That's great, Jackie. MSM doesn't deserve our eyeballs. But if you want to REALLY make an impact, find all their major advertisers, and tell THEM you're no longer watching. Send emails to the major drug companies, the car companies, major retailers; that's who pays the media, and if that faucet gets shut off, so does NBC, CBS, et al. That's what I've been doing. Go for it!
That's great, Jackie. MSM doesn't deserve our eyeballs. But if you want to REALLY make an impact, find all their major advertisers, and tell THEM you're no longer watching. Send emails to the major drug companies, the car companies, major retailers; that's who pays the media, and if that faucet gets shut off, so does NBC, CBS, et al. That's what I've been doing. Go for it!
That's great, Jackie. MSM doesn't deserve our eyeballs. But if you want to REALLY make an impact, find all their major advertisers, and tell THEM you're no longer watching. Send emails to the major drug companies, the car companies, major retailers; that's who pays the media, and if that faucet gets shut off, so does NBC, CBS, et al. That's what I've been doing. Go for it!