More Biden…Please?!

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Dan, I think there's a secret that even the most abused journalists won't touch and that's that Wikipedia is NOT free is needs love dough money "support," "tips," sure they talk about chuck now but only because he finally let me "support" him in death. Just try it with someone you don't like and see.

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H Dan. you remind me of @ChuckPhilips, journalist, American piñata, whose career was ruined by Rovian strategist. We tried to get. his reputation back before he died. No dice. Not nice. please help - even a word or two with a drink on me and food at Cal State Long Beach (he loved nature and the ocean). And he is as natural in face as you. Fact it - heaven comes for those who wait. Don't wait.

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Nikki Haley is very much an extremist in her political views. Going against Trump has allowed her to mask them. No one should be fooled.

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"any presidential candidate facing 91 felony indictments is going to get a lot of my attention....to ignore his behavior is to normalize it"

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Women's bodily autonomy should be a number one issue for Democrats. Republicans work for the domination of women, stripping them of control of their lives. In some states, women cannot travel to seek services and those who help them even in small ways, can be subject to imprisonment.

Trump has taken credit for destroying Roe vs. Wade. We Democrats need to hammer this home. This issue has been key in many races to date, and we can win if we push it.

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Raising awareness of domestic accomplishments will never be enough to outweigh the danger of another Trump presidency unless Biden is also "quietly" fixing the mess in Gaza. There is little to suggest that's happening. I find myself struggling over whether I can even vote for Biden again, in light of our government's complicity with Netanyahu's genocidal war. All other issues, as compelling as they are, pale in comparison. Dan, with your stellar background as a war correspondent, why have you left this monstrous problem out of the discussion?

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It is shocking to me how the news media never shuts up about Trump, yet ignores the outstanding work of President Biden. I am disgusted with all of them.

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Thank you for this post.

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What's At Stake Here: I think under a new Trump term as president, the Constitution will be dissolved and replaced with a Confederacy-style constitution controlled in the background by Russia. The world would be divided up between what is left of the US along with Russia and the Chinese. No Canada to run to. No free and independent Europe. The government would be gutted and any offices replaced with loyalists at the job to grab what they can. Society would undergo a form of Gleichschaltung with everything aligned to the ruling party, starting with higher and all levels of education. Any form of opposition would be persecuted and members thereof imprisoned or killed. People of suspect backgrounds (Asian, Latin American, Middle East) would be deported or killed. To make up for the loss in laborers, African Americans, having lost the protections of the Constitution, would be re-enslaved. Children would be forced into labor starting at an early age. Women would lose their rights to vote and once again become property of their husbands. It would be a two-class society, with a few, really rich individuals subject to being disposed of if they get out of line, the rest of the "citizens" in a sort of modern serfdom, and the slaves. Given the advances of technology, throwing off this yoke would nearly be impossible. People can be chipped and embedded with GPS trackers and there would be no guardians of human rights to help. It would be a bleak dystopia.

Hasn't Trump already said he would do some of this if re-elected? Haven't some of these ideas been floated or even implemented by Republican governors? I'm just filling in the blanks. The cozy freedom, the stable, prosperous society we have enjoyed since WWII is being eroded. We cannot count on it as a given anymore.

We need to make sure Trump does not win. We need to find the means to counteract the tough guy appeal his lawlessness and immorality has to way too many people who are liable to fall for simple, strong-man solutions to complex problems.

President Biden is doing a great job, and even more so in spite of the current House majority party. He may be 80, but he is exhibiting a deliberate maturity in his approach to offering solutions to our Nation’s problems so underestimated and so sorely lacking in a political environment where arm-chair outrage and demands for short-sighted reflexive action is all too common. We need to get behind him and be very loud about it.

Noticed the hundreds of thousands of people coming out in Germany over the last couple of weeks to demonstrate against right-wing plans to deport people with an immigrant background? They know what's at stake. It's time that Americans started realizing what's at stake and start acting on it.

Failure is not an option.

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Thank you. Again, your observations are spot on. There is so much good and productivity going on right now in our country and it's just not being seen because of all of Trump's bluster about how badly things are going for him. I will forward your article and maybe a few naysayers will at least read it and cause them to think about their choices. But ,if not, then we must do what we had to the last time , GET OUT THE VOTE!! Hopefully, God will be looking down on us.

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Trump is not the problem at the moment here. It currently rests with the team in the USA State Department and the White House. Hopefully the support of the USA voters does not and will never rest with anyone capable or even interested in "wiping out" anyone, friend or foe. The days of such actions are no longer physically possible AND are a no-state solution. Certainly not a lasting peace.

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Biden's and the Democrats' problem is that they are not willing to break with Big Business as FDR did.

He doesn't tell that the high prices are not due to inflation but due to gouging companies who are recording record profits; OR that employers with the low paying jobs don't want to lose the negative impact that immigrants have on wages. They got to sstart hitting the right buttons. Herb Fisher

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Your comment is a perfect example of why genocide is never an answer, no matter when or against whom such mistakes are made. Reminder- Hamas was identified as a legitimate ( by Israel) political party and was political representatives were voted in, to hold some seats in the last election. This was not the military wing of Hamas, which undertook the Oct 7 attacks. This was certainly not the over 10,000 children who have died in the genocidal bombings nor others who will perish from active killing conditions condemned by the World Court of Justice earlier this week. We must never start or continue doing this to others if there is ever to be a chance for lasting peace with justice.

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We all must share these facts whenever and wherever we have a listener; the thought of another Trump four years is hard to stomach. As always, thank you Mr. Rather!!

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A Disappointed Dictator is a Dangerous Person

Mao started the Cultural Revolution so that he could destroy his own party and become once again its sole leader (he was opposed to collective leadership). The result? Chaos under heaven. Trump has already destroyed the Republican Party. Who's next? Or, what’s next? Don't we already know?

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