I like the idea of a way to memorialize all who were lost. I live in rural NE and when 9-11 occurred I had to add up the total loss of several small towns in my area. But this many lost is more than the most recent census of Omaha, think of Omaha just gone, wiped off the map. I think the tree idea rocks, if each state could have a pl…
I like the idea of a way to memorialize all who were lost. I live in rural NE and when 9-11 occurred I had to add up the total loss of several small towns in my area. But this many lost is more than the most recent census of Omaha, think of Omaha just gone, wiped off the map. I think the tree idea rocks, if each state could have a place that can have the trees planted it would be beautiful. It would even be a nice thing to see in Washington DC, even if it was flowers or something. So much sadness.
I like the idea of a way to memorialize all who were lost. I live in rural NE and when 9-11 occurred I had to add up the total loss of several small towns in my area. But this many lost is more than the most recent census of Omaha, think of Omaha just gone, wiped off the map. I think the tree idea rocks, if each state could have a place that can have the trees planted it would be beautiful. It would even be a nice thing to see in Washington DC, even if it was flowers or something. So much sadness.