The next 4 years will be a challenge. With rare exception The GOP is not interested in anything other than themselves. In all fairness many in the democratic party are not much better. Still in most instances they are better.

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Reap what you sowed! So ignorant to believe anything he said. But, we are all collateral damage. 😞

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Trump relies on B.S. and people believe it. The public hears what they want. Simple as that.

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The first of many misspeaks from him. Am I surprised? Of course not. I bought a pin and I will wear it proudly over the next four years...NOT MY PRESIDENT.

God help us all.

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Thank you Dan as always, thought you should see this “As landowners resist, Texas’ border wall is fragmented and built in remote areas” by Texas Tribune Instead of Transportation or Health Care- legislation next session 2.9 billion for border the Gov wants

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Consider that if they let one fact change their emotion-formed opinion, then they will be prone to scrutinizing all of their emotion-formed opinions around Trump.

They will have to start wondering if this is true or if that is true, if he can’t do this or if he can do that. That is a heavy mental load because it means acknowledging being fooled. That would be embarrassing. They’d have to acknowledge being wrong. That would hurt one’s pride. Then they’d be left standing on the outskirts because couldn’t stay in the heart of maga if not 100% in but have too much pride to consider the other side so she’d be adrift.

That is just too much for many people. They just hit the easy button and stay with their beliefs as they are, no matter what.

Watch! Thw very day Trump takes office, he will tell them that prices are going down, and that deportations have started, and the economy is great and just look at the stock market!

Despite seeing no evidence of any of those things, it will be propagandized by right wing media, then msm, until it is considered truth, and they will believe it. They will not see anything different happening with the stock market. The price of eggs will remain the same or higher. The only thing that will change is the narrative and since it’s the narrative they want to believe, they will believe it. Protect the ego at all costs!

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Wish i could pull a "Rip Van Winkel" for 4 years or till tRump doesn't exist any more. Else, 4 years of daily shit.

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Any Human who fights for America, the U.S. Constitution, Democracy, the Rule of Law, Freedom, and Equality for all should be treated equally as all other Army soldiers, Navy seamen, Air Force airmen, Marines, or Coast Guard protectors.

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Pray Trump is not inaugurated!

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If Trump can eliminate the regulations on the bird flu screening of egg chickens, then the supply will increase and the price may come down. Many people will get very sick, some may die, but I have no doubt he would do it if he needs to in order to make himself look better.

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I am so disappointed with my country--those people that believed trump. he didn't do anything for them last time and he will put our country in the dust bin. He never made a penny in his life--his billionaire father bailed him out of every project he started and then trump cheated the people who had done the work up to that point. This is all fact and well known. What were his voters thinking???

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When I read what he said, I laughed. I knew he couldn't, he can't control corporations. Just a wait. It will get worse. He campaigned on promises that most of us knew he could not and would not keep. I will contribute what I can to help fight the good fight and get out and March if I have to. One thing in my favor is I live in California who my Govenor will also fight the good fight for the people of his state.

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I saw one post on Social Media that stated, and mind you this was meant sincerely, "Donald Trump will have interest rates down to 2% before you know it!!!!

I cracked up, folks really don't know why interest rates tanked!! When I foolishly mentioned the interest rate drop was to spur the economy back because of Covid, I was reminded that I was a "Libtard" and should get out of my "mother's basement".

These are the posts that convince me we have a LOT of educational gaps. ; ).

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Thank you, Dan and Team Steady.

“Control of Congress could again hinge upon the price of eggs.”

And herein lies the state of our electorate.

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“Oh, Never Mind” captured Trump’s remarks perfectly.

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Sorry…different subject….

We will NOT let Trump get Liz Cheney and other true supporters of our Constitution. We will NOT let this happen, right?

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