It makes no sense.

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Speaker Johnson moves to block release of ethics report on Matt Gaetz

The House speaker will “strongly” urge his GOP ethics chair to shutter investigation without letting Senate see files. By WP

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Petition · Demand an investigation and recount into the 2024 US election - United States · Change.org


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I think we need to come to the realization that too many men in this country are not ready to elect a woman president at all. Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and now Kamala Harris loses to Donald Trump. Kamala Harris lost by a wider margin than Hillary Clinton did. Hillary Clinton is a white lady and Kamala Harris is a mixed race lady. I think both being a female and not purely white made Harris' loss more devastating than Hillary Clintons. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but lost the electoral college vote. Kamala Harris lost both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. I wonder if we really need to give economic issues a top priority right now. A lot of the people voting for Trump are people who never went to college especially older voters which have been deserted by the Democratic Party. People who don't have a college degree have been left behind by our modern economy. The Democratic Party has been corrupted by the influence of wealthy donors who mainly don't care about average people and who look down on average people. I will support women Presidential Candidates but I think we need to do a very hard look for younger men who have the unique ability to handle what is basically expected of the President of The United States. Maybe the men should be straight men who are married and have a family. I don't know if the United States is even ready to elect anybody but a straight man. Remember the electoral college vote is what really counts in Presidential Elections not the popular vote.

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What about Putin’s hand in all this? He’s been interfering all along so we can’t put all the blame on Harris or Democrats.

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Thanks for this, Mr. Rather. You were tough but fair in this piece, and I appreciate it. I seriously wish our media would/could do the same. I think it would make a world of difference in what people "believe". Maybe it is time to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, or some measure thereof.

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I hope that we actually have an election in our future. Trump said that after 2024: We'd never have to vote again.

I agree that the media deserves a good portion of the blame. The contortions required to "appear objective and balanced," sane-washed his Dementia and fascist rants. The voters were told by MSM to not believe their own eyes and ears,

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Mr.Rather , I agree 100% with your perspective on why Harris lost by a landslide to Trump. However, there are few important issues that might of played an important part as well. After the insurrection happened, it was apparent with the video and the committee hearings, Attorney General Garland had enough evidence to go after Trump.

Garland dragged his feet on this case. Biden should of replace him immediately but unfortunately he didn't.

You did mentioned about the 2022 midterm elections. This in my opinion is very important, because we

didn't have enough people to show up to vote. James Carville said he was disappointed because the midterm elections are just as important as the presidency. And sure enough he was right. That is when Trump took control of the house and with a few members of the senate. If Biden would of had an Attorney General who was aggressive, Trump would of been in prison. Unfortunately this didn't happen. During the 2 years after the midterm elections of 2022 and the Republicans won the house, Trump had the power that he needed by the federalist society, the Supreme Court and Elon Musk and Putin to put this force together. This in my opinion played a major factor in Trumps victory in this election.

Biden and the Democratic party fall a sleep at the wheel.

. Harris ran a great campaign but in reality she didn't have a chance because of Biden's failure to act with Trump and as you mentioned he should of dropped out sooner. The Democrats need to go back to the drawing board and

revaluate and come up with a solution on the damage they caused. Because right now alot of Middle-class Americans and below Middle-class Americans will suffer without Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

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I strongly feel that the results of the election need to be checked. Why are we accepting that these results are real? Can we be sure that the machines were not hacked? If the Republican candidate won the election then we have to accept that. However without doing a hand count to verify the results we will never be sure.

Mr Trump’s behaviour prior to the election was unusually calm, even lack lustre. He seemed to lose interest in campaigning and told his supporters that he had a secret “pill” and that even if they did not vote he would win. He also said that it was unacceptable that the results may not be known for several days after the election and said that “the machines” must all be used to obtain quick results.

We know that Mr Trump has a propensity for telling what he has planned in speeches and on social media. Before America and the world is plunged into chaos we should at least verify the election results. Now is not the time to be “gracious losers”!

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“We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us”

—Walt Kelly

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As always, Dan, your well written words make me feel better, thank you!

My husband and I have the same utter disappointment in the results of the election; really shocked that there are so many magas or folks who don't care about anything but their wallets!

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I will not be satisfied with the results without a hand counted recount

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We are to assume it was a fair election. I find it very hard to believe that 51% of the country can put aside the fact he’s a rapist, a racist, a convicted felon, serial liar, conman with more felony charges and trials to go, a man who simulates oral sex with a microphone, can’t stop talking about Arnold Palmer’s package, praises Hitler and Putin and worst of all voided his oath to the Constitution and the American people to conspire to steal an election because he wasn’t man enough to accept defeat. Quoting Hitler, wanting generals like Hitler, his fascist talk and incoherent speeches that even he didn’t know what he was talking about. A man who bankrupted 6 businesses and committed $453 million in fraud and people somehow “think” he’ll be better for the economy? OMG. So no one listened when economists warned that inflation, interest rates and the deficit would ALL GO UP because neither the felon nor those who voted for him understand something as simple as tariffs. A degenerate who lied about FEMA, to the point hurricane victims wouldn’t ask for help from FEMA because he lied and said the government would take their homes, and gangs of his sycophants rode around with weapons looking for FEMA workers who had to flee and move camp!! He DIRECTLY hurt Americans when they needed help the most. So either 51% of Americans are SO ignorant and they need to start at kindergarten all over again or there was funny stuff going on, after all they’ve been working on this for four years, filing lawsuits to disenfranchise voters, purging voters who overwhelmingly vote democrat for starters. I have no proof but I refuse to believe the majority of Americans are THAT stupid. Even foreign countries knew he spelled disaster, not only for us but for them as well. Immigrants will be his version of Hitler’s Jews. Let’s just hope the camps he’s planning on sending them to don’t have gas chambers…I’m as serious as a heart attack.

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Kamala Harris has the skills and connections to make a difference in the resistance that must take place in the years ahead. But first, she must look in the mirror and admit that she should have been her own person, rather than hold onto Biden's hand and walk his line. That is a challenge for sons and daughters and women politicians. ( I do realize that this is hindsight for me . I remain very respectful of Kamala Harris).

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Biden is still the president with very powerful decisions to be made. He will make none. His dance is over.

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Biden plays a massive part in this disaster. He might look to Zelensky to see real courage and leadership qualities. Biden's legacy will be this MAGA monster being elected. Nothing else he accomplished will be remembered.

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