I am terrified of theRepublicans and what they plan to do to this country! I have read and watched much of the history of the Third Reich and there is so much here that is reminiscent of the run up to that awful time! The hatred, antisemitism, the lies, the cheating to win, the Leader who thinks he’s the One who should be our President and l am ashamed that so many Americans have fallen behind this Pied Piper and his band of liars and cheaters who want to turn this country into a Oligarchy because they think they are Superior humans or just because they’re rich and entitled!

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"Republicans have turned Pelosi into a caricature that they can pummel for their political gain."

Yes, thank you for pointing that out. Democrats would never do such a thing to someone, like say, former President Donald Trump. 👍

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"Republicans have turned Pelosi into a caricature that they can pummel for their political gain."

What's really admirable about the Democrats is that they would never do something like that about a political figure, like, say, Donald Trump.

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I feel democracy slipping away with their comments. Unbelievable to make fun of anyone getting hurt. I wish people would understand democracy is our most important voting issue

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I appreciate your words and the comments of (most) others in response to them. So much is at stake in this midterm election!

I live in Texas, where the state GOP still claims Trump won in 2020, and our state’s leaders are all MAGA Republicans who claim to be Christians but say and do things that clearly contradict what Jesus taught and how he treated people. They have no concern whatsoever for “the least of these.”

My response is this call to action for more people, especially Christians, to publicly oppose the GOP’s lies and cruelty: https://www.texasobserver.org/christian-nationalism-texas-pastors/

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Dan wants depape to fuck his old gay ass too. Sorry dan. Depape is locked up and theyll probably suicide him. Find your own nudist homeless homo boytoy

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Thank you for your clear, concise, and meaningful description of this sad state of our country. I appreciate you tremendously and hope more hearts will open. Fear and hate and lies are making us all feel unsafe.

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Always a source of wisdom. Thank you for being so "Steady".

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Republicans are well aware of how to draw people's attention by using hatred, ignorance and violence to their advantage. Especially the big lie that Trump won the presidency. They have completely over step thier boundaries by attacking speaker Pelosi's husband. This is horrifying and unacceptable to live in a country, where Republicans instigate violence, lies , to get what they want and with out any consequences.

This will never end, as long as you have a mad man spreading lies at rallies that he won the presidency to his Republican base. I hope Attorney General Garland will take action soon.

Unfortunately there are to many ignorant people

who can't see the larger picture here. Which is our democracy.

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I think some of the Republican talk came about because of early reports that made no sense.. both were in their underwear, some third person opened the door for police, Mr. Pelosi knowing the attackers name and saying he was a friend. It was tash judgment to assume the gay lover story but not totally unreasonable. I hope all who thought that have since changed their minds.

This guy was a nit as was the person arrested near Justice Kavanaugh's place. Some are still upset about that story getting less airplay than expected and that extra security wasn't forthcoming too quickly.

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Everyone is entitled to respond. Usually there are references to context.

This was a very immature response. Are you allowed to be online or is it your insecurity and ignorance that compels you to write back without substance?

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Are you saying the same people who were grinning, skinning, enjoying and feasting around strange fruit hanging from trees shouldn't be laughing?

They aren't emotional, compassionate or empathy filled about this but O let an animal be harmed, hurt or killed them they are moving heaven and heal through tears to get justice.

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"she's not like you"... I think Nancy is so like us. Easy to relate to. I love the Frontline doc on her. They also demonize President Biden. They post on VP Harris' Twitter hundreds (I'm guessing) of obscene posts. No excuse. Not okay. I'm furious, disgusted, scared. Will my ballot even be counted?

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Let us stop cursing political darkness. We must come up with at least a flickering light of a candle!


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Maybe a year of "mostly peaceful protests" has sured a lot of your fellow americans re: media's reporting and politicians weighing in on such matters?

Playing semantics and telling oneself that changing definitions change anything but perceptions of reality, and not reality itself is backfiring? Since there's no posibility of common cause or ground with people playing semantics. there's no reason to engage in any discourse at all.

Just look at how questioning of election results are ahndled depending on who is questioning what: anyone going to call out Al Gore for being an enemy of democracy anytime soon? Being allowed, even encouraged, to question the legality and conduct of elections and the counting of votes and how to differentiate between valid and invalid votes and voters is democracy - in Saddam's Iraq questioning that the Bath party regularly got more than 100% of the votes and that more than 100% of citizens voted was a crime.

Is Iraq under Saddam Hussein really what US Democrats and Democrat-affiliated media want to emulate?

All China, Saudi, Iran, Russia has to do nowadays to discredit western democracy, western media and western freedom of expression, speech, worship and opinion is point to the US from 2015 onwards.

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So sad to read in today's paper that a survey on political violence by UC Davis found 5 million American people willing to kill someone in order to achieve a political purpose. We must stand strong against these 5 million Americans.

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