"During his presidency, he rolled back more than a hundred environmental rules and regulations. He also exited the Paris climate accords. When Trump took office, hundreds of scientists working for the federal government were forced out or silenced. The climate scientists who remained at the Environmental Protection Agency were told to dismantle their own work." He is monstrous. Malignant, indeed.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Beyond malignant. His whole shtick is to allow those gazillionaire corporations to pollute all they want for profit and the long term repercussions of his ignorance can't be understated. Environmental concerns are not part of his very limited vocabulary or knowledge.

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When I say malignant, I mean it in the medical sense of the word: a cancer which metastasizes, that is spreads and kills the entire organism. (Our nation, the world.)

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20 mins ago·edited 11 mins ago

He's a cancer to the entire world that is very difficult to treat especially when there are those who still refuse to acknowledge the level of the disease.

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As with anything that matters, Americans have but one choice. A reasoned, informed leader that will continue to invest in America’s future or a leader that will work to personally profit while seeking revenge against all he would claim as enemies.

Check your voter registration status and VOTE!

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We need two things if we want to survive.

(A) we need this planet….there ain’t nowhere else to go!

(B) we need democracy. As Winston Churchill said “democracy is the worst form of government until you’ve tried everything else”. Both these things need total and assertive support. Ms. Harris will support both our freedoms and liberties as well as the condition of our planet. Mr Trump will deny and threaten and protect himself. And come up with “concepts”.

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Very true,

Thank you

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Isn't it interesting that the Trumpers would continue to placate big business and corporations that continue to trash the environment, ignoring the fact that many women are afraid to bring children into this trashed emvironment and climate crisis. When a woman or a couple says they are afraid to bring children into the world, it apparently falls on deaf Republican ears. "Family values?" What a load of baloney! For elephants, they sure have small listening capapbility and short memories! (And even real elephants have higher social and compassionate order within their ranks!)

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I have a science degree, and I will always be on the side of saving the planet. I can't fathom why anyone would not want to do whatever they can to save the only home we have, whether they believe in climate change or not. I love diet soda, and I use a SodaStream device to make my own soda using a CO2 cylinder and reusable bottles. In addition, I always use reusable bags when I shop. These are small things, but we can all do our part. There is evidence that regulating certain industries works. I was born in Pennsylvania and spent part of my childhood there. I never remember the skies being very clear because coal mining was the major industry. In fact, my grandfather and uncles all worked in the mines. When I visited as an adult, there was a notable difference because of regulations. The sky was blue!

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Vote blue. Period.

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No other way out of the mess.

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Trump 2.0 would not only be “game over for climate progress,” as a scientist you quoted said. But it would undo the progress the Biden-Harris administration has made, do away with the EPA and the NOAA weather service. As a resident of south Louisiana, where we are experiencing climate change up close and personal with each Gulf storm, I am terrified by the lack of attention in the press/media about this existential crisis. I worry what the climate will be like when my teenage grandson reaches his father’s age. I’m not sure why this issue is not foremost in voters’ minds, but we do have the option of voting for someone who at least includes clean air and water among the freedoms central to her platform.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Re: Climate Change. Explain how it costs Americans money. How it contributes to inflation. How prices in the grocery stores and, very soon, in the wine and spirits stores will be going up because Climate Change is causing droughts in California and the Mediterranean countries. Keep it simple. Don't load every climate change into memos, speeches, or legislation. Ask the GOP - - what are you doing about the cost of irrigating crops in California? Or Texas?

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“During his presidency, he rolled back more than a hundred environmental rules and regulations. He also exited the Paris climate accords. When Trump took office, hundreds of scientists working for the federal government were forced out or silenced. The climate scientists who remained at the Environmental Protection Agency were told to dismantle their own work.”

Where were the checks and balances? Where was the representation for the common good? We need to get Big money out of politics and lobbying, get rid of the electoral college so the voice of the majority really matters, and make laws for equality and equity that are truly enforceable.

Presidential pay is $400,000. +$50,O00 expense account while Hospital CEO pay is 2-23 million. Are their jobs really that much more difficult that that of the president. We are living under an oligarchy and we need to return to a democracy.

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Perhaps we as a nation could adopt some EU campaign/voting standards.

First, political campaigns are limited to six months…includes Federal, state and local.

Second, there is a financial pool, and each acknowledged party with at least a confirmed voting percentage of 10%+ may may draw as much as a higher percentage party. (Say GOP @ DEM take 30% each, then ‘Green Party’ may also take the same, balance remains distributed among independents) This fund might come from slashing the Pentagon budget by 10%.

Third, contributions to any political party and/or person seeking public office are limited to say $5000.0, and this includes corporate and billionaire donations. You get one shot to throw five grand into the pot.

All political party funds are distributed between higher political office seekers and the local county aspirants… no under-the-table donations , all funding open to lightning inspections and audits.

Fourth, media advertising limited to ninety (90) days before an election; all elections on one day.

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DJT must be stopped. He has no plans only concepts if plans -most other areas are actually more like bribes -it is maddening to think such a jerk (total fruit) with no plan for America’s future could have a chance of being elected. I do agree the future lies with the younger voters and the educated population that can see through this MAGA nightmare.

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This is yet another reason to keep Trumpy out of the White House!!! What planet is he living on??? Does he actually that the words coming out of his mouth are TRUTHS?

He isn’t just bad for our country, he’s bad for our Earth!

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If for no other reason then solving our climate change problem voting for Harris/Walz versus Trump/Vance is the smartest choice we as a nation should make.

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Until, we the people, apply the requisite pressure to everyone in government, there will be an ongoing tepid approach. Lots of talk about what is needed, but the instant the needed capital is brought into the discussion, that talk dies down to a whisper. This will take everyone, and it will take money, a lot of it.

As for Trump vs Harris on the environment? There really is no choice. We will either vote for the continued existence of humans, or not.

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If Trump is re-elected, have him start drinking oil instead of water. See how long he lasts.

It is obvious he is the worst thing that has happened to our environment except for the Supreme Court that rules in favor of big money , billionaires and corporations .

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Here's a suggestion: Ask Schumer to re-introduce the Landmark Immigration Reform package again before the end of October. If it passes, good. If the GOP drills a hole in it and sinks it, then one of the key campaign issues is fresh in the mind of the voters.

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