I have a cousin whom I look up to like a big sister as I am the oldest child in our family. She used to live two hours away but has now moved four days away. We used to spend time together once in a while, but distance has made getting together a challenge. COVID came along and I have not seen her in person for over two years. When she moved, we started being pen pals - something we did when we were teens and young adults. It is a thrill when we get a letter now - I open it right away if at all possible. I recently broached the subject with another cousin I have not seen in over ten years. I am waiting to hear from her on whether she wants to become pen pals too.

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I am just now reading the newsletter dated May 8 and entitled Reaching Out. I saved it for so long because of that title alone. I am a believer when it comes to making and maintaining meaningful connections and I have to say, this is Steady. I love what you and Elliot are doing here. I can only hope the two of you have something else in store for this community of believers. Don't stop Dan and Elliot, give us more and allow us to give as well. Thank you!

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... and just when I was ready to resume cynicism 101a ...

Mr. Rather,

I honor and respect truth ... not just truth; but honesty! Your words of hope, insight, and faith shared among our common humanness is positive, powerful, truthful, and reassuring to us all! Thank you Mr. Rather! Please stay well and continue to share with us the wisdom of your personal experiences and observations of living/life.

Thank you,

Bob Michaels

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I felt you were directly speaking to me. Where I live I have 4 friends I met at the Senior Center and here from my adult children weekly. Thank you.for this article.

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This left me with a beautiful breeze sailing through my heart and soul. Your words so loving and kind. I feel much lighter after reading. God Bless, Dan Rather 🙏

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Many years ago, I read an article on mental health that stated people need 20 interactions each day in order to feel connected. I apologize that I no longer remember the source, but it was in a reputable health journal or NYT Science article. Among those 20 interactions could be a simple hello, wave, or good day greeting to someone on the street or in a store. During the pandemic, I have attempted to get out for a walk just to make such connections. These helped to keep my spirits positive. Steady and reading the comments has been such a benefit during the isolation of the early pandemic and continues to be during the stress of our political climate, environmental changes due to global warming, and the world situation. Thank you all for your thoughtful commentaries on Dan's and Elliot's writings. I feel connected and intellectually stimulated.

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I have alway thought that the little actions were not enough to make a difference. Your words, Mr. Rather, have given me hope that I am making a difference by saying good morning to people as sit on a park bench or thank a person, such as someone who picks up garbage, for doing their job. I want people to know that I SEE them and are not invisible. I try to make sure I send a card, send a text, or make a call that lets someone know I am thinking of them. I feel better knowing that I'm trying to connect with others as your article says. Thank you for encouraging me to continue.

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This man’s old-time integrity and wit are still relevant and welcome. A real journalist of dignity and intelligence.

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You will be proud of me. I just reached out to a longtime friend with whom I have had an up and down relationship. I invited her over now that we are vaccinated (my card is full). Hope she accepts.

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Reading your message is always a booster for me. Your words about calling a family member struck home, I received news that someone was considering suicide and it shook me to the core. So I intend to be more proactive in calling and staying in touch 🙂

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I so appreciate your kind and comforting words. Reaching out to the people in our lives is so important. We can get busy and forget to do it. I will try to do more of it. Thank you.

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Thank you, My friends, new and old ones, provide so much connections. They keep me grounded, allow for "girl talk" as only good friends can do, and they provide a sense of belonging, whether to a part of our past and something to look forward to in the future. Thank you for reminding all of us. how important those connections can be.

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Thank you, Mr. Rather. Your letter touched me. I will be calling old friends tonight and tomorrow.

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It's a theme! Some of favorite other bloggers are talking about reaching out and connecting! So important! Especially in the work of changing the world! Making it better. Dr. Dan Siegel talks about a new idea "Mwe", going from me to we, holding onto to our own identity, but more able to connect with our community.

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Some months ago, really more like two years, one of my best friends sent me a picture of his daughters meeting Kamala Harris (just after the primary win). Several months later, I still had not heard from him, and the last phone number I had for him was not answering. So I went looking through the internet for him, and found his obit. That’s still churning my psyche. Thanks for your gentle reminder to reach out…

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Thank you, Dan. I had already reached out to my grandson, who returned from his semester abroad in London. He was driving to Chicago to meet up with his old roommates and spend a few days with them.

Since he was driving through Wisconsin and I have driven that stretch of I-94 many times, I knew that we could have time for a pleasant conversation and catch up. It was really enjoyable. Coming back to the US after a few months or even years can be a disquieting experience. So we kind of caught up and had a great conversation. For me it was a special experience andina feel from our talk it was the same for him.

Then when I read your comments today, I was more overjoyed that I had called him. Who knows maybe I’ll try writing him or another friend as well.

As you said, life can be very lonely in the best of times!

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