For all things good humanity has created and all things bad, we owe one another gratitude for the former and the commitment to correct the errors of the latter.

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It is so true that we have a universal problem facing humanity in climate change. Collectively, people tend not to deal with dangers until it affects them personally. Unfortunately, this isn't a situation that can be treated this way. Also unfortunately, there are leaders of countries whether based upon power, profit, ego, religion, and/or hate who put war and human immediate human suffering and destruction first and pay little attention to a far bigger picture. In the long run, unless we make major changes in the way we take care of our planet, it will literally take care of us - our demise: At which point, all of the wars fought for control of humanity and territory will come to nowt. Shortsightedness is our enemy. This goes for both wars and the climate.

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Well put, Dan. Yet we must also approach each violent conflict’s specificity. You are surely right that we must recognize our common humanity in order to prioritize finding solutions; and explore peaceful approaches to developing solutions in which all parties will be invested. And it is also true (supported by decades of research) that the most effective way to bring differing individuals or groups together is to identify a common enemy—like the climate crisis. All that said, I think we must revisit the long history that has kindled Middle Eastern Conflict; recognize our well meant but disastrous intervention there after World War Ii; and analyze with honesty and clarity the current state of affairs; in order to have a prayer of resolution. Similarly, we must look at how the other conflicts you cited came to be; what is actually perpetuating them now; and what new factors have fueled them since their inception. Oh, yes, in every case it is incredibly complex. (Take Bosnia-Herzegovina’s conflict, where fighting has been going on for more than 1500 yrs, even though we didn’t drop in until the 1990s: is this actually a religious conflict? A territorial dispute? Was it originally a matter of food scarcity? And now? Without careful and clear eyed analysis, the conflict cannot be resolved. We need to stand on our common humanity to be motivated to eradicate conflict. But we need to examine conflict closely to determine how to do it!

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Most of the violence in the world is done by men. While there are women who go to war, and engage in violence, it is mostly men who decide to go to war, and who believe it's reasonable to kill others. Countries engage in nationalism to emphasize their superiority over other countries, and glorify war, spending billions on preparation for war, and dressing up its soldiers in fancy uniforms, or sinking billions into research and development of increasingly sophisticated methods of killing. We tolerate male violence in hundreds of forms, and then we grieve when men engage in the ultimate form of violence as in murder and war. We seem fine with squelching empathy in boys, so as to create more men who can justify killing another. Life is a gift. Those of us who are fortunate enough to get the chance to experience this gift, can be clear that we denounce all forms of violence, as well as raising boys to become people who accept being violent and killing of others. There might have been a time when our species needed male aggression, but now it only causes suffering and destruction. I often wonder if it's even possible for men to learn to curtail their aggressive urges enough that we might finally be safe.

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Dan Rather is simply one of the best and most compassionate communicators of our time. This is a message that resonates deeply in my soul

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thanks. nicely said.

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Just saw the amazing documentary "Rather", and I love your work and appreciate your life more than ever. Thank you.

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" We need to remember all that we have in common as we try to cope with the difficult realities of life."

all that we have in common...

I believe all groupings of human beings starts from this root thought.

the multidirections that thought heads out into comes from one simple/not-simple point.

who is we?

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“Love one another”. A simple phrase of three words, yet filled with complexity. I am grateful for Steady because not only can we discuss many important topics, but in this circle we can acknowledge that phrase and its importance for humanity.

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Thank you. Well said. Yes. While wars are fought for money and power, the innocent suffer & the real problems our planet faces remain unsolved, even exacerbated by the constant civil wars going on. Peace is the only solution.

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Mr Rather,

Wasn't his Netanyahu's new Def Minister's desire all along ?

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So sad! Another major step backward to save our pale green (yes, our oceans are warming) planet. Sorry, grandchildren. I know you are tired of excuses but it seems that we, humans, are not able to control our tribalism.

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The dysfunction in Washington is of great concern. The global suffering is beyond imagination. We are involved in one war heavily in Ukraine. About to be involved in another in the Middle East. Under our constitution the third in line to the presidency is the Speaker of the House of Representatives. We do not have one! How long can this go on?

There has rarely been a time in which we may be so unable to act.

Humanity is suffering. There is no Republican Party! Maybe it is time for Liz Cheney to say something ? Maybe this is her time? It must be someone’s on that side of the aisle. It is now vacant over there! This will prolong the suffering. Prayer may be the only answer right now! Democrats need to reach out to disaffected Republicans , not alienate them. Let’s really embrace all those of good will. It is a lonely time.

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Yes there will be survivors, and I wish them well. Help? What I learned over a lifetime can be found in a twelve minute YouTube video. https://youtu.be/_FLfzRsDAzQ

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Thank-you Dan for this thoughtful writing. Most of us do want peace and to live with one another collaboratively, with kindness and shared respect.

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"The vast majority of humans want safety and security. And in that truth, we can find hope that ultimately this majority will prevail. But in the meantime, the bloodshed will continue.

The pull of our humanity is what gives us a reason to smile when we see what is good and beautiful in our world. But it also is what provokes such sadness when we know others are in pain. We need to hold onto both the good and the bad so we can hold onto each other. We need to remember all that we have in common as we try to cope with the difficult realities of life."


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