I suspect Trump is trying to use US classified information as something that he can sell to the highest bidder. A lot of foreign countries would be quite interested in Classified US material. I hope the United States Government can get all this Classified information back. There needs to be a lot better oversight over Classified files to make sure a President of The United States who term is ending and on the way out of The White House cannot sneak away with Classified US files.

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How is trashing denigrating the judge and the prosecutor not jury tampering and witness tampering. Come either put a gag order or lock the traitor and criminal trump up.

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That gets my vote (assuming I only vote once this time!)

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I believe that Republicans who support Trump are only doing it because they see the opportunity to cash in on the conspiracies and remain in office. Talk shows, books, appearances on news, speaking engagements, & keeping their power. There are so many opportunities to cash in on their support for Trump. I don't believe they admire the man in any way, but they know they are influencing many. They are grifters who stand to gain from the conspiracies - the new money stream.

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As much as I’d like to see him behind bars, the important thing is that he be forever barred from ANY political office!

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Nothing more to add; you covered all there is to write. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your Control Tower metaphors for describing Trumps actions. And yes, he is totally unfit for the highest, and I add lowest, elected positions in the land.

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"to think of the character of the man"

Not a good idea to use 'character' in a sentence with Trump's name, unless modified with extreme adjectives or adverbial phrases. Lack of. Terrible. Horrific.

Actually, none are strong enough.

Just do away with 'character' and replace it with

"caricature of a man"

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Just wish his trials could be speedy so that this hanging grey cloud would disappear. We needs clear sky!

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Oh the hypocrisy Donny boy.

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It is absolutely amazing to me that so many people still hold on to the view of Trump as a Demi god knowing how many lives of decent people ( mostly republicans ) that he has ruined and shamed.

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You're preaching to the choir, Sharon. If we'd been smart enough to get rid of the electoral college, our government would reflect the wants and needs of its people.

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Time has come today!

Young hearts can go their way

Can't put it off another day

And I don't care what the others say

'Cause they say we don't listen anyway...

Those lyrics are from the Chambers Brothers song in 1966. The electoral college was then and is now a real impediment to a true democratic election, and must go. We can't allow those who gain power from using provisions made over 230 years ago in a world which hasn't existed since as tools to disenfranchise today's citizens. Let's hope the young people of today are more successful than my generation in dealing with these inequities.

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He is unfit to hold office. Prove the charges. Then apply the law....consequences.

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I know that Putin certainly wanted Trump because he could then create chaos, and that he did interfere with the election, by sowing so much doubt in the very fertile soil of white grievance. What I was referring to is simply that he had the votes. He had them only because the Republican base was so easily tricked. In no way do I think the majority of Americans thought he was fit for the office. I was making the distinction between votes in 2016 and the effort to fraudulently manufacture votes in 2020.

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Hilary won the popular vote. I bet scootin pukin PUTIN bought the electoral college votes and got the asshole in. He only reads at a 4th grade level that's why all his posts and pages are all done by his office help.

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I came up with 27 different areas or Departments as to Our Government each with-in it`s own let say 27 more dots to connect as to understanding the issues or problems, As written here just understanding or One need`s to be an air traffic controller to understand it- or see it!

Air Traffic Controller,

A lot homework, I hope to be able to help, me, there is a need to simplify for the voter. At same time EDUCATE. stop, its about the R`s vs D`s. It` about and able to call out those, For greed, conmen, Grifters, to narcissism to bulling others- lies. MAKE,

Clear cut as to What a party stand for vs not. We need Statesmanship "foremost" for us able to work as a whole.

I see this as a two-way front, call it putting the fire under those elected and or running for office. Other is the general Public. Get media on page as to questioning or asking views or those running for office. Have them define meaning of Statesmanship, then are you one or not. If the answer is yes. How can then, if answer right!!! Not call this stuff out, as to the lies. Then or, are you an 'enabler".

My name is NoBody, (1vs160)

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Just like to say Thank you for your time reading Tressa. Lot was here to go through!

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Longer of what I wrote above, above was last of this,

loads of commits here, which I always like to read. So, get a pulse if you will. percentages as to how people thoughts are. (Sorry for not read any today tho.) Here, as to right and wrong. Me, I got Us at 60-40% percent mark as to those, Unknowing or knowing, this is all leading to Lose Our Constitution. Democracy as to having Check and Balances as to rule of law or governing.

At and from my personal studies as to Gov. in housing Bust 2008- Dec 2011. Patterns and trends. I saw or predicted. "IF We" didn't get congress fixed as to Our political divide. it was "NOT" going to matter "WHOM" was elected President. OK, I say I missed that call, BUT how close was I?

We have Scholars that has had us at 11:50 PM in past as to once hit midnight. game over. One other site now got us at 2.5 or so and 5 being end to democracy. Me as to 2020 election. It was a matter of 5-6 people, in two or 3 states. Short of,, willing to lie or to overturn an election. If only 4 people, two from each State. say a State AG Attorney General and their Lt. Governor. Just to say it was rigged or a stolen election. OR just one, maybe VP. Pence to take 3 States I believe it was with a second slat of States Delegates.

PROBLEM, now News is divided, very badly. HOW, is the question as to what needs to be addressed here. Many Citizens - voters need`s flat out education as to our Democracy- how it works, "IF" working right and how it should to be functional. (we even had a person elected that cannot answer or list Our 3-branch system of check and balances. is there more?). Add, if we elect those willing to step on it, (The Constitution) kill us with-in. Like, hearing, I am here to protect YOUR RIGHTS, as to the constitution. while in truth undermining it. This is Our Congress now and has been for a while.

I came up with 27 different areas or Departments as to Our Government each with-in it`s own let say 27 more dots to connect as to understanding the issues or problems, As written here just understanding or One need`s to be an air traffic controller to understand it- or see it!

Air Traffic Controller,

A lot homework, I hope to be able to help, me, there is a need to simplify for the voter. At same time EDUCATE. stop, its about the R`s vs D`s. It` about and able to call out those, For greed, conmen, Grifters, to narcissism to bulling others- lies. MAKE,

Clear cut as to What a party stand for vs not. We need Statesmanship "foremost" for us able to work as a whole.

I see this as a two-way front, call it putting the fire under those elected and or running for office. Other is the general Public. Get media on page as to questioning or asking views or those running for office. Have them define meaning of Statesmanship, then are you one or not. If the answer is yes. How can then, if answer right!!! Not call this stuff out, as to the lies. Then or, are you an 'enabler".

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No person can be elected President more than twice. Therefore, by Trump's own admission that he won, he cannot run for President a third time.

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I am sitting here with my two dogs on the grass surrounding a courthouse that could anywhere in America. People with black shirts adorned by rainbows are circulating around the Plaza preaching to folks. I say to two of them: "It's encouraging to see rainbows accepting all people." Her response floored me:

"Oh no, we're trying to back the rainbow from the LGBT." And therein lies the politicized hypocrisy of so-called Christians and why I. as a Christian for my entire life. want nothing to do with them." One woman responds with a canned message from a scripture verse that Jesus loves everyone. I then ask why their rainbow is not for all. Silence. "I"m not going to argue with you " she says and walks away.


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