Mr Rather, I only read your brilliant and knowledgeable words. I feel our country is doomed. But I always feel you will be there speaking the truth. Thank you L. Mostyn

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Hi Dan. Excellent essay. Trump's "policy" incentives are clear. Even a ten percent fulfillment of them is bad news for the economy. Indeed, I cannot find anything of value in Trump's plans for us. We must do what we can, hold onto hope, and know that there is an end in sight.

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I would add resource depletion, specifically a drop off in oil production. No matter how hard trump and company beat their chests about "energy independence" (a completely ridiculous idea since oil is a global commodity) geology will have the last word.

And then there is the unrelenting and accelerating climate chaos which affects everything from homeowners policies to corporate and government budgets and God knows what else....

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Trump is Trump. He will immediately claim credit for the strong economy he is inheriting from President Biden just as he did when he inherited a very strong economy from President Obama. Trump is a megalomaniac consumed with self-aggrandizement and self-promotion. Trump lies to his supporters and they are dumb enough to believe anything he says and when they find out it was a lie, they simply don't care. We are in a downward spiral with the most unethical, unprincipled leader this country has ever known surrounded by the most unqualified, dangerous cabinet and White House advisors coming into power on January 20th when Trump assumes the Presidency. It is a self-inflicted wound by an uncaring, blissfully ignorant public who put a convicted felon into office and only time will tell if it is a fatal wound for this nation. I am disgusted, embarrassed and ashamed of what this country has become and tired of hearing the lame excuses people make for supporting a morally, ethically, integrity, and intellectually bankrupt demagogue like Trump.

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RFK Jr. and his cohort must educate themselves on polio and the polio vaccine. Removing access to the polio vaccine from public use would be the same as poisoning our air, water, and land so they could not support life. Why do these people want to kill humans horrifically and do it intentionally?

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I didn’t vote for him.

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We are officially living in “The Twilight Zone”.

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I have a painful sense that dear leader doesn’t understand what the heck he’s doing. An unread television-watching-TruthSocial-typist, he’s avoided the great works that shaped the philosophical foundations of this country. With his penchant for glitter and bling-bling, all that matters is adulation and bluster. We’re in for a very rough ride.

I’ve made it a hobby to look at labels on clothing, teapots and other ceramics, fancy drinking cups and appliances. Most, if not all, are made in China. Walmart stores in my area are a shadow of their former selves. Anticipating the holidays, the major stores beefed up their inventories.

Once the tariffs set in, wait to see discount stores like the dollar stores, TJ Max, Ross, Marshall’s either fold or shed thousands of jobs.

As arrogant as we are to think about the concept of a WIN-WIN relationship suggested by the Chinese leader, we’re intent on seeing them more as adversaries than competitors. Those oligarchs who believe they can switch to Vietnam or other Asian countries forget they’ll be heading to China’s backyard and will be indirectly importing from China because the machines and ships will be Chinese.

So, let’s be ready for even higher prices. Trump realizes this and wanted to have a “deal” with Xi Jinping but inviting him to his inauguration. The wily Xi knows his number and turned it down. He’s ready for the trade war. Pease excuse the rant.

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Thanks Dan for another one of your journalistic masterpieces. Trump is inheriting a strong and growing economy, but if he comes through with his trifecta of campaign promises of tax cuts, tariffs, and mass deportations he will surely break it. Tax cuts will only benefit the wealthiest Americans and along with cutting corporate taxes and increasing exemptions In addition to the tax cuts will significantly increase the deficit which would hurt the economy. Voters were concerned with the economy especially with the high cost of food. Voters believed Trump’s lies and disinformation on how massive tariffs with our trading partners would reduce the high cost of food prices and inflation. However, tariffs actually are taxes. Taxes which would increase and not reduce prices and cost consumers an additional $2,000 to $3,000 per year and would trigger a trade war with farmers losing billions in export sales. Trump must’ve missed the lectures on tariffs and their impact on the cost of living and inflation during his studies for his MBA at Wharton School of Business. Mass deportations would hurt the economy and could shrink the GDP significantly. In addition to hurting the economy, the effects of mass deportations would include labor shortages in agriculture, hospitality, construction, and the tech sector where immigrant talent drives innovation. Without significant pushback on all the lies and disinformation from the Democrats, Trump got re-elected.

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It's like a horror story, & we will all be living it. I was born during the 2WW, so, like you, Dan, I've been around for a long long time. I was privileged to vote for JFK & I have been fascinated by the political workilngs of our beautiful America all this time. I'm grieving deeply, & the news is too painful to watch, but I keep informed- barely. I have hope , because of ny faith ✝️- but I see nothing ahead in our government to hope in. Only chaos & cruelty & hardship for too many of us. Both sides of my family fought in the Revolutionary War, & every War since-- , including the War of 1812, & North & South in the Civil War.. My husband is a V.N. Vet. So many stories recorded, so much pride & confidence & hope. Yes. I grieve.🇺🇲

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BREAKING: Donald Trump Is TIME's 2024 Person of the Year

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I love this Substack; Dan has a gift of getting to the heart of the matter. History is repeating. I'm listening to the podcast 'History That Doesn't Suck'; I'm currently at the gilded age. The rich verses the working class. Back then it 10% compared to today's 1%.

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I've never got into podcasts but I may need to follow your lead because of your initial words about Dan's Substack. He has a gift. And he is a gift.

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Here in Canada (and Mexico as well I presume), trump's drummed up tariff threat is causing considerable angst and resentment. This is not how you treat a close friend of decades. That our government resources have to be consumed (again) dealing wth this man and his sycophants, distracted from a myriad of other real issues spanning climate to health care to child poverty, is infuriating. And yes, if he actually carries through on this threat, there will undoubtedly be a retaliatory response, there must be, and nobody wins.

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Does anyone think for a second that tRump has the brain power to consider the consequences of what he says and does? And remember that regardless of what happens he will, ala Roy Cohn, claim victory. And as he has said, "You just tell them and they will believe you, they just do"

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Many thanks to you for summarizing the dreaded facts of the chaos that a T presidency will bring our nation. It is so obvious! This message must be spread!

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I'm reading the Bill of Obligations by Richard Haass. A Must read however most who really need this information will not read it. It shares "the ten habits of good Citizens"

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Thank you for stating this so very well, Dan Rather. If only it weren't all true. After so much progress we are now faced with the destruction of that work. Those behind T clearly want to destroy the country and he managed to fool just enough people to get himself elected to accomplish that goal. It is such a sad situation...

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