On January 21st All Americans should reflect and remember Covid-19 the good the bad and the lost. There should be memorials all over the Country like 911 but in DC there should be an eternal flame memorial for all those who were lost similar to the one at Arlington for the unknown shoulders not far from the White House so that Our Repres…
On January 21st All Americans should reflect and remember Covid-19 the good the bad and the lost. There should be memorials all over the Country like 911 but in DC there should be an eternal flame memorial for all those who were lost similar to the one at Arlington for the unknown shoulders not far from the White House so that Our Representatives must pass it everyday and remember what could have been.
On January 21st All Americans should reflect and remember Covid-19 the good the bad and the lost. There should be memorials all over the Country like 911 but in DC there should be an eternal flame memorial for all those who were lost similar to the one at Arlington for the unknown shoulders not far from the White House so that Our Representatives must pass it everyday and remember what could have been.