This is the most important election in my lifetime and never have the consequences of its outcome been greater. I will always stand with a professional, successful prosecutor who led a major city prosecutors office, the largest Attorney General's office of any state in the nation, a US Senator and Vice President of the United States over a seedy convicted felon who consorts with porn stars while he has a pregnant wife at home, a man convicted of business fraud and fined $450 million, a thief who stole and attempted to conceal top secret government documents, a sexual predator ordered to pay $85 million to his victim, a man barred from being involved with any charity because he converted charitable contributions to his own personal use and a proven pathological, compulsive liar who is a lifelong grifter and conman. Kamala Harris is a breath of fresh air and has energized the Democratic Party. She can and will defeat Trump because she is on the side of right and has a vision for the future. She is about to make history in becoming the first woman President and I hope a historic landslide victory over one of the most deviant candidates to ever seek the Presidency. I also hope there is a massive blue wave at the federal, state and local level to sweep the right-wing MAGA Republicans from office and reclaim this country from the crazies and malicious.

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I heard today that Trump things disabled people should not be allowed to live! That alone despite all his hundreds of other negatives makes me feel disgusted beyond believe and is one of the tenets of the Nazi party!

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My Nephew is handicapped. He deserves to live in a world that loves him and cares for him. We are not going back!!!

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No!! We should never ever let anyone think they can do that! Yet that is another on the Project 2025 list!! Trump is mean and evil like Hitler!

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but not as intelligent!!!!!!

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Good Morning.

tRump is also Deluded and has descended completely into Insanity.

Yet, even some "intelligent" people support him!?

"Intelligence & Common Sense are not necessarily Synonymous". Quite Obviously

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How intelligent can they actually be if they support such a stupid man?

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Sometimes Very Smart / Educated People, Do Very Stupid Things. History Is Full Of Them.

Best Regards

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YES,...HE IS A NAZI! HIS FATHER BELONGED TO THE AMERICAN NAZI PARTY. HE DID EVERYTHING DADDY SAID! ONE OF HIS MINIONS, STEPHEN Miller & Steve Bannon called themselves NEO NAZIS, then changed it to alt right! Stephen Miller's plan to separate babies from families at the border! The Nazis did that in Germany! Grrrrrrrr!

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How sick can one be to vote for this vermin? Stephen Miller is Jewish I hope his family disowned him, how disgusting! They’re all corrupt, sick people. When I think of all the lives lost because of the Nazi party only to have this sick individual running for President here and so many really stupid people who can’t wait to vote for him it makes me crazy. I put a lot of the blame for these lies on Fox, what an evil enterprise that is. Fox lies 24/7 and unfortunately too many people just believe every word they spew. I knew from the very first time I turned it on over 20 years ago that they were lying! I couldn’t believe they were even allowed a broadcast license! Basically those who watch Fox like Trump aren’t very bright or they‘d have certainly have questioned the content!

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Miller’s family have pretty much disowned him.

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I feel so sad for them.

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Same here👏👏👏

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Fact check: Fred Trump Donald's father DID NOT BELONG TO THE AMERICAN NAZI PARTY. Let us not spread false stuff like they do!!!!

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His father was also a member of the KKK

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Not really. Be careful about your facts.

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Sorry....this is what I read: New York Times article from 1927 that reported that Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, had been at a KKK rally on Memorial Day weekend. According to the article, “1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.”

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What do you expect, from a mentally sick man.

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He should be locked up!

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With some “” friends “”. Lol

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Suzy, Can you say eugenics? That is the kind of thing that should be fact check before spreading. Only because it is something we would like to accept as true, all the more reason to fact-check. Here: Donald Trump's nephew Fred Trump III claims that the former president once told him that disabled Americans — including Fred III's own son — "should just die" due to "expenses" and "the shape they're in."

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I read about this in his nieces book.

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I'd have to call his inability to empathize a disability - far greater than any physical one.

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Do you have a reference for this?

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The source of this disgusting insult by Trump is an article in Time Magazine (https://time.com/7002003/donald-trump-disabled-americans-all-in-the-family/) written by his nephew, Fred Trump, III, who has a severely disabled son. Trump twice said to him that people with such disabilities should die, it's just too expensive to maintain them. The man is a horrible, malevolent threat to all things decent.

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Yes, he is!! But then bans abortions??!! Lock him up for life!!

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Jul 24·edited Jul 25

I just googled the exact phrase "Trump thinks disabled people should not be allowed to live!" and a Time magazine article came up - written by Donald Trump's nephew, who is also the father of a disabled boy. I don't know if they will allow the link to stand, so if not, you can easily search for it. It doesn't get much colder than this:


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How cold and inconsiderate can someone get?

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This so called human wants to be our President, God forbid!

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The power is with us. Just vote the bum out.

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He is a very sick man.

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What did President Biden say in his speech about the power being in OUR hands. We just need to use it. In the meantime, if you’re able, help get this woman elected by such a landslide that there is no way for Mr. Marmalade to contest it.

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Do you have any doubts?

In 2017, a group of mental health professionals, led by Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at Yale, published a letter and a book titled "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump." Initially, the letter was signed by 27 mental health professionals, expressing their concerns about Donald Trump's mental fitness to serve as President. Over time, the number of professionals supporting this view grew significantly, with thousands of mental health experts eventually signing various letters and petitions raising concerns about Trump's mental health and fitness for office.

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I’m appalled at the cold heart of this so called human being. He can’t possibly be human, because to be human you have to have a heart!!

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You’re an idiot.

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My goodness, please tell all of us where you read or heard this. This must be thoroughly checked out.

Let us know your sources.

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I have watched some Hindu Vedic Astrology shows on Trump. One famous astrologer predicts there could be another attempt on his life after September, 2024

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Right - your immediate acceptance of this hearsay makes total sense - you accept it blindly and spew it out with some Nazi reference for good measure - feel better?

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There is plenty of evidence out there if you look. But maybe you don’t want to know?

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Yes Jerry and Marybeth; This is the most important election for the rest of my life and now we have a capable candidate who will lead this nation in the right direction. I will donate again soon.

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Love your response. Cheers.

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Thankyou! And, yes this!

Go Kamala!

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I am so very happy that President Biden endorsed Kamala! I started paying attention to her and folowing her when she was a Senator. I was very impressed with her then! No doubt about it, Joe has been the Best President in my lifetime. All the things he accomplished in 3 yrs is astounding, and no other has ever accomplished as much in such a short period of time! God Bless them both!

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I second that!!!!!

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Hear, Hear! I add only that the GOP should be disinfected and punished for scheming to destroy our Democracy when they nominated him to run in 2016. Damn them. Secondly, the Electoral College should be eliminated immediately. It is a relic of days long ago when those in charge believed the populous was uneducated. Get over your power-hungry selves and get out of the way of The People's Democracy!

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They‘re nothing but Nazi‘s now. They want a Dictator! What happened to them? It’s terrifying!

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Oh, Jerry. So well said. Right On! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Well stated, thank you. She WILL win, and I will do all I can to help.

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Perfectly stated! I’m with you!

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Jerry: I believe you hit all the major points. Very well stated. I share your optimissm after months, no, years of dark thoughts. Thank you!!

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WOW! so eloquently written! You have summed this up perfectly. I wish this was on a freaking billboard!! Keep up the good fight for truth and decency and intelligence! We are with you! BLUE WAVE ALL THE WAAAAAY!

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It’s shocking and so disturbing that this man actually has a chance to become president again after all the crimes and corruption he’s committed during his lifetime! The most disturbing factor is that a political party is behind him 100%! He has so many negatives it’s impossible to count them all and this party has promoted him all the way! What ever happened to that party full of greedy FASCISTS now? Why do they want to destroy our country? As far as I am concerned they are terrorists trying to overthrow our democracy and should be treated as criminals! They are promoting a man who plans to become a Dictator also a man they know very well is not Well! He’s all over the place and getting deeper into dementia by the day. He needs help not the presidency!

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Ah, the party of diversity and inclusion. You hypocritical asshole.

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Yes Presidency, Yes Senate, Yes House!!!!!!!!!!

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You’re a delusional sick leftist, communist devil worshiper.

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You suffer Trump Bobble-Head syndrome, a severe brain disorder affecting desperate, gullible people prone to cult behavior.

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Yes she worked her way to the top - on her knees.

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No room for sexist pigs here.

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Harris vs Trump—the prosecutor vs the felon—an easy choice

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Harris would not have been my first choice but Trump would be my last. With her all the way.

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Biden-Harris neither one were mine but they have gotten more done than the last 50byears. With Biden stepping out who better to know what is going on from day 1 than Harris? She is the logical and now most exciting choice. I'm pumped listening to young people, young women finally taking notice and getting ready to go.

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I’m from California and I’ve been a fan of Kamala Harris ever since I saw her extremely intelligent blurb in the Voter pamphlet when she ran for Senate. She will make an excellent president.

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Me too, Susan!

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Jessica Craven has a great clip from Political Girl in her post from yesterday as well as a video of Harris’s acceptance speech. Both are worth watching if you want to learn more about this remarkable woman’s many accomplishments.

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I've watched both!

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Same here, so pleased with the fact that she's a local, and quite qualified.

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Being qualified she is indeed.

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It would truly be poetic justice!

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I’m so excited to have this intelligent, vibrant, successful woman as our candidate for President!!

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Me too, its about time.

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I was worried sick when Joe made his decision. But now I'm ALL IN AND ENERGIZED!! Plan to vote Blue straight party ticket! 💙🇺🇸

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Exactly! Terrified and then absolutely stoked. To see the kids on TikTok who are suddenly excited about voting is just amazing.

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21 June 2024, the day the world changed.

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Vote blue down ballot to.

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💙🌊 !!!

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The energy this dramatic twist has created is electric. The trick will be to maintain it for the next 100 days and do all we can to make certain we don’t go back to the past. Time for the media to finally honestly assess Trump’s fitness for office and his intent to continue to instill hate, division and inequality. We must do this for our country, our children and our grandchildren.

Steady and forward!

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He has NEVER been fit for office. The old time Republicans must be spinning in their graves.

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Why is the media not honest with the public about him? It seems like they are pushing him at us. It must be because he’s more volatile and therefore more interesting to report about but is that honest reporting? It seems the press is drifting farther and farther right.

No matter how badly Trump behaves when is his ugly disgusting behavior ever called out in a large public way? It’s almost as if they want him to win to make they’re jobs more exciting! Do your jobs Press and stop pandering to this sick man.

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According to CNN tRump is traumatized after the attempted on his life which was the excuse to why pendejo is back peddling about the debate, not that Kamala would kick his as*. And he knows it.

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Traumatized? Well maybe he should be after all the disgusting things he says about people at his rallies. He’s horribly offensive, and does he think that doesn’t offend millions? When his idol Hitler gave his disgusting speeches in Nürnberg at the Stadium he was high up above everyone probably to stay safe. Many years ago I went there with friends, it was so creepy. That’s exactly what Trump is trying to re-create. By the way where are his Brown Shirts? He doesn’t fool me for a second!

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The main point was cnn

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I find her smile, and her laugh lift my spirits. They are joyous. Compare that to the sneers and scowls of trump. Says much. I feel more hopeful for the future than I did 5 days ago.

Who knows.

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Amen! That infectious laugh is a joyful bonus. I don’t believe I have ever seen Trump laugh. Sourpuss!

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Mary Trump says that the reason Trump doesn’t laugh is because his father told that laughing shows weakness and he should never show any sign of weakness. What a terrible thing to tell your child.

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He doesn't know how to laugh.

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Dumb ass don’t laugh, Linda.


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Today, a member of the commentariat couldn't recall ever seeing tRump laugh. I can't either and the only smile you ever see is that fake Cheshire cat that ate the canary grin.

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I hate that face he makes...so gross!

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Me too!

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I often wonder if Trump is capable of laughter! I have never heard him or seen him laugh. He is joyless, and it appears that the only time I have seen him smile is when he is receiving praise or insulting someone.

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More of a leer and a sneer. He has no soul.

Maybe we should pity someone with so little love and joy

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Vice President has come out, immediately defining the stark differ between herself and Mr. Trump. As you note, the differences could not be more stark. One candidate is looking to continue progress, opportunity and secure America’s position on the world stage. The other is trying to stay out of prison, where he belongs. He has no vision because he has no beliefs other than in himself.

We have a good opportunity to close the Trump chapter in our history. Let’s not let this opportunity pass.

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VPs are not in the public as the president is. But I’ve admired her self-confidence and steady demeanor. I’d love to see a debate between z Kamala and trump. I think she stomp on him. She doesn’t take bullying lightly.

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Yes, and I'm sure, as VP, she had to tone down her brilliance. I believe we are about to see a Kamala Harris that we had no idea existed.

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No she doesn’t. She doesn’t flinch.

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I don't believe that I could watch another Trump "debate" as he rarely answers the questions, lies constantly and even takes credit for someone else's work.

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Your right but they never call him on it! I remember so well how he followed Hillary around the stage during their debates and the monitors did nothing! It was horrible. Every time she tried to get away he stalked her. His entire life he’s gotten away from with absolutely everything and now he will do anything to be President so he doesn’t have to go to prison! Imagine Americans voting for a guy so he doesn’t have to go to prison? What have we come to? It’s SICK!

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No issue, it will be be good to see him tell all lies. This would remain fresh with people when early voting starts.

Thank you

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I'd watch just to watch her kick his a$$!!

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As JFK said, the torch has passed to a new generation....

Lunch today with the family 18 year old before she leaves for college. Her concerns are climate change, reproductive rights and not losing ALL the progress we made since the Kennedy era.

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Make sure to ask your 18 yo family member to check her voter registration.

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Mail in Ballots needed for all the college kids who are going out of state.!!!

Most don't change state of residency until after graduation.

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Yes! Absentee ballots need to be requested.

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Great idea - thank you. I'll tell her and ask her to tell her friends.

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Excellent discussion everyone - she is staying in state but I will tell her to let everyone she meets at the college know.

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Thanks so much for always pointing out the positive Mr. Rather. We all desperately need the positive at this time.

I am still upset with the way the media kept going after President Biden. I do feel good that it looks like the Democratic party has not gone into chaos like I witnessed in 1968, and are fully supporting VP Harris.

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I really love President Biden, he’s such a decent man. There is no comparison between him and that creature.

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I could not agree with you more Suzy!

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I, for one, am not going to underestimate Kamala. She belongs in the White House.

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Yes, she kam!

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Great read today! I can't wait to see DT on election night...when he is resoundingly whipped by a WOMAN. This is worth the wait! Oh the face...I can see him now...maybe that will finally shut him up. We can but hope-

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He has already signaled. If he wins, it was legit. If he loses, it was rigged. He’s incapable of seeing himself as the LOSER he truly is.

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He's a pathetic child and should just go home to Mar-a-Lago.

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Let's hope it's a huge win for Harris, big enough to maim MAGA and Trump.

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That will help. Might be essential.

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Mind the flying ketchup.

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Kamala Harris is a gift; Joe Biden is reincarnated.

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I am a little optimistic. I hope they can carry this level of commitment and excitement into November.

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Thanks for this report, Dan.

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