The Speaker is 2nd in line to the Presidency, and Republicans nominated an election denier for the job. A man who refused to stand for truth, and our country. Why was he a viable candidate? They continue to fail Americans, and America.

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I know my not-watching is just a drop in the bucket, but it one thing I have control over. Hate and disinformation has no place in a free society.

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They're a clown show. But not one of traditional clowns. Instead they constitute an assemblage of mean, hateful, destructive, tiny-minded and tiny-hearted malcontents and bomb throwers.

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The world is flooded with lies at the moment. This would not have happened if babies did not grow up; that is, if we all remained babies. Nobody lies to babies. Babies can’t lie; they can’t tell the truth either; they can do neither because they are still learning how to speak. Grownups lie but not to babies. If there were no grownups, there would not have been any liars. And all would be well …

Of course, this will never happen. All babies grow up; there will always be lies and liars. We can only hope there will be less of both.

Why is it possible to lie? Why are there lies in the first place? Babies cannot lie because they can’t speak. To lie, we need language. Is language invented so that we can tell lies? That would be odd; isn’t it?

Is language invented so that we can tell the truth? But if it is, why don’t we all tell the truth always?

Language is invented to tell the truth. We see this in the development of scientific languages. In science, the language evolves as the subject evolves. Working scientists tell the truth as matter of course. (If you were solving a cipher, you would not all of a sudden start telling yourself lies either.) They know that truths lead to more truths. So yes, we should always tell the truth unless there are special reasons not to.

But, some will ask, why is it possible to lie in the place? It’s all very well that we have a tool that enables us to tell the truth; but why should the same tool also enables us to lie? A pair of scissors is single purposed. It is used to cut. You can not use it to join. Why can’t language be single purposed too? Only to tell the truth and not to lie.

The answer to this question should be easy to arrive at once we understand that learning a language is cryptanalysis, and trial and error is unavoidable in this very process. Before you can arrive at the truth, unavoidably you will have to dismiss many, many errors.

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Wish they could be put on Trumps " Your Fired "

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Spot On, Republican Representatives in Congress and the Senate have not done nothing but shit in their own shoes since Bush senior.

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My take on the Dems refusing to ride to rescue of former Speaker McCarthy (no real relation to the wooden headed Charlie McCarthy) is that McCarthy, after the near destruction of Our Blessed Republic on January 6, 2021, this same Kevin McCarthy went down to Mar-A-Lago and licked the boots of The Donald. He was, and is, nothing more than another worthless insurrectionist.

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Ariel Friesner, are you alright? Your need to be correct is overwhelming. But I understand.

Btw Wikipedia is not an accurate research resource. See anyone who has their doctorate and they will tell you they were not allowed to cite Wikipedia so we did not bother to read info from there. Just letting you know. Take care.

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Watching this once proud party implode has been painful, but at this point, I can't wait for its irrelevance. The hope is, with irrelevance comes impotence to sink our country, which clearly is the direction in which Jordan and his gang are headed. God help us.

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The GOP doesn't have a platform that I can see but for undoing what is already done. That isn't a policy platform, that is anarchy and chaos plain and simple. Trump doesn't have policy, he has rhetoric that consists of baby babble and incoherent ranting about people mostly , not policy. Where policy is spoke about he has to fake that (loke the uaw rally) and has no idea what reality is concerning what is really happening. Just like the people who support him don't have a clue. I'm sorry, it's true. Im fed up being nice. Most of them can't answer a single question about this country correctly, let alone what branches of the government actually do for as checks and balances. I am sure many of the Maga GOP can't tell you that either and they are working in congress now. I'm so ashamed. Seriously. They act ignorant in session yelling and saying stupid things....not respectful at all of their own position there! Deplorable really.

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And so now Trump is campaigning on “a revenge tour” & if he wins the presidency it will be “a revenge presidency”! He’s already divided this country with his hateful rhetoric & vowing to get even with everyone that crossed him not to mention his loyal base who will gladly march to his orders. I just pray every day that he will go to jail & never be allowed to run for president again. I’m also concerned about the health and safety of those that he’s targeted by his threats & hateful rhetoric.🙏🏻

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I pray that too. I didn't see that revenge tour thing yet, but I will soon I am sure.....He is so.. problematic. We let him scare us into being silent. That is what his crowd does best, scare tactics at those they seem losers and cowards, well I for one am neither of them. Thank you, Monica, for telling us this.

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This is just so sad. It hurts my heart.

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Sowing distrust in elected governments and fanning the populist anger at them is the true legacy of St Reagan who most Rs and even some Ds hold in high esteem - "The forces leading up to this searing juncture were years in the making. They represent the predictable conclusion to a cynical plot by reactionary elements in this country to intentionally infect the government with the virus of vindictiveness. "

Everyone who votes for these reactionary and delusional Republicans AND those who continue to condone their behavior and actions bears responsibility for the dysfunction and sorry state of US congress and politics. They must get their heads out of sand and send these jokers clear message of "country first" by voting them out massively.

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Thank you for your analysis of this week’s congressional activities. I am angered at the antics of the Republic members of the House. I am disturbed by what I perceive as attention getting (read that as media attention) actions and words from individuals who were elected to represent their constituents. I feel I am watching ill mannered little boys pushing and shoving each in attempts to get to the top of the hill - not to bring intelligent, forward thinking ideas to our government, but to grab attention and get their pictures on the news. I am old fashioned enough to want to give them all a stern talking to about their demeanor in the world and in their honored positions as elected leaders, and how they SHOULD NOT act. This is unacceptable. This is undermining our country’s image in the world, and as a world leader. As for shutting down the government - I propose congressional salaries, staff salaries, travel vouchers - all be put on hold until the budget is approved. It is not fair or appropriate for the leadership not to experience the outcome of their decisions.

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I'd care to share with you all an experience I've had and conclusions drawn. I read and share at Robt. Reich's substack, as well as other spaces like Heather Cox Richardson, "Letters from an American." On Oct. 4th Bob posited a question for his essay that really grabbed me because the question has bothered me before he made it into a theme for that essay; "What do we 'call' them"? His muse was what shall we call those of the extreme wrong wing leadership and their adherent flock ? Lot's of folks there quoted our HCR's (Heather Cox Richardson) reference term of 'extremists' , and honestly that never fully described them for my satisfaction. I closed my first response going along with the sheer deliciousness of someone else's idea to call them simply 'deplorables' for several mixed delightful reasons I agree with. But, not yet satisfied, I closed that response with a pledge that I'd perhaps give it more consideration, then write back if I came to any better conclusions on 'what to call them'. Well, some thoughts and memories did in fact come to me, and so just a bit ago I posted the following on Robt. Reich's substack, and share here for Dan, Elliot and your thoughts; thx. *Before reacting immediately, please do yourself and others the favor of doing a brief search of history regarding 'Anarchy and Anarchists of history.'

...." As I said I would, I've given "what to call them" some thought. They are 'anarchists' without a doubt Bob; "deplorable anarchists" is what I'd call them. They obviously adhere to a philosophy and politic of 'burn it all down anarchy.' I'm inclined to add 'deplorable' to their aims, if for no other reasons, it's deliciously attractive to 'burn their grits' with the scatter gun they misused on HRC (Hillary Clinton), and the fact that it fits. Look up the aims and motives of anarchists throughout history and you'll easily see the puzzle pieces come together into a whole picture. They are willful adherents of all anarchists past; today's drivers of the 'clown car' are Gingrich, Bannon primarily along with converts of the misnamed 'freedom caucus.' Jordan and Scalise being 'exhibit A and B.' "

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The MAGA are fascists, not anarchists.

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I think they are both. First to un seat our way of government and then install their own.

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I call them a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off because that’s how they act. They have no idea of where they’ve been or where they’re going.

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Now that is truth.

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Anarchists theoretically oppose all governments. MAGA oppose only liberal governments.

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And fascists like what? Government? Government by itself means governing. Fascists don't Government they dictate. Sooooooo.

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Fascists govern by dictatorship, squelching opposition. See Wikipedia's comprehensive definition of fascism. Robert Reich's 10-4-23 essay prompted this discussion. He asks what we should call the MAGA. The most accurate term may be neo-Confederate. I prefer everyone calling the MAGA by a variety of descriptors, as this gives us a little steam release valve.

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Just read that the house democrats decided to do what their leader told them to do in the vote, so working for the democratic party not the people they supposedly represent

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There is far more to 'that' complete story than you know right now Karen.

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And the democrats voted to oust him too , delaying any work being done by the house for the American people. Yes this is not what taxpayers want to spend their money on

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