstood?

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Joe has vast experience on national AND international stages. Where does that get him now? Unfortunately, he has trouble formulating thoughts, or translating them from his mind to his mouth. Trump loves his chances against the Biden/Harris ticket. Staving off this horror story of a ticket will require a bold, energizing move, not status quo.

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I don’t need to volley up thoughts to be spiked down. I just know that Biden’s chances are diminishing, and the marketing pamphlet that says that he’s the one Democrat with all the good ideas is flat wrong. Things can pivot very quickly in 2024 and America is thirsty for someone that can command a microphone to make us feel good. I don’t care which demographic they come from, an eloquent speaker is what’s necessary. The Democrats would do well to claim that the engine of good ideas is strong, and a kind well-spoken leader can run with it to victory in November.

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Absolutely nailed it. Few here will agree though.

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All great, but does anyone beyond a Democrat believe it? Where are the Independents falling?

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Elizabeth, your comment is spot on. However, elections are often decided by more than just the candidates' core supporters—they’re essentially “beauty contests.” The key voters in this election are unlikely to support an aging, frail candidate who seems to be faltering. While I have great respect for Biden, I believe that to truly save this election, and by extension the country and the world, we need a candidate who is vibrant, youthful, and dynamic. If Biden genuinely loves this country, he should consider stepping aside at the height of his career rather than risking the loss of the White House and both houses of Congress. If I had his ear, I would beg him to bow out gracefully, acknowledging that his ego might be the only thing keeping him in the race. He has already defeated Trump once, and his record shows he could do it again, but it’s time for someone else to carry the torch.

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Elizabeth. I wish you could be on the debate stage. You have said it ALL. HOW DO WE GET PEOPLE TO LISTEN TO THE TRUTH!?

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This Elizabeth appreciates your well-written comment.

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Why do I think their call for unity is a “get on board or we’ll go after you too!” When will they stop pretending to be Republicans and the party of law and order? Just change the name to MAGA, the party of power and greed?

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Well said, Linda! Party of law and order? Ha! My Aunt Fanny's arse!

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About 26% elect the President. NO ONE is calling to end the Electoral college. NO ONE says campaigning should be 6 weeks max. No one is calling for compulsory voting as in many other nice countries. No one is saying that NO private money should be raised-- all costs paid by our taxes for the 6 weeks. All TV time should be paid by taxes at discounted rates. Everyone knows the system doesn't work and neither side wants to fix it so obviously Americans don't care.

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Thank you, very good points, but please, please do not 'both sides' this.

We all know and can see where Citizens United came from, and who maintains it with their SCOTUS picks, and who has passed voting rights laws and who voted against them, and it goes on and on.

The Democratic Party continues to ignore arithmetic and its ability to inform and motivate the public. Your 26% number sounds right on, that should be out there.

Angus King gave a rousing speech to the Senate, and pointed out that 24% of the population is represented by 40 or 41 Senators. But if you dive in just a bit, looking at how many are registered, and how many show up to the polls, and don't ignore the primaries where pathetic fractions show up, the number I get is about 7% voted R.

In Louisiana, which had a Democratic governor, the headlines said the current occupant received 51% of the vote. A squeaker! No. 36% showed up, 51% of those voted R, so 18% -- but my estimate is that 83% of eligible citizens are registered. So the number goes down to about 15%. 15% - fewer than 1 in 6. 1 out of 6 !

This holds in Texas, roughly ( 1 in 5 ) and I bet especially throughout the South, and from your estimate, throughout our otherwise great country to a lesser but still unacceptable extent.

Are you doing more counting and summaries and implications?

thanks again, b.rad

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I wonder about compulsory voting. An uninformed person might ask a boss or neighbor...and that might not be wise.

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This happens anyway. In vote by mail states, I worry that the ballots are filled out on the kitchen table, and spouses are pressured to vote against their interests.

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I love filling out my ballot on the kitchen table. There are always races I didn't know about. I can read the voter's information and the ads we have, without holding up the line. When my Granddaughter voted for the first time, the whole family sat around the table. We weren't pressuring her, but we were answering questions.

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ABC, Your family is a model of how to educate/ encourage the young to vote. However,

I'm still sobered by Brad's comment above about those who pressure.

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We do too, we are a team.

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Brad, I never thought of your point of a spouse pressuring the other how to vote. When I think of couples I've known through the years, I know there are/ were some who would do so. Thank you.

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That wouldn't be ideal, but it is better than the apathy that has done so much damage.

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I'm the person who made Pilates popular when in 1991 I started the Institute for the Pilates Method. My lens is via the body. That's how I see culture. The most obvious fraud is from the CDC who pretends that 42% of the population is obese when it's probably 60 %. I've proven this and yet no one will acknowledge it. In 1985, the CDC ditched the HAMWI Method and replaced it with their "grading on a curve " BMI. So a 5'6" female who weighs 185 pounds IS NOT OBESE. Why? So she can Shop Buy Eat and REPEAT. The CDC knows the truth which is why they mandated closing our economy in 2020 because fat people get really sick with Covid. I am 83 and had Covid once and I had a sore throat for 8 hours.

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Interesting. Food for thought.

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I happened to be staying in a Hampton Inn near Milwaukee that was housing RNC workers. So many wore really vile T shirts and kept flipping the monitors to FOX. I guess I thought that if you worked at the RNC convention you might have had a dress code. Surprised—not so much.

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Acquiring media is one of the fascist steps.

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Thank you. We have non stop campaigning and begging for money in this country. If the Dems want to replace Biden, there is plenty of time based on most European countries.

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Joan, Joan, Joan. Think: FOX/HENHOUSE. Now, who (pl) would have the authority to make such changes?

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Wow. Who knew The New York Times and Washington Post had fact-checkers for republicans. They pay them overtime to keep track of Democrats.

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Honestly that surprised me.

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As I often say, denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

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I am having a childhood memory of listening to Dan calling out Nixon. Important then and important now It is a never ending job, but keep at it, Dan.

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Spot on Dan. It's impossible for MAGA to ever abandon violence, because it's all they got.

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You are so right, Dan. I hope Mr. Trump recovers well, and his family too. But any reference on Sunday to cooling the rhetoric and striving for unity went out the window quickly, as I thought it would based on the Trump history. I live north of your northern border but any possibility of another Trump presidency is scary, even for me(us).

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He staged it. He did not even have stitches and golfed without the bandage. This is a martyr play to try and win. These people will stop at nothing.

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Yes! It was most definitely staged! Took the media’s focus off Project 2025…God help us!!

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your friendly neighbor to the north, Mr Rather, i live in Canada.............i fear for my neighbors to the south and the whole world if DJT is elected...........i turned off the convention last evening because of all the lies spewing out of the mouths of American citizens.............many blessings

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I cannot even watch the highlights on network TV🤮

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Know an attorney that can get me into Canada. The distaste for intelligence in the US is horrid.

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Being French, praying in French for French determination to wash all these odious turncoats away in blue on the 5th of November.

Allons enfants...

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P.S. I was surprised at the "minimal" (ahem) bandage though. I was expecting a full head bandage.

(Attempted humor. I'll see myself out.)

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Non. non. WE expected the same theatrical headdress as well. Almost disappointed it wasn't the case.

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I'm sure a lot of us were :(

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I suspect there were many of us expecting his head to be wrapped up to nearly mummy status! As it is, the "bandage" he is displaying is absolutely laughable! I'm sure he did it himself.

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If he did, it's one of the few things that he actually does for himself. The bandage was more likely applied by an aide or some lackey.

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Moi aussi.

(Où est la sortie?)

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Par ici la sortie! :D

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I also expected such a "headdress".

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Allez, les Bleus!

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Tout à fait! :)

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"Le jour de gloire" we vote will be on 5 November.

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You know this in English, maybe...

A la volonté du Peuple,

et à la santé du Progrès,

Remplis ton coeur d'un vin rebelle

et à demain, l'ami fidéle!

Nous voulons faire la lumière

malgré le masque de la nuit,

pour illuminer notre terre

et changer la vie.

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Excellent. It's been many years, though I can still manage a translation.

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Super. That's my actual job :)

We need to go serenade this somewhere.

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Fact checking at this point should be a requirement of all presentations, speeches, interviews. Comparison columns of policy plans for each party are much needed to see the differences.

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I recently read their platform and it too is full of lies!

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

And amongst all that blather, I'm hoping someone exposes JD Vance's aethiest bent, considering so many supposed "evangelicals" are supporting the Trump ticket. Trump may as well be an aethiest, considering himself the only legitimate "power that be."

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The president of teamster at RNC... brought a new level of decay to America. We return to the time when rotten front teeth are on display.

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I was surprised but the dispirited clapping and the disappointment on 45's face when the expected endorsement did not materialize was worth the initial astonishment.

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As Hillary Clinton stated recently “I don’t think all the people that support him know what living under a dictatorship means “. She’s right as usual & the election was stolen from her in 2016 with the help of Putin.

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I think that’s right. They’ve never lived under a dictatorship. It’s not fun. I think they think they’ll be running things and all their enemies will be eliminated. Ha. Have they ever really looked at life in Russia, or Hungary or the eastern bloc of the old USSR? Even the oligarchs have to mind their p’s and q’s or they’ll find themselves tripping off the ledge of a very tall building.

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25% of Russian citizens do not have indoor plumbing.

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Oh my. I didn’t know that. But what do you think happens when civil servants only have their jobs out of loyalty and don’t know what the heck they’re doing. Total mismanagement with disastrous results for everyday people.

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People remember slimy Bill and how she let it all be. That is what is underestimated.

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Bill Clinton is a SAINT compared to trump! Women don’t allow their husbands to be unfaithful. They have to make the tough decision to stick it out or bail. She chose to forgive him & move on.

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