Iowa is not representative of my country, but they are who we thought they were.

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C'mon Iowa - Surprise the nation!! Defeat Trump!

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Please! May the "silent majority" come out to vote. Where are the thoughtful, real Americans who understand what a ruinous situation the 'MAGAs' will cause if they prevail.? Why isn't the media making more of decreased unemployment, decreased inflation, decreased crime???

Toll the bell, spread the word, we're on the brink of BIG trouble!

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In response to your last comment, John, the fact that his supporters listen to what he’s saying and believe that he would be great for our country is so disturbing. The dude says he wants to annihilate his enemies which includes our current President, judges, journalists, and anyone who bad mouths him, etc. and they want this man to represent our country and run our government. I heard one lady say that she likes him because she prefers a strong man that takes control. As an independent woman who doesn’t want anyone to control me, this sends shivers down my spine. After all us women have done to be able to support ourselves and have equality, I can’t imagine having that taken away.They have already succeeded in taking over a woman’s right to healthcare, so it has already begun. This man puts all of us in danger of losing our rights, and these people support that. It is just beyond all forms of reason to me.

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It is important to hammer on a few germane points. Namely, the economy is looking up and crime is down, in particular violent crime. These are good news stories that are willingly and wittingly overlooked by fans of a certain bloated & bloviating orange blowhard, who considers real Americans, all the good folks who disagree and or disapprove of his treacherous and traitorous tricks and tactics, as vermin to be exterminated. That’s fascistic hate speach. He’s free to say such things, but all truly patriotic folks are equally free to reject such a small-minded, vengeful, fearful, hateful, and hate-filled individual.

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Dan…..I share the feelings of a cold Midwest with you. While I haven’t spent much time in Iowa in January, I spent many a December and January weekend at frozen Lambeau Field in Wisconsin. You’re right, there’s no such thing as being overdressed.

Someone must stop Trump. Maybe Leticia James, maybe Jack Smith, maybe Fannie Willis, maybe Judge Engoron or maybe some jury pool or maybe the American Electorate. He cannot be allowed to return to the Oval Office or this country will perish. We have much work to do.

297 days ‘til Election Day

31 days ‘til pitchers and catchers

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If the orange menace is stopped, that could not only be a win for the American people but also a win for so much of the world. (Putin would NOT be happy)

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Yes. Iowa is cold . It can also be very unrewarding when working for your candidate. It is not uncommon for one to deliver citizens to caucus locations , on the coldest of nights , only to have them caucus for another candidate. Iowans can break your heart. One needs the comfort of friends , political soulmates and post caucus martini

to survive the process. Remember 2004 ? Howard Dean and “ the scream”? He was my candidate. So, who knows ? They like to make history out there. One way to do it would be to put Haley in a stronger place. Too bad that Biden is not competing but good to watch it from a nice warm place!

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Thank you, Dan Rather, for another brilliant reminder of what’s important. Perspective keeps us steady, as does participation. Let us hope that the real issues shine through the baloney being spewed by the disrupters.

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Once upon a time, Republicans supported candidates of integrity, such as Dwight Eisenhower, who not only defeated Hitler's Germany in WWII, but became a scandal-free, productive US President. Since those days, it went downhill. Example: Richard Nixon, who gave the GOP Watergate and southern segregationist political bedfellows, which earned him ignominy for life, and sank its own prospects. It's been downhill ever since (except for John McCain, who tried but failed to rescue Republicanism). Can it make a comeback? Not given its current impulse to settle for a candidate without integrity, facing jail time on federal raps, who, according to the leading D.C. newspaper, had told 30,000 lies as of three years ago.

If pariahs are favored by the GOP, heaven help them. I prefer candidates worthy of respect, who know the meaning of our US Constitution, and who uphold it. Settling for fifth-best seems a strategy for disqualifying the GOP for national leadership. Looking outward, it gets worse, with Matt Gaets, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and other misfits without integrity. One big death wish? Seems so.

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Thanks for the reality ✅

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We actually need to stop all the focus on the Dumpster and get back to the real issues in politics, Peace and the environment - with environment equity and human rights as our focus. As long as we keep focus on the Rogue Destroyers (from both political parties) we forget the need for public discussion of all else. Town Hall meetings and public debating candidates that take positions on issues like a functioning government, the Budget and the Farm Bill, and policies on all of us reducing oil and gas consumption to assure that "phaseout" touted at COP28, based on rapidly declining needs is rapidly in progress.. Also, NO war machines in operation. Don't tell me about Dump. Tell me about something else that we need and can do and let the US Courts and Prosecutors do their work to manage him.

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What qualifies Iowa as the go-to sounding board for new political campaigns? At one time, it may have been a typical voter sounding board for campaign messaging. Is it still? Iowans may vote more consistently than in other geographical areas, but except for Des Moines, it is rural, with less influence nationally than urban centers, which tend to be more progressive, not regressive or stand pat. So why the continued reliance on Iowa? As sounding boards go, its influence is diminishing, long-term, and could prove misleading as a predictor of national election outcomes. One might say the same thing about New Hampshire, for the same reasons. Both locations are more inward looking than outward looking, hence tending to nurture isolationist thinking, a mindset that has served us badly for decades. The USA is only one cog in global politics; an important cog, but only one of many independent cogs that comprise world opinion and future events. Keep both Iowa & N. Hampshire, but for accuracy, broaden the sampling.

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Our entire electoral system needs an overhaul! We are using a 19th century system to elect 21st century politicians!

It is outdated & inefficient!

If we had consistent voting policies in every state our elections would go smoothly with minimum irregularities. The Electoral College is as outdated as our election policies are. It would require a Constitutional amendment to change it!

We are in the brink of a Constitutional crisis! There should be a new Constitutional Convention to update & clarify our Constitution but that would be a total disaster & fiasco in today’s current political climate! I don’t see that changing any time in the near future!

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Amen and AMEN!! If we really needed the antiquated electoral college then every state and municipality would require one. Congress will never declare it obsolete. I fear a Constitutional Convention now would be an utter disaster. The radical right would demand enough changes to end our democracy, especially of, god forbid, #rumplethinskin45 were to be reelected. Putin would be the ultimate winner.

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Very sad to read comments so filled with hatred and political fear. Also sad to read those who feel superior to the residents of Iowa. Thank goodness no one referred to them as 'deplorables' who are to ignorant to stay out of the cold.

Rural living, and especially farming, puts one in touch with the natural environment. Cold, wind, rain, and sunshine are elements that transcend the pettiness of partisan politics. A farmer has the strong character necessary to appreciate and work with nature and all its dramatic changes. Cold winters don't frighten the people of Iowa.

I must add that it interested me to see which candidates had the will to brave the Iowa winter, and deliver their campaign messages to Iowa voters. These are the candidates that merit my attention. How on this earth can you expect anyone who can't handle the weather to run a country?

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There is nothing so needed to embellish our nation's image, as a philandering self-aggrandizing liar.

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