I love this Substack; Dan has a gift of getting to the heart of the matter. History is repeating. I'm listening to the podcast 'History That Doesn't Suck'; I'm currently at the gilded age. The rich verses the working class. Back then it 10% compared to today's 1%.

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I've never got into podcasts but I may need to follow your lead because of your initial words about Dan's Substack. He has a gift. And he is a gift.

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Here in Canada (and Mexico as well I presume), trump's drummed up tariff threat is causing considerable angst and resentment. This is not how you treat a close friend of decades. That our government resources have to be consumed (again) dealing wth this man and his sycophants, distracted from a myriad of other real issues spanning climate to health care to child poverty, is infuriating. And yes, if he actually carries through on this threat, there will undoubtedly be a retaliatory response, there must be, and nobody wins.

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Does anyone think for a second that tRump has the brain power to consider the consequences of what he says and does? And remember that regardless of what happens he will, ala Roy Cohn, claim victory. And as he has said, "You just tell them and they will believe you, they just do"

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Many thanks to you for summarizing the dreaded facts of the chaos that a T presidency will bring our nation. It is so obvious! This message must be spread!

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I'm reading the Bill of Obligations by Richard Haass. A Must read however most who really need this information will not read it. It shares "the ten habits of good Citizens"

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Thank you for stating this so very well, Dan Rather. If only it weren't all true. After so much progress we are now faced with the destruction of that work. Those behind T clearly want to destroy the country and he managed to fool just enough people to get himself elected to accomplish that goal. It is such a sad situation...

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Thank you, Dan. We watched the Trump/Pence Carrier Air Conditioner Promise in 2016 lead to job cuts as the moved production to Mexico and China and took U.S. money they were given to hold jobs in the U.S. to increase mechanization and CUT JOBS. Every few years, Wal-Mart promises a few hundred billion added to U S. manufacturing, but any growth here pales against increased imports by the Walton family business.

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Thank You Dan. The whole situation is enough to make a maggot puck

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Scary :(

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Only two of the trio of attacks on the economy are going to be personally felt by all people. The deficit isn't something that will be seen at the cash register. The other two will. Deportation will make a hash out of employment, especially in the areas of harvesting and processing foods. This will drive up prices. Tariffs, as Mr. Rather already pointed out, are taxes that will be paid by the end user, (customers) again, driving up prices. The cult may finally suffer enough empoverishment to see buyers' remorse for whom they voted. Or as is their style, they'll find a third party to blame - Democrats being the most likely target. One thing is for certain, we will all pay more and be less well-off than we are today. There are consequences.

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(Psychopathic personality, is a personality construct characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, in combination with traits of boldness, disinhibition, and egocentrism. These traits are often masked by superficial charm and immunity to stress, which create an outward appearance of apparent normalcy.) Trump is a destroyer, not a builder as many of his "business types" want to believe. He will try to destroy the country while completely believing that he is the hero. His "yes" men and women will be there to save their own asses and will buy into the narrative because they have nothing else. Russia and China must be literally bewildered at their luck. If a large portion of this country can't believe what is happening, how do you suppose they are feeling? From what I can see presently, although I will have to admit that this paint is still wet, the home builders are quietly folding up their tents and dropping deals already.

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The irony about Trump's getting five million immigrants out of America is that his own wife, Melania, got here on a phony visa! So he should start with her, although she and Trump made sure she became an American citizen! What about the two rich guys, Musk and the other one? Musk overstayed a student visa but is now an American citizen. I do not know about the other one except to write this "why is his own country India in such turmoil and why doesn't he help that country?

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The man has no knowledge whatsoever about economics or anything as a matter of fact. If people took the time to really learn about his history, bankrupts and cheating people they would not have elected him.

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This may or may not be so. There is so much strength in hate; fear can be manipulated, and lies can feed them both. Some would never recognize this.

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Why didn’t the Democrats run for election with this information as their platform? Why hasn’t it been out there by news media? Why is the media printing trumpisms that are false and inaccurate? Is everyone afraid of trump? Im not. Im a citizen of this country and damn if I’ll let someone run me out of my own country, especially someone born outside of this country hiding behind trump shirt tails trying to ruin our country. Im mad, Im mad as hell. And everyone should get there with me. Because without the people standing up for their rights, we allow ourselves to be bullied into submission.

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The domrats did run on this information. The press didn't shout it out enough. Alternative News media shouted lies and misinformation. rTump ran for election for almost two years. The Demos only 3-5 months. Noone bragged about the great economy recovery and constantly attack Trump every night on the news. Even Trump's criminal trails were positive in the news.

The Demos didn't stop corporate greed in the gas, food and manufacturing industries. DOJ was TOO slow in prosecuting Trump and being firm but fair with Judges. The Federalists had won over the court system against the US and for Trump. The Supreme Court highjacked our constitution.

We have to stop super pacs and billionaires buying elections. Musk paid $277 million to get his unelected job. He is worse than the CEO Medical insurance guy.

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But thank you Dan, for always sharing accurate information and allowing us a forum to speak our minds. You are very appreciated.

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Dan and Team Steady--I restacked this and featured it on my Bluesky account. I love this MARKER project and wonder if you are looking for volunteers or assistance from other journalists here on Substack to help with covering and tracking this for six months. I'm guessing you are constructing some kind of tracking sheet with key numbers to drop into the worksheet each month so we can all follow along, with the same, factual data. No generalizations or made-up numbers. December 9=baseline numbers. Then January 9, the next look at this, with January 9 numbers alongside the December 9 column. Then February 9 Steady article, with February numbers. I love the Steady March for Six Months and Measure concept. Let me know if you need any thinking partners on that project.

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Today Trump taunts our Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, by referring to him on Truth Social as "Governor Justin Trudeau of the Great State of Canada". To some naive airheads, this is just a joke. To the rest of us in Canada, it is an insult. Plain and simple. This is just the beginning. We do send you all a great deal of hydro energy and most of our oil and gas. Insulting a trading partner is disgusting. Canada will never be an American state. Get it? We shall remember.

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Thank you for your reporting, accuracy and insight, Mr. Rather.

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He is among the best of the true reporters, aka journalists who are keeping a lost art afloat.

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