I wish more fellow Texan's would read this. I am appalled that the TEA is saying there won't be quarantining and contact tracing for the kiddos in public school. Things are about to go from horrible to even worse here with school starting; and the victims will be young children. I transferred my child to an on-line school program when Covid hit; and he'll finish up his senior year on line this year. He's perfectly content and I feel we both are taking actions to keep ourselves and others safe. Wish more people would.

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I love this speech! You could have been Biden’s VP. I love your empathy & compassion. Can this speech be read as a PSA over radio & TV? It would calm a lot of nerves (anxiety).

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Wow!! That says it all. An example of leadership that unites and moves people, with hope for a better future, in a positive direction.

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Shouted from my housetop, a great-- AMEN! We are connected as a species no matter what we say or do or don't say or don't do. Our president has come close to saying this, but he is not quite there yet. Let's all encourage him by joining this cause.

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Perfection!!!!!!! These words need to be spoken from a pulpit to all people in this nation. Thank you and Elliot for developing this vision to offer encouragement and commitment to protect ourselves and our families without vitriol or judgment against an uncaring viral enemy.

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That was amazing, Elliot and Dan!! If you wouldn't mind having the President read it, you should send it to him. It's exactly what he should say at this time. Thank you!!

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If you lead a horse to water and he doesn't drink, is it anyone's responsibility that he dies of thirst?

Why put so much effort into those who won't help themselves? The facts have been repeated over and over. The unvaccinated are adults. If they refuse, then that is their choice. Let Darwinism run its course.

Let's have the vaccinated people continue with living. Move the vaccines to countries where the people value the benefits of vaccines.

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Elliot, I'm going to be candid ... Too many words. I once wrote a 2 paragraph text to my Republican sister and she said that I shouldn't write so many words, that no one would take the time to read it (again ... only 2 short paragraphs). If you are trying to convey a message to thoughtful Democrats, we will read it. But many Republicans are anti-intellectual and anti-fancy concepts. A message needs to be short for those with short attention spans, with simple words that a 7th grader can read (as a PR person once advised me).

Remember many people related to Trump because he used simple words and he told them what to fear.

And I hate to say this ... a national message has to drum up "fear." That is the only thing that motivates some people -- show them all the people who regret having their close family member die because they themselves told that person not to get a vaccine. Show public service commercials during Fox News and sporting events. It is important to "show" them because Republicans are never going to watch a Joe Biden speech.

For the young people who think they are invincible, place ads on social media: TikTok and Instagram.

I am slowly learning about our fellow Americans.

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Great speech! I only wish the subject of voter suppression was tackled. Maybe in a different address by the President but it nevertheless is just as important as fighting this pandemic

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Beautifully done, Mr. Rather. It was well balanced with reason, empathy, direction. Like JoAnn in a previous comment, I could hear the voices of you and our President Joe Biden while it was being presented to all of us. Blessings.

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Thank you, again. You have said what needs to be said, In a way that resonates. I heard your voice and that of the President as I read it, and felt calm come over me. I would hope President Biden would read this from the Oval Office if you sent it to him.

Thank you

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Amen! I appreciate your wise words and clear thinking! This sounds very Presidential and the nation should hear and read it. I will share it as much as I can. Thank you Steady!

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Excellent. This is what we need to hear from our President and other elected officials.

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I agree. It is spot on on so many levels. Thank you.

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calm, forceful in a loving way and on point. My only negative ,if it can be called that, I would have added something to the effect, 'remember this vaccine was developed under a Republican president Trump and is being implemented by a Democratic president' words President Biden has himself used one time that I heard and IMO should be included in this writing in the hopes he will read YOUR words on the air.

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Thank You! Thank You! Well Said! Perhaps President Biden will present this to the American People, giving you credit, for saying it "like it is"without hyperbole!

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