“Dear Donald Trump, your malfeasance is no longer shocking, but it remains deeply revolting. You campaigned as a champion of the forgotten man, but your actions scream betrayal. You’re not a leader; you’re a masquerading fraud, content to bask in the reflected glow of Elon Musk’s wealth and influence while abandoning the very people who believed in you.”



When a ruthless tech mogul pulls the strings and a so-called populist bows down, America spirals into chaos—leaving red-state voters to pay the price.


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I hope we can survive this next 4 years without losing all hope! I have lost a lot of faith in our country!

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This whole Musk thing makes me sick to my stomach. My hope is that both their super egos collide and they crash and burn.

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The American divide between Red and Blue worries me more than Trump.

What a crazy country.

Me2 gave immediate judgement of sexual offenders without due process.

Black Lives Matters was a passing storm.

Trump leads the NotMe for himself and other sexual offenders.

White lives matter more as he turns the clock back 60 years

Ultimately, only Money Matters as billionaires buy control of the government.

Everyone is equal before the law,

But rich, lying billionaires are more equal.

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Senator Whitehouse warned us about dark money and the federalist society and groups donating illegally when he wanted to questioned Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito. He tried to get a bill passed through congress that would prevent dark money donors from illegally contributing. But he didn't stop there. He mentioned that ceo's and corporations and billionaires have to be stop. Unfortunately the bill didn't pass. Citizens United should of been removed years ago. Democrats had control of both houses but some were divided when Biden was elected before the midterm elections. They had a chance to pass legislation that would set boundaries or limits on corporations, and billionaires from donating. The first sign of trouble from Musk was when one of his satellites interfered with Ukraine not receiving internet. However, I still have hope with Republican senator Thune and moderate Republicans and Democrats of the senate in the vetting process of Trumps cabinet. Sure , Elon Musk has the power with his billion of dollars to buy the election for Trump but he doesn't have the power to overrule the power of the senate.

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Musk - along with Mr. Facebook - knew how the elections would go. He (and Mr Facebook) have information on almost every American - their opinions, their pictures, their comments, their next of kin, their voice.... everything - through their SoMe. He knew that Trump would win and walked straight to his camp - that is also the moment Trump knew ! - Mr Facebook knew even better and decided to do nothing. Both are happy for betting on the right horse ...

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Lawlessness is enmeshed in the DNA of so many Americans and always has been. Maybe not the majority, but the lawless will bully folks into submission lest they also become targets. It's a dark tragedy.

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Sad that politicians and voters can be bought. Seeing what's happening in the United States, where the world used to look up to, many political leaders who want to be elected will follow Trump's campaign strategy. People are brainwashed by misinformation and those people are winning. Sad that our children will live in such a corrupt environment. Thought this only happens in 3rd world countries,. Hah!

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The scholar and true patriot, Howard Zinn, identified a beneficial PAC (of sorts) long before the nefarious Citizen United was a septic notion in some fundraiser's feverish imagination. The Permanent Adversarial Community needs to include all freedom loving Americans. This land is our land. Keep that thought in mind--always. The greedheads and fraudsters only have their own interests at heart. It is the rest of us that comprise "We the People". We're the folks who do the hard work of nation building. It is our children who fight this country's battles and give their lives for the freedoms we all enjoy. Big Money may well be here to stay. That is a sad reality. It needn't afford the obscenely wealthy unfettered access to and control of our nation. Determining how best to put a check on that will require a concerted effort by all Americans negatively impacted by the current shady state of our political payola paradigm.

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Thanks again Dan for another one of your journalistic masterpieces. You always put country before self and are a man of the utmost respect and integrity. Since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United Decision, dark money has allowed large corporations and billionaires to support candidates in order to promote their self interests and further increase their wealth. The 2024 election was a prime example of with Elon Musk and a large swath of billionaires pouring vast amounts of money to get Trump re-elected. Musk’s money bought himself influence into getting Trump to deregulate all the federal government agencies that are investigating him and his businesses for their violations and malfeasance. The rest of the billionaires were rewarded with either nominations to cabinet positions and ambassadorships. In each election cycle, the Citizens United Decision shows how elections can be bought and that money begets power that will increase wealth. Thanks again for coming back to writing Steady and providing your thoughts and perspectives after the loss of your beloved spouse.

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I believe that we finally have to admit that we are not one country. I want to live in a country where transgender people are accepted and supported, where women's rights are equal to men's rights, where it does not matter what your skin color is, where my country provides adequate health coverage and where education is not controlled by politics. If that country exists, I will move there.

That country will have to be realistic about a hybrid economy where government and labor work in harmony and it is not controlled by unbridled corporate capitalism. It would accept the level of socialism that will protect our workers from the kind of exploitation we are seeing now.

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You Know Who You Are: Your House Still Draped in MAGA Banners, Red Hat Firmly on Your Head, and Truck Plastered with Trump Stickers

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Dan, thank you for continuing your efforts to protect our endangered democracy. You are an American treasure!!!!

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The worst case scenario is unofficially the best case scenario, since we’re on uncharted territory (penal colonies on Mars?)!

And since we have handed over our independence to a cadre of self-serving uber strivers, we are consigned to the peanut gallery for processing.

With so many frightening scenarios to choose from, it will take our complete attention to avoid homogenization and self-immolation.

Stay focused; this is the legacy the next generations will inherit.

We still retain the power over our own minds.

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I don’t know who among you has seen The Apprentice movie, but when you combine Trump’s brand of ruthlessness born of a giant chip on his shoulder and genuine lack of empathy — which scared even Roy Cohn — with these other folks whose one talent…one talent…is making obscene amounts of money, this is the result. I think we have to face this squarely and figure out what to do about it.

Resistance has prevailed before. It must again.

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Everyone have a great Sunday bless you Brother Dan and Family as I going to South Padre Island this holiday season I’ll honk going thru Wharton Tx and enjoy a What A Burger

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