I can’t imagine anyone who respects democracy who wouldn’t appreciate Biden’s speech and demeanor.

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How about someone who doesn’t respect or appreciate genocide?

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There seems to be a common misconception that President Biden has a magic button on his desk which, if only he'd push it, Israel's assault on Gaza would stop. Sadly, that is not the case.

The hardest thing about providing wise and effective counsel to an ally is that it must be done quietly and privately. There is no possibility that publicly condemning and threatening Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right supporters will change their behavior in the slightest. In fact, it's more likely to embolden him. It would feed directly into his narrative of victimhood: standing up to American pressure, defying all who question Israel's right to defend itself.

President Biden is displaying the fruits of his decades of experience in diplomacy. He balances just enough public reprimand with intense private pressure in order to maximize the possibility of influencing the decisions of another sovereign state's leader. Secretary Of State Blinken has made multiple trips throughout the Mid-East, working tirelessly to coordinate an international response leading to a cease-fire.

It's the easiest thing in the world to shout condemnation from the rooftops, proclaiming one's own moral superiority. But getting down into the trenches to negotiate meaningful solutions is a long, hard slog.


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I agree. President Biden is clearly NOT on board with Israel's - and it is Israel's - relentless attacks on innocent civilians in Gaza. He does not have control of all the world's wrong-doing, but he is by far the person taking the most criticism. President Biden is doing Good for America and the world. Sometimes I feel he's holding the planet on his shoulders. I was thrilled by his State of the Union Address. Many of us could learn a lot from him; he's clearly up to facing down all the evil players on the domestic and foreign stages, with no intention of walking away. I'm grateful he has given a fragile American democracy, and the entire free world, a chance to fight for survival.

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Nicely put, Jade! President Biden is clearly walking a fine line between the opportunism of both sides (Hamas and Netanyahu), the proverbial rock and a hard place. There's no one I'd trust more at the helm than President Biden.

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Yes! President cannot control what Netanyahu does any more than I.

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Mar 9, 2024
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I seem to remember the line about those who ignore the past are apt to repeat it. There’s something to be said for our elder statesmen, especially Biden. He remembers America before Trump killed 1.1 million of us with ego and covid, before the Tea Party started it all. I personally would really like to go back to that time before MTG’s blatant disrespect; before Putin started annexing Yugoslavia . Biden has proved he’s up to it ( which I believe was the topic at hand)all.

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Mar 9, 2024Edited
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Sorry, even though President Biden "bears" responsibility for everything, our government was designed to have checks and balances- it's called Congress, aka the legislative branch. There is also a Judicial Branch. Biden is NOT responsible for the overturning of ROE, nor is he responsible for Congressional inaction at the border - there was a bipartisan bill that the apparent "Acting" Speaker of the House didn't want because he wanted it to remain a selling point for his campaign. If Biden was solely responsible, Ukraine would have the weapons they needed but don't because of the "America First" faction. I guess you are one of those who resents the US supporting a democratic country other than your own. You apparently have been coerced by the downtrodden and resentful (gaslighting is not one-sided). This is still the greatest country on Earth - and yes one of envy. Your comments lead me to believe you would be happier living under an autocratic regime, provided of course you agreed with the leader.

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Mar 9, 2024Edited
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Fully respectful of your right to express your opinion, frankly I think you are not only seriously downplaying the danger we face should Biden lose to Trump. Secondly, you seem to be blaming him for chronic problems our country has been dealing with for decades, which I believe can be traced directly back to Ronald Reagan's catastrophic economic policies. Not that they should not be addressed and fixed, but it will take time, especially given that Biden has had the unenviable task of restoring the country towards some semblance of equilibrium after the Trumpian free-for-all. No election should be about one issue, but in this case, with democracy at stake, I believe that it is the single most important issue in the single most important election of our lives.

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Mar 9, 2024
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We live in a very imperfect world. Often we need yes need to choose the lesser imperfect as we must do now. There is no choice. We have been told every four years that the coming election is the big one but this time it’s true. We can argue policy later. Now is the time to unite against a criminal monster. 👹

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Mar 10
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We know President Biden is responsible for both foreign and domestic policy Blueberry, but he isn’t “solely responsible.” Congress has input by voting for or against legislation. Congress approves the

budget and funding not included in the budget as well.

No one says we don’t have the ability to criticize the President. Perhaps you live in a country where it can be fatal to criticize the President, but it’s not that way here.

FYI, President Biden’s Southern Border policies are

very much the same as Trump’s border policies, despite what republicans say. There are no “open borders.” In fact we haven’t had open borders since the 1920s. The following information is from the Cato Institute:

“Biden HAS FAR MORE VIGOROUSLY ENFORCED immigration THAN THE LAW REQUIRES by narrowing the exceptions to the ban on legal immigration.

The President has faced repeated criticisms from Republicans that his border policy amounts to “open borders.” This criticism is not simply inaccurate—IT IS UNHINGED FROM REALITY.

Most of President Biden’s immigration policies & goals are the same as those of President Trump. He continued Trump’s ban on “nonessential travel” at U.S. land ports of entry & BIDEN IS USING ANOTHER TRUMP POLICY—“Title 42 expulsion”—to immediately deport as many asylum seekers & border crossers as possible without hearing their asylum claims. Biden is mostly dropping them in Mexico, just as Trump did with his “Remain in Mexico,” policy only on a much LARGER scale.

The number of immigrant arrivals far exceeds the government’s capacity to turn them away. As a result, a few are released as a last resort, but they are not “free.” They are arrested, detained & can be re-arrested.

The Biden admin.has smashed all records for immediate expulsions without due process, increasing the rate from 62,000/month under Trump to about 100,000 a month. There aren’t enough detention facilities, agents or airplanes to get it done in enough time to avoid having to release some of them.

Trump’s administration faced the same constraints

& they too released thousands of immigrants. But Biden’s challenge is greater because THE NUMBER OF IMMIGRANTS ARRIVING FROM OUTSIDE MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA HAS EXPLODED, increasing from about 10,000 to over 62,000/month requiring farther flights & more resources. Yet the number of removals & those sent to immigration jail far exceed the number of releases by about 3 to 1.

If Biden let them enter at ports of entry to request asylum & granted them work visas at consulates, the problem wld disappear. Yet Biden keeps consulates closed & wastes more than 42,000 H‑2B seasonal work visas Congress authorized him to issue. He’s finding every way possible to keep them out, yet republicans continue to lie by pretending his policy is “open borders.” If republicans can’t discredit Biden with facts because he’s doing such a good job, they discredit him with lies. (Cato Instit., 9/23/21, by David J. Bier)

As far as our economy is concerned, “the U.S. economy is outperforming all of its major trading partners. The stock market is up & unemployment

is the lowest it has been in 50 years. Since 2020,

the United States has powered through a once-in-a-century pandemic, the highest inflation in 40 years and fallout from two foreign wars.Now, after posting faster annual growth last year than in 2022, the U.S. economy is quashing fears of a recession while offering lessons for future crisis-fighting.” (WaPo, 1/28/24, by David J.Lynch) It doesn’t get better than that.

If you think we have “poor governance,” think again.

President Biden has signed into law more than 400 BIPARTISAN bills to support his Unity Agenda. That includes the bipartisan MAT Act, Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the PACT Act—the most significant expansion of benefits and services for veterans in more than 30 years; and he’s passed bipartisan legislation to launch ARPA-H and drive breakthroughs against deadly diseases such as cancer.

The Republican Party has made it very clear that

if Trump wins in November, they intend to remove Americans’ freedoms, like the freedom to vote, the freedom to read any book we want to read and they’ve already removed the freedom to obtain an abortion. That’s not democracy, it’s tyranny. So yes,

campaigning for the upcoming election does represent an existential battle between good and

evil. Republicans represent evil, Democrats represent good.

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Your blindness is typical of the ones embracing authoritarian dictators. You really should move to Hungary or Russia. You'd fit right in.

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I think you mistakenly substituted Biden for the former wanna be dictator. And you forgot to mention 45's major foreign policy statement which endeared the US to the world, "the sh_t countries in Africa".

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I can think of nothing that emboldens Netanyahu more than the hope of seeing Trump return to the White House. What kind of fool thinks a Trump presidency would be good for Palestinians? Or for Israelis, for that matter.

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Or Americans!

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Well said, Jerry. It's a delicate balance, one that I have the utmost confidence in President Biden to strike.

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Well said, sir. When people point the finger at our head state with the expectation that he controls the rest of the world, they are either over zealous in their compassion or ignorant of how countries deal with one another.

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The U.S. is supplying all the weapons. U.S. troops are flying reconnaissance missions over Gaza. The U.S. has positioned troops in Jordan and Syria to discourage other countries from interfering to stop the genocide. The U.S. has attacked the only country willing to take action to stop the slaughter. Worse of all, the United States has taken money away from the UN agency that is trying to prevent the Palestinians from starving to death based on uncorroborated claims by Israel that 15 out of 30,000 employees may have been involved with Hamas. Claims it has been claimed were obtained by torturing Palestinian prisoners.

You in your infinite wisdom think there’s no way Biden could stop this. What a freaking genius.

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Mar 9, 2024Edited
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That is your value judgement. Leaders lead, dictators dictate. As for moral imperative, we can lead others by example and for that some Americans do a poor job at that by being willing to subjugate their fellow citizens as well deny them the same rights they enjoy. Our policies for international relations has not be consistent through history. We have been isolationists, we have been interveners, we have defended the freedom of friends. It should be common sensical that getting along in this world big and small that making more friends and fewer enemies is the best path to peace. In the small world, we have some personal control of that in our country. In the larger world it is more complex. The Biden administration has been commendable in its efforts.

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Mar 9, 2024Edited
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You obviously haven't been to Vietnam (I was there in '68-'69, and again in March 2023). Yes, the government is communist, but capitalism is alive, well and widespread throughout the country. The Vietnamese people also have almost unfettered access to the internet. A case could be made our way of life "won" the war.

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Beautifully stated. Thank you.

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Well said!

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Thank you. This is the response I needed and will give from now on in defense of Biden. Thank you. Truly. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Amen 🙏🏻. I think President Biden is working to help both sides as best he can.

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Perfectly said. People are quick to judge when they're are not knowledgeable about foreign policy. With 40 years experience of serving his country, Biden is a pro.

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Sadly you think that’s not the case when it is. Israel cannot continue the slaughter without American weapons. He could end it with one phone call to Netanyahu saying no more aid until there is a permanent ceasefire but he won’t because he is a genocidal maniac

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You have stated many opinions, often in a relatively uncivil and hostile manner. It's unfortunate that you feel that you have to discuss the matters in this way. It doesn't redound to your character.

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And most of my comments are facts not opinions

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None your comments are facts. It is nothing but opinion you post. You seem to think that Biden is so powerful he can order sovereign countries to do his bidding. I guess he never bothered to tell Russia to pack up and go home. And he seems unable to force the House and Senate to do what he commands. Do you not understand the ties that bind any president?

And since the USA does not control private businesses he can’t stop them from selling to whoever they want as long as that country has not been placed under massive economic sanctions. Something he would again need Congress to approve.

What facts do you think you’re written here?

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Sir it seems, no, you do not know fact from opinion. One phone call my patoot.

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You're confused, you're stating opinions, not facts

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If genocide apologists don’t make you a little surly then you are an uncaring monster

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And there you go, again. Ad hominem attacks rather than sticking to the substance of the issue truly reveals character, sir. Perhaps you'd like to put something a bit less revealing on yours.

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spoken like a true tRumper Eddie my man

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It is true that Israel uses American weapons, plenty, but it is naive to think that cutting off the supply would affect an immediate results. Israeli's are not new at this. Fighting for their freedom and recognition from day 1, they have been resourceful. Israel can and does produces its own weapons. Yes, cutting off replenishment from the US and other supporting countries would hurt their campaign in the long run, but their fight would go on. It is about not being pushed into the sea as the Hamas jihad is all about. Iran to a large extent supports Hamas. Consider this, have you heard a single Palestinian voice condemn the actions that spawned this conflict? I have not. It would seem that Palestinians as a whole support Hamas, how else could have Hamas developed such a vast network for its terrorists attacks? As for the leaders of Hamas, their strategy to hiding behind or underneath as it were the citizenry of Gaza is cowardly and sacrifices its own people.

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Stop with the Bull that they are fighting for their freedom. They are doing to Arabs what the Germans did to them.

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Sorry, really, ... an example please of Biden's genocidal tendencies ?

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He Does and he should. It's called an executive order. Stop arms and aid to Israel. Period.

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He does have a magic button. It’s called the “stop sending our billions of tax dollars to Israel to be used for apartheid and genocide” button.

Biden and Trump both support Israel. It’s all you need to know for why these two clowns are all the system can burp up as an offering for us to “choose” from.

“Garbage in, garbage out.”

George Carlin

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Perfectly stated! Thank you!

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Biden may not have a magic button to end the genocide in Gaza, but he has the authority to stop the flow of U.S. money and arms to Israel by executive action, thus putting a halt to Netanyahoo's slaughter. That he chooses---and it is a choice---to continue funding the slaughter, unconstitutionally circumventing Congress, makes him de facto and morally complicit in genocide.

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Thank you. Jerry

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You are referring to Hamas.

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Are you completely stupid?

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Are you? Biden is at least trying to get the Israelis to see reason. Do you think Trump would lift a finger toward that?

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Biden sits in the seat right now, not Trump. As the sign on Truman's desk said, the buck stops here.

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Are you? The Washington post just reported over 100 arms sales to Israel just under the amount required to report to Congress. Does that sound like someone who is trying to stop a genocide genius?

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Arms sales are appropriated by Congress, son.

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I have grave concerns about the way this administration has supported Israel's response to the Hamas attack and failed to ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Still, it's a very complex problem. I view it as a positive that Biden has at least announced a plan for getting aid to Gaza and has strongly endorsed a two-state solution. I believe there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than we'll ever be aware of. Many presidents have failed in efforts to bring peace to the region, but I don't think it's something the US can do unilaterally. I also don't think that we can or should abandon our alliance with Israel, even though the actions of Netanyahu's government are despicable. Nor should Hamas be held blameless for the plight of the citizens who are suffering. Finally, your comments are out of line and insulting to Dan Rather, who has done so much to foster civility in this community forum.

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Thank you for a brilliant comment! Your last paragraph is spot on.

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Not supporting an administration that is committing genocide is not complicated and I am referring to both the Biden administration and the Netanyahu administration.

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I haven't heard anyone here present a plan to eliminate a terrorist organization that is dedicated to the "genocide" of Israel. What's the plan from those who see the horrors of Gaza?

Billions of dollars were given to the people of Gaza from Qatar and Iran. They used that money two ways. The three top leaders of Hamas now have about 9 billion in assets. How much of that is being used to feed their own people? The second way that money was spent was to build tunnels and rockets to rain terror on innocent Israelis. Jews and Arabs have been hiding in safe rooms for years as rockets fell in their neighborhoods.

Genocide? I'm not impressed with how Netanyahu has conducted this war. But to say that the Palestinians are innocent of genocide is to deny the definition of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis who seek the annihilation of an entire country.

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So you support Hamas or the Palestinians and don’t think they’re committing genocide? They have declared publicly that all Jews must be eradicated. That, you ignorant bigot, is genocide.

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But you are supporting Hamas?

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She isn’t but you are being obtuse. Biden is trying to stop Isreal. Did you miss the aid being sent? And did you miss his open mike comment about giving Netanyahu a “come to Jesus” talk?

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38,000 meals to feed 2 million people is an insult and what he says is laughable when behind the scenes he keeps giving them the weapons to kill Palestinian children

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Look, there’s absolutely no reasoning with you. Please go home?

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The U.S. has vetoed two U.N. ceasefire resolutions. If Biden was serious about helping the Gazans, he would have eagerly embraced those resolutions. He would also have paused all aid to Israel until Netanyahu stopped slaughtering innocent civilians and stopped ongoing settlements in the West Bank.

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And then we American Jews would be howling! Let Biden do his thing so he doesn’t *have* to (pardon the expression) throw the baby out with the bath water.

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The US has been negotiating a temporary cease fire for a long time. A permanent ceasefire would give Hamas license to build more tunnels and fire more rockets.

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Mar 9, 2024Edited
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So positive about what you know

So damn sure you’re right

Use insults to show your angers might

Try to let listening grow

There’s truth in every perspective on Earth

Listen to other’s song with mirth.

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Yes I am

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No you're not Eddie, as the majority of content of these replies to you clearly shows ...

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The reason the American government, democrats or republicans, have had a green light toward Israel since 1948, is because of the various Jewish lobbies in this country. The Jews have bought influence and we have turned a blind eye towards any and all war the Jews have fought against Arab peoples. In essence, we created the monster and he is us.

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Oh honey. Please don’t go there. Please start with the Old Testament. Follow us out of Israel into the world of Russian and Western progroms into German slaughter. Do we not then deserve to go home to Israel, what’s left of us? Do we not deserve to defend it? What you have to say smacks of ignorance and antisemitism and I’m sorry for you.

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Sue, this issue is far too complex to tap a few words. First out, I have Jewish blood in me so enough with that tired phrase. No my mama wasn’t Jewish bla bla bla I’ve heard it before. I’m a human first. I’m an atheist and proud that I don’t believe in foolish illusions. So where do you go? How about America. We opened the doors here. But what you don’t do is take lands from others to claim as your own because some mythical aged book says that God ordained some such land. This experiment was destined to ignite because this time, it’s different. Europeans decimated our First Peoples by overwhelming force. We killed them off. Almost destroyed all Indian tribes. This is the way of man. And you want to continue the plan. Also, let it be known that the ultra orthodox have turned their women into baby factories because they know that within a few short generations, a minority becomes close to a majority and ultra orthodox is not the way you want to go. All praise to your current facist leader Bibi.

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As Forrest Gump said, stupid - you - as stupid does.

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I noticed that you didn’t deny that the Biden administration was committing genocide.

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That's because "the Biden administration" isn't Eddie

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Do you get a plus sign in your column for every time you use the word genocide.? Your writing does not exhibit much vocabulary breadth.

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No darlin’ he is not, but you are indeed totally ignorant. That you are now resorting to this tells me you are at the end of your argument. Please retreat.

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That would be a yes.

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No. Netanyahu, and Biden by supportive association.

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Not just by supportive association,by active participation.

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Please stop before you make more a fool of yourself

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Too late :-)

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Yes opposing genocide is something that only a fool would do

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Another common misconception is that Israel is totally dependent on American military aid for its weaponry. That is also not the case.

Israel is an arms manufacturer and exporter. Israel's annual military budget, prior to the current war, was $23.6 billion. America's annual assistance to Israel is about $3.8 billion, the bulk of which was agreed to in the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty (Camp David Treaty of 1979).

Israel's portion of the currently delayed Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan Security package (passed by the Senate 70-29) is about $14.1 billion. Since October 13, five months ago, Israel has spent over $70 billion on the Gaza operation. And unlike President Zelensky of Ukraine, Mr. Netanyahu is not pleading with anyone for more aid.

Unilaterally terminating the complex web of US-Israel security agreements would accomplish nothing other than to forfeit what leverage we do have, making the situation immeasurably worse.


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Well then you have 2 choices, sit on YOUR hands and do nothing to protect your countries democracy, because that IS what’s at stake. Or vote for the Fat Angry Yam, who is friends with Netanyahu and who would be more than happy to help him murder every single Palestinian alive today.

Those are the only choices you’ve left yourself.

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Thank you “fat angry yam” my first laugh of the day! Thank you!

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I agree with your comment. But you really made laugh when mentioned far angry yam!

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Politics are difficult sometimes. When someone cares for all the lives in the Middle East, in Ukraine and in Europe it‘s Mr. Biden. He can intervene but he can‘t solve a problem that reaches back more than half a century quickly. Dipomacy is called for not pressure on either side. What would you suggest? Maybe you like it better when he threatens the countries? That‘s Putin style.

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You're referring to a President who is conducting airdrops of aid to Gaza and is currently building a pier port specifically to deliver aid to Gaza. Further more, he has repeatedly called for a ceasefire AND a two state solution. It's really curious how you people pushing this false narrative that Biden is encouraging genocide leave all of those facts out of your frankly boring, predictable garbage rhetoric. It's also telling that you never seem to address the 1400 Israeli citizens murders on October 7th by Hamas in the terror attack that actually provoked this war .

We don't have any authority to force Israel to stop pursuing military action against an enemy that invaded their country and mass murdered innocent civilians - including women and children - and has openly declared their intent to do it again.

You like to spout trendy political nonsense without actually giving real thought to the reality behind how it got to this. Here's a fact you can't talk your way around: Palestine is not innocent. They elected Hamas into government and allowed them the resources to pull off that attack.

Most sane people want a ceasefire, including Biden, but to approach this as if Palestine is some poor, innocent people who are not soaked in the blood of the innocent lives their government took lands in the range of anti-Semitism. You might just as well come out and say Israel " deserved ' what happened and we should all support Palestine and be against Israel, because that's EXACTLY how cheap,one sided and pathetically ill informed trash like your comment reads.

And just to cut you off before the inevitable retort: No, I don't support Netanyahu. I think he's corrupt and bloodthirsty. I support a ceasefire, but I also acknowledge Israel's sovereign right to hunt down and destroy the terrorists responsible for that attack.

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You mean genocide by Hamas, right, because it’s their goal to eradicate all Jews. Israel has never and will never proclaim to eradicate all Palestinians, Muslims or Arabs. Look up the definition of genocide before jumping on the bandwagon of ignorant protesters.

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You’re thinking of the pre-Netanyahu Israel. He is now an example of Trump gone international. He’s trying to overthrow the Israeli courts in order to keep from being impeached (?). He has banded with the ultra-conservative, ultra-regigious right in order to keep in power. They *would* kill every Palestinian in order to regain the Gaza for settlement. Look, I’m a Jew, but I also follow what’s going on there. Please keep up on their current events.

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How about releasing the hostages?

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I AGREE with your reply, Jerry Weiss.

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Then, you must absolutely hate your forefathers, and those who perpetuate the continued Genocide of Black people in America! Those right-wing republicans you support, are the epitome of the "Slavemaster" trying to re-enslave people of color, and anyone else that desires freedom and equality - For All!!

Furthermore, the only people commiting so-called genocide, is Putin and Israel (in response to Hamas evil deeds)! So, get your culprits - Straight!!


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So Pres Biden is President of Israel now as well? But bibi has sown the seeds of his own destruction with his horrible over reaction in Gaza and the West Bank. As our ally, we were obligated to respond with aid to Israel however we should have stopped anything further when we saw the disastrous direction it was taking. I also know that no one knows what has been happening diplomatically behind the scenes so as someone who is not fully informed on the subject, I’ll withhold judgement as should many others.

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You say in your OWN writing that the Israelis are victims too. You contradict everything you write about in these comments. If you want anyone to read your writing you must be coherent.

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Let's be clear many if not most Isrealis don't want the destruction of Gaza, from what I have read. It's the minority extremist and Netanyahu, who is using and extending this atrocity to stay in power and avoid conviction.

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Can you imagine The pumpkin president dealing with the war in Gaza? He would encourage Netanyahu to be more deplorable.

The pumpkin president helped create this disaster by encouraging by moving the US Embassy from Telaviv to Bethlehem , something all his predecessors were against as it would provoke hostilities with Muslims around the world.

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Biden isn’t in charge of Israel, Netanyahu is in charge. Biden and his team can only be a part of the negotiations. Until the hostages (some are Americans) are released Biden will support him. By the way it’s Netanyahu not allowing aid to get to the Palestinians. The question in my mind is what happens if Biden ends US support of Israel, is it right to give Hamas free reign?

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Great analogy, but you are assuming people can actually understand what is happening here.

This is the age of "reality" TV and if "The People" aren't entertained, they simply shrug and change the channel, thinking "It can't happen here"...

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Totally agree. 👍

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My only objection to your comments...that Biden must "come from behind" to win... any polls that show Trump ahead is relying on junk polling.

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I don't want him to take his foot off the pedal until he wins. Popular vote won't be enough as we saw with Hilary and several other recent presidential elections in the past. And Biden 's record is fresh whereas some people have had time to gloss over problems from the previous administration.

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I so agree, Jenell. I think that most of the media claim Biden is behind and most of the electorate see him as the only possible winner.

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Ditto, Syd. When you consider that there are more registered Ds than Rs, and that Independents tend to skew Dem, and that MAGAs aren't the whole Republican party, it doesn't make sense that Biden is considered the underdog. He won by ~7 million votes last time, and I really doubt that TFG is gaining any votes.

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True. And there is that pesky Roe v. Wade issue.

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My questions about all those polls are: what exactly is the demographic that's being polled; and how are the questions being phrased? Depending on the respondents and on the wording/slant of questions, a pollster can make the results come out lots of different ways.

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Exactly, thank you. My thought as well.

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The Biden campaign only really kicked off at the State of the Union address, and he's come out fighting strong already :-)

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Totally agree. I noticed that too. Since when is Biden behind” trump?

Biden had better hope he’s not. I’ve heard trump smells.

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I read after the State Union Adress, the poll for Biden went from 42% to 62 % . Polls have an tendency to change. You can't trust the media.

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I was heartened and moved by Mr. Biden’s speech. The bad behavior of a few of those there made them look like badly behaved children who needed to be sent to stand in a corner.

You go Joe!!!

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Petal to the metal, Joe.

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What I don’t understand, and I wish someone would tell me, is why the ushers didn’t just take MTG’s MAGA hat at the door and remind her they’re not allowed

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Good point!

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Can you believe MTG!! She looked a belligerent child and whoever voted for her should have their right to vote taken away.

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That just reaffirms how deeply, deeply TrumPETS are entrenched under his tower of lies and deceptions. It’s frightening…

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I agree. But Biden challenged the the Republicans and made fools out them with the immigration bill. He told them from the beginning he would sign it if the house would pass it. Republicans want Biden to fail on immigration because that is their main weapon that they are using against him for their campaign.

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Joe Biden laid out his achievements and his plans for the next four years in clear, concise, understandable language. His delivery was anything but “Sleepy Joe.“ The Republicans in response were primarily frowning because his speech was so good. And when he was interrupted or heckled he gave it back to them Twice as hard.

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Genocide Joe

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Trolling Edward Doogan

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I had a strong positive reaction ( got teary) when President Biden came into the room and when he left. He was so comfortable and connect with each person 100% !

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Maybe sleepy Joe has woken up.

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Except he’s never been asleep.

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Some people have nothing better to do while others do it by design as merchants of malarkey. The burden of proof lies with them but is always lacking.

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I noticed that you didn’t deny that the Biden administration is committing genocide.

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Please stop. You've made your point. Now please stop. The more you erupt like this, the less any of us listen.

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Better yet, Ed-baby, go to Gaza & show us your guts by helping them.

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Edward, I noticed that you sound almost like a troll and are not changing anyone’s minds

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Name calling does not become you.

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Troll is the one acceptable term for name calling when it fits, especially to remind others to just ignore the obvious trollish behavior.

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They're not commiting it. They're abetting it, whicis almost as bad.

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If you are a writer, you must appreciate that repetitive slurs do not persuade your audience to trust in your work. A talented writer, such as Mr. Rather, brings their audience through the story much like a tug pulling a large ship deftly through the harbor. Finesse it, man, don’t beat it to death by ramming it through.

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Pointing out that the Biden administration is committing genocide is not a slur. It is the truth and you can easily tell by the amount of hostility that has been directed my way that it is a truth many democrats don’t want to hear. My conscience demands that I keep speaking up for the people of Palestine.

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Biden might be making mistakes regarding US policy towards Israel and Palestine, granted. But then what? Is this reason enough to bring Trump back who would undoubtedly make things worse? Serve Europe in a silver platter to Putin? Get h is hands out altogether of the conflict in Israel or -even worse- support Israel full fledged?

Biden is not perfect, but it is the ONLY chance we have if we want to preserve what is left of the very frail US democracy. There is no third candidate. No better candidate. Abstention will favor Trump. If Trump wins again, we can kiss goodbye the life we have come to know for the past century.

I too speak for the people of Palestine, but bashing Biden will not help them, or us, or anyone else.

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Hear! Hear!

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Oh dear, you really are beyond reasoning with Eddie my man ...

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Don't quit your day job.

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It was the exact speech he needed to give! It was forceful, forthright and factual!

He called out Republicans often and accurately on Reproductive Freedom, Russia, Ukraine, the Border, Social Security, the deficit and taxes.

He touted his accomplishments clearly and correctly. He made clear his vision for the future and he strongly pointed out the current threats from within.

I’ve watched a lot of SOTU addresses. This was one of the best!

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President Biden gave such a powerful speech last night and he looked like he enjoyed every minute. Hooray!

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Hooray for genocide

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Get a life and go troll somewhere else

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name calling doesn’t become you

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Troll is not name calling in this instance. It’s a verb. And it’s completely correct.

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Right, Ivan.

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I noticed that you didn’t deny the fact that the Biden administration is committing genocide.

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Nope. That’s Netanyahu.

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Biden is not committing genocide. In any case, Netanyahu is. Biden cannot remove Netanyahu. One thing is to put pressure on Biden to modify US policies towards Israel, and a very different one to blame him for what is happening. And to support Trump because of this situation.

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No more bullets and bombs from Biden to Netanyahu. Fat chance.

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And I don't affirm that the sky is blue, either, son. Some things go without saying.

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What does Russia have to do with it? Or are you new to where nations are on the globe? Trump loves Nuttyyahoo and will aid Israel in g3nocide too when he’s returned to the white house because Dems just can’t get out of their own way. Trump and Biden agree 100% on g3nocide of the Palestinians.

And it appears Dan Rather’s following here does too.

Gross. I thought more of Mr. Rather decades ago when he used to speak truth to power.

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Joe did a great job. He was honest, forthright, on message, and realistic. Isn’t that what we want from any politician? The opposition party was caught off guard and got their noses rubbed in the excrement they’ve been bellowing. There were a few mental midgets speaking out of turn, being childish, and wearing funny hats, but they were out of place for a change. My personal slogan for the 2024 election is simple … Vote Joe So Democracy Doesn’t Go!

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Love it!!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Wonderful commentary Dan - you caught the real importance and atmosphere of Biden’s speech. And the glaring difference between his integrity and that of the Trump cult universe … thank you again.

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Integrity would be to cut off arms and ammo to Netanyahu. In that respect Biden had no more integrity than Trump.

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Mar 9, 2024
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No. The war started 75 years ago against Palestinians in PALESTINE. Read a history book or something.


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No, I’m not. But 30,000 dead in Gaza are 30,000 dead, including many, many women and children. We’re having to built a sea landing to circumvent Netanyahu’s aid blockade.

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Feels like some folks think it's Biden's war to stop - let's get real.

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Smokin' Joe Biden!!

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Genocide Joe

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Funny thing , Ed, I got 27 likes vs. your sick reply!!

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60 now!

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Lincoln was a majority of one in the White House. 27 likes mean nothing against one dislike.

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“A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority.”

Booker T. Washington

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You think Trump would prevent the atrocities???

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He knows better, but that’s all he’s got.

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Strange how these single issue voters never have an answer as to how trump would be better for Palestinians.

However, I do agree that the US should’ve stopped monetary and military support for Israel awhile ago. Netanyahu’s war at this point is about land grabs, staying out of jail, and revenge. This is a real issue. The US has to act and shun Bibi fast. I don’t want to lose US democracy over Bibi’s war.

I applaud the Israelis protesting Netanyahu now and before!

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Well thought out comment. I agree with everything you said!

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Both Trump and Biden endorse g3nocide of Palestinians. They are the same.

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Only if he had any morality, which he doesn't, nor has Biden for that matter.

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How does that excuse the atrocities that the Biden administration is committing right now? Do you realize how stupid that makes you sound?

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Listen to yourself!! Look at what tRump has promised if he should get elected!

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Speaking of sounding stupid, you care to name the ‘atrocities’ Biden is committing, genius?

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Tfg and the Netanyahu are peas in a pod. He’d be egging the one actually attempting genocide, not trying to stop him.

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As you noted below, just because someone says it, doesn’t make it true.

Think about this, why has Hamas spent all its money on building tunnels under hospitals and apartment buildings? Why is Gaza a region of extreme poverty? Wouldn’t it be better if Hamas had spent their money on helping the people of Gaza instead of enriching themselves and buying weapons? Yes, Israel has overplayed its hand and as a result, done nothing to help itself in the future. However, Hamas has brought this on themselves.

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MAGAT Doogie

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Tru day!

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Aider and abetter

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“You can’t love your country only when you win.” Amen brother, Amen!

"...Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault at home as they are today.” - I guarantee, when Trump loses in November, he will do all he can to start a civil conflict.

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I pray not but that is a major concern. That's why the trials are so important. If we can knock him out beforehand we stand a better chance of avoiding all that. Hope Springs eternal.

They have all sorts of dirty tricks in their arsenal. They've got Lawyers working in the big cities of the Battleground and swing states working on purging Voter Rolls. Not to mention I read Saudi Arabia and Russia could possibly collude to raise oil prices to kneecap Biden in the Fall so Gas prices would go up a LOT. Scary stuff. Stay vigilant. 💙🇺🇸

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I'm quite sure you're right. So we have to be prepared to arrest or shoot any new seditionists.

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I hope it doesn't come to that but we all should be able to protect ourselves that's for sure.

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You mean like he did on Jan 6?

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No, I mean much much worse. He won’t be happy until more people die supporting his lies.

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There should be no doubt after last night’s SOTU about President Joe Biden’s sincerity, ability and courage in the campaign to save our democracy. He is doing his part. Will we?

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I think you might be missing a very important word… there should be NO doubt after last night’s SOTU

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Yes you are correct - I forgot the word “No” before “doubt”. Thank you.

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He can do more, by starting to recited a litany of Trump's criminal indictments. Pour it on, Joe

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Great speech just when it was most needed. Fire up the party and sway independent voters while simply telling the truth about Trump and his GOP. That's the formula for success in November.

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The contrast between the two parties could not be clearer. You can be for the GOP of Donald Trump/George Santos, the party of lies and liars and of doom and gloom and filled with chaos, conflict, negativity, hate, fear, paranoia and malice or you can be for the Joe Biden Democratic Party of demonstrated accomplishments and strength, competence, decency, positivity and upbeat optimism. If America is divided and unhappy, just look at who you choose to support. Support Trump and his do nothing MAGA Republican Party and you can wallow in perpetual victimhood, anger, resentment, fear and paranoia, rejection of science and proven facts and you ensure yourself a miserable, unhappy existence. In the alternative, you can break free of the Trump cult of mind control and support Biden and the Democrats and see the sunshine and smell the roses. You choose your own plight. I enjoy the sunshine over the darkness, nastiness and decadence of the Republican Party.

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What's so awful is that these Trump backers would actually destroy our entire country's workings and ideals without realizing how horrible our everyday lives would become under the dictator wannabe.

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I've been suggesting people read Sofie's Choice to get an idea of life under a dictatorship. This vote choice is the prequel.

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And they think it won’t make their lives and those of their families more difficult????

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Well put. Thank you

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The energy in the room last night was electric. On one side, you had the Democrats standing and cheering, the women all wearing white and it was full of positivity. On the other side, you had the sitting long faced Republicans that were the vortex of negativity. The polarity made a very powerful battery Biden used that polarity to energize him fantastically.

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And then you had the guy seated behind Biden shaking his head

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You are referring to the Speaker of the House of course ~ a Republican ... did you expect him to applaud Biden while every other Republican in the chamber was sitting on their hands ~ really ?

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I'm afraid that Marjorie Taylor Greene's garb (and that of some of her colleagues) made her appear a bit like a clown who'd somehow escaped the circus. Well, maybe she didn't escape. Maybe she brought the circus with her. <grin>

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She was whining that she was asked to remove the hat. She well knows hats aren't allowed on the floor. Such a baby!

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It used to be just Kyrsten Sinema in the clown garb, now there's a whole car of them.

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I had to laugh when I saw Troy Nehls, congressman from Texas, with his never surrender trump shirt on. The picture is of trump surrendering for the mug shot. 🤣

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She did, but I loved how Biden took her and her circus completely down with one single stare, which seemed to say "Whoa! I did not know we celebrated Halloween in March!"

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Looks like a pretty grim circus!

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Only a bit? And then she opened her mouth.

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SUCH a relief to hear President Biden speak strongly, and keep hold of all the complicated streams of information, in spite of the heckling. In places, his response to the heckling was also a plus, keeping his humor while pointing a mirror back to those naysayers.

It was also interesting to see that the Speaker, while sitting on his thumbs and maintaining an expressionless face, was nonetheless nodding in several places. I do wonder if he was aware of this, or if it was unconscious agreement with the President.

It will be interesting indeed to see how long this Speaker will be allowed to remain in office.

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The camera panned to the side once to reveal that Johnson was clapping under the podium so as not to be seen by those freaks who would remove him if they saw it. Haha.

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I noticed that too, in addition to a few nods. It made me wonder if at times he realized that the President was very capable of working good for our country and its people.

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I missed that, brilliant !

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I saw that too

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yes, he did a bit of ( unconscious ? ) nodding didn't he ~ maybe his christian values momentarily overcame his Republican propagandist tendencies

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Not unconscious and not in agreement.

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