"The more we learn, the worse it gets." But we can and must fight back with out greatest tool, our voices. To this end we invite everyone who follows Dan Rather and Elliot Kirschner (and who oppose the rising tide of fascism) to visit our (free) substack newsletter - Neo-Fascism: a Place to Fight Fascism with Words (blogs, comments, book reviews, even humor). We look forward to your feedback and comments. Thank you,
As then NY Gov. Mario Cuomo once said: "In New York, we know Donald Trump". The rest of the Nation is just getting schooled. But can MAGA world face the reality of who he really is?
One of his own family members tried to warn us just how dangerous and ruthless DT is! Mary Trump's book, "Too Much And Never Enough" was a startling read into what that man is capable of. So much she had to say sadly came to fruition. HE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!
The latest horror comes from the Department of Justice. Merrick Garland is unable to come to grips with the reality that Donal J. Trump is a TERRORIST. Mr. Trump inspired the god-awful rioters
of January 6th. He fought with the Secret Service driver who would not take him to where the Proud Boys, etc were rioting. Today, he endorsed a rule set out by Bill Barr, a man who was append by Trump. That is just unbelievable.
The pseudo objectivity and "balance" of the mainstream media is well-illustrated by the unending ridicule and blackouts of what Bernie Sanders has to say.
Thank you for your sensibility. Something so few seem to have. I am so heartbroken as more and more information become public. Our country survived an attempted coup. I just hope that we can survive what is to come. Please keep sharing the truth.
We have been watching how Hitler came to power. I always wondered how Germany turned into a Nazi country. We’re seeing how Trump, surrounding himself with enablers and sycophants, came close to demolishing our Democracy. He’s following Hitler’s play book. Unless he is held accountable, he or another may yet succeed. Frightening.
Even before Trump, I saw a party who took a mantle of lies to win money and power. This party groomed their supporters to the propaganda so the country was open to a would-be tyrant, a fascist and megalomaniac who knew how to use lies to destroy our democracy. We have to shut down this whole can of worms! The truth, yes, but also justice . They have to pay
WRONG. Trump was NOT impeached. The lies that he was are just that, LIES. An attempted impeachment occurred, but it didn't fly. The insurrection occurred on election day, NOT January 6th. Mark my words, there WILL BE repercussions for the treasonous acts of the democrat party. If they truly think they can overrule the votes of over 82 MILLION Americans, they are sadly mistaken. If you truly believe a senile old coot won more votes than Obama, you have gone full retard.
Anyone emphasizing the possible loss by the Democrats of control of the House ans Senate, is aiding and abetting this to actually happen. I, as a a Canadian look to my southern neighbour and see a strange set of priorities. Why should "any" Republican be elected or re-elected??? The Republicans have "together", become submissive to an evil lunatic. Can we not "all" list numerous reasons why not to vote Republican, for example;
1. Trump, even before the 2016 election which he won, said the vote was rigged. By doing this, he started stirred up doubt, anxiety and rage in his followers minds that he could legitimately win the election., which he did only via the the Electoral College. However, he lost the popular vote by millions. This begs the question, should there be an Electoral College? If the U.S believes in one person/one vote, the Electoral College must cease to exist. It perpetuates unfairness.
2. When Trump ran in 2020, he kept perpetuating the lie that the election was rigged although down the ticket many Republicans won.............. why??
3. Trump is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans as he continually denied the scope of the Corona virus and the effectiveness of the vaccines. I am sure that more Republicans lost their lives as they believed this nonsense and refused to be vaccinated. For these reasons alone, Trump and his Republican acolytes should be called murderers. This is "not" an exaggeration, just think about it.
4. I don't believe there was a real need for the Jan. 6th. commission. That same morning, Trump held a rally telling thousands of followers to go to the Capitol and fight. He was trying to have Mike Pence refuse to accept the Electoral College vote. This alone should have brought charges of treason and sedition against him. If the shoe were on the other foot, the Republicans would have had Biden Imprisoned for life, no questions asked. Now after many hearings proving Trump's evil ambitions along with most Republican Congressmens'/(women's ) continued support, Republicans should be booted out of office and all the fair media should agree.
5. Trump has sown the greatest division among friends and families which will take a while to mend.
The essence of this letter, as I stated is for the media to stop selling the idea that the Democrats will lose the mid-terms. The reasons given are inflation, higher interest rates and their corresponding effects on people's lives. This is analogous to saying "the Germans were not not concerned with Hitler's leadership of the holocaust but with how the economy was affected.
The U.S has a couple of bigger problems which threaten its' democracy. The loading of the Supreme court and hundreds of lower courts with Trump acolytes. New suppression laws targeted at suppressing the vote etc.
I could go on and on, however, I must suggest that every single Democrat running for office in the mid terms, shout out the Republican lies and show videos of Trump and his acolytes attempts to destroy the U.S democracy. With a well run campaign showing the evil of the Republicans via words and and video clips, the Democrats should win majorities in both houses. If they don't, much of the reason will be the
the media's constant and negative comments on the Democrats chances of losing. We must build up support for the Democrats to win and show everyday why the Republicans should all be thrown out of office. If the Democrats lose, I will say the media could have prevented the loss.
What you must work on is how to make sure there are fair opportunities for everyone to vote.
I could never understand the idolatry of the Christian right, to Trump. Before he even became a political figure, I couldn't stand him. I never watched The Apprentice, based just solely on the feeling that I thought he was evil. He had none of my values, nor did he have any morals, and it seemed like he didn't do much for the money that he had. Well history, unfortunately has proven me right, not that I wanted to be! I to am Christian, and his action since stepping on the political stage had nothing to do with my Jesus, nothing to do with my God! Lies, deceit, grotesque acting out, having no skills of possession of self control, Trump epitomizes everything that we were told, in the Bible, to avoid. Galatians 5:22-23
Amplified Bible
22 But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Trump is the exact opposite of all these things listed.
Thank you Mr Rather, for your articles, for your own bravery in speaking what is true.
We must do better to educate our children. We so desperately need to catch up with the times. Things have changed, the word has changed and some Americans are having a hard hard time with the new. We can and should not ever go back, but always remember. KIndness and common sense are no longer out there for those who have lost their own free will and feel the need to follow someone like Trump.
"The more we learn, the worse it gets." But we can and must fight back with out greatest tool, our voices. To this end we invite everyone who follows Dan Rather and Elliot Kirschner (and who oppose the rising tide of fascism) to visit our (free) substack newsletter - Neo-Fascism: a Place to Fight Fascism with Words (blogs, comments, book reviews, even humor). We look forward to your feedback and comments. Thank you,
As then NY Gov. Mario Cuomo once said: "In New York, we know Donald Trump". The rest of the Nation is just getting schooled. But can MAGA world face the reality of who he really is?
One of his own family members tried to warn us just how dangerous and ruthless DT is! Mary Trump's book, "Too Much And Never Enough" was a startling read into what that man is capable of. So much she had to say sadly came to fruition. HE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!
The latest horror comes from the Department of Justice. Merrick Garland is unable to come to grips with the reality that Donal J. Trump is a TERRORIST. Mr. Trump inspired the god-awful rioters
of January 6th. He fought with the Secret Service driver who would not take him to where the Proud Boys, etc were rioting. Today, he endorsed a rule set out by Bill Barr, a man who was append by Trump. That is just unbelievable.
The pseudo objectivity and "balance" of the mainstream media is well-illustrated by the unending ridicule and blackouts of what Bernie Sanders has to say.
Thank you for your sensibility. Something so few seem to have. I am so heartbroken as more and more information become public. Our country survived an attempted coup. I just hope that we can survive what is to come. Please keep sharing the truth.
I want to know what the Secret Service deleted!
We have been watching how Hitler came to power. I always wondered how Germany turned into a Nazi country. We’re seeing how Trump, surrounding himself with enablers and sycophants, came close to demolishing our Democracy. He’s following Hitler’s play book. Unless he is held accountable, he or another may yet succeed. Frightening.
As usual, you're spot on.
Even before Trump, I saw a party who took a mantle of lies to win money and power. This party groomed their supporters to the propaganda so the country was open to a would-be tyrant, a fascist and megalomaniac who knew how to use lies to destroy our democracy. We have to shut down this whole can of worms! The truth, yes, but also justice . They have to pay
WRONG. Trump was NOT impeached. The lies that he was are just that, LIES. An attempted impeachment occurred, but it didn't fly. The insurrection occurred on election day, NOT January 6th. Mark my words, there WILL BE repercussions for the treasonous acts of the democrat party. If they truly think they can overrule the votes of over 82 MILLION Americans, they are sadly mistaken. If you truly believe a senile old coot won more votes than Obama, you have gone full retard.
Thank you for your honesty and integrity!
Anyone emphasizing the possible loss by the Democrats of control of the House ans Senate, is aiding and abetting this to actually happen. I, as a a Canadian look to my southern neighbour and see a strange set of priorities. Why should "any" Republican be elected or re-elected??? The Republicans have "together", become submissive to an evil lunatic. Can we not "all" list numerous reasons why not to vote Republican, for example;
1. Trump, even before the 2016 election which he won, said the vote was rigged. By doing this, he started stirred up doubt, anxiety and rage in his followers minds that he could legitimately win the election., which he did only via the the Electoral College. However, he lost the popular vote by millions. This begs the question, should there be an Electoral College? If the U.S believes in one person/one vote, the Electoral College must cease to exist. It perpetuates unfairness.
2. When Trump ran in 2020, he kept perpetuating the lie that the election was rigged although down the ticket many Republicans won.............. why??
3. Trump is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans as he continually denied the scope of the Corona virus and the effectiveness of the vaccines. I am sure that more Republicans lost their lives as they believed this nonsense and refused to be vaccinated. For these reasons alone, Trump and his Republican acolytes should be called murderers. This is "not" an exaggeration, just think about it.
4. I don't believe there was a real need for the Jan. 6th. commission. That same morning, Trump held a rally telling thousands of followers to go to the Capitol and fight. He was trying to have Mike Pence refuse to accept the Electoral College vote. This alone should have brought charges of treason and sedition against him. If the shoe were on the other foot, the Republicans would have had Biden Imprisoned for life, no questions asked. Now after many hearings proving Trump's evil ambitions along with most Republican Congressmens'/(women's ) continued support, Republicans should be booted out of office and all the fair media should agree.
5. Trump has sown the greatest division among friends and families which will take a while to mend.
The essence of this letter, as I stated is for the media to stop selling the idea that the Democrats will lose the mid-terms. The reasons given are inflation, higher interest rates and their corresponding effects on people's lives. This is analogous to saying "the Germans were not not concerned with Hitler's leadership of the holocaust but with how the economy was affected.
The U.S has a couple of bigger problems which threaten its' democracy. The loading of the Supreme court and hundreds of lower courts with Trump acolytes. New suppression laws targeted at suppressing the vote etc.
I could go on and on, however, I must suggest that every single Democrat running for office in the mid terms, shout out the Republican lies and show videos of Trump and his acolytes attempts to destroy the U.S democracy. With a well run campaign showing the evil of the Republicans via words and and video clips, the Democrats should win majorities in both houses. If they don't, much of the reason will be the
the media's constant and negative comments on the Democrats chances of losing. We must build up support for the Democrats to win and show everyday why the Republicans should all be thrown out of office. If the Democrats lose, I will say the media could have prevented the loss.
What you must work on is how to make sure there are fair opportunities for everyone to vote.
I could never understand the idolatry of the Christian right, to Trump. Before he even became a political figure, I couldn't stand him. I never watched The Apprentice, based just solely on the feeling that I thought he was evil. He had none of my values, nor did he have any morals, and it seemed like he didn't do much for the money that he had. Well history, unfortunately has proven me right, not that I wanted to be! I to am Christian, and his action since stepping on the political stage had nothing to do with my Jesus, nothing to do with my God! Lies, deceit, grotesque acting out, having no skills of possession of self control, Trump epitomizes everything that we were told, in the Bible, to avoid. Galatians 5:22-23
Amplified Bible
22 But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Trump is the exact opposite of all these things listed.
Thank you Mr Rather, for your articles, for your own bravery in speaking what is true.
We must do better to educate our children. We so desperately need to catch up with the times. Things have changed, the word has changed and some Americans are having a hard hard time with the new. We can and should not ever go back, but always remember. KIndness and common sense are no longer out there for those who have lost their own free will and feel the need to follow someone like Trump.