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Beautiful tribute to the character and integrity of so many Americans who love America. The struggle that the Morehouse choir sang about is still real today. Yet we sing

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A privilege to hear a voice rather than just someone standing there singing. Sublime.

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What a beautiful, yet at the same time sad tribute to Dr. King and his day. We are so close yet so far away. The Fathers have to help raise there children, yet that is difficult from prison. The youngsters that will soon be fathers must have jobs that pay a fair wage and they need an education that will prepare them for parenthood. If not we will have to build more prisons, and from there a revelution may give birth.

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Thanks as always Mr. Rather for this powerful and important reminder as we celebrate this icon of humanity. The music brings chills and demands your attention.

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Awesome tribute to Martin Luther King!

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So beautiful!

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In the list of music, these are all great - also, I can’t forget the Stevie Wonder song “Happy Birthday” which he wrote as part of his campaign to celebrate Dr. King with a national holiday. Catchy song, tricky to sing if you’re new to it. Sang it in Dr. King Day marches while the struggle to get a holiday was continuing.

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Thank you!

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I’m definitely smiling. Thanks, gentlemen. 🙏🏻

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This brings back so many memories! I went to Washington D. C. in 1963, just before starting my sophomore year in college because I knew I needed to be on this march. I know that the day has meaning for each of us who was there, some that we share and some the was deeply meaningful in a perusal way. Some of what it meant for me comes through in this performance of my spoken word story The First Steps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXowoJe_UZg&t=2s

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Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

10:16 AM (0 minutes ago)


Where did this guy come from? Word has it the Republican party knew of the exaggerations posted in his resume, but they chose to ignore his pathetic attempts to appear relevant. Santos is like a revolver that has a live round in every port of its cylinder, then the weapon is offered to one of the contestants in a game of "Putin" roulette. What's the point? The rotten apple in the barrel syndrome. The Republican party under McCarthy apparently relishes the idea of having mold in their midst. The stain this man has created within the party will not soon go away. The members of the House of Representatives that align themselves with the Republican party have shoes that look like they just took a leisurely stroll through a heavily populated cow pasture. What they have collected on the bottom of their footwear represents the self-worth of the apple they can't figure out how to rid themselves of. Santos is certainly not the moral compass the party was hoping for. On the entire side of the House chambers where the Republicans sit, one can perceive a blush on the cheeks of those present, one that will not soon pass. The country is watching, can the majority party in the House conduct itself in a manner depicting a body composed of competent elected officials? Already saddled by the likes of Boebert, Gaetz, and Greene throw in Santos, and congruency of this body is out the window. How this group expects to get anything done in the next two years is beyond the capacity of must to envision. Keeping Santos anywhere near the House chamber is a kin to the effects rendered by the pill Maude took on the eve of her 80th birthday. Cat Stevens can offer no song to embellish this scene, even if his vow of silence was temporarily lifted.

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Thank you, I feel uplifted.

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One of the most satisfying and inspiring musical experiences of my life was singing in an audition only concert choir at my high school directed by Paul Wenhold. This was in the early 1960’s.

The musical precision and discipline of the Morehouse glee club and their message reminded me of that time in my life in more ways than one. Thank you.

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Thanks for providing inspiration as we remember Dr. King’s influence and example and attempt to become a more accepting, loving, cohesive, and non-racist society. The beautiful music and your writing are exactly what I needed to plan for Tuesday’s I Have a Dream class with my Kindergarteners.

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May Dr.Martin Luther King and Maharishi Jackson R.I.P. knowing that 50+ years later we are still listening to them not for what they said but for what they did for our nation and the world. That one day, no tater how long it takes we will overcome the bigotry, the hate, the prejudice that exists in peoples hearts, heads and actions. THE FACT THAT WE ARE STILL HAVING THIS DREAM AGAIN AND AGAIN FOR 50 YEARS brings everyone closer to the truth that all men & women are created equal and should always be treated the same. Hallelujah, god bless our Democracy and shame on those who try to destroy it! Let’s all try to love one another right now! LBJ

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