It was an unforced error to put an hostage family on stage and ban any representation of Palestinian Americans. And then compound the error in the lead up clip with Harris speaking to AIPAC and the acceptance speech nod to Gaza, heavy on defending Israel and light on the humanitarian crisis caused by the Netanyahu regime's disproportionate and possibly criminal response to the Hamas atrocities. We can send defensive aid without sending the offensive military equipment being used to slaughter Palestinian civilians. By American law, delivery of offensive military aid is contingent on compliance with humanitarian law, Biden has not enforced this law.
Harris ' signal of concern for Gaza was notable in contrast with Biden's refusal to enforce the Leahy Laws and his own National Security Memorandum 20 (both requiring pausing delivery of offensive weapons when there are violations of humanitarian law and no credible evidence of compliance.)
The hostage family called for a ceasefire, release of hostages, and delivery of humanitarian aid. Just imagine how much stronger the message would have been had it been made together with a Palestinian American. A signal that the US prioritizes supporters of Israel and supporters of Palestine who have shared goals of justice and self determination. However much Hamas' Sinwar and Israel's Netanyahu share an allegiance to slaughter rather than to the compromise of a two state solution.
I don't think it was an unforced error. I believe it's an issue that could have easily turned the convention into a slugfest. I also believe that whatever direction she chooses to take in January, she will not undermine President Biden's position now, nor should she. I assume she's working with him behind the scenes.
Today I was again doing Democratic party GOTV visibility (holding a big sign) in my tourist town. I've had people yell "TrumpTrump" at me. Today for the first time someone yelled "I'm not voting for genocide." (We have had Gaza protests at a local college - but very much focused on a ceasefire. No talk of genocide.)
I am an American Jew, Zionist, Progressive, and Democrat (try walking that tightrope;) Like many Israelis, I've opposed Netanyahu for decades. Biden has been repeatedly 'played' by Netanyahu. Who cares nothing about the hostages, let alone Palestinians, or peace. Netanyahu's administrations have long been aligned with Hamas against a two state solution. Each hedging their bets they can win by slaughter.
Harris has received criticism from WaPo and NYTimes journalists for sidelining Palestinian Americans - who have lost and are losing family members, caught between Hamas and Israel. Hopefully she can correct course on the trail. She should be distancing herself from Biden's position. Yes, both the combatant are intransigent. But even Reagan and GHW Bush got results by pausing aid to Israel.
"Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush both halted key aid to Israel during their terms over concerns about Israeli actions."
I suspect that President Biden is walking a tightrope, much as you are, and VP Harris is doing the same. I don't believe he's being played by Netanyahu. I'd much rather see the wrath of our citizens directed at Netanyahu than our government, especially in such a self-defeating way.
This debate that I see here on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is exactly why Kamala needed to tread lightly. She did the right thing by supporting Israel who is our ally and condemning the October 7 attack while acknowledging the suffering of the Palestinians as well. Many Presidents have tried to negotiate a peace in the region but so far it has not succeeded. Let’s hope for a peaceful resolution on all sides. I feel for the suffering of all people in times of war, and hope that us humans can find a way towards peace. You can take a side if you must but if we can come together for the sake of peace then perhaps it can happen.
For many months I defended Pres. Biden's navigating between those who cry antisemitism at any criticism of Israel and those who cry genocide at any support of Israel. I cheered Biden heeding Sen. Chris VanHollen and other knowledgeable Democrats and strengthening the Leahy Laws. For decades Biden has defended Israel while being outspoken against the settlements (as a deterrent to peace.) And in fact Biden halted some arms to IDF units because of criminal acts of violence on the West Bank.
I can no longer defend the lack of action on Gaza. Of course, I would have volunteered and voted for Biden, and more happily now for Harris. Any other action will help elect Trump. Whose record actually contributed to the conditions leading to Oct 7. Who's treated Gaza as merely a PR problem for Israel. And whose chief midEast advisor - Jared Kushner - has suggested 'putting Palestinians in camps in the desert and developing the very valuable Gaza waterfront property.'
Thank you thank you thank you. Everything I felt you put into words. 100% agree and it’s really hard on the Muslim American community to see that our voices don’t count.
ThankYou Monica A. I trust that we represent the majority who want to live in peace and respect. Regarding Israel and Palestine, in sovereign and geographically autonomous states. Eventually.
Palestinian voices and Palestinian American voices (Muslim and Christian) really do matter. Hence the general and widespread criticism of the DNC decision. But we must unite to vote for Harris. She has given every indication of prioritizing justice. And moving American policy to achieve it - in domestic and foreign policy. Including Israel and Palestine.
I think we need to be visible in public displaying our shared goals. In this instance, starting with a ceasefire, hostage release, and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. These ought not be impossible to achieve. And are a necessary first step.
My goodness, that was absolutely perfect!!! I live in a state that supports the Cheetoh. I cannot move (wish I could but I can't). Do you know how much misinformation, alternative facts, terrible comments regarding the Democrats, etc. I have which to deal?
I hear you, Cathy. I live in a very red district in a blue state. I haven't been very vocal, but aside from my own Substack and participating in others', I serve as a Democratic poll worker, have volunteered with the county Democratic organization, am joining the local Democratic club, and bought a Harris/Walz tee shirt and sign.
I live in a 55+ with rules that restrict political signs to 30 days before the election, so I have mine prominently displayed in my garage, plainly visible when the door is open. I learned today that my very Republican Brother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law are visiting us on October 7, the day after my sign moves to daylight!
So if you have any concern for the plight of the Palestinians of Gaza and the Occupied Territories - Vote Harris Walz. (Otherwise you are responsible for GOP speeding up obliteration and genocide.)
And every day - contact your elected officials and media outlets to support an immediate ceasefire, hostage release, humanitarian aid - and enforcement of the Leahy Laws to stop delivery of offensive military weapons to the Netanyahu regime.
Heather Cox Richardson wrote the following this morning to a comment just about that... she says" the problem is that it’s not just about Gaza— there are a number of both state and non-state actors, who mostly (but not entirely) divide either for or against Iran. But articles about them mostly deal with the tensions individually, so it’s hard to see the larger picture (and they talk a lot less about the alliances in the region than about the tensions, although the Christian Science Monitor has done some with that). And neither Netanyahu nor Hamas leaders appear to want a ceasefire, which would badly hurt their power, while the U.S. and other countries are trying desperately to get one. There are tons of articles about the ceasefire plan and opposition to it from Netanyahu and Hamas leaders but the movements are hard to follow. Meanwhile, the U.S. is insisting on a Palestinian state, which is getting far less support among those concerned about the utter devastation in Gaza than I would expect, especially since Arab countries have pledged huge sums to rebuild Gaza but only if Hamas is not left in charge." She's very interesting and knowledgable, I follow her on FB and love her letters.
As a seriously old person who cast her first ballot for JFK, I can tell you that I have rarely felt the sheer JOY and excitement that this convention and this ticket inspires. I admit to being unduly excited working on Obama's campaign, but I think I never really believed he would prevail. ( I remember walking out to get my morning paper the morning after the election--I couldn't bear the stress and suspense of waiting up to learn the results), and at the headling "OBAMA WINS I stood in my driveway and wept. This is a new and exciting opportunity to change the course of America. And BTW, thank you, Hillary, for your graciousness toward the woman who, God willing, will take the job you should have had in 2016.
Beautifully said, and thank you so much for working on Obama's campaign. The joy I felt over his victory is now being matched by the joy I feel for a Harris/Walz win.
I was 8 years old, and my folks had roped me in to "working" on the JFK campaign. They were the Block Captains for our neighborhood, in a suburb of DC. They had me stand at the driveway entrance to my elementary school, where our local voting site was and where I was in the 3rd? 4th? grade. I held a stack of papers, and I sweetly asked each driver as they pulled up "Are you a Democrat or a 'Publican?" If they said "Democrat" I handed them a flyer. If they said "Republican" my folks hadn't told me what to do, so I would just shrug my shoulders and, somewhat confused I imagine, the 'Publicans would go park their cars, wondering what that was all about. So - I couldn't vote for JFK, but I was probably one of his youngest volunteers ! 😊
Great story! I debated ,for the 1st time, against Nixon, in my American History class. Have been hooked on politics ever since. The past 4 yrs have been a nightmare.....
My first vote was for George McGovern. I became politicized when I was 12 and stayed in from recess to watch JFK’s inauguration and have never voted for a republican even though I grew up in Indiana.
McGovern gave an excellent "Come Home America" convention speech but, tragically, he wasn't able to deliver it until around 2 or 3 a.m. because of self-destructive convention floor infighting among Democrats.
My first presidential vote was for Lyndon Johnson. Your post is exactly how I feel. I was sobbing as I voted for Obama and am I sure that will be repeated as I vote for Harris. As a white teenager working hard for civil rights living in the deepest South, I never thought I would see this day. I am a happy lady and ready to get to work.
I’m only just a bit younger than you as I wasn’t yet eligible to vote for JFK. But I did attend his rally in Los Angeles! I felt just as you describe about Obama’s election! Pure elation and joy!
I feel those same emotions now with Kamala as our candidate. I campaigned for Obama, I am loud & proud & campaigning for Harris!
I doubt that Kamala Harris will be cowed on the debate stage by Trump. She has historically won many cases she prosecuted, and she has said, “I know his type.“ She is remarkable: a woman with a gentle soul and an iron will.
I agree. Trump can over-talk the best of them. He can spew out lies so fast it is hard to keep up. He screams and demeans each opponent with ease. He has no boundaries. Kamala will be a firm, good debater. It is the moderators I fear.
I really think he's going to be too scared to even show up, I can't even imagine what he would come at her with unless they find some really great dirt-without making it up (which I doubt), I think she's going to eat him for breakfast.
In his Arizona rally, he faulted her with a border crisis, high inflation, and cost of living. He is treating her as though she is Biden. Half the time, he made no sense.
I would love it if sometime, in response to one of Trump's tirades, someone would simply respond "You know, you really shouldn't talk about yourself that way." Really curious to see what his reaction would be. Because that's what he's essentially doing everytime he goes off on one of his opponents. He is, for the most part, incapable of seeing others as anything but reflections of himself.
But responding in this way puts the focus back on Trump's wrongs(disowning them and pushing them back at HIM) and saves the person from spending all their time and energy defending against Trumps attacks. It's basically saying "Yeah, this is YOUR s**t, not mine"
At Donald's first debate with Hillary Clinton, he kept getting up and walking around the stage, hulking behind her as she was speaking. He is not a small person.
Why the so-called moderators did not tell him to sit down and let her speak her turn still mystifies me as much as did her own failure to do so.
I think the "optics" of her, cringing and distracted as he demonstrated his ownership of the stage, did much to damage her persona and hurt her in the election. It is difficult to imagine Kamala Harris tolerating such behavior.
The media must follow the rules of debate. Trump needs to be called out on his lies and the mic needs to be turned off after a specific time lapse. It was the media that allowed Trump to break the rules and give him 8 years of free daily publicity which gave him the power that he exudes today. They need to follow the rules and protocols for debate. I feel certain that Kamala will hold them to it.
Agree, Mim! I think she will bring her "Kamala Harris, for the people" identity to the debate stage; what I think will be her super power. There are many mild-mannered women, myself included, who become fierce defenders when their loved ones are attacked. I believe that is the Kamala we will see!
Gentle soul and iron will? And what actions has she taken in her what 20 or 30 years of “public service” that demonstrate these qualities? Just as AAA teaches, it’s not what you say that counts ( we already know this from Obama years and all that fine, even inspiring rhetoric), talk is cheap. What truly matters is how you are walking your talk. What exactly has Kamala done that we can all agree - yup her actions fulfill her words?
Well for starters, she developed a system to reduce recidivism for repeat offenders that went nationwide and recovered billions of dollars from banks for CA homeowners.
Your concerns are not irrelevant, perhaps poorly timed. Kamala may not be all we hope for but she's not bat-s**t crazy. Given this choice, one has no choice but to vote for the sane candidate and worry about the rest after the election.
You obviously didn’t listen to her speech as well as all the speakers at the convention. They made it clear what she has done. I don’t know what it would take to convince you that she would make a great President, but she certainly has convinced me.
I have a Republican friend who told me she watched last night and couldn’t believe the kindness, joy, exuberance of the evening. She said it was a total change from the hate and cruelty of her party. She will be voting for Kamala and Walz!!
Thanx, Judith. What you relate is EXACTLY the confirmation that our Party leaders and all the rest of us have hoped for. Let's count: One. Who can tell us about 'two'?
THANK YOU for sharing this Victory to counter the “ick” I feel, not believing that a friend is celebrating a newly recruited young red voter (21yo). She’s a good person but I’m *stunned* that anyone cannot see what 45th President is!
I feel like there MUST be centrist red voters out there who see the real Joy we’re experiencing! So again, thank you for sharing this touch of Hope!!
No matter what anyone says Biden has been a good president and is a good Human Being, please let’s not forget that! It seems some want to throw him in the dust heap of history! Thank God we had him instead of Trump, think of where we would be if Trump had won! He did an incredibly honorable thing by stepping aside and giving the ball to Kamala! No more bad mouthing him please! Onward with Kamala and a huge thank you to Joe! Not too many people in his position would sacrifice as he did! Thank You Mr President!
I agree. He will go down in history as one of the best presidents the US has had. He's had some amazing achievements despite the Rethug babies in congress. We are very fortunate to have had him in the White House after the disaster that was trump. I can't understand why he's not more popular. Many people have jobs because of him. The infrastructure is being repaired because of him. Small businesses are financially supported because of him. Many non-fossil fuel energy generation projects have been launched because of him. Our standing in the world is vastly improved because of him.
Another reason may be that a lot of us cannot bare watching our President using our tax monies to obliterate Palestinians, goad Russia into invading Ukraine, using Ukrainian young men to die and get maimed in a USA proxy war against Russia, and manipulate a catastrophic war with China (to avoid putting our tax dollars into educating our young people in math and the science like we responded to the Russian’s Sputnik event to favorably compete and even collaborate with the Chinese)? Odd, it appears many in this comment section don’t seem to care that the warring wake of Mr. Biden is making us despised by a lot of the people of the world.
Selina... First I'm hearing that Russia invading Ukraine was done because of OUR goading... Poor little, easily-influenced PUTIN... Do any of the rest of you see things that way?...
Sadly, your efforts fall on one with no ears. Personally, I think Putin invaded Ukraine because chump told him at Helsinki that he wouldn’t object. Then he lost, so why the desperation to get back in. Putin is unhappy with chump. Hanging on til Jan so chump can dump support for Ukraine. Makes more sense than SS…
Biden? The genocide man? THE one sending millions or is it billions to the Israelis to obliterate the Palestinians?. Or do we just normalize genocide?Say it doesn’t really matter? Does a “good” person do that kind of thing? Did you see the man carrying a big plastic bag filled with indiscriminate body parts of Palestinians who had been in a ‘safe’ zone when the Israelis bombed the place with made-in-America bombs? Or perhaps we say well the partial extermination of the indigenous in the USA and the enslavement of humans who happened to be Black In the USA had to happen for the USA to become the imperial power it is today…just one of those things? What happens to a society that normalizes, rationalizes, justifies evil?
It is a heartbreaking situation and has been for over 75 years. I have witnessed for Palestine much over the years and it's stunning how Israel has had all the money from the US and still, it can not and will not be reasonable. Whoever designed October 7th to create a no win situation for Biden was rather astute. There was nothing he could do. I don't think we as a society are normalizing or rationalizing evil. The largest protests the world has ever seen have now happened in support of Palestine and still the genocide goes on. Yes we are a part of the continuation....but....let's be is Israel and its citizens and its leader who are in favor of continuing the bombings and the genocide. SO the situation is much worse than just blaming Biden and wringing one's hands. It is the intention of many who govern Israel to do this genocide. AND most of us in the civilized world are individually helpless to stop it. Many protests are going on now in Israel. And those who oppose Netanyahu's brutal and obscene war....are also, individually helpless. I've no idea at the moment what can happen to stop this bloodbath. I have family who are Muslim and I have family who are Jews. And I've studied both religions and I prefer Islam and the Muslims I know. I live in Northern New Mexico and I do spiritual practices and some healing work and I garden. I have done a 2 year silent retreat and my mind is different now than it was before I meditated every day and so it is beyond my reach to know how to resolve these situations. I just know that Trump and men like him, are what is evil. Biden is not evil, he was/is held in a series of unfortunate events. SO, I do want to ask you to be courageous enough to see who it is that is evil and who it is that wants the war to continue....and put the blame where it belongs. Thank you for reading this.
and I saw this from Ralph, after making my, let's put the blame where the blame belongs...(ooops the meme is not's Ralph Nader saying that under strict orders from AIPAC, the Palestinian doctor who had just returned from Gaza was not allowed to make a brief presentation at the convention. AND yet, an Israeli couple did a presentation (Ralph says that AIPAC demanded that). AND Ralph is saying that millions of Muslims will not forget this). (so, please blame AIPAC anytime you blame Biden or our society as a whole). (I sure blame them).
I find this so childish, and utterly unacceptable for an adult to say to anyone for any reason to shut the F up. Why behave like that ? Unable to speak non violently in complete sentences ? Or you don't feel heard unless you are uncivil and rude ? WHATEVER. Please, do whatever it takes to choose to be a civil human being.
Selina, your views on Biden, seem to revolve around the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. Is that correct?
If you are like most Americans, you do NOT know that Zionism is a Christian concept dating back to the 1500s in Europe (and exported to America by 17th century Puritans). Today, there are about 90-million more Christian Zionists in the world than all Jews combined.
Until the 20th century, very few Jews ascribed to Zionism (aka the return to Israel). Today, there are less than 16 million Jews on the entire planet. There are less than 6 million Jews in America. In Israel, there are 7 million Jews (about 75% of the population).
Christian Zionism waxed and waned for centuries – and re-emerged in the 1980s as the driving force among right-wing evangelical Christians in America. In the mid-1990s, the Left Behind series of books and films popularized Christian Zionism – big time – and was especially influential on evangelical teenagers at the time.
According to Christian Zionists the return of Jews to Palestine (aka Israel) will hasten the second coming of Christ. When Christ returns, he will only save true believers (and send everyone else on earth, including all Jews, to Hell for all eternity). Inasmuch, as Christion Zionists plan to inherit the earth and everything on it, they do everything they can to assure their prophecy comes to pass in their lifetime. In essence, Christian Zionists support Israel because they believe it belongs to them.
In America, Christian Zionism, Christian evangelism, Christian Nationalism, the Republican Party and billionaire funded conservative Think Tanks and non-profit organizations became so tightly entangled they are one in the same.
For example, the non-Jewish, Christians United for Israel is both, the largest and most powerful pro-Israel, Christian Zionist organization in the United States (10-million members). By contrast, American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has 3-million members (which includes both Christians and Jews, and conducts outreach programs for Latino and Black evangelicals).
I mention all this by way of saying, you are looking at the wrong people and the wrong leaders. If you really care about Palestinians, spend your internet time lobbying, chastising and voicing your views to conservatives.
It would seem that you are placing blame on President Biden for every injustice that's occurred in our nation's history. Perhaps focusing on just his 4 years in office might be more relevant. And furthermore, you may have noticed that your comments are rather isolated as compared to the positive, joyful ones in support of Dan's eloquent thoughts. Praying that you might experience a change of heart before November 5th.
History will give Joe the praise he isn’t getting enough of right now. He wasn’t out the blowing his own horn. He was rolling up his sleeves and working for all of us. The press prefers TFG who made their jobs easy. And sadly, the press is treating Kamala the same way they treated Joe.
I agree, Linda. The ovation given to Joe at the convention was so moving. But the overall press craves its ratings. That's why we need maximum grassroots support for Kamala (I loved her nieces' "Comma-la") and Coach Tim. We can only do this for them ourselves.
Biden has sacrificed a lot. He’s withstood numerous malicious investigations; Jan 6 and so on.
He has fought for aid to Gaza, tried to restrain Netanyahu, called for a 2 state solution and is still trying for a cease fire. Although we mostly hear of the obstructive acts by Hamas, the Israelis their own rightwingers have called for an 2nd war with Lebanon. Their followers attack & block aid caravans. Biden imposed sanctions on them. Israelis trust Biden more than Bibi, who like DJT cares for no one; certainly not the hostages (from any country or religion including the US).
Last month Israeli polling said 72% wanted Bibi out. More are now saying even if the war is not over. But Bibi is like trump. He wants to ‘fix’ the courts; silence the media & critics and most of all he doesn’t want an end to thh war or elections. He fears not being in office and going to prison. Even his negotiators say he is sabotaging the talks. His IDF has said publicly the military goals have been met & there are not enough resources to continue in Gaza and fend off an attack by Hezbollah.
Yes, I would not say the DEM campaign had switched from a negative campaign to a positive one. There was a lot more negativity when Biden was the candidate but that was just about all aimed at him, and very unfairly. The reason it hasn't picked up to the same din of lies and poison for Kamala is because of the master chess move Biden orchestrated by declaring Kamala his choice immediately after the RNC and the huge win of the prisoner exchange. Hopefully the long view of history will end up recognizing what a great man Biden has been even if that may be harder for some to see from this close up. Many of us see it and many of us also doubted the polls, but embrace the new start Biden has selflessly given us, won't be surprised when the major media begins the same smears and unfair coverage (and non-coverage) with Kamala, and won't view it as her fault at all... either.
I was an eighth grader in 1960. We bought our first television just to watch the 1960 Democratic convention. I went door-to-door in an extremely red area to register voters as an eighth grader.
I have participated in every campaign and since then. I have the honor of serving as a page in my state legislature during high school years and have remained active ever since.
This probably is the most important campaign I have ever Volunteered in. Steady steady stay steady is right.
Perfectly stated Dan Rather! Absolutely everything you wrote is exactly how I feel about the DNC convention. It was perfect. Kamala's speech was the best I've ever heard, bar none. I feel so much joy and Hope and it's so nice not to feel a sense of forthcoming dread every day. I'm excited!!
Thank you, Dan. It was a rousing convention! And everyone is feeling better, more positive, ready for change and to move forward. We needed this.
But after the party there is the tidying up and the work. If we don't do the work, the party will have been for nothing.
Let's get out there and get busy. I've ordered 200 postcards and started speaking with neighbors. (Not simple where I live...) We can do this. We must. The country cannot afford another Trump term. And we must do it big. Semper prorsum!
Hear hear! I've been phone banking for a little over 6 months, first for Biden and now for Harris. The change in people's attitudes about this election is amazing. People are actually excited to vote for Kamala! Keep up the good work!🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Thank you for your work, Megan! I'm a devoted postcarder so I'll be busiest starting in a couple of weeks, reminding folks about voting options and deadlines (mail, early, day of...) and getting out the vote that way. Between us all we can help keep things moving! Not going back!
I look at it this way: it is a rule of thumb that a 1% response rate on direct mail is good. In my county we are mailing 200,000 postcards. So if even 2,000 impressions are made and acted upon, multiply that times all the postcard campaigns going on all over the country and the result can be considerable. Every single vote matters!
That's a good question and yes, it does appear that postcards and other forms of individual written contact do have a tangible effect on registration and turnout, including vote by mail. As Pamela has also replied, just a 1% response on direct mail is good. You might like to read the 2020 study report "The Power of the State: How Postcards from the State Increased Registration and Turnout in Pennsylvania" (Bryant, Hammer, Safarpour and Mc Donald). I am sharing a relevant excerpt of the abstract below with you and the report can also be accessed online in Acrobat form by searching the title.
[Abstract] "We find that contact in the form of a single postcard from the Department of State led to a one percentage point increase in registration and a 0.9-point increase in turnout, regardless of the content of the postcard. Registration effects were strongest among young, first-time voters. Importantly, new registrants voted at a rate far exceeding rates found in previous registration drives."
The grassroots organization Demcast has also published a series on how postcard writing has a positive effect on voter registration and turnout: "Yes, Postcards to Voters Do Boost Interest and Turnout!" (May 2021)
Postcards to Voters has reported feedback from postcard recipients who were delighted to receive a card and took action. Of course, not everyone might react the same way, but I believe that receiving a friendly, handwritten, personal reminder to register and to vote is perceived quite positively overall.
So it seems apparent that personal contact in the form of a simple postcard does help get new voters to register and turns out the vote. In battleground states and districts where the results can boil down to the slimmest of margins, such results can make all the difference.
Thank YOU for your participation in this fun and useful form of grassroots activism! I appreciate you!
Agree. I'm a registered voter living abroad and postcards are the easiest way for me to contribute. I buy pretty stamps with the hope that the voter will appreciate getting a postcard from abroad.
Phone/SMS banking works too but managing the time zone difference can be postcards are my way of "doing something"! 🙂😉🇺🇸💪
I have never been involved with politics or campaigns. What kind of things can I maybe do to help? I wouldn’t want to talk directly to people, but there must be something I could do that wouldn’t involve that?
Thank you, Diana! Postcarding is a good way for shy people (like me) to get involved. You can Google "write postcards for (campaign name)" and you'll get several organizations that do so to choose from. Normally you can write as many as you like or only a few. It's easy to do and most of the time they provide templates to use and instructions. The organization "Vote Forward" also writes letters to voters, and also has a template. :)
I watched almost the whole Convention and agree with you, Dan, that it was a tour de force. One part I especially appreciated and think is a very powerful wing of attack in the 70 days ahead is the appearance/endorsement by Republicans who have finally said to themselves: enough is enough. There were more than a few of them sprinkled through the speeches and it warmed my heart to see them. They've given up on the man, the charlatan, the philanderer, the small man, while not giving up on either the long term future of their party or on core values of truth and patriotism and humility. Those three core value are utterly unknown to Trump.
“Their” party doesn’t exist anymore. It’s now the party of Trump. I’m quite sure many of them who value the country will come out and vote Blue. It was heartening to hear them speak their truth.
Dan if nothing else moves a republican…I hope they think about this…how pundits took potshots at Gus Walz, a neurodiverse teen. Surely many republicans families have someone in their midst who is disabled, non verbal. What you saw Wednesday was a young man who was so proud of his dad that he had tears streaming down his face. No one says a word about his sister or his mom who were equally as emotional. It was a cheap shot. Honestly, I hope more of you think long and hard about Donny and what the republicans want for this country.
Donny wants some kind of anti abortion czar? Someone that tracks when women cycle vs when they don’t? Who’s business is that? That’s the females business. No one else’s. I’ve known for awhile that this idea of forcing doctors to not taking care of their pregnant patients was going to backfire on republicans. Forcing women to miscarry outside a hospital setting because they were afraid of lawsuits? Sending a woman home to abort in her bathroom? Forcing a woman to go to another state for an abortion because her own doctor couldn’t or wouldn’t provide appropriate care…
How I hope this country votes for Kamala (or her nieces taught us…Comma La)and that we get back on track.
You said it! Remember when Trump himself made fun of a reporter with a disability. How small must you be to attack the disabled to make yourself feel better and larger? We don't want someone with that little feeling to be our President. Such a person cannot identify with others.
Agree! As Maya Angelou said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
We have seen over & over again the cruelty, name calling & complete disregard for other people. This is behavior we wouldn't tolerate on a playground, much less in the White House, again!
This is only my own perception. I don’t claim to be right or to nail it. I suspect it’s less about being mean and cruel and more about “sticking it” to everyone else. A lot of these folks talk about how religion and Christianity is under attack. They see religion as the cornerstone of EVERYTHING. Anything not related to religion must go. But our history was not founded upon religion. In fact, most came to this country in search of something so set in stone. This is why we have Separation of Church and State. This is why we have Freedom of Religion. JD Vance would have you believe I’m a childless cat lady and that somehow I have less of a voice because I didn’t ever marry or have unwanted kids. Well if I’m lesser than why do I pay more in taxes than most? I have just as much voice. The rest of us had better wake up. This election cycle is NOT over. Not by a long shot. Sure Kamala and the rest spoke up wonderfully this past week. That’s generally why they get paid the big bucks…cause they know how to garner attention in a positive way. That WE ALL VOTE whether it’s absentee or in person, each of our voices is just that important. We can put JD, Donny and the rest of the republican neanderthals to bed if WE ALL VOTE.
I believe we can and will build on the momentum. After a while, negativity and ugliness get old. And Trump is looking really old. Project 2025 is looking really old. I believe people are ready to change the script. To embrace joy and possibility. To work together. Not everyone. God knows there are enough haters and true believers out there to rattle anyone's sanity. But Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are steady. They know the American people eventually weary of being fed lies. Not all of the people, but enough to make a difference. I'm going to do everything within my power to help win this election for democracy and consign the MAGA bastards to the dustbin of history where they so richly deserve to go.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. That is what VP Harris has done her entire life. I look forward to watching her as the leader of the US on the world stage.
Thanks for the work that is "STEADY" Dan. It is very much appreciated.
Dan, Kamala Harris came across as the epitome of the perfect President for today's fractured America. She reflects all the country has become over the past few decades: a true blending of religions, race, and culture. I felt as if an almost divine fate had placed her in this moment to be the conduit for the true meaning of democracy. I sense Harris is here to give America a second, maybe final, chance to move further towards its potential. We citizens live in the greatest country in the world in terms of aspirations; only in America could her success story as well as that of many others at the convention be possible. "They are out of their minds." Kamala said in reference to Maga 2025 extremists. If this country doesn't pay attention to this amazing leader's offer to guide us once again out of darkness toward the limitless promise of America, it will be "we the people" who have lost our minds.
And unfortunately there are way too many people in this country who have not found their minds - to lose them - and that's a big problem. The job of learning to think needs to be instilled really early at
home and in schools, not to mention in churches too.
If djt actually shows up at the debate in September Kamala will prosecute him. I watched January 6 on ABC with George Stephanopoulos for many long hours. He will be in charge of the September debate. He will not let djt get away with anything. He will shut him up! It just gets weirder and weirder for djt with RFK,jr aligning with his campaign: dead worm brain disease, leaving a dead bear in Central Park! I can’t wait for Tim Walz to get right on it at his rallies! And, JD Vance wrote the introduction to Project 2025. They can’t deny it!
As long as the former guy is prohibited from leaving his podium during the debate, I'll be happy. I've not forgotten his constant circling behind Mrs. Clinton. In addition to his crimes, he is so ill mannered!
The question might be how is DJT going to get out of a debate he obviously can't do; he is incapable and his handlers certainly know that by now, even Fox News does. So will there be some kind of an event, a September surprise? What could possibly go even weirder? Let's not let our guard down.
In a piece I wrote yesterday, I summed up A Tale of Two Conventions with this:
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
........................Justice.....................Just Us
I like it. Short and concise. Well done.
Please share it! Here's a fancier version you may be able to copy 'n paste:
Excellent observations!
That is wonderfully put. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Love that!
It was an unforced error to put an hostage family on stage and ban any representation of Palestinian Americans. And then compound the error in the lead up clip with Harris speaking to AIPAC and the acceptance speech nod to Gaza, heavy on defending Israel and light on the humanitarian crisis caused by the Netanyahu regime's disproportionate and possibly criminal response to the Hamas atrocities. We can send defensive aid without sending the offensive military equipment being used to slaughter Palestinian civilians. By American law, delivery of offensive military aid is contingent on compliance with humanitarian law, Biden has not enforced this law.
Harris ' signal of concern for Gaza was notable in contrast with Biden's refusal to enforce the Leahy Laws and his own National Security Memorandum 20 (both requiring pausing delivery of offensive weapons when there are violations of humanitarian law and no credible evidence of compliance.)
The hostage family called for a ceasefire, release of hostages, and delivery of humanitarian aid. Just imagine how much stronger the message would have been had it been made together with a Palestinian American. A signal that the US prioritizes supporters of Israel and supporters of Palestine who have shared goals of justice and self determination. However much Hamas' Sinwar and Israel's Netanyahu share an allegiance to slaughter rather than to the compromise of a two state solution.
I don't think it was an unforced error. I believe it's an issue that could have easily turned the convention into a slugfest. I also believe that whatever direction she chooses to take in January, she will not undermine President Biden's position now, nor should she. I assume she's working with him behind the scenes.
Today I was again doing Democratic party GOTV visibility (holding a big sign) in my tourist town. I've had people yell "TrumpTrump" at me. Today for the first time someone yelled "I'm not voting for genocide." (We have had Gaza protests at a local college - but very much focused on a ceasefire. No talk of genocide.)
I am an American Jew, Zionist, Progressive, and Democrat (try walking that tightrope;) Like many Israelis, I've opposed Netanyahu for decades. Biden has been repeatedly 'played' by Netanyahu. Who cares nothing about the hostages, let alone Palestinians, or peace. Netanyahu's administrations have long been aligned with Hamas against a two state solution. Each hedging their bets they can win by slaughter.
Harris has received criticism from WaPo and NYTimes journalists for sidelining Palestinian Americans - who have lost and are losing family members, caught between Hamas and Israel. Hopefully she can correct course on the trail. She should be distancing herself from Biden's position. Yes, both the combatant are intransigent. But even Reagan and GHW Bush got results by pausing aid to Israel.
"Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush both halted key aid to Israel during their terms over concerns about Israeli actions."
I suspect that President Biden is walking a tightrope, much as you are, and VP Harris is doing the same. I don't believe he's being played by Netanyahu. I'd much rather see the wrath of our citizens directed at Netanyahu than our government, especially in such a self-defeating way.
This debate that I see here on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is exactly why Kamala needed to tread lightly. She did the right thing by supporting Israel who is our ally and condemning the October 7 attack while acknowledging the suffering of the Palestinians as well. Many Presidents have tried to negotiate a peace in the region but so far it has not succeeded. Let’s hope for a peaceful resolution on all sides. I feel for the suffering of all people in times of war, and hope that us humans can find a way towards peace. You can take a side if you must but if we can come together for the sake of peace then perhaps it can happen.
Thanks, Ilene. Great comment!
For many months I defended Pres. Biden's navigating between those who cry antisemitism at any criticism of Israel and those who cry genocide at any support of Israel. I cheered Biden heeding Sen. Chris VanHollen and other knowledgeable Democrats and strengthening the Leahy Laws. For decades Biden has defended Israel while being outspoken against the settlements (as a deterrent to peace.) And in fact Biden halted some arms to IDF units because of criminal acts of violence on the West Bank.
I can no longer defend the lack of action on Gaza. Of course, I would have volunteered and voted for Biden, and more happily now for Harris. Any other action will help elect Trump. Whose record actually contributed to the conditions leading to Oct 7. Who's treated Gaza as merely a PR problem for Israel. And whose chief midEast advisor - Jared Kushner - has suggested 'putting Palestinians in camps in the desert and developing the very valuable Gaza waterfront property.'
Well said Netanyahu is rooting for Trump.
Thank you thank you thank you. Everything I felt you put into words. 100% agree and it’s really hard on the Muslim American community to see that our voices don’t count.
ThankYou Monica A. I trust that we represent the majority who want to live in peace and respect. Regarding Israel and Palestine, in sovereign and geographically autonomous states. Eventually.
Palestinian voices and Palestinian American voices (Muslim and Christian) really do matter. Hence the general and widespread criticism of the DNC decision. But we must unite to vote for Harris. She has given every indication of prioritizing justice. And moving American policy to achieve it - in domestic and foreign policy. Including Israel and Palestine.
I think we need to be visible in public displaying our shared goals. In this instance, starting with a ceasefire, hostage release, and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. These ought not be impossible to achieve. And are a necessary first step.
I don't understand why humanitarian assistance is being impeded? Makes me wonder where my UNICEF donations went!😡😡😡😡😡😡
Very nice to sum it up like that. We all hope lightning does not strike twice. This is lightning that would spread nothing but darkness.
Let’s hope no major disastrous debate performance and no October surprises.
Let’s all go Blue Big time and defy and defuse all polls.
Thank you
I just added above:
I also added it to the essay:
Thank you Bob and Dan - great summary!
My goodness, that was absolutely perfect!!! I live in a state that supports the Cheetoh. I cannot move (wish I could but I can't). Do you know how much misinformation, alternative facts, terrible comments regarding the Democrats, etc. I have which to deal?
I hear you, Cathy. I live in a very red district in a blue state. I haven't been very vocal, but aside from my own Substack and participating in others', I serve as a Democratic poll worker, have volunteered with the county Democratic organization, am joining the local Democratic club, and bought a Harris/Walz tee shirt and sign.
I live in a 55+ with rules that restrict political signs to 30 days before the election, so I have mine prominently displayed in my garage, plainly visible when the door is open. I learned today that my very Republican Brother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law are visiting us on October 7, the day after my sign moves to daylight!
To Cathy, I hear hear the same MAGA garbage too!😬😬 even from people who stand to see cuts in Social Security!
This should be a bumper sticker or a yard sign! So concise and so, so true!
I got another one for united; Republicans indicted.
Very clever and accurate.
Democrat…..ignoring responsibility for genocide……..Republican…….calling for a speed up obliteration and genocide….
So if you have any concern for the plight of the Palestinians of Gaza and the Occupied Territories - Vote Harris Walz. (Otherwise you are responsible for GOP speeding up obliteration and genocide.)
And every day - contact your elected officials and media outlets to support an immediate ceasefire, hostage release, humanitarian aid - and enforcement of the Leahy Laws to stop delivery of offensive military weapons to the Netanyahu regime.
Heather Cox Richardson wrote the following this morning to a comment just about that... she says" the problem is that it’s not just about Gaza— there are a number of both state and non-state actors, who mostly (but not entirely) divide either for or against Iran. But articles about them mostly deal with the tensions individually, so it’s hard to see the larger picture (and they talk a lot less about the alliances in the region than about the tensions, although the Christian Science Monitor has done some with that). And neither Netanyahu nor Hamas leaders appear to want a ceasefire, which would badly hurt their power, while the U.S. and other countries are trying desperately to get one. There are tons of articles about the ceasefire plan and opposition to it from Netanyahu and Hamas leaders but the movements are hard to follow. Meanwhile, the U.S. is insisting on a Palestinian state, which is getting far less support among those concerned about the utter devastation in Gaza than I would expect, especially since Arab countries have pledged huge sums to rebuild Gaza but only if Hamas is not left in charge." She's very interesting and knowledgable, I follow her on FB and love her letters.
If I was as good a writer as you, and I'm not, that is how I would have written my encapsulation of the conventions albeit the other way around.
I guess it's in the eye of the beholder.
So true, Jack. We all see things thru polarized lenses. Perhaps someday we'll be able to just close our eyes, relax, and listen.
Love this!
As a seriously old person who cast her first ballot for JFK, I can tell you that I have rarely felt the sheer JOY and excitement that this convention and this ticket inspires. I admit to being unduly excited working on Obama's campaign, but I think I never really believed he would prevail. ( I remember walking out to get my morning paper the morning after the election--I couldn't bear the stress and suspense of waiting up to learn the results), and at the headling "OBAMA WINS I stood in my driveway and wept. This is a new and exciting opportunity to change the course of America. And BTW, thank you, Hillary, for your graciousness toward the woman who, God willing, will take the job you should have had in 2016.
Beautifully said, and thank you so much for working on Obama's campaign. The joy I felt over his victory is now being matched by the joy I feel for a Harris/Walz win.
You know, I actually forgot how happy the Obama's made me feel campaigning. Just goes to show you how Trump can suck the Joy out of your mind.
Never again.
I🇨🇦, have let my breath out a little bit now😊
So well said, Margaret!
Me, too! Such joy!!!
Yes, a truly gracious Hillary. She paved the way for Kamala and all future female presidents.
I seem to recall Hillary was a war monger. Wasn’t she?
Selina Sweet, your trolling is showing. Find another hobby.
You seem to be in need of research and critical thinking skills
Selina Sour. 🤷🏼♀️
I smelled your troll stench for miles when you were here screaming about pushing Biden out—get lost.
Who is your hero!
My first vote was also for JFK. Now I have hope again.
Well said.☺️👍🇺🇲
I was 8 years old, and my folks had roped me in to "working" on the JFK campaign. They were the Block Captains for our neighborhood, in a suburb of DC. They had me stand at the driveway entrance to my elementary school, where our local voting site was and where I was in the 3rd? 4th? grade. I held a stack of papers, and I sweetly asked each driver as they pulled up "Are you a Democrat or a 'Publican?" If they said "Democrat" I handed them a flyer. If they said "Republican" my folks hadn't told me what to do, so I would just shrug my shoulders and, somewhat confused I imagine, the 'Publicans would go park their cars, wondering what that was all about. So - I couldn't vote for JFK, but I was probably one of his youngest volunteers ! 😊
Great story! I debated ,for the 1st time, against Nixon, in my American History class. Have been hooked on politics ever since. The past 4 yrs have been a nightmare.....
My first was Lyndon Johnson. We had to be 21 to vote back then.
My first I have to admit was Eisenhower but after that never a GOPer again.
My first vote was for George McGovern. I became politicized when I was 12 and stayed in from recess to watch JFK’s inauguration and have never voted for a republican even though I grew up in Indiana.
McGovern gave an excellent "Come Home America" convention speech but, tragically, he wasn't able to deliver it until around 2 or 3 a.m. because of self-destructive convention floor infighting among Democrats.
Thank you, Edith, from another "seriously old" voter. Isn't it great to have lived this long!
Same here❤️ I called my friend when Obama won and yelled into my phone HE WON HE WON
I will never forget my daughter's voice on the phone as she told me at 3:00AM that Obama had carried my home State of Indiana.
I was as surprised as she was then, but it could happen again...
My first presidential vote was for Lyndon Johnson. Your post is exactly how I feel. I was sobbing as I voted for Obama and am I sure that will be repeated as I vote for Harris. As a white teenager working hard for civil rights living in the deepest South, I never thought I would see this day. I am a happy lady and ready to get to work.
I’m only just a bit younger than you as I wasn’t yet eligible to vote for JFK. But I did attend his rally in Los Angeles! I felt just as you describe about Obama’s election! Pure elation and joy!
I feel those same emotions now with Kamala as our candidate. I campaigned for Obama, I am loud & proud & campaigning for Harris!
Grandma for Kamala!
I, too, cast my 1st vote for JFK‼️🇺🇲👏 I am finally feeling hope again...
Hear, hear!
I doubt that Kamala Harris will be cowed on the debate stage by Trump. She has historically won many cases she prosecuted, and she has said, “I know his type.“ She is remarkable: a woman with a gentle soul and an iron will.
"If you have something to say, Donald, say it to my face." Mimi, I agree with you.
I can’t wait to watch the debate!
If Dumpy Trumpy actually shows up it should be a hoot to see.
I will be making a bunch of popcorn for the debate! It should be quite a good show! 😊
Actually, I’m a little nervous. He is unstable himself and has had great success in unstabilizing others.
Look at all the smarter people he has gone up against and somehow, in bloodying others much more capable, he emerges unscathed.
Don’t count him out. How does anyone - who plays by the rules - prepare to debate him - he flaunts the rules, spits on the norms.
It’s not that Kamala can’t handle him, it’s the moderators, too. They are cowed, don’t follow up and take this “ unserious” man seriously.
I agree. Trump can over-talk the best of them. He can spew out lies so fast it is hard to keep up. He screams and demeans each opponent with ease. He has no boundaries. Kamala will be a firm, good debater. It is the moderators I fear.
I really think he's going to be too scared to even show up, I can't even imagine what he would come at her with unless they find some really great dirt-without making it up (which I doubt), I think she's going to eat him for breakfast.
In his Arizona rally, he faulted her with a border crisis, high inflation, and cost of living. He is treating her as though she is Biden. Half the time, he made no sense.
I would love it if sometime, in response to one of Trump's tirades, someone would simply respond "You know, you really shouldn't talk about yourself that way." Really curious to see what his reaction would be. Because that's what he's essentially doing everytime he goes off on one of his opponents. He is, for the most part, incapable of seeing others as anything but reflections of himself.
But responding in this way puts the focus back on Trump's wrongs(disowning them and pushing them back at HIM) and saves the person from spending all their time and energy defending against Trumps attacks. It's basically saying "Yeah, this is YOUR s**t, not mine"
Kind of "I know you are but what am I?" It is true, but sort of comes off as a school yard fight when I think about it.
Something to that tone but not as J D Vanceish.
At Donald's first debate with Hillary Clinton, he kept getting up and walking around the stage, hulking behind her as she was speaking. He is not a small person.
Why the so-called moderators did not tell him to sit down and let her speak her turn still mystifies me as much as did her own failure to do so.
I think the "optics" of her, cringing and distracted as he demonstrated his ownership of the stage, did much to damage her persona and hurt her in the election. It is difficult to imagine Kamala Harris tolerating such behavior.
The media must follow the rules of debate. Trump needs to be called out on his lies and the mic needs to be turned off after a specific time lapse. It was the media that allowed Trump to break the rules and give him 8 years of free daily publicity which gave him the power that he exudes today. They need to follow the rules and protocols for debate. I feel certain that Kamala will hold them to it.
The moderators NEED to be on their game. They play a crucial role in this.
🤣🤣 too!
Iron is right. And her joints aren't rusted. She can swing a knockout punch as smooth as silk.
Trump will pale in her presence.Foolish to debate her.
Agree, Mim! I think she will bring her "Kamala Harris, for the people" identity to the debate stage; what I think will be her super power. There are many mild-mannered women, myself included, who become fierce defenders when their loved ones are attacked. I believe that is the Kamala we will see!
May Kamala be America’s Mamala!
I likeit..
Nailed, Mim 🩵
well said ! a gentle soul and an iron will !!!
BINGO ! Gentle soul & iron will.
Gentle soul and iron will? And what actions has she taken in her what 20 or 30 years of “public service” that demonstrate these qualities? Just as AAA teaches, it’s not what you say that counts ( we already know this from Obama years and all that fine, even inspiring rhetoric), talk is cheap. What truly matters is how you are walking your talk. What exactly has Kamala done that we can all agree - yup her actions fulfill her words?
Well for starters, she developed a system to reduce recidivism for repeat offenders that went nationwide and recovered billions of dollars from banks for CA homeowners.
Your concerns are not irrelevant, perhaps poorly timed. Kamala may not be all we hope for but she's not bat-s**t crazy. Given this choice, one has no choice but to vote for the sane candidate and worry about the rest after the election.
Repeat ad nauseam
You obviously didn’t listen to her speech as well as all the speakers at the convention. They made it clear what she has done. I don’t know what it would take to convince you that she would make a great President, but she certainly has convinced me.
Kamala is just what this country needs! 🗳 VOTE
I have a Republican friend who told me she watched last night and couldn’t believe the kindness, joy, exuberance of the evening. She said it was a total change from the hate and cruelty of her party. She will be voting for Kamala and Walz!!
Please thank her from all of us and welcome to a world of kindness, and joy.
I understand. If I were a Republican I would be ashamed to vote for trump
I’m ashamed that he has become an “American” by virtue of his pimp ancestor. He is the worst of us
Yes he is!!!
Let's vote for the best in us!💙💙💙💙💫
What a wonderful testimony for our Democratic party. Hopefully, more people will realize what she did and vote Democratic.
WOW! This gives me more hope than anything I've read!
Thanx, Judith. What you relate is EXACTLY the confirmation that our Party leaders and all the rest of us have hoped for. Let's count: One. Who can tell us about 'two'?
That's encouraging to hear! Perhaps your Republican friend can persuade others to join her in supporting Kamala and Tim! 🤞
THANK YOU for sharing this Victory to counter the “ick” I feel, not believing that a friend is celebrating a newly recruited young red voter (21yo). She’s a good person but I’m *stunned* that anyone cannot see what 45th President is!
I feel like there MUST be centrist red voters out there who see the real Joy we’re experiencing! So again, thank you for sharing this touch of Hope!!
Let’s hope she tells all her friends to do the same thing.
No matter what anyone says Biden has been a good president and is a good Human Being, please let’s not forget that! It seems some want to throw him in the dust heap of history! Thank God we had him instead of Trump, think of where we would be if Trump had won! He did an incredibly honorable thing by stepping aside and giving the ball to Kamala! No more bad mouthing him please! Onward with Kamala and a huge thank you to Joe! Not too many people in his position would sacrifice as he did! Thank You Mr President!
I agree. He will go down in history as one of the best presidents the US has had. He's had some amazing achievements despite the Rethug babies in congress. We are very fortunate to have had him in the White House after the disaster that was trump. I can't understand why he's not more popular. Many people have jobs because of him. The infrastructure is being repaired because of him. Small businesses are financially supported because of him. Many non-fossil fuel energy generation projects have been launched because of him. Our standing in the world is vastly improved because of him.
And many people survived Covid because of Biden!!
Why President Biden is not more popular. ?
Because he allowed Trump and his lies and the media to define Him. He was too busy working for the American people.
Propaganda spewed non stop by the lying bastards at Fox and clones. And not countered by MSM, sad to say
Your perspective is probably on point. Though a politician he's basically a humble man.
Another reason may be that a lot of us cannot bare watching our President using our tax monies to obliterate Palestinians, goad Russia into invading Ukraine, using Ukrainian young men to die and get maimed in a USA proxy war against Russia, and manipulate a catastrophic war with China (to avoid putting our tax dollars into educating our young people in math and the science like we responded to the Russian’s Sputnik event to favorably compete and even collaborate with the Chinese)? Odd, it appears many in this comment section don’t seem to care that the warring wake of Mr. Biden is making us despised by a lot of the people of the world.
Selina... First I'm hearing that Russia invading Ukraine was done because of OUR goading... Poor little, easily-influenced PUTIN... Do any of the rest of you see things that way?...
Sadly, your efforts fall on one with no ears. Personally, I think Putin invaded Ukraine because chump told him at Helsinki that he wouldn’t object. Then he lost, so why the desperation to get back in. Putin is unhappy with chump. Hanging on til Jan so chump can dump support for Ukraine. Makes more sense than SS…
Democrats need to speak much more about the things President Biden & his administration accomplished & put in place. We are waay too quiet about it
Speak up every chance we get!!!!
Biden? The genocide man? THE one sending millions or is it billions to the Israelis to obliterate the Palestinians?. Or do we just normalize genocide?Say it doesn’t really matter? Does a “good” person do that kind of thing? Did you see the man carrying a big plastic bag filled with indiscriminate body parts of Palestinians who had been in a ‘safe’ zone when the Israelis bombed the place with made-in-America bombs? Or perhaps we say well the partial extermination of the indigenous in the USA and the enslavement of humans who happened to be Black In the USA had to happen for the USA to become the imperial power it is today…just one of those things? What happens to a society that normalizes, rationalizes, justifies evil?
It is a heartbreaking situation and has been for over 75 years. I have witnessed for Palestine much over the years and it's stunning how Israel has had all the money from the US and still, it can not and will not be reasonable. Whoever designed October 7th to create a no win situation for Biden was rather astute. There was nothing he could do. I don't think we as a society are normalizing or rationalizing evil. The largest protests the world has ever seen have now happened in support of Palestine and still the genocide goes on. Yes we are a part of the continuation....but....let's be is Israel and its citizens and its leader who are in favor of continuing the bombings and the genocide. SO the situation is much worse than just blaming Biden and wringing one's hands. It is the intention of many who govern Israel to do this genocide. AND most of us in the civilized world are individually helpless to stop it. Many protests are going on now in Israel. And those who oppose Netanyahu's brutal and obscene war....are also, individually helpless. I've no idea at the moment what can happen to stop this bloodbath. I have family who are Muslim and I have family who are Jews. And I've studied both religions and I prefer Islam and the Muslims I know. I live in Northern New Mexico and I do spiritual practices and some healing work and I garden. I have done a 2 year silent retreat and my mind is different now than it was before I meditated every day and so it is beyond my reach to know how to resolve these situations. I just know that Trump and men like him, are what is evil. Biden is not evil, he was/is held in a series of unfortunate events. SO, I do want to ask you to be courageous enough to see who it is that is evil and who it is that wants the war to continue....and put the blame where it belongs. Thank you for reading this.
and I saw this from Ralph, after making my, let's put the blame where the blame belongs...(ooops the meme is not's Ralph Nader saying that under strict orders from AIPAC, the Palestinian doctor who had just returned from Gaza was not allowed to make a brief presentation at the convention. AND yet, an Israeli couple did a presentation (Ralph says that AIPAC demanded that). AND Ralph is saying that millions of Muslims will not forget this). (so, please blame AIPAC anytime you blame Biden or our society as a whole). (I sure blame them).
Hasn’t Ralph done enough damage to our country. Shut the f**k up Ralph.
I find this so childish, and utterly unacceptable for an adult to say to anyone for any reason to shut the F up. Why behave like that ? Unable to speak non violently in complete sentences ? Or you don't feel heard unless you are uncivil and rude ? WHATEVER. Please, do whatever it takes to choose to be a civil human being.
No. You shut up. Nader is an intelligent, caring person. If you ever listened to his weekly broadcast, you'd realize that.
He gave us W, time for you to realize what he did.
it was a free and fair election....
I have a friend who worked for the Nader Institute...he's such a good guy....
Selina, your views on Biden, seem to revolve around the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. Is that correct?
If you are like most Americans, you do NOT know that Zionism is a Christian concept dating back to the 1500s in Europe (and exported to America by 17th century Puritans). Today, there are about 90-million more Christian Zionists in the world than all Jews combined.
Until the 20th century, very few Jews ascribed to Zionism (aka the return to Israel). Today, there are less than 16 million Jews on the entire planet. There are less than 6 million Jews in America. In Israel, there are 7 million Jews (about 75% of the population).
Christian Zionism waxed and waned for centuries – and re-emerged in the 1980s as the driving force among right-wing evangelical Christians in America. In the mid-1990s, the Left Behind series of books and films popularized Christian Zionism – big time – and was especially influential on evangelical teenagers at the time.
According to Christian Zionists the return of Jews to Palestine (aka Israel) will hasten the second coming of Christ. When Christ returns, he will only save true believers (and send everyone else on earth, including all Jews, to Hell for all eternity). Inasmuch, as Christion Zionists plan to inherit the earth and everything on it, they do everything they can to assure their prophecy comes to pass in their lifetime. In essence, Christian Zionists support Israel because they believe it belongs to them.
In America, Christian Zionism, Christian evangelism, Christian Nationalism, the Republican Party and billionaire funded conservative Think Tanks and non-profit organizations became so tightly entangled they are one in the same.
For example, the non-Jewish, Christians United for Israel is both, the largest and most powerful pro-Israel, Christian Zionist organization in the United States (10-million members). By contrast, American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has 3-million members (which includes both Christians and Jews, and conducts outreach programs for Latino and Black evangelicals).
I mention all this by way of saying, you are looking at the wrong people and the wrong leaders. If you really care about Palestinians, spend your internet time lobbying, chastising and voicing your views to conservatives.
It would seem that you are placing blame on President Biden for every injustice that's occurred in our nation's history. Perhaps focusing on just his 4 years in office might be more relevant. And furthermore, you may have noticed that your comments are rather isolated as compared to the positive, joyful ones in support of Dan's eloquent thoughts. Praying that you might experience a change of heart before November 5th.
We all adore President Biden, probably the best president, on so many levels, in our lifetime.
Very well said! Thank you for the reminder of the sacrifice Mr. Biden made. He is truly a man who puts the United States’ wellbeing first!
History will give Joe the praise he isn’t getting enough of right now. He wasn’t out the blowing his own horn. He was rolling up his sleeves and working for all of us. The press prefers TFG who made their jobs easy. And sadly, the press is treating Kamala the same way they treated Joe.
I agree, Linda. The ovation given to Joe at the convention was so moving. But the overall press craves its ratings. That's why we need maximum grassroots support for Kamala (I loved her nieces' "Comma-la") and Coach Tim. We can only do this for them ourselves.
We all must "do something"
Biden has sacrificed a lot. He’s withstood numerous malicious investigations; Jan 6 and so on.
He has fought for aid to Gaza, tried to restrain Netanyahu, called for a 2 state solution and is still trying for a cease fire. Although we mostly hear of the obstructive acts by Hamas, the Israelis their own rightwingers have called for an 2nd war with Lebanon. Their followers attack & block aid caravans. Biden imposed sanctions on them. Israelis trust Biden more than Bibi, who like DJT cares for no one; certainly not the hostages (from any country or religion including the US).
Last month Israeli polling said 72% wanted Bibi out. More are now saying even if the war is not over. But Bibi is like trump. He wants to ‘fix’ the courts; silence the media & critics and most of all he doesn’t want an end to thh war or elections. He fears not being in office and going to prison. Even his negotiators say he is sabotaging the talks. His IDF has said publicly the military goals have been met & there are not enough resources to continue in Gaza and fend off an attack by Hezbollah.
Yes, I would not say the DEM campaign had switched from a negative campaign to a positive one. There was a lot more negativity when Biden was the candidate but that was just about all aimed at him, and very unfairly. The reason it hasn't picked up to the same din of lies and poison for Kamala is because of the master chess move Biden orchestrated by declaring Kamala his choice immediately after the RNC and the huge win of the prisoner exchange. Hopefully the long view of history will end up recognizing what a great man Biden has been even if that may be harder for some to see from this close up. Many of us see it and many of us also doubted the polls, but embrace the new start Biden has selflessly given us, won't be surprised when the major media begins the same smears and unfair coverage (and non-coverage) with Kamala, and won't view it as her fault at all... either.
Thank you!
Thank you. I agree
I agree!
Typically steady and never over the top, our Dan Rather again finds the truest words to capture the reality of what he reports on.
I cried reading Dan's Substack, just like I cried during all four days of the DNC convention! Thank goodness, these days, they are tears of joy.
Oh I know, how could anyone keep a dry eye listening to everyone. Pride just swells and spills out.
Thank you, Dan!
EXACTLY how I felt reading this post, Steven Z! No hyperbole, just concise glowing truth. Best summation I have seen so far.
I was an eighth grader in 1960. We bought our first television just to watch the 1960 Democratic convention. I went door-to-door in an extremely red area to register voters as an eighth grader.
I have participated in every campaign and since then. I have the honor of serving as a page in my state legislature during high school years and have remained active ever since.
This probably is the most important campaign I have ever Volunteered in. Steady steady stay steady is right.
Thank you! It is people like you that help to keep our democracy strong and vital.
Perfectly stated Dan Rather! Absolutely everything you wrote is exactly how I feel about the DNC convention. It was perfect. Kamala's speech was the best I've ever heard, bar none. I feel so much joy and Hope and it's so nice not to feel a sense of forthcoming dread every day. I'm excited!!
Thank you, Dan. It was a rousing convention! And everyone is feeling better, more positive, ready for change and to move forward. We needed this.
But after the party there is the tidying up and the work. If we don't do the work, the party will have been for nothing.
Let's get out there and get busy. I've ordered 200 postcards and started speaking with neighbors. (Not simple where I live...) We can do this. We must. The country cannot afford another Trump term. And we must do it big. Semper prorsum!
Hear hear! I've been phone banking for a little over 6 months, first for Biden and now for Harris. The change in people's attitudes about this election is amazing. People are actually excited to vote for Kamala! Keep up the good work!🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Thank you for your work, Megan! I'm a devoted postcarder so I'll be busiest starting in a couple of weeks, reminding folks about voting options and deadlines (mail, early, day of...) and getting out the vote that way. Between us all we can help keep things moving! Not going back!
I have written many postcards for Democratic candidates but I always wonder - do they work?
Where’s the data? I wonder what is really most effective or whether we are just throwing paint on the wall and hoping it sticks?
I look at it this way: it is a rule of thumb that a 1% response rate on direct mail is good. In my county we are mailing 200,000 postcards. So if even 2,000 impressions are made and acted upon, multiply that times all the postcard campaigns going on all over the country and the result can be considerable. Every single vote matters!
Thank you, Pamela! That's an excellent point!
That's a good question and yes, it does appear that postcards and other forms of individual written contact do have a tangible effect on registration and turnout, including vote by mail. As Pamela has also replied, just a 1% response on direct mail is good. You might like to read the 2020 study report "The Power of the State: How Postcards from the State Increased Registration and Turnout in Pennsylvania" (Bryant, Hammer, Safarpour and Mc Donald). I am sharing a relevant excerpt of the abstract below with you and the report can also be accessed online in Acrobat form by searching the title.
[Abstract] "We find that contact in the form of a single postcard from the Department of State led to a one percentage point increase in registration and a 0.9-point increase in turnout, regardless of the content of the postcard. Registration effects were strongest among young, first-time voters. Importantly, new registrants voted at a rate far exceeding rates found in previous registration drives."
The grassroots organization Demcast has also published a series on how postcard writing has a positive effect on voter registration and turnout: "Yes, Postcards to Voters Do Boost Interest and Turnout!" (May 2021)
Postcards to Voters has reported feedback from postcard recipients who were delighted to receive a card and took action. Of course, not everyone might react the same way, but I believe that receiving a friendly, handwritten, personal reminder to register and to vote is perceived quite positively overall.
So it seems apparent that personal contact in the form of a simple postcard does help get new voters to register and turns out the vote. In battleground states and districts where the results can boil down to the slimmest of margins, such results can make all the difference.
Thank YOU for your participation in this fun and useful form of grassroots activism! I appreciate you!
I'm posting 65 postcards for Activate America candidates tomorrow, which was how I celebrated the Democratic Convention. Onward, all of us together!
May all your postcards be safely received and make their recipients feel valued and important! Thank you, fellow postcarder!
Yes, Michelle, thank you for mentioning this!! This is something that anyone can do! I just ordered 200 more!!
Agree. I'm a registered voter living abroad and postcards are the easiest way for me to contribute. I buy pretty stamps with the hope that the voter will appreciate getting a postcard from abroad.
Phone/SMS banking works too but managing the time zone difference can be postcards are my way of "doing something"! 🙂😉🇺🇸💪
That's great! Postcards for the Freedom Win!
You’re right anybody can postcard. My wife and I have done around 600 so far. More on the way.
We Are Odysseus
Author: Larry LaVerdure
A veil of the familiar trivializes our lives
making us small and ordinary.
There’s escape in that for some
but not for us, involuntary visionaries.
We fear that we have been born to greatness
or that great service may be thrust upon us.
But then there’s that vague veil mess
of averting our eyes, failing to trust
the urgings our own beating hearts.
The veil of the ordinary hides our purpose
like fog that hides a distant, deadly shore.
Though we feel ordinary, there’s so much more
than our petty quips and rancid wanderlust.
We have heroes work to do,
we who hear the cracking whip and
feel the wrenching thumbscrew of history.
There is vindication on our lips
and our purpose is born of misery.
We who have felt the blame heaped on the bereft,
who know the mean streets of violence
the abuse of the racial, overwrought arrest
and felt the shame of hapless witness in silence.
We have seen those who would welcome
the luxury to turn away to a day of privilege
to a sense of safety even if t ’were
a day of errands, a grocery shopping dredge
with enough wherewithal
to pay for it all.
We who drown in inaction.
We who escape to fantasy,
Fill our ears with fearful notions.
We tied to the mast of our aversions
unlike Odysseus long ago on a
wine dark sea bound to adventure.
Seeking a way back home,
a way back to community,
a way back to family.
I love this so much! Brilliant imagery and poetry! Thank you, Larry, and thank you and your wife for being part of the postcarding community!
Great poem, thanks for sharing!
I have never been involved with politics or campaigns. What kind of things can I maybe do to help? I wouldn’t want to talk directly to people, but there must be something I could do that wouldn’t involve that?
Thank you, Diana! Postcarding is a good way for shy people (like me) to get involved. You can Google "write postcards for (campaign name)" and you'll get several organizations that do so to choose from. Normally you can write as many as you like or only a few. It's easy to do and most of the time they provide templates to use and instructions. The organization "Vote Forward" also writes letters to voters, and also has a template. :)
Thank you!! I will Google it. I have never been so excited about an election.
You'll enjoy it. I usually decorate mine with little doodles. Thank you for helping!
I agree with Michelle. You can al add o go to Vote Forward. They also have easy to follow instructions for getting letters out!
I watched almost the whole Convention and agree with you, Dan, that it was a tour de force. One part I especially appreciated and think is a very powerful wing of attack in the 70 days ahead is the appearance/endorsement by Republicans who have finally said to themselves: enough is enough. There were more than a few of them sprinkled through the speeches and it warmed my heart to see them. They've given up on the man, the charlatan, the philanderer, the small man, while not giving up on either the long term future of their party or on core values of truth and patriotism and humility. Those three core value are utterly unknown to Trump.
Adam Kinzinger is one of my heroes. Ever since the second impeachment hearings.
I agree. He's got a future serving our nation - if he chooses to
“Their” party doesn’t exist anymore. It’s now the party of Trump. I’m quite sure many of them who value the country will come out and vote Blue. It was heartening to hear them speak their truth.
Dan if nothing else moves a republican…I hope they think about this…how pundits took potshots at Gus Walz, a neurodiverse teen. Surely many republicans families have someone in their midst who is disabled, non verbal. What you saw Wednesday was a young man who was so proud of his dad that he had tears streaming down his face. No one says a word about his sister or his mom who were equally as emotional. It was a cheap shot. Honestly, I hope more of you think long and hard about Donny and what the republicans want for this country.
Donny wants some kind of anti abortion czar? Someone that tracks when women cycle vs when they don’t? Who’s business is that? That’s the females business. No one else’s. I’ve known for awhile that this idea of forcing doctors to not taking care of their pregnant patients was going to backfire on republicans. Forcing women to miscarry outside a hospital setting because they were afraid of lawsuits? Sending a woman home to abort in her bathroom? Forcing a woman to go to another state for an abortion because her own doctor couldn’t or wouldn’t provide appropriate care…
How I hope this country votes for Kamala (or her nieces taught us…Comma La)and that we get back on track.
I absolutely agree about the attack on Tim's son. The party thar touts family values & Christian beliefs & treats people like that! 😡
They are cruel, hypocritical bullies...simple as that
You said it! Remember when Trump himself made fun of a reporter with a disability. How small must you be to attack the disabled to make yourself feel better and larger? We don't want someone with that little feeling to be our President. Such a person cannot identify with others.
Agree! As Maya Angelou said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
We have seen over & over again the cruelty, name calling & complete disregard for other people. This is behavior we wouldn't tolerate on a playground, much less in the White House, again!
Please Vote!!!
And just how does someone rationalize voting for someone who is so cruel to others?
This is only my own perception. I don’t claim to be right or to nail it. I suspect it’s less about being mean and cruel and more about “sticking it” to everyone else. A lot of these folks talk about how religion and Christianity is under attack. They see religion as the cornerstone of EVERYTHING. Anything not related to religion must go. But our history was not founded upon religion. In fact, most came to this country in search of something so set in stone. This is why we have Separation of Church and State. This is why we have Freedom of Religion. JD Vance would have you believe I’m a childless cat lady and that somehow I have less of a voice because I didn’t ever marry or have unwanted kids. Well if I’m lesser than why do I pay more in taxes than most? I have just as much voice. The rest of us had better wake up. This election cycle is NOT over. Not by a long shot. Sure Kamala and the rest spoke up wonderfully this past week. That’s generally why they get paid the big bucks…cause they know how to garner attention in a positive way. That WE ALL VOTE whether it’s absentee or in person, each of our voices is just that important. We can put JD, Donny and the rest of the republican neanderthals to bed if WE ALL VOTE.
@Margaret Lewis - 💯! Well said.💕
There are a significant number of damaged and hate-filled people in this world who think that they make themsselves better by pulling down others.
I agree & when they have such examples showing them it's okay to do it becomes normalized.
However, whatever the reason it is still cruel, hypocritical (especially if they identify as a Christian) and pathetic.
Kamala made her opening statement and laid out her case to us, the jury. It was superbly stated. Now, let’s git’r done!
I believe we can and will build on the momentum. After a while, negativity and ugliness get old. And Trump is looking really old. Project 2025 is looking really old. I believe people are ready to change the script. To embrace joy and possibility. To work together. Not everyone. God knows there are enough haters and true believers out there to rattle anyone's sanity. But Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are steady. They know the American people eventually weary of being fed lies. Not all of the people, but enough to make a difference. I'm going to do everything within my power to help win this election for democracy and consign the MAGA bastards to the dustbin of history where they so richly deserve to go.
With you....!!!
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. That is what VP Harris has done her entire life. I look forward to watching her as the leader of the US on the world stage.
Thanks for the work that is "STEADY" Dan. It is very much appreciated.
Dan, Kamala Harris came across as the epitome of the perfect President for today's fractured America. She reflects all the country has become over the past few decades: a true blending of religions, race, and culture. I felt as if an almost divine fate had placed her in this moment to be the conduit for the true meaning of democracy. I sense Harris is here to give America a second, maybe final, chance to move further towards its potential. We citizens live in the greatest country in the world in terms of aspirations; only in America could her success story as well as that of many others at the convention be possible. "They are out of their minds." Kamala said in reference to Maga 2025 extremists. If this country doesn't pay attention to this amazing leader's offer to guide us once again out of darkness toward the limitless promise of America, it will be "we the people" who have lost our minds.
And unfortunately there are way too many people in this country who have not found their minds - to lose them - and that's a big problem. The job of learning to think needs to be instilled really early at
home and in schools, not to mention in churches too.
If djt actually shows up at the debate in September Kamala will prosecute him. I watched January 6 on ABC with George Stephanopoulos for many long hours. He will be in charge of the September debate. He will not let djt get away with anything. He will shut him up! It just gets weirder and weirder for djt with RFK,jr aligning with his campaign: dead worm brain disease, leaving a dead bear in Central Park! I can’t wait for Tim Walz to get right on it at his rallies! And, JD Vance wrote the introduction to Project 2025. They can’t deny it!
As long as the former guy is prohibited from leaving his podium during the debate, I'll be happy. I've not forgotten his constant circling behind Mrs. Clinton. In addition to his crimes, he is so ill mannered!
@Pamela - don't forget he was incredibly boorish to Queen Elizabeth!
The question might be how is DJT going to get out of a debate he obviously can't do; he is incapable and his handlers certainly know that by now, even Fox News does. So will there be some kind of an event, a September surprise? What could possibly go even weirder? Let's not let our guard down.