Thank You so much Dan Rather for stepping out and laying out all the issues and the truth.

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Once again Dan has brought us to the crux of the matter. If we don't hold Republican members who areopposing legislation that their constiuents are in favor accountable, we do let them waltz by and continue their sharades and obstruction. There has to be a political price for their inaction and lack of interest in getting anything done. The majority of them would be let go from any Corporation in this country for their dishonesty and unwillingness to do any work at all. That said, there are some Republican members that are making an effort and they should be commended while those being dead weight in Congress should be consistently called out by the press and the public.

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Manchin is the father of one of the price-gouging CEOs of an Epi-pen maker. That apple did not fall far from the tree. Mr. Rather's essay asks good questions. How do we get Manchin and his colleagues to answer? Clearly a pandemic did not work.

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Abraham Lincoln prophesied: Great nations are destroyed for one of two reasons; one is invasion of an enemy. But all the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.2

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up among us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. Anarchy is one of the means of this destruction. Another is the rise of an ambitious leader, unfettered by conscience or precedent or decency that would make themselves supreme. 23

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How long has America got before a real social collapse is triggered? It took Hitler about ten years to get iron clad control over the citizens of Germany. Another two elections here in America will tell the tale. I am appalled. So are my children and friends. (Your essay summed it up eloquently). Steady is a worthy project. Best wishes from Canada.

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Mr. Rather, please never belittle your ability to adequately forward your thoughts and points of view. I appreciate every one of these musings for their significance and thoughtfulness, and the depth of history you have with these subjects. Thank you for your insight. And for your undying support of democracy. We have allowed ourselves to be enthralled by the golden calf, and we are paying for it. I am still surprised by the number of people who will blindly follow a lie without any research into the source or basis of it. Thank you again for this article. I intend to share it. Stay well.

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Open/expand this image to Behold the Archangel Michael. I asked for this on behalf of the Archdiocese in Manila on the evening of August 22nd, 2019, and sent it to them the night it happened. Humanity has had plenty of notice about what is to come. Now you are down to 19 days to God's Judgement. I suggest you open it up and take a look. I am the Messiah. 😇


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Excellent piece! I was brought up to believe in democracy and what our country stands for. In my younger days I was involved in politics. But now as an adult...although I'm proud to be an American...I'm also embarrassed by how our federal elected officials act. And yes, the media had become biased---they should hold each party equally responsible for their good and bad actions...because without this type os accountability...our democracy could fade away

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I think I did something right today by subscribing. I don't get to see your broadcasts, many times.

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Well said. You put my feelings into words. Lots of concern. Need to keep our eyes open and look past what may seem obvious. We have to keep speaking up and keep voting!

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Well said Dan. This essay reflects exactly my thoughts and feelings about where we are as a country. As for Manchin, he is playing the power game about as well as most of the Republicans and we will pay the price, unless we choose to fire all of the bad apples and get new. Keep voting, people.

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The only possible solution to the current gridlock is a massive turnout of democrat leaning voters for midterms. If the House or Senate is lost to Republicans, some political gurus are saying it will stay lost for the foreseeable future.

Vote, vote, vote.

Keeping the House and picking up two more seats in the Senate would be just wonderful.

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Manchin has fojnd away for expanding his 15 minutes of fame.

What a fricken self centered jerk.

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Well said! I would like to share my view on Joe Manchin and "a government that systematically cannot legislate" as written in Dan's article. I choose a quote from the book One Person No Vote, "In short, rigging the rules to suppress or dilute the vote of millions of citizens to affect the outcomes of an election has come almost naturally to many of these politicians and public officials." Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia opposes the voting rights bill, However, his state of West Virginia is not a Hybrid System State. Therefore, there is an efficiency gap before the upcoming elections.

In an article, 'With fewer state governments divided by party than in years past, GOP has edge in redistricting', pewresearch.org illustrates a redistricting methodology of states, of which the Democrats control two-hybrid states, Virginia and New York. while the Republicans control one state of Iowa. I feel that Manchin doesn't understand that New York has allowed marginalized parolees to vote in upcoming elections. In a Gothamist article May 12, 2021 'New York Poised To Expand Voting Rights As Other States Suppress Them', Viewed as, Voters of New York State have a chance to vote for two state constitutional amendments; one would establish same-day registration and one for no-excuse absentee ballots, thus amending the constitution. I don't envision West Virginia seeking to change to a Hybrid System. The needs of marginalized voters along with For the People Act and Black Vote Matters will challenge Manchin's consciousness.

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We have reached a stalemate for which I lay blame on both parties, though more so on the Republicans because they act in absolute lockstep.

Local voters keep electing people who abandon the policies they advocated to get elected and then instead of focusing on governing, they turn their focus to making sure the other party accomplishes nothing. There’s a reason the Republicans have been referred to as “The Party of ‘No’.”

I had hoped (and still do) that the return of earmarks would loosen things up because it gave senators something to horse trade with.

I think the filibuster should be revoked and banned. Lockstep Republicans we’re more than willing to revoke it piecemeal to advance policies they wanted (cranking out young, hyper-conservative lifetime judges like a factory and passing an outrageous tax giveaway for corporations and the uber rich) while using it to block any other meaningful legislation. The filibuster is actually just a shameful holdover from the Jim Crow era. It should be recognized as such and revoked.

We are at a dangerous tipping point for our democracy, with Trump’s cult followers prepared to have an outsize effect on the upcoming primaries for the 2022 and 2024 elections, including the dire possibility that Trump himself will return as the Republican presidential nominee. Coupled with the spate of new voter obstruction laws in so many states and the possibility of Republican state legislatures overturning the popular vote results if they don’t like them, Trump receiving a second term in office with a Republican Congress is an ugly possibility, perhaps a probability.

Bear in mind that when they were polled, 78% of Republicans are still convinced that various forms of voter fraud stole the election from Trump. They honestly believe that the uprising on January 6, 2021 was an attempt to restore American democracy and not a coup attempt. As for their grip on reality, fully 29% of that same group of polled Republicans are convinced that the world is being controlled by satanic cannibalistic pedophiles.

Be afraid, be very afraid for our democracy. It is far more fragile than we ever thought possible.

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As I read through this article, my thoughts go to Senator Manchin, and what do I truly feel about his "tactics".

First, I feel he is keeping the 'limelight' on himself for one reason only. Reelection power. Manchin feels as long as he sways to what he feels his voters want, being from a strong Republican state, then he'll be reelected with no problem.

Second, Manchin knows he is the one Democrat that holds all the cards for the Biden Agenda to even have a chance of passing. At least, this is what he thinks, and strongly believes.

What are my true feelings about Manchin? He's a leech. A bottom feeder, like a catfish.

Manchin's not looking at the bug picture of what is really happening in Washington DC at all. He has a very short memory if the past administration, the attack on our Democracy and our Constitution. The danger it is still in if the Republicans, and their new 'leader' who they are all bowing down to the Golden God at their gatherings. Manchin has forgotten about January 6th. The deaths of brave officers, the damage to our Capitol building. The attempt to murder our Vice President and several members of Congress.

Something else Senator Manchin has forgotten. He has forgotten the needs of his constituents, the needs of the American people, the true condition of this countries infrastructure. Bridges are crumbling, roads in dire need of repair. Rural broadband internet lacking badly in many areas of this great Nation. Not to mention water. Drinking water, lakes, oceans. Everything.

This nation, at one time, was the prude of the globe. Every country looked at the United States and said "we want to be powerful, and string, like the United States of America!" But now, not so much.

What has happened to this country?

Why have we, the people, allowed this to happen?

What can be done to fix this "mess" we have gotten ourselves into?

And, the real question is:

What are we, the people of this Great Nation going to do about it?

We have, in my opinion, a president that has put a cabinet in place to get things done. A president who, in my opinion, has set forth a powerful agenda to turn this country around, make it the powerful, outstanding, and mist looked up to country in our world once again.

We have a Congress, for the mist part, that is fighting their hardest to stop progress from happening. It's been decades since the two sides have "compromised" or actually "debated" an issue before a full House or Senate. When they debate an issue now, if the Democratic representatives, or senators, are speaking the Republicans are nit present to listen to the talk, or presentation if their side if the thoughts on the issue. In return, it's just the opposite if ghe Republicans speak, the Democrats are absent.

What kind of debate is this? Simple answer. It's not.

What we have in Washington DC now is, in short, a cluster......! Sad part of it is, we, the people, created it.

Now we have a divided nation. Divided because we the people allowed the past administration to divide it. We allowed his crooked election to take place putting him in office, and we allowed him to stay in office by not pressuring our Senators and Representatives to do the right thing and remove him when his flagrant lawbreaking was taking place. And, we the people allowed him to make half, or almost half, the nation think he was the best thing since peanut butter was invented.

What did this get us?

Simple. We almost became a nation of "Putin's puppets".

What do we do about it?

Take control of Congress. We must turn out to vite in every single election, no matter whether it is local, county, state, or federal election. We must vote. The opposition us suppressing our vite, so they think. We must, MUST, prove them wrong.

We must show Senator Manchin that his words are muted. We must, MUST, take full control of the House and Senate so that Trump's Sheep Party has no control or say so over anything else and WE THE PEOPLE get out country back where it once was, and where it rightfully belongs.

On top of the world. In every aspect. Being the superpower all countries feared, and dream if becoming one day.

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